I am the Monarch Chapter 28


Chapter 28

Chapter 28 : Merits awards (2)

Roan moved his feet with a perplexed expression .


“Squad commander Roan, no, sir adjutant . Real congratulations!”

Congratulations pour out at the sides .

“Adjutant Roan . Congratulations . ”

“Real congratulations . ”

A familiar voice .

As he turned back to look, he saw the 13th squad commander Tane and vice squad commander Lander .

“Squad commander . Why are you acting like that?”

Roan laughed awkwardly and shook his hands, but Tane shook his head .

“When you were a squad commander, I tried to pass the matter because you were younger, but you are now an adjutant . Even if you are younger, a rank is a rank . You have to grab the central focus so we can show our military discipline . ”

Lander added .

“Of course . We aren’t a goblin army, so we can’t be comfortable with each other . If you don’t act properly, the guys of the other troops will look down on you . ”

“Mmm . ”

At those words, Roan got silent .

Actually, those weren’t wrong words .

On top of that .

‘He was the same as being 38 years old . ’

There was no need to be caught in the bridle of age .

Roan nodded and looked at the two of them .

“I look forward to work with you . Squad commander Tane . Vice squad commander Lander . ”

“It’s us who should be looking forward to it . ”

Tane and Lander slightly bent their heads .

Austin, that was looking at the side, nodded with a satisfied expression .

“Now it seems like it is spinning properly . ”

Roan opened his eyes roundly as if implying what did that mean .

At those words, Austin said in a low voice as if he was whispering .

“Actually, I didn’t quite like that the guys in the 13th squad talked to you without any formalities . ”

“Me too . ”

“Me too . Me too . ”

Pierce and Glenn butted in .

Roan smirked and nodded .

“From now on, I will take that into account more .

And then, a cold voice was heard as if it was breaking the warm atmosphere .

“The bitches really like gossiping all day . ”

As he turned to look away, Jack and three other young adjutants were glancing at them .

‘Is it starting?’

Roan smiled bitterly .

Actually, Roan’s promotion speed was abnormal .

He became squad commander after only one week of having gotten out of the training camp, and again, not even after one month he became an adjutant .

‘In my last life, squad commander was the end . ’

But of course, he had many opportunities to climb to become an adjutant of the 7th corps .

However, Roan opted to move to the 6th corps, the 5th corps, and the 4th .

Because the closer he was to the 1st corps, the more chances he would get caught in the eyes of a noble or a commander .

‘But in the end, that became a bad choice . ’

Because of that, he couldn’t even become an adjutant, and kept roaming the battlefield as a squad commander of a spearmen squad and lost his life .

‘That me climbed to become an adjutant in only two months . ’

A promotion speed that was so fast that even the envy of Jack and the adjutants wasn’t enough .


“Why are you glaring like that?”

Jack twitched his brows and approached .

A feeling that he would grab his neck at any moment .

“Roan . ”

Jack, that stopped right in front of his nose, said as if he was growling .

“Tell me yourself . For a greenhorn that just got out of the training camp to become an adjutant . Do you think that makes sense?”

“I wonder . ”

Roan shrugged his shoulders .

Quite a relaxed expression and attitude .

Fire appears in Jack’s eyes .

“What is that attitude? Did you forget that even if we are same adjutants, i’m on a higher rank?”

He was a class 4 adjutant .

However, Roan didn’t say anything .

Jack continued saying .

“Listen clearly . This year becomes the 10th one I have roamed the battlefield . I walked a horrible hell road that a greenhorn like you that has only been in the battlefield for two months can’t even imagine . ”

Roan smiled bitterly .

‘Look . I walked that road for 20 years . And in the end, even my stomach got pierced . ’

He forced to gulp down the words that climbed up to his throat .

Jack pressed Roan’s forehead with the tip of his finger .

“You have a need to show some respect to me . ”

Roan looked at Jack’s eyes fixedly .

‘What is it, this bastard . Those eyes… . . ’

Jack’s eyes contorts .

He sensed pity in Roan’s eyes .

That was just like he was looking at a child doing something childish .

“Thi, this bastard!”

In the end, Jack couldn’t hold it anymore and swung his fist .

The fist that comes at a close distance .

However, Roan’s expression was still calm .

‘I expected this much . ’

No, even if he didn’t expect it, Jack wasn’t his opponent .

Puk .

Roan blocked Jack’s punch with his left arm .

“This bastard . ”

Jack pulled out his arm that got stuck in Roan’s elbow and tried to punch him again .

And then, a shout was heard at his back .

“What are you doing right now!”

The owner of the voice was Keniss .

He approached him and separated Roan and Jack .

‘Spoiled bastards . ’

The cold sight looks at Jack and the adjutants behind him .

“Hmph . ”

Jack coughed and fell back .

“You are doing really well for someone who has to trust your backs to your allies . ”

“I’m sorry . ”

Roan bent down first .

Keniss looked at Jack .

“……I’m sorry . ”

He couldn’t help it .

Keniss clicked his tongue .

‘Tchtchtch . Jack . it’s too early for you to succeed . ’

He wanted to say one more thing, but he sighed in the end and shook his head .

“Whew . Everyone, return to your tents . ”

At those words, Jack and the adjutants moved first .

Even while doing that, they didn’t forget to glance at Roan .

“Roan . ”

Keniss called at Roan that was starting to move and stopped him .

“Yes . ”

Roan replied and came closer .

Keniss let out a sigh and grabbed Roan’s shoulders .

“The young adjutants will pick a fight with you for quite a while . But you be the one to endure it . ”

“Yes . Understood . ”

A short reply .

Keniss smiled satisfactorily and nodded .

“If you can’t hold it anymore, use your dueling right . ”


At those words, Roan just smiled .

“Anyways, just endure it . I will find some solution . ”

“Yes . Understood . ”

The conversation ended with that .

Roan looked at Keniss getting farther and took in a deep breath .

‘I can take this much of a fight as much as they want . ’

For him, that had the 20 years of experience, this much was at the level of children’s playing .

However, Jack’s expression and attitude was a bit weird .

It didn’t seem like he would back down that easily .

‘In my past life, I was only suffering………’

He didn’t also want to be like that in this life .

And then, the voices of the squad members was heard .

“Sir adjutant . Don’t worry . If adjutant Jack or the others come to bother you, we will block them . ”

“We will protect adjutant Roan . ”

“Just believe in our 42nd, no, 12th squad . ”

Reliable voices .

Roan smiled brightly and nodded .

“Fine . Instead, I will protect you . ”

This was the truth .

‘If I become a monarch, you will become generals . ’

Roan’s and the squad members eyes burned .


“That’s not it . This way, you have to do it this way . ”

A voice that felt really stiffled .

The person that was swinging his spear as if he couldn’t understand it at all was Pierce .

He followed Roan’s orders and was teaching spearmanship to the 12th squad .

However, the process wasn’t quite good .

“So, what’s different from what you are doing to what I am?”

“It’s the same poking . ”

The voices that were also stifled .

The members of the 12th squad complained towards Pierce .

They couldn’t understand the difference between his spearmanship to them at all .

“This is the same? This?”

Pierce swung his spear again as if he was feeling stuffed .

“Look well . I twist my wrist here like this and shake the spear up and down . But the beat you twist your wrists here is half time slow and you can’t even shake the spear proper… . . ”

Pierce, that was explaining things earnestly, shut his mouth .

Because the expressions of the members of the 12th squad were that of confused faces .

“Whew . You don’t understand at all, right?”

At those words, everyone nodded .

Pierce let out a sigh as if he couldn’t do it anymore .

“Sir adjutant Roan . I’m surrendering . I can’t teach them anymore . ”

Roan, that was maintaining his spear at the opposite side of the squad members, smiled bitterly .

‘Is it really impossible?’

Roan put into effect the individual training along the squad training .

And in this process, he wanted to get help from Pierce .

However the result was a great failure .

‘Well, even in my past life, the ones that could follow Pierce’s instructions amounted to ten . ’

And unfortunately, even he couldn’t get in that number .

Roan’s talent was one problem, but Pierce was also the other factor .

‘He isn’t useful at all when it comes to teaching . ’

And the problem is that he is a genius among geniuses .

he couldn’t understand why others couldn’t do the things he could .

‘It’s that guy that made the Pierce spearmanship while being seated in an instant . ’

Pierce spearmanship, that was picked as the best one among normal soldiers .

And Pierce was embarrassed of that spearmanship .

To make him teach something normal was the same as something tough .

‘On top of that, the more he aged, the more peculiar his character became . ’

The young Pierce was shy and timid .

However, as he roamed the battlefield, that character changed mysteriously .

‘A thoroughly calculative character . ’

He didn’t give and didn’t receive .

He returned what he received .

‘Because of that, when he became a duke, I couldn’t receive that much help . ’

And of course, there was a time that he felt disappointed .

But he felt more thankful when he treated him as a friend from the same training camp and a fellow soldier rather than boasting about his rank of duke .

‘Bastard . Would he have cried when I died?’

He got curious .

“Pierce . If perhaps I died, would you……”

The moment he was going to throw the question, he saw Glenn returning .


His brows twitched .

Glenn was really beat up .

Roan put down the spear and moved towards him .

“Glenn . What happened?”

“Si, sir . ”

The voice that was as down as his looks .

Holding his cheek and grabbing his jaw with both of his hands .

Roan extended his hands and took off Glenn’s hands .

In that instant, he saw the eyes and cheeks that became blue .

On top of that, his lips got split up and red blood flowed out .

“Who is it?”

Roan’s voice lowers .

Glenn hesitated and couldn’t reply properly

“Who is it? WHo made you like this?”

As he asked again, Glenn lowered his head completely .

“Adjutant Jack said that I kept wandering in front of him…… . ”

The end of his sentence subsides .

Roan stroke Glenn’s head .

“Don’t lower your head . You did nothing wrong . ”

His face freezes coldly .

Roan moved his feet and moved towards Jack’s tent .

“Where is he going?”

“Is he perhaps going to adjutant Jack?”

“Isn’t it going to become a huge trouble?”

The squad members say extravagantly with a surprised expression .

“Let’s follow . ”

“We have to stop him . ”

In the end, they followed Roan .

Meanwhile, Roan crossed rose troop’s camp and arrived in front of the 11th squad, where Jack was .

“Huh? That’s Roan over there . ”

Jack discovered Roan first and made invidious remarks .

‘It should be because of that guy Glenn, or however he was called, right? Even so, what will he be able to do?’

He sat on a wooden chair on purpose and acted as if he was relaxed .

“Ohh! Adjutant Roan . What are you doing he……”

The words were until there .

Roan, that approached right in front of him, kicked Jack’s face .


A heavy sound .

Jack rolled on the floor with the chair .

“Kgh . Thi, this crazy bastard, did he go insan… . . ”

Curses came out by its own .

But even so, he couldn’t spit them out clearly .

Because Roan was continuing to punch him .

Pubuk! Puk!

Jack’s face became a face along a thick sound .


The punch lashes through the nose .

“Kugh . ”

Jack grabs his nose with his two hands and pants .

And then, Roan took out a yellow paper from his chest .

Duel right .

He crumpled the dueling right inside Jack’s mouth .

“Uuugh! Ugh!”

Jack tried to spit out the piece of paper but he couldn’t do so .

It was because Roan’s left hand was impeding him from doing so .

A cold and chilly voice was heard .

“Son of a bitch . Who told you to touch my guys?”


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