《Magus Of Darkness》Chapter 11: First spell!


The thoughts ran through Adrius’ head like lightning, he has found a plan to earn more magical stones and make himself stronger.

He will try to make a deal with that shop owner Phil and sell him the potion. The cost of the ingredients of the potion is 1 magical stone, so if he sells it at 2 magical stones he will earn 1 magical stone every delivery.

It is not a whole lot of magical stones, but taking in count that Adrius is a freshly advanced magus apprentice it is a lot of benefits.

‘If this works well then I will eventually have enough magical stones to buy some spells and get myself stronger.’

After thinking about it, he decided to tell Croft about his plan. Croft will know anyways but Adrius wanted advice if his plan is safe or not. Because Adrius would never put himself in danger if there is no benefit from it.

After hearing what Adrius had in his mind, Croft gave his approval and told him that no one will bother him because he is his apprentice and he is one of the best potion master's i in the academy.

After hearing about that Adrius didn’t trust that statement completely but still had his doubts about it.

‘ What if one of the other potion master's apprentice wanted to sabotage my work, you repetition will not be useful because the other is also a potion master’ Said Adrius to himself, to be honest he didn’t trust Croft completely actually he didn’t trust anyone, because the last time he did he died.

When he advanced his soul became a little stronger and he remembered some bits of his past life, when he was testing his new toxic gas his assistance had made a hole in his suit and the toxic gas went in and killed him.

But before he died he heard her say the word “government”, so his conclusion was that the government found him “too dangerous to be kept alive” so they killed him.


So he just developed a mindset that centers around not trusting anybody except himself.

After taking a promissin from Croft Adrius left the lab with a book about the poison and venom, he was a master in his past but he can’t remember a lot of things and this world is different and has a lot of new ingredients so he wanted to learn from the start to make himself better and to understand this world more.

After getting to his room Adrius started to cultivate until he fell asleep.

In the morning he went to Phil’s shop to make a deal.

“ Hello Adrius, how can I help you?” Asked Phil with an excited tone.

“ I’m here to sell a potion, it is a healing potion” Adrius took out a potion from his pocket and gave it to Phil.

Phil examined it for a while and said

“ I can buy this with 2 magical stones”

‘ Croft was right’ Thought Adrius

“ Deal, now do you know where can I buy spells?” Asked Adrius

“ There are two places to buy spells, the market and the academy’s library. I don’t recommend the library because it is so expensive, but it has better spells than the market but still the market has some decent rank 0 spells.” Asward Phil.

The spells in the magus world started from rank 0 which is all magus apprentice use, then there is rank 1 which official magus usually use and so on.

Adrius thought about it for some time and decided to buy a spell from the market, it was cheaper and he was in the market so he won't have to walk a lot.

After taking his money Adrius left Phil’s shop and went looking for a spell shop, he found several shops but they didn’t have some good darkness element spells. Adrius of course can use any element if he wants but his highest affinity is with darkness so he wanted to buy a spell that will use his affinity very well. Plus he wanted a defence or attack spell but all he could he found was supportive type spells like enhancing senses.


He didn’t need these types of spells right now but he needed an attacking or defensive spell so he will at least have a chance of survival if something happens.

While he was walking in at the end of the market he found an old man sitting on the floor and had books in front of him, the old man looked very elegant and had a short white beard and a bald head. When Adrius approached him he opened his half closed eyes and looked at Adrius.

“ Hello there lad how can this old man help you?” Said the old man

“ I was looking for a darkness element spell, I wonder if you have some?” Asked Adrius, he was respectful because he felt something wrong with this old man.

“ Haha it's your lucky day lad, this old man has a lot of darkness rank 0 spells.” Answered the old man

Adrius then crouched to the ground and started to look for a good spell he was looking for but couldn’t find anything that would help him. When he was about to give up he saw a spell that grabbed his attention and its name was “ Shadow hands”. Adrius grabbed it and looked into its information

Shadow hands: Make a hand or a pair of hands that blend in with the shadows and it is hard to see in the light, the hand can be used in an attacking or supportive manner.

Magic power consumption: 1,5 .

Radius: 10 meters

Adrius looked and was stunned for a sec because he thought that spells use the power of the world to use, but then he remembered that it is a specific type of spell that doesn't use magic from the magus but from the world instead.

‘With the 10,5 magic power that I have now in my body I could use this 7 times, it is very useful I can use it for attack or for making potions’ Thought Adrius

“ What does this spell cost?” Asked Adrius

“ 1 Magical stone” Said the old man.

“ I will buy it” Adrius then gave the old man 1 magical stone and went and bought some ingredients for the potion and went back to his room.

First he started to make the potion, he was familiar with it now so he got to the waiting step without problems.

He then walked a bit far from his working place and started to practice shadow hands. He started to put magic in his hands as the manual said, and he started to imagine that there is a hand in front of him. He failed couple of times until he realized that he should not imagine a new hand but he have to imagine his hand in front of him, with that in his mind he started to get grasp of the spell until he made a hand in front of him, it was the size of a thumb, of course that wasn’t it’s original from but because it was his first time and he hasn’t mastered the spell yet.

‘Even though it's a bit small it is still a success, I’m sure with a lot of practice I will master it’ Thought Adrius.

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