《Magus Of Darkness》Chapter 9: First potion!


Adrius was tired after the break through so he slept, and when he woke up in the morning he had a lot of energy. He then walked to his mentor’s lab and knocked at the door. When he entered he was met with Croft who had a ring in his hand, but Adrius didn’t care about the ring because his mentor had a surprised face while looking at him.

“ Adrius how did you break through so fast?” Asked Croft with a hint of disbelief.

“ Why? Is there something wrong professor?” Answered Adrius with a question himself.

Then Croft realised that he didn’t explain to him that a normal human will take at least 4-6 days to break through, but Adrius did it in two days. Then Croft realised something Adrius had a level 4 talent and can not be regarded as a normal human. So when he understood the situation he calmed himself down and explained everything to Adrius.

When Adrius heard from Croft he understood everything, and understood how important talent is. But he was confused about one thing

“ 2 days? Professor what are you talking about? It only took from me 1 day to break through.”

“ I say 2 days because you weren't here yesterday, and I gave you the meditation technique the day before yesterday. Of course there is an explanation to why this has happened, when the person takes in magic into their body for the first time their body reacts differently but with the same purpose which is to modify the body to withstand the magic power that is in them. In your case your body chooses sleep as a way to do it. And I say you took 2 days because in the time you were sleeping your body was going through the breakthrough still so unless your body is ready it is still the breakthrough. But don’t worry it is just one time thing.”


“Now that you are a level 1 magus apprentice then let’s measure your magic power, remember 10 is the average number for people who just broke through” Said Croft.

He then brought a big orb like the one from the talent and element testing, then Adrius put his hand on it. After seconds a number comes up on the orb. The number was 10,5 Adrius was confused as too why is magic power so important. He was met with a lecure for 2 hours that went into why it is so important. It is important because it means how much can you hold magic power in your body, and when you reach a certain number with magic power then you will be qualified to break through. Of course it won’t affect the spells because the spells use the magic in the world to work.

“ Professor, now I’m a magus apprentice, can I learn Xyron now?”

“ Yes, take this book it will help you learn it”

Croft gave Adrius an old book with a title written in Xyron.

“ Professor, where can I get some spells?”

“ You can get them from the library, but I don’t recommend going there now because if I’m right then you don’t have any magical stones?”

“Yes I don’t have any”

“As expected, wait until the next month to get your salary”


“Ah yes I guess you don’t know about that either, that damn register didn’t tell you about didn’t he?”

When Adrius heard register he first thought of Dominus, but then he thought of that magus who assigned their mentor’s. He was confused as who Croft meant but then shrugged it off.

“Anyway, you as a student will get 2 magical stones a month, of course you can depend on yourself if you want more magical stones, you can take the missions from the school or open a shop in the shopping area.” Croft then started to prepare some stuff, he took out a whole potion master set and set it on the table and he took out some ingredients.


“ Now that you are a magus apprentice then you can learn about potions and toxins, first this is the most important thing to a potion master the tools, you have to know how to use each one of them and I will watch over you and tell you what you did wrong. Now take this recipe and make it” Croft handed Adrius a scroll with the recipe on it, it was a simple poisonous gas potion. Of course it wasn’t simple to Adrius but he wanted to try anyway. He walked to the lab and stood in front of the tools, it was the usual chemistry lab tools but it had some stuff that was new. Adrius started to follow the recipe and add the ingredients in their time, he didn’t find anything new in the ingredients.

‘ Well it is a low level potion, so I guess it is normal to not have anything expensive or high quality’ Thought Adrius to himself.

While he was adding ingredients into the potion he accidentally used to much explosive power and the result was


The tube that the potion was in exploded and the glass flew everywhere, Adrius was quick to shield his face but he didn’t feel anything hitting him. He looked to see the shards were standing still in the air, he then looked at his mentor and he saw Croft watching with an amused smile on his face.

“ Try again, if you can’t make this simple potion then you are not worthy of being a potion master!” Said Croft

‘ Simple my fucking ass, does he see me a fucking potion master?’ Cursed Adrius in his heart, of course he won’t say this out loud unless he wishes for death. He then stood up and started to make the potion again, he got to the last and the hardest step, he has to use magic to make the mix stable while he pours it into a new tube.

Adrius consecrated and started to draw the magic in the air around him to cover the mix. But he didn’t succeed because there was a little place that he forgot to cover and when the mix touches air it explodes, so another explosion happened.

“Again!” Said Croft

Adrius started to make it again, it took from him 3 times to finally cover all of the mix and transport it to another tube and then seal it shut. When he was done he was very excited because he had made something he always thought impossible.

“Congratulations, you have made your first potion. Of course the quality is horse shit but still something that you can sell to someone” Said Croft with a wink.

“ Thank you professor, are there some recipes that I can study to better my understanding?” Asked Adrius, he really liked making potions, it was exciting and very delicate.

“Wait a second” Said Croft

He then walked to his book shelf and grabbed a book


Adrius took the book it was named “ potions for beginners”.

“Thank you” Said Adrius

“ No problem, now go and rest. Your body is still not used to using a lot of magic” Said Croft.

Adrius grabbed his potion and walked out, and walked to his room, he opened the door and sat on the bed and started to meditate. After a while he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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