《A Terran Space Story: Academy Days》Chapter 14: How not to handle first impressions
08:45 Mobile International Airport, Onboard DAL 1456
The flight stewards had to wake the couple up when the pilots received clearance to land the plane. Safety first after all. Passengers need to be alert and aware of their surroundings during takeoffs and landings. Alice and John were exhausted and sore, Alice was rubbing up against her pain tolerance. Neither Alice nor John was even considering having sex tonight. Tomorrow’s another story entirely but absolutely not tonight. What they both really wanted was about twelve hours more sleep.
The plane landed without issue. The slowly made it off the jet bridge and into the secure portion of the terminal. They made it to a Caribou Coffee stand in the airport and got cappuccinos. John was far more alert and awake than Alice, who appeared to be sleep walking at times. Eventually they made it to the baggage claim.
“John, I love you. But we aren’t doing that again before we have to be somewhere.” She was half sleeping on John’s shoulder as they were waiting at the bag claim.
He couldn’t disagree with this sentiment. True, their excessive fornicating from the night before was certainly quite enjoyable. But how he was feeling right now made him question why they’d do that immediately before traveling someplace. A different though began forming in his mind as the checked bags showed up on the carousel.
“Every fucking time I fly, my bag is the last one to show up on these fucking things.” John had found something new to get annoyed with and take his mind off how tired and sore he was. His rage at the airline had burned away whatever weariness he may have felt.
“Mom is definitely going to know something is up between us.”
“Well, you did tell her we were an item. So that’s a pretty safe bet. I am so not answering any questions she may have for me about what how far we’ve gone.”
“I’m so tired. Where is your bag by the way?”
“Probably on the wrong god damned plane. Oh, sounds like another batch of bags is coming.” John was staring as the conveyer was dropping more bags out to the carousel. “Still not fucking there. Oh, I am so writing a letter.”
Alice was now asleep while standing up and leaning on John. Ten minutes later John’s gear finally showed up. He gently woke Alice so she wouldn’t fall over. She managed to drool on his shirt where she was leaning on him. Alice’s tablet began ringing as John walked over and retrieved his bag.
“Fucking typical. Last bag was mine. I’m writing a sternly worded letter to the CEO.”
Jess ended the call and looked back at John. “Mom just called; my older brother Terry is picking us up. He should be outside.”
“Terrance Robertson?”
“Thanks for the drool by the way.”
“Sorry?” She noticed the wet spot on the side of his shirt.
Her embarrassment was minimal, if it even registered at all. They walked outside and Terry was there waiting outside a silver Mercedes Benz GLX SUV. This vehicle oozed affluence. John knew Alice’s family was wealthy, but he hadn’t bothered to figure out just how wealthy they actually were.
“Hey sis. John. Commander Terry Robertson, nice to meet you.”
Alice hugged her big brother. She climbed into the backseat of the vehicle and was promptly out cold. John shook his hand.
“Third fleet, right? Pleasure’s mine. Thought I had recognized your name. I was on the CNS Minnesota a couple years back; I think you were stationed there then.”
“Yeah, I was heading up a team in fleet logistics. I had heard you were a field agent before academy. Crazy shit but suppose you gotta do something if your done with high school so soon.”
“Yeah, being a genius is a pain in the ass at times. It helped that someone in intelligence fucked up and gave the entrance test to an eleven-year-old.” John shrugged and laughed at the absurdity of that situation.
“Hop in, looks like Ali was tired. It’ll be about a twenty-minute ride to the house. Maybe you can tell me some war stories.”
“Sure thing boss. Most of the stories are going to be boring. Interesting ones are all redacted to hell and back.” John hopped into the front seat of the vehicle. Terry programmed the location and the car sped off to its destination.
“Heh, sounds like some of our recon ops.”
“Heard about those. Sneaky shit those marines pulled off when I was there.”
Terry gave John a look. “How could you hear about that? Those were above top secret.”
“I was in Naval Intelligence, so I had top secret clearance. Didn’t usually have a need to know though. Until I got bored that is, now that happened fairly frequently. Drove Aspern up the fucking wall when I did some digging in places I shouldn’t have.”
The two continued their conversation for twenty minutes until they got to the Robertson home. Except it wasn’t a simple house. It was a palatial estate. It made the rental house they stayed in during fall break look diminutive. John had seen some opulent things in his travels, but he had never seen something like this.
“Fuck me this is huge. So, there’s what, a main building plus five other mansion sized homes here?”
“One is basically an apartment for the on-site workers. Dad’s grandparent’s live in one. Alice got one since dad doted on her.”
“Naturally, right?” John just shook his head, this was all nuts.
“Exactly. Paul is second oldest. He didn’t want to go into the military. So, he’s been learning the ropes from dad. His residence is on the south end of the estate. The last one is getting remodeled. Been a couple years since I came back so not entirely certain what they are going to do with that one.”
“Life must be rough when one of the extra four mansions besides the main mansion is shut down for remodeling.” John was incredibly sarcastic and still couldn’t believe where they were.
Terry smiled. The sarcastic newcomer was going to fit in with the military brats. His acidic tongue was likely going to put him at odds with some members of the family though. Terry was looking forward to seeing how John interacted with the family at large.
“Alright, I’m going to pull in over there. I’ll let you wake up sleeping beauty.”
“Roger.” John spun around in the seat and reached over and shook Alice gently. “Honey, wake up. We’re at your home.”
Alice wasn’t really waking up but didn’t seem like she was fully awake or aware of her surroundings. She started talking. “John you’re going to turn me into a cum puddle if you keep doing that.”
John paused for a moment. “Oh, for fucks sake.”
Awesome. She’s going to tell her brother what they did last night and this morning. He shook her harder. It didn’t help.
“Jooooohn, I had a dream where we were up all night, and we did all sorts of things to each other. Then we freaked out when your alarm went off.”
John leaned back in the chair and his hand went to his forehead. He was shaking his head. Terry was stifling some laughter while being equally horrified at hearing his little sister’s sexual exploits with the young man sitting next to him. Alice was finally fully awake.
“Why is Terry in the car with you. Wait, what did I say? Did I sleep talk again?” Alice had a mix of shock and horror appearing on her face while also blushing a dozen different shades of pink.
“John, you want to take this, I’m not sure I want to touch that with a fifty-foot pole.” Terry was shaking his head, couldn’t hold back the laughter though.
“Sure. Because none of this could possibly be embarrassing or uncomfortable to the people in this bloody car. You mentioned cum puddle, and then you basically gave your brother a paraphrased overview of what happened before our flight.”
Alice’s mouth was open. She unbuckled the seat belt slowly and pressed the button to open the door. Alice then sprinted out of the car and headed into her mansion. John thought she was running faster than he had seen her at any point during boot camp or PE.
“Awesome, I’m sure this is a solid nine out of ten on first impressions.” John was getting of the car. He was heading back to the trunk to get their bags.
“Oh, come on John. Don’t sell yourself short. I mean that gets a firm ten out of ten on a shock level.” He started laughing then slapped his back. “To be fair, you weren’t the problem here, she just completely torpedoed the two of you.”
“So, what’s it going to take for you to keep the last five minutes to yourself?” God damnit Alice. John was going there. He was going to bring an officer of the same Navy he was a mere cadet of.
“Hmm, how difficult would it be to requisition a few things for my room on my ship?”
“Depends, what are we talking about?”
“New mattress and chairs would be perfect.”
“Got any specific models?”
Terry pulled up his tablet and searched for a couple things. “Sent to you.”
John reviewed the models on his tablet. They weren’t official requisition items, but nothing that would be denied. He purchased what Terry wanted and sent an installation order on the ship through the Intelligence gateway LeCroix and Aspern allowed him to use.
“Your stuff is ordered, should be installed prior to you getting back on board barring any difficulties in them getting delivered. Now, I need to crystal clear with you. It won’t look good for both of us if you speak.”
Terry smiled. He read between the lines. “My lips are sealed. Let’s go see my mom scold her.”
“Oh, that should be fun. Lead the way sir.”
A butler came out and bid the two men a good morning and retrieved John and Alice’s bag from the back of the SUV. Once again, more mental notes were made to not have sex all night then rush to board a plane in the future. This should alleviate the problems this can cause when meeting family members or important individuals in the future.
Terry walked up the steps and pushed open a giant door. The entry way and layout were similar to the Texas mansion, but just upsized several times over. A woman’s voice could be heard upstairs and down the hallway.
“Alice Marie Robertson. You will come outside and greet your mother properly this instant.”
“Ooh, middle name being used.” John commented. He had dropped the bags at the entry way. “That’s not a good sign.”
“No kidding. Mom is pissed.” Terry was laughing.
The two men walked up the massive stairs and headed down the hallway. Alice’s mother was knocking on the bedroom door.
“I mean it young lady. Unlock the door this instant.”
“Mom, this is Alice’s boyfriend John Lief. John, this is my mother, Katelynn.” Terry was oddly happy to introduce John to his mother.
“Oh Terry, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in. And John it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine mam. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the family. If you want, I can get us into that room.”
“But I don’t have a spare key to the bedroom.”
John kneeled down in front of the lock, pulled a tool out of his pocket and began jimmying the lock. “When in doubt, you make your own key.”
Ten seconds later the door was open, he held it open for Kate and Terry. John just groaned internally after they walked into Alice’s room. So far, his first impression with Terry was that the couple are sex fiends, and now John just showed Alice’s mother, his potential mother-in-law, that he could pick locks with relative ease.
“Field Agents had to jimmy locks occasionally to get the job done.” John tried to cover himself but that wasn’t a smooth way to assuage any fears she may have about his character.
“Well, that was interesting but at least now we can get that to that rude daughter of mine.”
The trio were walking past the study and into the palatial bedroom and saw an Alice sized mass under her bedsheets.
“Oh, it’s an Alice sheet monster. Haven’t seen this look.” John smirked.
John was having a hard time maintaining a straight face. Terry laughed. Kate looked back at both of them and gave them one of those ‘shut it’ looks.
“Young lady, you will get out of that bed this instant.”
Alice slowly got out of the covers and was sitting on the edge of her bed. She looked thoroughly defeated.
“Now, you will answer me this instant. Why did run into the house without saying hello to me and then lock yourself in the room.
“I was sleep talking again.” Alice said meekly.
“Again? As in this has happened several times before?” John asked.
“John, remind me to tell you about the debutante ball sometime.” Alice was glaring at Terry. His mother was also giving him a look as well. “Or maybe she will tell you sometime.”
“Alice, I just don’t know what to do with you sometimes. But it is nice to have you home and to bring your uniquely talented boyfriend here.”
“What did he do this time?” Alice said quietly.
“Yeah, I picked your lock about ten seconds after I met your mom. You know, keeping up with those fantastic first impression I’m getting with your family.” John deadpanned.
Terry snickered; his mother simply shook her head. Alice started snorting and laughing. She got up and hugged her mom.
“You really need to learn manners young lady.”
“Sorry mom.”
“That’s better, now let’s go downstairs and have a proper conversation.”
The four walked downstairs and sat around the kitchen table. A maid came over and delivered tea to everyone. Kate had many questions about John. She didn’t seem overly impressed with where he was from or how he was raised. She was fascinated though that he had graduated when he was only eleven and had been employed full time by Naval Intelligence since he was twelve.
Kate was very impressed with John’s intellect and how articulate he was. He never hesitated with any answer, nor were any questions answered in a way that implied weakness or uncertainty. John wasn’t able to tell whether or not she had approved of him but at the very least her opinion of him had improved beyond that of a shifty lock pick. Alice was still embarrassed as she continued to think about the car conversation and what she said in the presence of her older brother.
The front door opened and in walked Paul Robertson, the second oldest Robertson child. He was taking a break from work and entered his sister’s home presumably to welcome her back home for the holidays. He saw the group at the table and walked over. John got up and walked around the table to introduce himself. Paul seemed utterly disinterested in John.
“Good morning. I’m John Lief. I’m Alice’s boyfriend.”
“Intriguing. Mother, father is going to be running around an hour late. Alice, Terry nice to see you.”
Wonderful. One of her brothers was the typical rich asshole that John loathed being around. This was going beyond irritation. John decided he’d goad Paul a little bit.
“Intriguing, I was under the impression that one as well cultured, intelligent and mannered as you would understand the simple art of courtesy. Such as when someone introduces themself to you, that would trigger an appropriate response back to the initiating individual.”
“Greetings John.” He took his hand, and gave him a curt handshake, then turned around and left the house.
“Ah yes. Always nice to see Paul. Hasn’t changed a bit.” Terry quipped.
John sat back down at the table. Kate received a phone call and excused herself from the room.
“John don’t worry about Paul. He’s a massive prick and sucks the life out of any room he’s in.” Alice said icily.
“So don’t let my feelings get hurt. Roger.”
“Well guys I have a few things I need to take care of. I’ll swing by in a little while. Nice meeting you again John and thanks for the hook up.” Terry slapped John’s shoulder as he walked by.
“What was that about?” Alice switch seats so she was sitting next to John.
“Oh, not much. Just bribed your brother in exchange for silence about the car.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I did that.”
“Mhmm. At least I know what not to do until two hours before a flight again.” John got up. “So, sleeping arrangements. Your house your rules, or am I finding a room alone here?”
“My room of course. Though obviously we’re not going do anything beyond cuddle tonight. I’m still sore as hell. Not to mention completely mortified I let Terry know about everything.”
“Well, you gave him the cliff notes version of what turned you into a cum puddle. I need to take a shower, flying always makes me feel dirty as hell.” Alice just shook her head as he said that.
The couple walked up the stairs. Alice hopped into bed and was resting. John changed into some shorts and a golf shirt when he got out of the shower. A call came in his tablet from an unrecognized number. John Answered it.
“Mr. Lief. I’m Aaron Robertson, Alice’s father. Please meet me in the building behind my daughter’s house.” The connection cut off before he had a chance to say anything.
“Well sleeping beauty, wish me luck, here’s to going four for four for fucking up these meetings.” John said sardonically as he walked out of the room. Though to be fair his first meeting with Paul was less his fault and more Paul’s for being a prick.
11:15 Robertson Estate, Office Building
John was thinking that the downside to the size of this estate was how bloody long it took to get from building to building if one walked. He didn’t have a vehicle or a golf cart or really anything to speed up the time to get to his other mansion. He didn’t feel like running either. He walked up the stairs to the mansion that was being remodeled and opened up the oversized front door. As he did Paul walked out of the now open door. He barely recognized John’s presence.
“Charmed as always Paul.” He walked past Paul and the doors closed behind him.
“Are you always as rude to others as that Mr. Lief?” The patriarch of the family sounded irritating.
John scanned the room over and noticed a small bar on the west side of the room. He walked over to it, grabbed a glass and a bottle of twenty-two-year-old Papi Van Winkle. A healthy amount was poured the glass.
“I hope you don’t mind me helping myself to a drink. This stuff is amazing. But my apologies for digressing from the topic at hand. I believe your mistaking my attempt at basic decency and courtesy for your son’s lack of such. Attempting to blame me for your son’s failure at common courtesy is projecting his failures onto an innocent party, which in this case is me.”
“Interesting and well said. Paul’s problem is that he believes he stands above everyone. And while that is true in many respects, he fails to realize he needs those under him to work for him. That attitude of his will not inspire other people. I’ve been trying to teach him thought but to no avail. And where are my manners, I am Aaron Robertson.”
John sat down in the chair opposite of Alice’s father.
“Cheers. I have found in my life that failure is the best teacher. I get the distinct feeling Paul has never understood true failure or despair, nor was he ever allowed or enabled to rise above said failures to earn achievement in life. It’s not too late to learn, but an adult without the proper coping mechanisms tend to take far longer to understand how to overcome failures.”
“Impressive and accurate deduction. I must admit I find you to be an interesting character. You have a predatory nature, though that is to be expected of any secret agent in Naval Intelligence. You would need to be like that in order to succeed at the missions they are presented. There’s also a refined side to you too, but we both know that is a mask. You enjoy the finer things in life, but you rage against those that have those finer things. But your intelligence is what sets you apart from everyone.”
“If I’m to be called a predator, please at least refer to the proper type of predator. Men like you and other agents of the military can accurately be called predators. I am an apex predator.” John smelled the bourbon and took a sip. “Fantastic bourbon. And with all due respect sir, your attempt to gauge my intelligence and emotional reaction with these specific and probing questions is unnecessary.”
John got up and poured himself some more Papi into his glass. Aaron wasn’t wrong about him liking the finer things in life. Nor was he wrong about him raging against the establishment.
“Would you be kind and please call off the three telepaths in the other room. Along with your wife, who happens to one of the best unlicensed telepaths I’ve encountered. Their attempts to dig up things in mind will fail. Should they continue to attempt to intrude on my mind I will be forced respond to these unwanted attacks in a manner fitting of my nature. Why not stop tap dancing around the issues you’d prefer to discus, and simply ask me directly?”
Aaron smiled; it was the look of a predator. “Interesting, very well. I’m trying to determine whether or not you are worthy of my daughter. I remain unconvinced.”
“I find that the subject of worthiness to be an interesting and a common one amongst the affluent establishment. Fathers and families often worry about the unworthy or unclean amongst us poor peasants marrying into their families. The peasant being elevated beyond their station due to marriage is effectively anathema to the affluent.” John took another sip of the bourbon and pulled up something on his tablet and handed it over to Aaron. “If you’re wondering whether or not I can provide for your daughter and myself with a lifestyle that is commensurate with this estate, then obviously the answer is no. Not yet anyways.”
He took another sip as he observed Aaron skim through the tablet.
“Is this supposed to impress me?”
“Well ignoring the ethical questions of a twelve to seventeen-year-old trading in securities, you can see that I don’t need your money to live a very comfortable and luxurious life. Alice would be well taken care of whether you’d give us you’re blessing or not. But the bigger issue at play here, is the mistaken belief that you still have the ability to dictate what Alice can or can’t do. That was certainly true to an extent when she was a dependent living here. But she’s her own person now and she’s more than capable to make her own decisions.”
“And you think she will make the right decisions over who she should and shouldn’t interact with.”
John laughed. “Good lord no. She will make mistakes in the future. This is obviously true of myself as well. That is simple part of life. Any attempts you make to control or dictate her life will backfire on you. She’d either resent or come to hate you which would likely result in her excising you from her life. Your attempts to control her would ultimately destroy your relationship with her.”
“So, you want to marry my daughter?”
“We’ve been together for only four months. Marriage is far too early in our relationship to have any honest conversations about. But we’ve grown close, and I’d be lying to you if the thought isn’t appealing to me.”
“And what would happen if someone were to attack her. What would you do?”
John looked straight at Aaron when he answered. “Woe is the man that raises his fists in anger against my loved ones, friends and family. That would be the worst decision they could make. I wouldn’t worry about any specificity in what actions I may take, but any recompense for such slights will be sufficiently reaped.”
“The truth of the matter is I can’t approve of you today, but I don’t believe you’re with my daughter for her money. You appear to be an honest and true young man. I must also thank you for keeping my daughter safe during the Ritz-Carlton attack.”
“Well, that’s a start sir. And wouldn’t know anything about that though.”
The two men got up and shook hands. “Of course, you didn’t. My other sons will be arriving around dinner. The younger one, Marcus will be here in the morning. I’ll have a conversation with Paul and ensure he treat you with the respect you have already earned.”
John finished his drink and set the glass down on the table. “Much appreciated. At least this first impression wasn’t a colossal fuck up like the other three have been.”
“Yes, I heard my daughter was sleep talking again though the specifics weren’t relayed by Terry, and then you picked a lock in front of my wife.”
“A field agent’s gotta do what a field agent’s gotta do.” John shrugged and waived as he walked out the door.
One of the side doors opened.
“You must admit, our daughter chose a rather interesting one my dear.” Kate walked in from the other room. “I’ve never seen a mind quite like his, any telepath without sufficient training would be crushed by his willpower alone. We pulled literally nothing out of him and I doubt anyone would. It was like staring at a black hole.”
“He’s certainly a change from her previous suitors.”
“Oh, you approve of him now?” Kate sat down in the chair John was sitting in.
“No, not yet anyways, but he has his uses in the near-term. He’s very useful to shut down the other’s requests to marry her. If they had a tenth of the intel we have on this young man they’d never even look in his or her direction ever again.” Aaron paused. “But I’m not entirely against their union in the future either. His future appears limitless. Would you also please have a conversation with Paul and let him know that I expect him to be polite and courteous to our guest. I don’t want to have another one of these conversations with him.”
“I will. I’ll be heading back to the house.” Kate smiled at her husband and left
Aaron continued looking over his tablet. He was reading the unredacted hotel attack. John was a ruthless and effective killing machine. He never lost control and was focused on saving the people around him. John had ensured the safety of his daughter and then the two worked to get a number of patrons out of the building.
“Very interesting young man indeed. I doubt we’d be able to get him in the private sector, but if he were to be an admiral…” He let that last thought trail away.
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