《Reincarnated As A Dragon Vol.1: A New World, A New Life》Chapter 6: A New Home


Great, I have to endure through this.

Due to some doubts from the boy, he was testing my intelligence sith words and gestures. I had to wrack my brain up for every idea on how an animal would act in these types of situation. I decided to act like a dog. I don't know if that's how lesser dragons normally act like, but I hope it's close enough. I think he might know some stuff about pet dragons because I heard him muttering to himself that very few nobles have lesser dragons as pets and some adventurers has them as a familiars through mental magic, which I will totally refuse. I want to be a guardian dragon with freedom, thank you very much.

The next phase was even harder to trick him. He wanted to test my friendliness with him. When he started petting me or touching my wings, I act a bit tense but accepting to show that I'm grateful that he healed me. When I starts lightly pulling at my tail, I snap in front of his hand as a warning and after the second time, I start growling if his hand gets close to it. I also start growling whenever he wanted to touch my horns or maw.

I want to show him that I'm grateful and potentially friendly, but I don't want him to think that I already trust him a lot. Because that would then create doubts on my intelligence again and he'll start asking if I understand him or not and yadi yada... Yeah, you can imagine the situation.


Before, I healed his back leg from the sprain. I have potential for healing magic but I only use it for emergencies.

I was hoping that the dragon was smart and would be more trusting of me after I saved him and healed him twice, but the books and teacher was right. Lesser dragons are just wild animals that we can sometimes make our pet.

He's friendly with me, but he won't let me touch parts of his head and his tail. I'd say that is enough trust from a wild animal for now.

"Mister Besley? The king seeks an audience with you and your dragon. Please unlock the room and go to the meeting room now, bringing your dragon."

Wait, how did they know??? Ohh, I think they we're guarding my rope and when it disappeared back up, they must've thought I used concealing magic. But, should I go?

There a chance I'll be a national criminal for running away from such an order. And I don't think the king will just let the dragon go too. Maybe we take care of the problem now and try to convince them that this dragon is good and I can take care of it.


"If Mister won't come out, I'll be forced to use this explosive crystal on your door."


I motioned the dragon to come out with me while I was holding the handle, it stayed put. I don't really know why. Maybe because it feels safe in there? Or maybe because it doesn't want to meet the servant out there? I don't know, I don't care, I've prepared more rashers in my pocket to prepare for situations like this.

I pulled one of them out and baited the dragon. It hesitated for a second but then started following me and snapping at the bait. I always pulled it right before he got it. The servant looked shocked that I actually got the dragon with me and following me.

Although, halfway through, the dragon used his wings to propel himself beyond what he thought it could reach and got it. But then I pulled out another rasher. I had three prepared in my pocket.

I managed to do this ruse until the meeting room, where two knights let us in but with an eye on the dragon. When I came in, Father's and the king's eyes widened, surprised on how I already partly 'tamed' a wild dragon. I was about to somehow make it stay in the room obediently, but it kept sitting after eating and stayed. Huh.


I think me and the boy would be great partners.

I think we had the same thought process. I was about to run out the window when one of Besley(was it?)'s servants came knocking at the door, but when I heard that the king wants to see me, I started thinking too. I saw the way the boy looks out and at the door quite a few times before deciding for the door.

I don't know how close is my thoughts to his, but all I know is, if someone as high as the king wants to see me, that means it must be for a good reason. Maybe if I escape, the kingdom will hunt for me for the rest of my life or something. I don't wanna live a life on the run or in hiding. So I think I better meet this king too. Loosely saying 'meet' here, because I still don't want to show anyone my secret intelligence yet. So I'll act like a pet in front of him.

I had to do a feint and try to snap randomly at the rasher but I got a bit bored and used my wings to grab it. Heh, take that. Not long later, we arrive jn this room that looks like a meeting room with one big curved-corner square table with chairs around it. One which is the most comfy-looking has someone that looks wise and high in royalty. I'm guessing that's the king. Another person was next to him with brown hair and hints of Besley's face figures. I guess that's his dad.



Me and father had one of the most intense staring contest, which daddy ended, "Besley, I had no idea that you are not how you act, and as a father, I'm disappointed both at myself for not knowing and you for not showing me your true side. But that's a problem for later. We've got a more urgent issue now."

The king stood up, "Besley, son of Gracius, Lord of Univ, I have concrete proof that you have managed to control and will try to prevent that dragon from being hunted. It is a child of those who killed my daughters. That's why I ordered the knight of this humble town to exterminate the creature, and I'm sure your father also have a reason for obeying well.

But, after seeing the creature showing it's youth and showing it's loyalty to you, I have a proposition for that dragon." I looked to where he pointed to see the dragon playing with the fire atop a candle.

"With your father's permission, that is, you can keep the dragon as a pet. With one condition. If we could take it to our laboratories for some research for a week before you could keep it. You might not know, but no one in the world has ever seen a dragon which is purple. Nor any dragon that has two colours like this one. We've only seen and arch dragons actually revealed to us that there are only 7 colours for a dragon. Red, green, blue, yellow are the most common, white and black are rare, and silver is only exclusive to arch dragons. And dragons have only one colour each. It is a big revelation to find a lesser dragon which is not only coloured purple, but is also silver on some parts. What do you say?"

Hmmm... But won't the dragon go insane or something? It only has a connection to me so far, and it might not be cooperative with the royal scientists. And also... I want him here...

"I have a different proposition, your majesty," I said after thinking fir a few seconds. The king raised his right eyebrow. "I think that if you bring the dragon to the laboratories, I won't cooperate. It's still a wild animal and the only connection it has is me. It might go insane with many others. So why don't you get the royal scientists to come here once in a while to take samples or research in here while I'm close so that it's reassured of its safety?"

My father is staring at me with his eyeballs popping out, appalled by how I changed a king's request. But, to his surprise, the king took that well.

"Ahhh, it's a win-win-win situation isn't it? I get my research information, you get your pet to stay with you, and the dragon would still feel safe and at home while the research is going. It might be more time consuming and expensive for me because of the travel costs, but I don't want my scientists to be unhappy with their job, which is bound to happen if they're supposed to research an angry dragon. So it's the optimum solution for all of us, is it not, Gracius?" The king turned towards father.

He just nodded quickly, just obliging to the king.

The king sighed. "Gracius, your child is the perfect example of how I want my next generation of nobles to be. Our kingdom barely have much nobles that is not corrupt. Besley is naughty, I presume, but it's not because of greed or arrogance, it's because of curiosity, freedom, and an adventurous desire. The bravery of speaking straight to a king without thinking of the consequences. And if he gets good results from his teachings, with that kind of quick thinking mind and negotiation skills at that age, a generation like him could progress our kingdom by leaps and bounds."

I blushed and so did my father, but my face was redder.

"So I assume that Gracius here has allowed the dragon to be your pet. What's its name?"

Uhhh. Draco? Nope, too common. Rex? Nope, too simple and small. Uhhh.. uhhh... Carolyn??? Where'd that come from?

"What would you think about 'Troy'?" The king suggested.

Troy... Troy... It's better than Draco or Rex. Troy... It sounds simple but jot at the same time. I like it.

"I'd happily name him that, your majesty."

=~=~=~=~10 mins later=~=~=~=~

Not gonna lie, Troy is better than my old name, Barry. Now that I think about it, why did my parents name me that? Well, like I said, let bygones be bygones.

I got a food and water bowl in Besley's room. Time for a new chapter and stage in my life. I'll have to endure being a pet...

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