《Lineage Saga (Kingdom Building Fantasy)》Chapter 14: City of Thieves


Many Lyrian cities like those that dotted the coast of Syroneika were reliant heavily upon sea trade and transportation. Little attention was given to the overland routes, ultimately resulting in winding dirt paths that were often prone to the natural elements and the occasional bandit raid. Often these paths were uncomfortable and considerably difficult to traverse in comparison to the sea routes.

These were some of the main reasons for the lengthy travel times and increased cost of goods procured along land routes. A reality that was slowly changing in the south, news of the newly developed road systems connecting the town of Qarnam and the Aoni city of Hegesistra had become a topic within the neighboring cities of the Althai federation.

As the convoy crested a hill they crossed the threshold, descending a gentle slope into open plains with golden fields of wheat. The sea was visible in the distance, with the walls and wooden towers of Myrmien standing guard between the two.

“Personally, I would have preferred the sea route. So much time has been and will continue to be wasted on this overland route. If only Hegesistra had been capable of dealing with the pirate fleet operating within the narrows, we wouldn’t be having to crawl our way across the island.” Cadeyrn could not help but complain to Maatilani. Both riding side by side, their horses moving along at a steady trot at the head of the convoy.

“Lord Amyntas, you know as well as I the situation within Hegesistra. They may be prospering now due to trade with our subsidiary town of Qarnam, but it will take a considerable time for them to build a fleet and train the appropriate crew.” Maatilani appeared resplendent mounted upon her mottled white mare. Her armor had been properly cleaned and polished, the bronze chest plate, helmet, and shield glowing in the midday sun.

“I am aware Maati, I simply wished to complain. The biggest point of concern is the capital, news and rumors of the pirate’s activities are everywhere. Yet the capital has made no announcement nor deployed the navy to deal with the disruption to trade in the region. Pirate operations in the region has disrupted trade across the board, they may be just operating in an area easy to blockade, or it could be something more. I am hoping our agents will soon deliver any related news on the matter.” Like Maatilani, he had also shed his dirty travel cloak and linens, opting instead for a set more fit for a noble, in addition to a luxurious flowing light purple cloak.


Holding the cloak in place was the golden brooch, the one emblazoned with the silver stemmed flower, a blooming coccineus sprinkled with ruby shards. The flower was native to swamps, marshes, and coastal plains, its roots useful for the production of low-quality red dyes. Yet, it also represented the dead or war, as these beautiful flowers often grew in areas plagued by war. A heraldry gifted to Cadeyrn by the Archon for his many deeds, primarily for the many campaigns he had undertaken to help establish the Mercan League. The brooch and accompanying signet ring represented his house, House Amyntas and the means by which to identify him as a noble along with the rights granted to one within that station.

Trudging along the convoy approached along the main path towards the southern gate of the city, nearest the wharf and sea. Even from a distance Cadeyrn and Maatilani who rode at the head of their column could make out a line of those waiting to enter through the open gates.

Their column of wagons, carriages and soldiers was an imposing sight, more than some of the other large convoys. What was especially eye catching were the mounted warriors at the head of their formation, five on each side, flanking both himself and Maatilani. Each was equipped in a set of linothorax armor, with a round shield, and a five- to six-foot-long iron spear. This was accompanied by a composite bow and quiver of bodkin arrows strapped to the flanks of their mounts.

In addition to the mounted horsemen, there were around an additional fifteen or twenty guards, all equipped with padded leather tunics, animal hide cloaks, and wielding a combination of composite bow and iron tipped spears. Although of much lower quality than the mounted soldiers, these men and women were still well-built and imposing for the common folk. Even when compared with the average Myrmien city guardsmen, they were visually more impressive.

This imposing aura helped to unconsciously divert existing traffic from the path ahead, many of the commoners rapidly moved off the trail, making room for the column to pass. With the throngs of commoners moving from the path, the convoy had little trouble before arriving before the walls of the city.

The weather-worn stone was not an imposing sight when compared to the curtain wall encircling Merlabria, or the stone, wood, and earthen ramparts of Temrenos. The twenty-foot-high walls and scattered wooden towers would be a significant obstacle for any small raiding force. However, the quality of soldiers and the worn-down condition of the existing defenses spoke volumes of the conditions present within the city itself.


Arriving at the gate the convoy was quickly stopped by the guards, there were a considerable number standing nearby. The heavily armed convoy was likely to have attracted attention upon approach, the increased security presence a natural response to possible danger.

“Apologies good sir, you clearly appear to be one of noble blood. We merely ask to ascertain your purpose for visiting our fair city, and if you would allow my men to check your wagons for any contraband.” Heavy set and tilted slightly towards the pudgy side of the spectrum, the smiling guard left much to be desired. Putting aside the out of shape guardsmen, it was easy to see the greed within their eyes. Checking the wagons was merely a means to hold the convoy in place, to delay them and extract a bribe from the wealthy to avoid such inconveniences.

Known unofficially among merchants as the “Smuggler’s Cove”, the city was living up to its title. Even the guardsmen held little regard for rules and ethics, choosing to exploit the people. What was the difference between them and any common thug or bandit?

“My name is irrelevant; you may decipher that from the emblem upon my carriage as I am sure you already have. My people and I are here to unload some of our goods at the market and to enjoy a night of respite before continuing our journey. We are on a very strict time schedule and hope this gift will ensure your report is positive and allow us to pass freely through your gates.” Cadeyrn removed a small purse from his cloak, tossing it over to the pudgy guard captain. Upon pulling away the string the glint of silver illuminated his face, which he quickly hid away into his uniform pocket.

“Please good sir, we are sorry to keep you. Everything appears to be in order, we will not delay you any longer my Lord.” With a quick salute the guard captain pushed his men to the side, keeping away the commoners who sought to use the convoy’s passage to enter the city.

“Lord Skolari was it necessary to pay those men. There is nothing within our inventory that could be considered contraband?” Maatilani whispered as their group slowly trundled along through the thick wooden gates.

“It was to save us from trouble, we need to move quickly and leave. I wish to try and avoid the gaze of the city’s praetor. Xeander and I have never seen eye to eye, we are entering his domain now. I can never be sure of what he may be scheming, just know that this saves us time and delays the report from those men for our benefit.” Their group of mounted warriors continued onto the narrow stone streets, forcing the crowds to move off to the sides and making room for their covered wagons to pass.

Peering into the distance, the Scholar examined the wharf, and the many ships docking along its piers. Some even showed signs of battle, whether they were merchant vessels limping back to port, or a pirate vessel returning from a raid, once could never be certain in Myrmien. Often it was the latter, or at least that was the prevailing logic.

In either case, the hourglass was moving. The goods needed to be moved quickly, a secure location to rest for the night acquired, all while attempting to remain under the radar. Time would be of the essence, and it was possible that the group would be discovered. They were unlikely to be attacked but their ability to do business within the city could be hampered.

To best tackle their needs, the convoy would split into three groups. The first under Malakos would head to the market to sell some of the retrieved loot and turn in the bandit heads to the magistrate for the promised bounty. Timeaus would take another and find an inn somewhere on the outskirts of the noble residential areas, something nice and accommodating yet still out of sight. Last would be Cadeyrn, Maatilani and a select handful of elite guards, who would head to the arena to purchase some combat slaves for the road ahead.

Not ones to waste time, each team leader was quick to organize their teams and the required equipment before heading off towards their destinations.

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