《Reincarnated As A Dragon Vol.1: A New World, A New Life》Chapter 16: The Talk


"So, I have a few questions that have bothered me and probably the whole knight and soldier barracks. It has actually been quite the gossip throughout the upperclassmen in this town." Professor Damian started in a monotone voice.

Oh damn, I'll need to search how to handle fame soon. I thought sarcastically.

"Lesser dragons were never considered an option for a pet, being the wild and unpredictable creatures they are. But we all noticed that you are not that wild, and not that unpredictable at all. I wonder why that is."

It was silent for two or three seconds, so I thought he wanted an answer to that, but he suddenly continued when I was about to answer.

"Not only that, but I heard that you might've-"

'Sorry to cut you off, but your monotone voice frustrates me for quite a few reasons. Number one, you're a librarian and not an interrogator. Number two, just because I am different doesn't mean I did a crime, correct? Even though I am different from other lesser dragons, I haven't hurt anyone, disturbed anything, or damaged any property. So why are you talking in a tone that most people talk to criminals with? Please stop.'

Professor Damian eyes went wide for a second, before he chuckled and started writing in his notebook, "Not only is your intelligence fully sentient, but you also have the sensitivity to scan tones. Interesting."

He then puts down his pen again and made eye contact, only to look away again with the glare I'm giving him. Burning that notebook of his will be next to be crossed out in my bucket list.

"So, as I said, not only are you not wild nor unpredictable, but I heard that you, a species that's supposed to be tiered at threatless, managed to defeat a vampiric tiger on the full moon, a monster that is supposedly tiered at advanced in that time of the month.

Just giving you an idea, threatless class means beings t-"

'No need to tell me that, I've been to the guild once, and that's all I needed to read and remember are the monster tiers.'

"Interesting, you can also read-" He was about to write that down in the notebook again, but I've had enough of his bullshit. Just because I'm a dragon, doesn't mean he has the right to take notes of my words like I'm a wanted criminal.

I quickly jumped onto the table and swiped that thing off his hands into a corner of the room out of his reach. He looked back at me with a panicked look.

'If that thing is going to interrupt our 'talk' every time I answer a question, then I don't wanna be here. Unless, of course, you continue to treat me with the same amount of respect you give your enemies, which I could just leave.'


I then went back into my seat and sat like most four-legged pets do it, Professor Damian still in a state of half-shock while glaring at me.

'Now, let's start over again, shall we? We already know the name of one another. I sense that we went off the wrong foot at the last minute, but I know that you're a good person and that it will be nice to meet you if you're willing to abandon the style you were speaking in.'

Holy SHIT, what the hell was that? I've never snapped like that before, nor have I talked in such proper English without slang without a script. And the audacity... THE AUDACITY of how I didn't hesitate to yeet that book out of his hand. I'm a gangster.

I was stuck in my surprise that it might've shown in my facial(?) expression. Although I think that Professor Damian didn't notice it, because he started chuckling.

'What's so funny?'

"Nothing significant. You just remind me of someone else." He sighed then smiled at me. This time, it's a genuine one and not a forced robotic one like the ones he did before.

"Hello, Troy. I'm Univ's public library's main librarian and a former teacher. I guess it's nice to meet you too."


I then went in again while going back to the book I was reading. But I can't focus much because I keep thinking of when I should 'hang out' with Troy. I wanna make sure that he stays with me without force.

I was reading for a minute before I noticed...

Where is Troy?

He was on the windowsill before I talked with daddy. He always does that now in the past few days. But now, he is not there. He's probably back in the forest again, doing whatever he normally does. I hope that he isn't trying to find a new home though...

I looked around a little more to also notice that Professor Damian is also gone. But before I had the chance to investigate, daddy opened the doors and shouted, "Oh, and by the way, the royal scientists will come tomorrow noon! Better get the dragon calm before then!"

"Shhhhhh! It's a library!" I whispered.

He smirked, "But there is no one here, right?" And then walked away.


I then tried to smile, also wondering why I never tried in the past two weeks.

"Don't bother. You look like you have malevolent thoughts when you do that." Professor Damian said.

'Now, I know you have a few questions, but please, ask them slowly.'

"Actually, I might have a theory that could explain all of this. Based on what the knights said, you used silver to defeat a vampiric creature, which means you have former common knowledge. And from the behaviour I am seeing, I am assuming that you have a human mind?"


'A- Uhhhh-'

"Don't lie, I know spells that can sense lies." He smirked.

I growled, 'Now that isn't that fair, isn't it?'

Professor Damian wasn't fazed, "So based on my assumption and from the fact that you've probably been having a mature human mind from birth, I'm sure you are a reincarnate. From Earth, I'm guessing?"




I perked up and shifted from my pose on my seat. He lifted an eyebrow and sighed.

"So you are a reincarnate from Earth... This changes a lot of what everyone knows, you know?" The professor said.

Wait a moment...

There are people who come from Earth too?

'There are others who are reincarnated from earth too?'

"Yes, and nearly all of them live in Bermuda."

'Well, that explains a lot of shit. No offence, but what you guys got that isn't magic is nothing compared to the technology we had on Earth. So Bermuda is probably very advanced because of Earth's technology.'

"I would agree with you. Although, I would appreciate it if you don't use profanities."

I did a snort. 'As a side note, wouldn't Besley be looking for us any minute now?'

Professor Damian then looked back at the entrance before saying, "I think it isn't such a big chance. Once he focuses on something, he normally doesn't notice anything else. And if he does notice, he rarely does anything about it."

'So, back to where we were, why does my reincarnation change what you guys know?'

"Oh, that. That's because you're the first one that was not reincarnated a human."


WHAT... Damn I keep thinking that.

He then tilted his head, "I'm curious, how old are you when you died?"

'Why are you curious about that?'

I just know how much of life have you experienced, and what was your profession?"

'AHHHH STRANGER DANGER. But yeah sure, I was a freshman in high school.'

Professor Damian was surprised by this. "You're still a kid?!"

'Teenager,' I remarked.

"Kid enough for me. How did you die so young?"

I paused for a moment, 'I don't wanna talk about it.'

"Why? Were you a wanted criminal?" He joked.

'Ever heard of the word "suicide"?'

The temperature of the room figuratively dropped a few degrees.



I was greatly surprised when I found out that Troy was really a reincarnate. But I was even more surprised that he died so young. So I asked how. I regretted it the moment I got my answer. The tone of the room became sour as the brown walls now seem darker and the gas lights turned a little dimmer.

Poor child. I wonder what he went through to commit suicide. Yet, I wouldn't dare ask.

And here he is, hiding what he thought would endanger his life. Hiding his uniqueness of being an intelligent being in a body that everyone assumed to not belong to something intelligent.

"I'm sorry to end this so suddenly, buy I assume you don't really wanna be here for too long either."

'Actually, I kinda enjoyed this. It's not very amusing to speak to myself.'

"So you are getting lonely, aren't you?"

'No I'm not! Don't just start judging people's feelings from subtle sentences like that!' Troy said in what seemed to be an I'm-annoyed-but-you're-right tone.

This is the first time I've experienced communicating with one side using telepathy. It's quite unique and complicated. I could hear what he says and his tone and emotions conveyed through the words in detail, but these sounds don't come in through the ear. It feels like the opposite. With telepathy also comes like a vibration that reverberates everytime Troy speaks. It's not uncomfortable, but I can't say it's comfortable either. He sounds like a teen with a high voice for a boy. Sounds quite nerdy, actually. Talking about Troy...

"Troy, you must have an old name, right?"

He perked up, 'Yes. It's Barry. But I'd prefer Troy anyway.'

"You sure? I can call yo-"

'Did I stutter?' Troy (or Barry) snapped in an annoyed tone.

"I was just asking..."

I stood up from my chair and approached the exit. "One thing, 'Troy', don't hesitate to ask me anything or for help, alright? You'd need someone to lead you in a new world, you know."

Troy tried a toothless smile, which actually looked decently good, 'That is very nice of you to offer. Thank you. I would probably need it.'

I was about to open the hatch again when Troy suddenly called, 'Wait! What are you going to do now that you know about all this?'

I thought about it, "I almost forgot about that! Well, what do you want me to do with it? I'm not one to snitch."

'If you could... Keep it a secret? Until I decide when to show it?' Troy said sheepishly.

"Why not? It wouldn't be that hard for me. Although I will advise you to prioritize your life over this secret. If in a case where your life is endangered, don't hesitate to use that intelligence of yours to save yourself."

I opened the hatch, but of course, I turned back. "After you."

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