I am the Monarch Chapter 15


Chapter 15

I Am the Monarch – Chapter 15 : Travias spear (5)

While you live life, there are a lot of choices you regret of .

And Roan had a lot of those choices .

‘That guy was the same as me . ’

A quite handsome face with blond and brown hair .

The guy with slim and quick body .

‘Harrison . ’

The spearman from the 7th troop of the thorn army was really close with Roan .

That guy also entered at the age of 18 like Roan and battled until he was 33 .

‘He died by an arrow in the battle of Dems . ’

Harrison, that died exactly 5 years before Roan .

And there was something he regretted even before he died .

That guy entered as spearman and battled as a spearman for 10 years .

He didn’t have outstanding skills, but even so, it wasn’t lacking .

However, the arrow he fired by coincidence completely changed his life .

‘I didn’t know that his archery skills would be that good . ’

Nobody knew .

And even Harrison himself didn’t know .

He became a squad commander after having grabbed the bow for only one month .

And after one year passed, he became an adjutant in the 7th corps of the black squad .

After 2 years passed, he became the best archer in the 7th corps .

People raised their thumbs after they saw the ability he had on firing arrows .

And at the same time, they said some lamenting words .

And that also remained as a regret for Harrison .

‘I will make him to be the best archer in the continent . ’

Roan remembered the face of his old friend and bit his lower lip .

He also wanted to give him a new life .

‘If it’s him, he will become a good ally . ’

To become a monarch, no, if he wanted to become a great general, he needed to have good allies and subordinates .

Roan could vaguely know who would become good allies to a point .

‘For now, is it Pierce and Harrison?’

Pierce with the best talent for the spear, and Harrison with the best talent for the bow .

Just thinking about it, it was a good combination .

‘But even so, it would be difficult if my abilities fall back . ’


Roan started to walk towards Ched and the cavalrymen and clenched his two fists .

He couldn’t also live this life with that much of an ability for a spearman .

‘If I can, I should become the strongest and best person . For spearmanship, archery, swordsmanship…… . And if the strategies and tactics are perfect, all the more better . ’

Many memories filled his head that enabled him to do all of those things .

He only needed to work hard .

An intense effort and without stop .

“We are moving!”

Ched yelled after he got up the horse .

Roan followed his back and gritted his teeth .

‘The monster subjugation in Pedian’s plain is a really intense battle . ’

Surprise attacks, night raids, ambushes and fire attacks mess all of the battlefield .

‘I render great merits and retire for a while . ’

If he wanted to go to the region of Potter, it was an unavoidable choice .

However, he couldn’t just retire as he pleased .

He had to render merits that would catch the eyes of a squad commander or the generals .

‘Let’s think about that when we return back . ’

The fortunate thing was that he had left quite a good impression on squad captain Gale .

Thinking about many things, he reached the camp of the rose troop .

Dosen and the other squads still didn’t come back .

“You have done well . ”

Gale, that received the report, ordered a new order along a satisfied expression .

To take the children safely to their parents .

“Oppa . Are mom and dad really safe?”

“Of course . They are resting in Trum village right now . ”

Roan calmed down the children and got out of the camp .

When they reached Trum village again, the sun was almost setting .



A little girl that runs to her mother’s embrace .

Many reunions between the parents and their children happen all around .

Ched hit Roan’s shoulder while looking at that .

“We are fighting with our lives on the line to protect that . Right?”

Roan nodded silently instead of replying .

“I’m really thankful . Thank you . ”

“Oppa! Thank you!”

The villages people and the children ran to them and bent their heads .

A happy and proud smile appears in the faces of Roan, Ched and the soldiers of the 5th squad .


When they started to give them food to express their gratitude, they quickly rode their horses .

“Eat it with the children . ”

Ched left some cool words and kicked the horse .

Roan and the 5th squad followed his back and waved their hands towards the children .

‘Let’s not forget this feeling . The reason i’m trying to become a great commander and a monarch is not solely for me to eat and live well . It’s for everyone to live happily . ’

His objective becomes a little hard .

Now he wasn’t only planning on becoming a monarch, but a good one .

It would be hard, but not impossible .

‘I will be able to do it if I work hard as hell . ’

Determined light shines in his eyes .

That was confidence and convincement that he could do it .


Dosen and the other squads returned only after a day had passed .

Gale had already organized everything before they came and at the same time, mobilized the army .

But of course, he didn’t forget to compliment Dosen and the squads .

“Roan . ”

While they were moving, Pierce approached him .


“I’m curious about something . ”

Roan looked at Pierce’s big eyes and nodded .

Pierce continued talking with a bright face .

“Pedian’s place is an important place even for our kingdom, so how could monsters frequent there?”

Pierce’s words were true .

More than half of the crops harvested in Rinse kingdom came from Pedian’s plain .

So it was difficult to believe that there would be monsters frequenting that important place .

“Those things gather in Pedian’s plain to look for things to eat . ”

The monsters that suffered hunger in winter in the boundaries of the kingdom, comes to the Pedian’s plain in spring to look for food .

A real pain in the ass for the Rinse kingdom .

Only by subjugating the monsters would they not miss the season for the crops .

And because of that when it becomes spring, every year there would be a large scale monster subjugation in Pedian’s plain .

At that time, Pete that was one step in front of them, butted in .

“You know really well . ”

Roan simply smiled .

Pete continued to say with a more serious face .

“This year’s subjugation will specially be much harder . Do you know why?”

At his words, Pierce shook his head .

‘For a guy that doesn’t even know why monster appear in Pedian’s plain, that’s a much more difficult question . ’

Roan put on a bitter smile .

He looked at Pete’s eyes and replied .

“It’s because two months ago, the Byron kingdom succeeded in subjugating the monsters . ”

“Oho . ”

Pete exclaimed with a surprised expression .

Then, Pierce butted in .

“And why? What does the subjugation of the Byron kingdom have something to do?”

The reply came from Pete’s mouth instead of Roan’s .

“The guys of the Byron kingdom pushed the monsters to the south . To the side of our kingdom . ”

Roan continued saying .

“The monsters that were pressed back came to our Rinse kingdom . And because of that, the number of the monsters that would gather in Pedian’s plain will be much more . ”

“Ah…… . ”

Pierce frowned and let out a low exclamation .

“The guys from the Byron kingdom are bad guys . ”

Roan didn’t refute him and just shrugged his shoulders .

In the place of Byron kingdom, pushing the monsters away instead of annihilating them was much easier to do so, and they suffered less casualties .

However, Roan didn’t say such words .

‘Even so, it is true that we are at a loss because of them . ’

At that time, the sound of a drum was heard from far away .


The rose troop had finally reached Pedian’s plain .

Big and small camps were extended without end in the plain .

“Wow . ”

“It’s amazing . ”

Pierce, Glenn and the other newcomer soldiers exclaimed .

In the other side, Roan’s eyes was still calm .

‘First, it is important to know on what zone the rose troop is going to be stationed . ’

Only then will he be able to guess the things that would happen from now on .

Roan’s sight fell to the west of the plain .

‘It would be better if it was the west…… . ’

He was familiar with that place .

He clearly remembered where the nest and the camp of the monsters were, when would those things move to where .

‘Because in my past life, I fought there . ’

At that time, the rose troop changed directions .

‘As expected…… . . ’

Roan looked the place to where they were going and bit his lower lip .


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