I Want To Become The Emperor, So I Need A Divorce Chapter 7


Translator and Editor: Skye and Mikki


Chapter 7

She is right.

From the moment he heard Arnoah’s suggestion, Bell wanted this woman’s soul stone, and he wanted to see the end of the bet somehow.

To do this, the obituary has to wait a month; and Arnoah shouldn’t be dead either.

“You’ve got a good idea of how to use magic at the right time.”

He smiled in vain.

The woman in front of me really seemed to be trying to do something tremendous.

Indeed, it is crazy as it sounds. If one suddenly becomes an Emperor and asks a wizard to make a bet.

He can’t believe she decides what life depends on with such a calm expression.

It is absurd, but…

His discontented face now has a subtle smile.

She is an interesting woman.

‘She’s not like her brother after all.’

She was courageous, but calm, and had a plan. Filled with sensitivity, she is different from Luciano, who avoided any challenge whenever he wakes up and falls asleep.

He doesn’t know, but maybe there’s a fireball of ambition inside her, hidden under those calm expressions of her.

Besides, that arrogant Anakin Willo cares about this woman and how she is formed. No, is he following her right?

There is a small wave of thoughts in his head. He himself could not tell whether it is just greed for Arnoah’s soul stone, curiosity to watch her, or any other reason.

But everything about Arnoah is stirring Bell’s interest.

Bell’s smile grew stronger, and Arnoah’s fixed gaze didn’t fuzz up.

“Okay, I’ll put off the obituary for a month.”

Bell said as if he was just spitting out casually. Arnoah’s face brightened up.

It was a clear yes.

“There is a distance between the Empire and this place, so no one else will be able to deliver the obituary that fast.”

He’s made up his mind already.

A slightly unfamiliar thought came to Bell as if watching this plan might be more pleasant than taking a nap in his estate as he raised his head.

Arnoah closed her eyes once and opened them afterwards.

“So, let’s start with the first plan then?”

Her voice is as cheerful as ever. Her gaze that had been directed at the fire is now directed at Bell.

She looked at him straight in the face.

Bell isn’t used to that look. As he remembered, Anakin is the only one who could see him, the royal wizard, in such an equal view.

“For a month…”


Arnoah let out a small breath.

In the span of one month.

She intended to shake Vainas from head to toe as it is.

Let him think he can’t live with his evil wife.


“You bitch, how dare you follow me? I am the only person in the world who can sit next to him who is dazzling just by looking at him!”


A fierce-faced silver-haired woman swings her hand.

With her raised eyes, deep red eyeshadow, and lipstick, she is as fierce as a witch.

“Gasp! Please raise your hand, Your Highness!”

The innocent blonde beauty shrieks and falls down. There are tears in her eyes.

At that moment, a handsome man in a colorful purple cape jumps in front of the fallen beauty.

“Ah! Nanisa!”

“Oh, my Lord! Everything is my fault, but the baby in my stomach is…”

“Nanisa, say no more!”

The handsome man who is calling his lover slowly turns his head toward the silver-haired witch.

The affection that filled his beautiful eyes turned into a blazing rage in an instant.

“Your Highness, listen to me. She only loves Your Majesty.”

“Shut up, Irnia.”

He cuts off the woman’s words with frightening chills and strode in front of her.

“Your Majesty, please forgive me once…”


She couldn’t finish her sentence because the sword that the man took out like lightning grazed the woman’s body.

Then, crimson liquid spills out of her, and she collapses.

“I-I love you…”

The silver-haired woman dies with her last confession, and the remaining man and woman embrace each other and sing the Arias of Love.

“Wow, that’s a masterpiece!”

“Hahah! It is so touching.”

The nobles watching the performance, led by Count Estea, gave a standing ovation. Some were emotional and wiped away tears, while others whistled.

It’s a sight. It really is a sight.

Arnoah, who had to force herself to watch the performance in the best seats next to King Vainas, flicked her tongue.

The future of Dirhan’s performing world is bleak.

The title of this play after the opening performance is .

It is a passionate drama about the love triangle between the young king and his first love, and the vicious queen, who is the obstacle between the two.

By Arnoah’s standards, the play, which was made by industry leaders, is predictable and terrible.

There’s no one who split up, but the male protagonist who breaks his face while crying out, “The cursed fate that separated us!”

The female protagonist who cries and appeals from beginning to end.


‘You can’t have him, I’ll break you two!’ cried by the mad villain.

An easy-going story that followed the royal triangle that has been in vogue for the past two years.

Isn’t this dog shit?

‘I don’t think this trend will ever end.’

One fresh attempt by the screenwriter in this play is the setting that Irna, the villainess, actually loved the king.

In this love triangle, the queen is originally portrayed as a heartless woman who is a corpse except for the desire for power. I heard three-dimensional villains are popular too.

However, that part is the most unlucky evocation for Arnoah.

How can you love a man who proposes to marry and treats his wife as an obstacle?

Glancing at Vainas, he is nodding with a soft smile. He looked like he liked the play very much.

“Eh… this play is all a product of creation, and has nothing to do with an actual event…”

The director who was greeting along with the actors laughed and nailed it.

Of course it’s a foreshadowing. Just by looking at the names of the characters, Vanas, Nanisa, and Irnia, it is clear who had become models for each role.

The recent box office hits are all like this as expected.

Arnoah, and “the Ruined Count of Estea,” slowly followed with applause and thought.

The performance industry turned out to be 70 percent due to Count Estea.

She is a big influencer in the art industry, and had been pouring his money into novels, plays, and operas since two years ago.

Many of them are successful when huge capital was invested, which helped to increase the popularity of Larissa Estea, the daughter of the count, who is the first love of the king in reality. The Count’s aim thus became successful.

Thanks to this, the performance industry is failing slowly, with only similar third-rate romance plays.

‘But what Dirhan would want to see is the art field.’

Arnoah thought to herself.

She had almost been brought to the concert hall at the behest of the king. It is all about Vainas’ stench, showing his performances insulting Arnoah, and forcing her to applause.

When she first got hit, she felt like a fire was rising from her heart, but now she is just calm.

These days, she even has time to worry about the art world of Dirhan.

“Call the actor forward.”

Vainas opened his mouth. The applause died down a little.

As the actor who played the male lead walked out as a representative, he then greeted him politely, Vainas nodded solemnly to him.

“I heard that the actor is so famous these days.”

“It’s Rick Tabien! All the popular performances I have these days are all main characters. Dunny!”

Behind Arnoah’s back, the two wives murmured.

Arnoah rolled his eyes.

Rick Tabien’s face is well known to her.

The rising divinity of the theatrical world is actually the illegitimate son of Count Estea’s distant family.

With his unusual face and well-knitted connections, he became the protagonist of all the recent romance playwrights.

The King who had conflicts between evil wife and his true love, the Duke who falters between his wicked fiancé and his first love, and a knight who flees with his lover by resisting the courtship of a ferocious foreign royal woman. In other words, he is the Vainas of the performance world.

“It was an impressive performance.”

Vainas’ voice resounded around the concert hall.

With everyone dead silent, Rick shuddered emotionally. He was always like that when he was praised by the king.

“You have a good eye.”

“T-thank you, Your Majesty!”

Is there an actor who has ever gained praise directly from the King’s mouth?

That is a great honor already.

His eyes glistened and his head bowed.

“Queen, what was your favorite line in the play?”

Vainas looked at Arnoah cynically.

In an instant, curious eyes were focused on her.

“Why don’t you repeat the Queen’s line in the play? It sounds fun.”

There are giggles coming from different sides. Thus Arnoah bit her lip slightly like it’s part of her habit.

There is no one who wouldn’t understand Vainas other than her.

By reciting lines that insult her, it meant that he regarded her as a clown and wanted to be entertained.

The means of their bullying methods are dirty and cheap, just like Vainas. That’s why she hasn’t gotten used to it after how many times.

He probably won’t leave the theater until she does what he wants.

While reluctantly speaking, the line became popular all over the country.

“So Shall we?”

But Arnoah was not embarrassed.

She’d been waiting for this moment all along.

Because it was the first step in her plan.

If Vainas left Arnoah as Queen to build his insignificant pride, she will now show him how deeply she can hurt his dignity.

“Oh, you’re too aggressive.”

Vainas said with a smile.

“Then, Your Majesty.”

Arnoah grinned and responded.

“May I work with the main actor then?”


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