《Lineage Saga (Kingdom Building Fantasy)》Chapter 8: The Little Witch and the Amazon


The scouts moved silently across the forested ground, keeping to the darkness, and avoiding the weak illumination from the scattered campfires. Like a pack of wolves each team stalked their prey, observing the watchmen and picking off isolated individuals with ruthless precision. If the target was not asleep or inebriated, one member of each team would distract with a sound or object. That split second distraction would then allow another to pounce upon the target, covering their mouth with a linen dabbed in a liquid meant to incapacitate.

This liquid was clear with no distinct smell, extracted from the stem of a flower that was known to cause paralysis when consumed. Aether, concocted by the Scholar and produced in Temrenos for sale as a medical anesthetic, but possessing a wide range of possible uses. For now, it was a quick and silent method for dispatching enemies without raising alarm.

Gazing from a distance one would barely notice the change, maybe someone could catch a glimpse of a darting shadow but could just as easily be chalked up as a forest animal or trick of the eyes. Little by little the number of watchmen dissipated, until there were none left, those remaining were only the patrol team that had yet to exit the larger hut.

“Have the soldiers searched all of the other buildings?” At this point Malakos had grown accustomed to the sudden appearances, at least for this night. “Yes, Lord Amyntas. We have found nothing of worth in any of the buildings, some personal goods and perhaps some coin. It would appear most of these building house their men, no signs of captives yet. I have a team searching the open pit mine, they should be returning soon. Other than that, I have nothing else to report.”

As Malakos and Cadeyrn were observing the encirclement of the last building, Timeaus returned out of breath and far ahead of the scout team who could be seen trailing in the distance. What stood out most was the expression upon the man’s face, gone was the playful smile, replaced instead with a look of rage and a palpable aura which could only be described as unfiltered bloodlust.

Upon witnessing one of the unconscious bandits captured earlier, he unsheathed his dagger and charged forward with almost inhumane speed. Malakos and the others standing nearby were taken completely by surprise, unable to react to the unforeseen action, but remaining silent as to not alert the targets inside the building. Everyone simply watched in silence as the man charged forward, brandishing his dagger, and aiming to for the back of the first captive’s skull where the neck and head connect.


Timeaus was upon the prone man in no time, arm outstretched above his head ready to plunge downward towards the captive. The motion was large and left many openings, a move that the man as experienced as he was would never make normally, anger had consumed his rationality and now he was like a wild beast searching for blood. However, in that moment, just as his blade began its plunge, a cloaked figure rushed into the gap.

The arm was lightly slapped aside, allowing the figure to press their shoulder into Timeaus’s chest, a leg swept forward tripping up the large man and causing him to stumble forward, breaking his stance. Then with one fluid motion and using Timeaus’s own weight and momentum as a fulcrum, the figure tossed the man over their shoulder and into the grass on his back. A foot came down following the throw, pressing down on the large man’s chest, pinning him in place.

In the brief exchange the cloak came loose revealing the lean muscled ebony frame hidden below, the woman blended in perfectly with the darkness surrounding her, piercing amethyst eyes revealing her southern heritage.

“Commander Maatilani, I thought you were left in charge of the defenses back at camp?” Malakos who was a direct subordinate of the woman immediately dropped to one knee and paid his respects. This Hritian woman, raised under the tutelage of Cadeyrn in his mercenary days commanded absolute respect from her subordinates, both in and out of combat. Now she was one of the most dangerous fighters within Temrenos, inheriting the title as age had robbed her teacher Cadeyrn of that claim. Even among the monster like existences that were the Scholar’s disciples.

“I was wondering when you would be arriving Maati, I assume you made arrangements to ensure the protection of the convoy until our return.” Speaking in the same monotone and matter of fact manner, Cadeyrn moved to ignore the situation with Timeaus, acting as if it had never happened in the first place. Choosing instead to overlook the last minute and focus on the new arrival.

“My lord, your apprentice greets you.” Maatilani responded with a traditional Hritian greeting, showcasing the appropriate respect for his position as a lord and teacher. This was done with a shallow bow and a closed fist pressed upon her heart.

“No need to be so formal my dear, we have known each other for far too long.” Showing a rare ephemeral smile, Cadeyrn walked up to the woman, put his hands upon her shoulders and lifted her up. The two were even in height with the Scholar just barely inching above, which made it easy for the older man to pull the young warrior into a light hug, with the woman even leaning into it slightly.


A scene that would elicit smiles and compassion from the spectators, if not for the death glare the woman was shooting in their direction. This moment of compassion and humanity between these two individuals who rarely showed it lasted for but an instant. With Maatilani’s threat left unspoken, all those present knew that what they saw never happened.

As this short moment between the Scholar and his student ended, the final team had arrived, the same one that had fallen behind and struggled to chase after the raging Timeaus. “Although I have a strong hunch what the reason for my friend’s outburst may have been, why don’t you enlighten us all on what you saw.” Cadeyrn requested the three deliver their report, and it was not difficult to understand Timeaus’s anger, the more they spoke the more those listening could be seen reaching for their weapons.

According to their report the open pit had been used by the bandit group as a mass grave. Judging by what was said, it could be understood that this group must have been operating for quite some time, as some of the bodies had decayed to the point of liquification. Whereas the fresher bodies above were mainly of men who showed signs of wounds from battle, and the elderly who may have succumbed to illness. What most likely set the big man off was the bodies of the women and children, many in various states of disrepair, but one could imagine their death was not natural nor was it quick.

Just as the scouts finished explaining the grisly scene, a messenger appeared, the other two teams had neutralized the patrol as they were finally leaving the wooden hut. The medical team was on site assisting the captives, that hut had apparently acted as a storage area, with many destined for the slave markets of Myrmien.

Upon entering the warehouse, what was noticeable was the large variety of captives, there were young men, elderly, children, and women. With the women being in the worst shape, many refusing to look at the males in the room, their eyes vacant, desperately holding onto the shredded rags that were once articles of clothing. Only the female scouts were able to handle this task, with the medical team getting to work to help in whatever way possible.

“Timeaus will remain here with a single team of scouts to ensure the protection of the captives and the medical team. While you are at it, examine the carriages and wagons parked outside, see if there is anything we can work with and try to get it moving. Our remaining forces will assault the cave, rescue who you can, eliminate any threats, and secure whatever loot we find. Let’s move out!” Timeaus who had awoken from his rage appeared subdued, simply agreeing to the decision of his lord with a blank faraway stare.

“Teacher! Teacher! Take me with you.” Just as the teams were preparing to depart for the last stage of the assault, one of the young medics rushed toward Cadeyrn. The girl was on the cusp of adulthood, still retaining some childish features but growing into a stunning beauty. Accompanying her milky white skin, thick dark brown locks, and soft emerald eyes, was a lyrical almost musical voice that caused many to stare in wonder. This was especially true for the captives who were seeing this angelic individual for the very first time, whereas her colleagues appeared to simply shake their heads and move on with their work.

“Mera, I thought you would be left to watch over the camp alongside your brother. You know what kind of reaction your mother will have when she finds out about this.” The girl to her credit did not respond to the mention of her mother, instead opting to stare at the old man with wide pleading eyes. Knowing that he would not win in the end, and that the girl would simply sneak in after them somehow anyway, there was little choice but to accept. “However, Mera, you will accompany me. You are not to leave my side, and I presume you are already equipped to deal with any foes we may encounter. I don’t expect you to need to but be ready.”

“You worry too much teacher, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides, this is a good time to test out some of my new toys. I’m sure you won’t mind if we don’t capture all of the bandits alive, right?” Mera was no wallflower, she may look angelic on the surface, but the girl was still a disciple of the Scholar.

Timeaus had also spent much of his time training his niece numerous skills he had mastered throughout the years, a truly doting uncle. However, the true horrors lay within the multitude of vials and round objects nestled within her belt, they hid many secrets. Even the girl herself had yet to learn the effects of some of these concoctions, but the bandits themselves would act as the perfect, if unsuspecting guinea pigs.

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