《Magical Fantasy Land》Urge (18+)
Settled at home, the next main thing I'm unsure of are our sleeping arrangements. Last night, I slept in Liina's bed with her, but that was probably because she was still babying me through my panic attacks. Now that she's sticking to the strict-but-fair master routine, I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch in the living room?
I still can't say I understand much about what her ideas of what a 'proper master-slave relationship' means, but sleeping in the same bed is probably not ok.
Even if it wasn't, the thought of snuggling up with the red fox, naked in bed, with her silky smooth fur that I can still remember from last night...
I have to push all of those thoughts far, far from my mind to keep from blushing like a tomato while Liina is walking me through making dinner. But just the occasional brush of her tail against me as she moves is bringing those embarrassing memories back...
I end up awkwardly eating while trying not to look at her too closely. Liina can totally tell I'm being weird, can't she? She must! Or maybe not? She isn't asking about it.
Is she finally tired of listening to me talk? Dozens of times throughout the day, she caught me when my anxiety acted up, or I had all sorts of other dark thoughts or bad memories, forcing me to explain each and every one.
It was both relieving and humiliating at the same time.
I have no idea how that's possible.
But now she isn't asking. She isn't prying, even as we finish up dinner and she tells me to draw a bath.
Staring at the floor, I mumble, “Y-yes, Master,” and hurry off.
Oh my god.
I know this feeling.
Fuck no.
I turn on the water, staring at the faucet and make myself wonder how they managed the indoor plumbing in here to keep my thoughts off of that.
When the tub is about full, I check the temperature and lower the flow of water, then go to get Liina. She's sitting on the couch in the living room, reading something we picked up from a book store earlier, her full attention on it. Just watching her, I stop. Do I interrupt her reading? She told me to get her when the bath was ready. But...
I gulp, stricken by indecision as the knot in my stomach squeezes painfully. Liina must hear me shuffling around anxiously, because her pointed ears flick in my direction. I freeze in place, and she looks up at me.
“Is the bath ready?”
“Y-yes, Master.”
“Good.” Folding her book closed, she sets it down on the coffee table, then walks past, toward the bathroom, fluffy tail swishing along after her.
I... stand there, before migrating over to the couch to just... breathe for a while. Then my eyes wander toward the book Liina left on the table, and I immediately regret it.
“How to train your slave for beginners.” The mumbled words roll out of my mouth as I read the title.
They make... books on that...?
With a trembling hand, I touch the book, like it's going to jump up and bite me, but nothing happens. I gingerly pick it up, letting it fall open to the page Liina was just on, near the beginning.
“You must mete out praise and punishment fairly with your new slave. They need to feel safe in your care, but do not coddle them or they will become willful. You must be strict as well to keep your slave in their place and encourage obedience...”
I start to skim. “Methods of praise and punishment... talking... bonding activities...”
When I hear a splash from the other room, I jolt, almost losing my grip on the book in the process. Snapping it closed, I return it to the table in a rush. How long was I looking at that?!
The idea of Liina reading up on how to properly train me like, again, a house pet, fills me with all sorts of complicated feelings that really don't mix well with my current state.
Then Liina returns to the living room with nothing but a towel wrapped around her large, shapely frame.
“Yumi, come give me a massage.”
My words fail. A... a massage? She quirks an eyebrow expectantly, and I choke out, “Y-yes, Master.”
Then she heads off to the bedroom, and I stand, floundering in the living room. Why is she making me give her a massage? I glance at the book. Is this the carrot or the stick? Didn't people in old movies make underlings give them shaves to assert their dominance?
So, it's just a way of commanding me to do more things to put me in my place as a slave?
Or... or- or it couldn't be that she thinks I'd enjoy it?!
But I'm hesitating too long. Liina's going to get mad. I clumsily start toward the bedroom so I don't make her wait too long, nearly tripping over myself as I go.
When I arrive, she's lying on her front, naked. I shudder involuntarily, but continue over to the bed.
Her red fur is still a little damp from her bath. I'd almost expect something like wet dog smell since it's pretty thick, but there's nothing like that. She mostly just smells like shampoo and conditioner.
I reach the bed and climb up on top. Sitting on my knees behind her, she has her head lying sideways, eyes closed peacefully. Even her pointed fox ears are lying flat and relaxed. Reaching down, I touch her back, and shudder again.
I have no idea how to give a massage.
I do it anyway, pressing my hands into Liina's hard, well muscled flesh under her soft, tickling fur. As I work my way clumsily up her back, I'm in awe. This is exactly what I would expect of a powerful adventurer. A body as hard and lithe as an Olympic athlete back on Earth. My hands press into her plush, trying to work her muscles that are infinitely stronger than mine.
I wonder how long she's been an adventurer? Altraska don't live as long as humans here, so maybe she's not actually that old?
My mind is wandering, trying to stay on anything other than the sensation of Liina's hard muscles and soft fur and the heat spreading through my entire body.
I work across her shoulders. It's only once in a while, but sometimes, I can feel when I hit a good spot and Liina groans contentedly. It makes my head spin and my knees weak so I'm really glad I'm kneeling and not standing up right now...
Then I move down again, on that pair of strong muscles that enclose her spine. Even as rock hard as her muscles are, these feel more stiff than the rest, and I try my best to work on them with my weak arms.
I don't even know the right way to get muscles to relax besides just pressing on them, but to my delight, when I lean my body weight into it, I get a few good, satisfied moans and her muscles begin to relax.
Continuing down, I find the base of her tail. I've... never looked closely at that before. Leaning close, my face feels like it's on fire as I inspect the little ridged spot where the tail meets her back.
I... Oh...
Her anatomy is different than a human's, I realize as I look at it. Sliding a finger against the spot, Liina shivers. Her tail connects to the end of her spine, where the tailbone would be in a human. But it's higher. Above her hips and butt, rather than between the top of the cheeks like where my own tailbone is.
Her spine turns and flares right at the end where it meets her tail, and I press a finger into that spot, where I can feel her tail muscles.
“Eep!” Liina yelps, her whole body jolting under me.
“S-s-sorry! I'm sorry!” I cry and remove my hands immediately, holding them up in the air in panic.
“It's fine, just be a bit more gentle with that spot.” She cracks an eye open at me and grins a little.
Shoulders trembling, I respond, “Yes, Master.” Softening my touch, I rub gently, letting the purr of Liina's breath tell me when I have it right.
Her fur is softer in this spot. Downy, like, like baby fur or something.
Just below her tail... Blushing furiously, I avert my eyes and go down to her legs. Just as powerful as her back, I squeeze my way down, but the muscles here don't have any tightness like her back did. The fur is shorter and more rugged to the touch though.
She has so many different kinds of fur...
After going down and back up her long legs, definitely longer proportionally than human legs, I make it back up to her hips and butt. The fur actually looks thinner and paler, so I can see more of her light, tannish skin underneath-
Just the glance sends my head spinning and I quickly move my hands to her back again. Heart hammering as I start working upward once more. Just the touch of her now-dry fur is making it hard to breathe at this point.
With all my muscles squeezing and breath coming in shallow pants, I make it back up to Liina's shoulders and neck. Pressing my thumbs into the nape, I push and-
“Aah!” Liina moans happily. My head is going blank. After a few more pushes into her tight neck muscles, eliciting more pleased moans, I my entire body is starting to shake. I- I can't...
Liina turns her head back to look at me. “So, you at your limit yet?”
My what?
I try to answer but my throat is dry. I swallow hard. “What? I don't understand.”
That earns a toothy grin and a chuckle. “You're so horny, I could smell it on you a mile away.”
“I... but... uhh...” She knew?! When I realize that, I bury my burning face in my shaking hands.
No no no. I can't. No way.
I-I-I mean, I just- She-
I can't think straight.
Then Liina turns, grabbing me and rolling us on the bed so she's on top.
“Don't you remember what I said? A master takes care of their slaves. Now that you're my slave, if you get this pent up, it's my responsibility for not paying attention to your needs.”
She- but- no- I- aahhhh
While I'm silently screaming, Liina starts to pull off my clothing. I can't even resist.
But, is this really happening? How am I supposed to-
What do I do?
With, with-
Between women?
I don't, what...?
She's not even human!
My shirt falls to the floor, and I find myself staring up at Liina's naked body, lit from the side by the descending sun and a few purple and blue moons.
Her furry, inhuman form bared before me, I feel my groin clench again.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Yes, I liked furry porn back on Earth. But that was because seeing normal humans do it just reminded me of my horrible parents and the how that cunt went out of her way to fuck some other guy and carry me to term out of spite. If they looked sort of like animals instead, it didn't remind me quite so much...
But this is different! Liking somewhat inhuman fantasy things because they don't remind me of my fucked up family is completely different than liking actual fucking furry animal people!
That was fantasy! Fiction! This here, six plus feet of rock muscled adventurer with bright red fur that makes my head go funny at a touch is fucking real.
And terrifying.
Liina tosses my pants to the floor to join my shirt.
And, and, no matter how sexy she is and how raging fucking horny I am because my fucked up childhood turned me onto god damned furries, this isn't right! There are so many problems with this!
Forget the issue with her not even being human, she's my fucking master! How can I give consent like this? No matter what, this situation would be considered duress, wouldn't it?
Doesn't that make this like, like, fucking rape?!
By a furry that enslaved me!
This is so fucking wrong!
She pulls down my panties, and tosses them aside. Going up on her knees, she gazes down over me.
She's so. Fucking. Hot.
No wonder why her back and neck are tight. You can't tell under her armor, but she has really nice boobs. Maybe they're not that large for her size, but compared to mine, they're god damn enormous. The plush fur shines in the mixed lighting, thick enough to only give a hint of where her nipples stand at the tips.
Do altraska breastfeed?
I think my brain is broken.
Liina lowers her head, her long tongue extending from her snouted mouth and trailing up my own, much more modest bust. It's soft and wet and ridged and-
“Ahh!” I moan instantly and all my rambling thoughts vanish. I want this so fucking bad.
My whole body shudders from the bliss at my burning hot skin finally getting what it craves. Chuckling, Liina places a few more incredible licks around the base of my breasts, and I'm shaking from the pleasure.
Her saliva feels like tracks of pure, sweet relief on my sensitive skin.
Everything is twisting up inside.
She trails a hand up my side, her palms only coated in the slightest of fuzz over her thick, durable skin. The roughness contrasts her sleek form and makes me woozy as she caresses gently across my stomach.
I can't take this. Her touch is too much. I-I... What do I do?
It feels so good, it's starting to make me panic. Twitching and flailing, I start to pull away.
Liina hesitates.
Slipping partially out of her grasp, I sit up some against the pillows, panting like I just ran a marathon. My head is pounding. Like everything in my life is piled on my shoulders and I'm about to fall into a fucking abyss and vanish and and and why is it like this?!
“Yumi.” Liina's voice cuts through. “Tell me what's wrong.”
My words come out in a mushed up torrent of useless dribble. “I can't furries and with it's so good but you're, you're perverted fetish because my parents and my master and nnnnggghhhhh.” I end up pressing my hands between my legs in some futile attempt to stifle that feeling, ready to explode because my groin feels like fucking lava.
Liina just grins. That big, toothy grin that shows all of her sharp canine teeth. That stokes my fucked up urges. Then she grabs me, one big, clawed hand closing around my butt and hip. “I think I can help with that.”
She pulls me back under her in one move and grabs my breast with her other hand. It's so small compared to her huge hands that it's embarrassing, even as she she squeezes and massages and my mind goes white.
My head starts to roll back, then her tongue slides, long and bumpy and trailing straight across my nipple.
“Ahh!” I cry out, fireworks going off in my head and my hips bucking uncontrollably with a sense of clenching, fiery, glorious release.
I flop down on the bed. Drenched in sweat and head feeling like my brain just went through a blender. I think I see steam coming off of me I'm so overheated.
I just came.
I... I... I don't know what to do. What to think.
I look up at Liina. Now that I can think straight, I'm assaulted on all sides by horrible feelings of guilt and shame and dependence. She's literally my master, who owns me, and now she's just taken care of my fucked up, perverted sexual urges.
I don't have a fucking slavery fetish too, do I?
Oh my god, I want to die...
Then Liina's hand on my stomach draws me back from my downward spiral. She starts rubbing, trailing up toward my breast again.
She wants to continue?!
But- but- but she already made me cum! She fixed my overwhelming horniness already!
However, as soon as her fingertips squeeze down, I moan and a heat rises in my chest.
And then I realize, I was so insanely over-aroused that I climaxed in like, thirty fucking seconds.
It hardly takes more than a few caresses to get me completely worked up again. Her mouth and hands are incredible as they rub and trail and squeeze all over my chest and back and sides. Before I know it, I'm panting rapidly. As soon as Liina turns her efforts back on my nipples, I'm bucking and shaking and crying out all over again.
Fuck why are they so sensitive?
Why am I so sensitive?
It was never like this when I did it on my own.
As soon as my second orgasm in a handful of minutes passes, Liina looks me over, like she's considering me. She doesn't want to go again, does she? Do altraska do it more times than humans do?
Wait, she's been doing nothing but pleasuring me!
Is... is this, like, not even sex? I mean, to her? Is this just taking care of her slave's urges?
Gazing up at her, searching her face, she doesn't look aroused or anything. At least... as far as I can tell? What are the signs? She doesn't even have a human face, so I don't really know.
Then she meets my eyes and grins. “Needy needy,” she chuckles.
Oh shit I still have lust written all over my face don't I? She thinks I want more?!
“N-no, I- no- but- umm- you-” I sputter, waving my hands frantically. But she pins me before I can explain.
I want to cry. This is basically my first time, but that's not how she sees it at all. She never even touched me there.
Apparently, I spoke too soon, because as soon as I think that, she spreads my legs. Wait, I take it back! Anywhere but there!
Face red with shame at my own mixed up desires, I try to squeeze my legs together again, but she's so much stronger than me, I don't know if she even notices the pressure on her hands.
I give up. She's going to do it no matter what I think, because it will feel good. I know it will feel good, why am I worrying so much? I should just let her...
Liina glances at her hands. I think she keeps her claws filed, but they're still long and would tear me up inside, so she leans down instead. Bringing her face to my groin, I squeeze my eyes shut. No matter what messed up mix of shame and arousal and dependence I'm fighting with, having her nose shoved right up there is mortifying.
I'm sweaty and gross and soaked from cumming twice already. I haven't bathed today, and I haven't even shaved!
Which makes me wonder, how hairy is she down there? I was trying not to look earlier, but now...
Her tongue snakes out, and the first touch sends all those meaningless thoughts fleeing from my mind. My back arches as I cry out. Oh my god. Her tongue is fucking incredible.
It's wet and slides through all of my folds, the slightly rough, animal-like texture infinitely better than anything I could ever hope to emulate with my own fingers.
She has to wrap her hands around my hips because it's so good, I start thrashing around in joyous agony. My thighs squeeze tight around her head as her long tongue delves deeper, past the outer edges, and the pleasure makes it hard to breathe.
It's a good thing I already climaxed twice, because I wouldn't be able to stand this at all otherwise!
“Ahh! Ahh!” I cry out, totally unable to stifle my moans, gripping the sheets hard. It's so good that my thoughts are fraying. I just want more.
“Liina!” I cry.
She stops. For a moment, I'm confused.
Did I just call her name?
Like, for real?
I want to crawl into a hole and die...
“Yumi...” her voice cuts through my mortified embarrassment, and...
Oh, shit...
Her stern look reminds me.
I'm not supposed to call her that.
“I-I-I'm sorry... M-Master...” I mumble apologetically, shoulders hunching with tears in my eyes.
It felt so good, I think I... almost forgot there, just for a bit...
“Hmm, maybe we should stop,” Liina says. She looks worried, and sounds serious. “I might be spoiling you a little too much...”
My heart catches. Stop? Now?
But, but, but!
After she just did that, I'm almost as hot and bothered as I was earlier!
If we stopped now, I, I, I don't know what I would do!
I want to ask her, beg her to continue, but that look on her face. That stern look that makes my heart want to tear itself out of my chest at just the thought of speaking up and making her angry at me...
I start crying.
“Yumi?” She looks at me, worried. “What's wrong? Talk to me,” she instructs.
I... my voice catches. Then my slave crest starts to hurt. “I-I,” I force the words out. “I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. P-please. Just, j-just please...” I'm rambling. “I'll... I'll be better. I'll be better,” I promise.
“Ugh,” she facepalms. “Shit, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Just look at you, there's no way I could leave you like this. That would be horrible of me.” She... she won't? She'll continue?
“But.” Her stern tone stops my building hopes in their tracks. “You will be a good girl this time, or I swear, I will stop,” she warns me seriously. With tears still in my eyes, I nod obediently. “Good.”
Then she leans down, my legs spreading automatically, and she continues.
It's just as incredible as earlier, but I keep my hands to my mouth, stifling my moans. I'm afraid of messing up again.
But it feels so good.
Her breath tickling my overly sensitive skin. The fuzz of fur brushing against my thighs. Her hands gripping tightly to my shaking hips.
And her tongue.
Covering my burning face with my hands as my thoughts and fears start flying away, I clench my teeth against the moans and cries that want to come out. I'm already really close, I just have to stay quiet until she finishes...
But she's slowing down. Why? What's wrong?
I look down at her, but then she asks me, “What's wrong?” That's what I want to know!
“You got quiet all of a sudden. Doesn't it feel good?”
“Yumi, use your words,” Liina sighs.
I gulp. “I'm afraid of messing up again...”
“Oh,” Liina blinks, then thinks for a few moments before her ears perk up at an idea. “Hey, call me 'Master.'”
Caught off guard by the sudden command, I hesitate, then say, “M-Master.” Her tongue flicks over my clit. “Ahh!” I cry from the sudden spike of somewhat painful pleasure that makes my entire body shake.
“Again,” she instructs.
Stuttering even worse, I do as she says. “M-M-Master.” She does it again, harder this time, and my whole body jolts from the sensation. My head is starting to go funny.
We repeat this cycle five agonizingly joyous times before my brain feels like mush.
“Good. As long as you remember to do that from now on, it should be fine.”
“Y-yes, Master.” As soon as I say that, she plunges back inside me and I cry out, back arching and shoulders shaking.
I alternate between clenching my teeth and letting my panting, delighted cries out.
Then I feel the urge again. My breath catches for a moment, then I cry, “Master!”
Liina immediately moves, rubbing the prickly nose on the end of her snout against my clit. My cry comes out strangled by shock and bliss.
After the first time, I end up calling out 'Master,' a few more times. Each and every time, she rewards me with a flick or a nudge into my most sensitive places, to draw a euphoric gasp and shudder of uncontrollable joy.
By the time I climax, I can't even think anymore. “Master! I'm- Master! Master!” I call as my body convulses. Apparently, she takes that as a request for more, because she grinds her tongue into my twitching hole and rubs a finger lightly into my clit.
Clenching and writhing, everything starts to fade out, and the next thing I know, I'm lying on the bed, shaking, gasping, and twitching, absolutely spent.
When I notice the wet feeling around my legs, I glance down to see the drenched bed covers. I... never finished like that, doing it on my own...
Looking satisfied, Master Liina stands and takes a few steps away. Her face and chest are soaking wet, my juices dripping from the fur around her mouth... My head flops back onto the pillows.
If I didn't have a slavery fetish before, I think I just developed one.
It takes like ten minutes before I can stand again. Master Liina has already gotten cleaned up by then, so after washing myself, she comes and reminds me that I have to clean up the bedsheets.
Right, that's part of being her slave, I have to wash the laundry.
Why do they have fridges in this world, but no washing machines...?
- In Serial9 Chapters
The Guild Core
The hero dreamed of ascending. The monk craved redemption.The dungeon only wished to keep things tidy.Kai was the least likely young man to ascend. Raised on his uncle’s potato farm, he began his career as an adventurer with empty pockets and little skill. But a foolish attempt to prove his bravery leads Kai to unlock hidden power within himself and acquire a most unlikely ally.Rhona is a battle-scarred soldier who’s as likely to toss a quip as she is to throw a punch. After setting aside a promising career in the army to pursue the Path of the Bleeding Tiger, she sets out to stop a war and seek atonement for a bloody past.When Bancroft the Earth Core awakens, he can’t wait to clean up his dungeon and begin building things anew. A recovered item from his past reminds him that more is at stake, however, putting an end to such pleasantries.Join The Guild Core, a small band of friends determined to restore the world to an age of dragons, heroes, and honor.The Guild Core is a novel by TJ Reynolds Fantasy LitRPG author of Eternal Online books 1-3. The Guild Core was inspired by the Divine Dungeon series, the Wheel of Time, and classic films like The Labyrinth and The Neverending Story.This story takes place in an Epic Fantasy world governed by gaming mechanics. It contains light to moderate LitRPG, Gamelit, Cultivation and Dungeon Core elements. Features realistic violence, 3 MC POVs, and more than a few quaint jokes. Language and adult content is appropriate for teen readers.
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