I am the Monarch Chapter 30


Chapter 30


Harrison asked back again .

He could only do so .

‘What is he saying so suddenly? No, before that, who are you?’

The one in front of him was of a similar age with him, no matter how he saw him .

If it wasn’t because of the badge of rank that was stuck to the armor, he would have thought that he was a soldier in training .

‘He should be confused . ’

Roan had already guessed how Harrison felt .

He lightly shook the hand he was grabbing .

“I’m a 5 class adjutant from rose troop . ”

“Sir . I’m spearman Harrison from the 15th squad of thorn troop . But……”

Harrison blurred the last part of the sentence and cautiously looked at Roan .

“You heard rumours about me………?”

Roan nodded .

“Right . They say that there is a really light and clear-eyed soldier among the spearmen of thorn troop . ”

“Do, do you mean that’s me?”

Harrison asked back as if he couldn’t believe it at all .

Because even he hadn’t heard those rumours .

Roan took a step back instead of replying and nodded .

“If it’s fine with you, should we go outside?”

“Yes . Yes, i’m fine . ”

Harrison followed Roan’s back with a half-absent-minded face .

And then, one rumour passed by his head .

‘It’s Roan of Rose troop, he’s that ghost of the battlefield!’

A feeling that he got startled awake .

‘They said that it was a spearman that just finished his training . The rumours were true . ’

His sight fell on Roan’s back, that was walking in front .

‘Then that means that he’s the same age as me…… But to already be an adjutant . ’

He felt Roan, that was in front of his eyes, to be incredible .

Roan, that didn’t even know Harrison was thinking like that, crossed the camp and stopped in front of the tent of one squad .

‘Here is?’

Harrison, that was following him, frowned .

‘This is the archers tent . ’

He remembered the words he told him .

‘Maybe? Was he telling the truth?’

When he thought up to there, Roan brought a bow and some arrows .

Harrison hurriedly shook his hands .

“Um, um sir adjutant Roan . I have never fired an arrow until now . ”

Urgent voice and expression .

Roan just looked at Harrison acting like this .

‘He was also like this back then . ’

Harrison was the same in his past life .

At the order of an adjutant telling him to fire an arrow, he got surprised and shook his hands .

‘But everything changed the moment he grabbed the bow . ’

Roan smiled brightly and after hitting Harrison’s shoulder, he moved his feet .

“Ah, it’s, it’s true . I have never fired an arrow……”

Harrison frowned and followed his back .

They walked out of the camp stood in front of a fence .

‘There’s a tree at a suitable place . ’

Roan smiled at the tree that was at the other part of the fence .

Give .

The arrows and bow given by Roan .

Harrison laughed awkwardly and shook his head once more .

“Sir adjutant Roan . It seems like there’s something wrong you know about me, but i’m a spearman . A spearman . I have never fired an arrow . ”


“I know . ”

Roan stubbornly lent him the bow and arrows .

And grabbed Harrison’s hands once more time .

“My eyesight is good . In my eyes, you have more talent in archery rather than spearmanship . ”

“Ey . Even if it’s good, how can you at the first time…… . ”

Harrison couldn’t believe it .

Roan smiled and shrugged his shoulder .

“Harrison . Looking that your eyes are sharp, your chin is small and your neck is long, you are from Owell region, right?”

“How did you…… . ?”

Harrison grabbed his chin and neck and put a surprised expression .

Roan continued saying .

“Looking at your hardened skin on your palm and the muscles of your arms, you originally trained with the blade . And it’s only been 5 months since you became a spearman . ”


Harrison opened his eyes roundly and gulped down some air .

However, he shook his head and twisted his nose .

‘It seems like he saw my records . ’

If that wasn’t the case, he couldn’t guess where he was from and what he trained in with just the sight .

And of course, Roan was reading Harrison’s thoughts .


The sharp sight is directed to Harrison’s left hand .

“You have injured your left hand badly . Your pinky doesn’t bend well, right?”


Harrison got surprised in a big way .

“Tha, how did you know that……… . . ?!”

He hurt his left hand immediately after he entered the training camp .

He received a blade swung by a comrade while training, and the bone in his hand broke .

However he hid it thoroughly from his comrades, squad commander and adjutants, for fear of getting dismissed . And because of that, this truth wasn’t put in any records .

‘It, it’s true . The eyesight of this person is the real thing . ’

There was no one that noticed that he had a problem in his left hand .

But Roan noticed it the first time he saw it .

“Because of that, it’s difficult to use the spear, right?”

“Yes? Yes . ”

Harrison slowly nodded .

‘This person is a real ghost . A ghost . ’

A really admiring expression .

Roan looked at Harrison and put a bitter smile .

‘Actually, you were the one that taught me all of this . ’

It was obvious about his background, but also the injury he was hiding .

All of these things were directly told by Harrison .

Roan smiled brightly and hit Harrison’s shoulder .

“How is it? You will be able to believe me, right?”

“Yes . I can believe that…… . ”

Harrison looked at the bow and arrows and slurred the end of the sentence .

Roan pointed at a far away tree with a confident expression .

“Just three arrows . If you can’t hit that tree after three arrows, I won’t keep bothering you . ”

“Three, three arrows?”

Harrison put a surprised expression and asked back .

“I have really never fired an arrow before . ”

An earnest face, as if he was asking to believe him .

Roan nodded .

“I know . Just at first sight, it seems like that . But if it’s your talent, you will be able to hit that tree . ”

A voice and expression filled with affirmation .


‘Even in the past life was like that . You hit the tree with the third arrow . And a tree that was even farther than the one here . ’

But of course, the time and place was different from then .

However, Roan believed .

‘If it’s that talent that made everyone amazed, you would be able to do it plentily . ’

He looked at Harrison’s eyes fixedly .

Not shaking eyes .

‘Whew . I can’t do anything about it . ’

Harrison couldn’t say anything else and grabbed the bow .

‘Was it grabbed like this?’

He imitated how archers grabbed it .

A really awkward shape .

Harrison charged an arrow and looked at Roan .

“I don’t know if you get disappointed . ”

Roan just smiled meaningfully instead of replying .

‘Ey . Whatever . ’

Harrison pointed the tree and pulled the bowstring .

Kiigiiikik .

The bow that bend greatly .

“Kugh . ”

Harrison gritted his teeth at the bowstring carving at his fingers .


One arrow pierces through the air along a heavy sound .


A sharp sound .

Roan and Harrison follow it .


The arrow missed with a big difference .

‘Well . Right . ’

Even so, Harrison that was expecting something a little bit, smacked his lips and looked at Roan .

“You saw right? I have never fir…… . . ”

“There’s still two arrows left . ”

Roan lifted two fingers .

“Whew . Understood . ”

Harrison let out a deep sigh and charged an arrow again .

‘Damn . Even if I can’t hit it, I would like it if it passes by close . ’

Even if he was an adjutant, he didn’t want to show an embarrassing sight to Roan, that was the same age as him .

A conspicuous colour shines in Harrison’s eyes .

‘How did the arrow fly again… . . ’

He unconsciously started to change the posture of holding the bow and the posture of pulling the string, little by little .

It wasn’t because someone taught him, but he realized it by himself .

A smile appears on Roan’s face .

‘Right . That’s the real appearance of the genius archer Harrison . ’

And then, a noise was heard .


The second arrow was fired .


The arrow scratched the tree and passed by .


Harrison looked at Roan with a surprised expression .

Roan smiled brightly and shrugged his shoulders .

“There’s still one arrow left . ”

At those words, Harrison nodded slowly and charged the last arrow .

“Whew . ”

He took in a breath and pointed the bow towards the tree .

‘The last one got bent down towards the right . ’

Tung .


A sharp noise .

Gulp .

Harrison gulped dry saliva and followed the back of the arrow .

‘Pl…ease…… . ’

When the body got twisted on its own .


The arrow got stuck in the body of the tree with a dull sound .


Harrison unconsciously clenched his fists and yelled .

His chest was beating with strength and his face became bright .

The thrilling shudder flowed on all of his body, which he couldn’t feel when he battled as a spearman .

“How is it? You feel good, right?”

Roan smiled brightly and approached him .

Only then did Harrison release his fist slowly and coughed .

“Hm . Hm . ”

His bright face turned red .

Roan grabbed Harrison’s shoulders .

“Harrison . ”

A low voice but with strength, and the hot and transparent eyes that don’t have any lies .

“Let’s go together with me . ”

Kung .

At that moment, Harrison felt a big rock hitting his head and heart .

The breath that gets clogged .

They had certainly met today .

However, the Roan in front of his eyes showed him a new world .

Actually, Harrison was afraid of going to the battlefield as a spearman .

Because of the injury in his hand, his spear skills fell compared to that of his comrades .

A feeling of becoming a weight to his comrades .

Until now, he had endured that oppressive feeling .

But if it is the feeling when he fired an arrow .

‘I think I may be able to enjoy battling . ’

Harrison’s hand unconsciously moved to his armor .

His voice came out as if he was vomiting something hot .

“Sir! Understood!”


For now, Roan returned alone to rose troop .

‘I wanted to bring him immediately……’

But he wasn’t in a situation where he could bring him immediately, as they were in different troops .

‘On top of that, this isn’t the correct time . ’

Roan looked at the south sky .

‘I have to go to Potter region . ’

A scandal that happened in the past 20 years, and one of the best and biggest scandals that could be picked with your fingers .

Roan waited for that huge scandal until now .

‘There’s two months left until the landslide happens . ’

Before that, he had to go to Maiel’s mountain that belonged to viscount Potter .

‘First, I will have to request for a vacation when the merits awards end . ’

A plan that will last one month, or three months if it takes long .

‘If I finish what I had planned, I will get back to the squad . ’

His life will start anew from then .

‘Until then, it’s obvious for Harrison, but I also have to polish the skills of Pierce, Glenn, and the other members of the 12th squad . ’

His chest beat .

‘I will make my own squad, my corps with them as the center . ’

And as he walks step by step, he will one day surpass being a great general, and become a monarch .

Magnificence and heroic temper fills his heart .


The next day, the soldiers that participated in the monster subjugation in Pedian’s plain, started to withdraw in order .

The 7th corps were the very last .

After finishing the preparations plentily for 10 days, the genuine withdrawal started .

‘A lot of things happened in this short time . ’

Roan’s feelings were new .

It was marvelous having returned to the times when he was an 18 year old greenhorn, but most of all, it was more marvelous having become a 5 class adjutant in only some months .

‘Until now, is it quite a successful life?’

He also gained reliable subordinates .

‘From now on, what kind of things will happen?’

He remembered most of the big scandals, but there was no guarantee that those things will happen exactly as his memory .

‘However, I have the 20 years of experience with me . ’

If he got a hold of himself and acted calmly, even if some urgent situation came, he would be able to overcome it .

His chest kept beating fiercely .

‘Has life been so fun like this?’

A smile appears on his face .

The march was certainly exhausted, but his smile became denser .

Everything in the world seemed beautiful .


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