The Mysterious Black Magician Chapter 324


'Now, this is an interesting pair,' Yman thought.

Everyone was so tense as they were waiting for the start signal from the referee. Finally, two students from the elite class were facing each other on stage.

What would be the outcome? Who among them would win this match? Everyone had such thoughts in their mind.

Even the VIPs in the VIP room were excited to see the outcome. These two, after all, come from known families.

"Ah, so it's between the Sun and the branch of the Crescent family. Fufu, interesting," Adam Praeter commented.

"Crescent family? Mr. Adam sir, do you mean the Crescent family who ruled over the north of the country?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Jack."

"Do you have some information regarding them, Jack?" Sunday was curious.

"Among all the top families in the P-country, the Crescent family has the biggest members. They lead some major departments in the country. They also have many branches, and also, the Crescent family is known for their body transformation technique which originally comes from the western continent," Jack explained.

"So their ancestor was someone from a western country, is that what you mean?"

"Yes, Madam Sunday," Jack nodded.

"Perhaps it is an intercross among two different genes?" Adam interjected.

"Wait, isn't that prohibited by the law, Mr. Adam, sir?"

"Actually, it is," said Adam. Then he added, "In the lost era, such a thing was a common occurrence. But, after the appearance of mana, intercrossing between two different countries was banned in all countries due to the risk of leaking each country's abilities. However, it only applied to major families. Common people are exempted from this law. Also, their intercrossing might have happened before the law was implemented."

Sunday was nodding her head. "I see…"


While they were talking about Brai's family origin, on the stage, the start of the battle was declared.

Chloe is now sitting together with Yana and Rea in the audience podium. On the other hand, Bob was still resting in the hospital.

After Referee Goki announced the start of the battle, an intense aura burst out from the two.

Kiko was grinning. He already planted all his invisible bombs in every corner of the stage in a matter of seconds.

Kiko was a direct descendant of the Sun family. He could have all the resources he needed to advance faster than his peers. His family was very attentive towards him. After all, he was born as a genius of one of the major families in the country.

There's no way he would lose against a mere branch family. No matter how good Brai was. That's why, Kiko was so confident that he would win in this match, otherwise. Not just because he was from the direct descendants of the Sun family. But because he had advanced control in his abilities.

Regardless, based on his knowledge, the branch families had limited resources compared to the main family.

So since Brai was from the branch of the Crescent family and Kiko was from the main lineage of the Sun family gave Kiko the upper hand in this battle.

There's no way the top families let their branch families excel than the main family. It wasn't an issue of the country, but an issue inside the aforementioned family.

Brai made the first move. He unsheathed his sword then let it absorb his mana.

"An enchanting ability?" Sunday muttered in surprise.

"A weapon enchanting ability. I heard the Crescent family also owned a blacksmithing firm," answered Jack.

"I see. No wonder."


"Fufu, you're a very knowledgeable, young man," Adam Praeter chuckled slightly as he complimented.

"J-Just my job, sir," Jack answered shyly while rubbing the back of his head.

Adam Praeter slightly narrowed his eyes before returning his gaze to the stage. They were looking at the competition from a higher plane. It was inside the third floor of a relatively closer building where they could oversee the stage without a problem.

Inside the room, there were also some big monitors where they could watch the match. So, it's up to them to choose where they are comfortable to watch.

Their attention was drawn by the series of explosions coming from the stage. They saw the glowing sword of Brai concentrated bluish mana on its edge. Then, it magnified all the mana and discharged as a bluish energy wave. Three waves of bluish energy were fired successively.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

They made humming sounds as they flew towards their target. A second later was another series of explosions. They exploded and created trenches on the stage.

"Oh... Such a highly concentrated energy wave could easily kill its opponent when hit. Even Kiko understood it, huh," Instructor Musk commented.

"That's why he had to evade," Instructor Torr also added.

The two of them were currently watching the match in the corner.

"Tsk!" Kiko clicked his tongue.

It was the first time after coming to this academy that he had to defend himself from an attack. He is usually the offensive type. But Brai's attack was just too dangerous. Even for him.

Currently, it was Brai who was dictating the match. Kiko was on the defensive. Yet another wave of a highly concentrated mass of energies was fast approaching him.

But a grin did not leave on Kiko's face. Before they reached him, "Don't get too cocky!" He bellowed, the next second, the incoming waves of energies bloomed and exploded and disappeared after.

It seemed as though they hit an invisible wall.

The stunned audience was wondering what had happened.

Now it's Kiko's time to direct the match. He did not waste more time and shoot multiple fireballs. They spiraled towards Brai like multiple fireworks.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Seeing the incoming fireballs, Brai calmly exhaled while closing his eyes.

Then he summoned mana from within his body until his body was enveloped by bluish energy. As expected of a person who was in a False Path stage, he has bluish mana. Everyone understood it just based solely on the color of his mana.

Brai's figure suddenly disappeared from his position. They saw him leaping towards the incoming fireballs. Instead of avoiding Kiko's fireballs, Brai chose to approach them!

"Hehe, show-off…" Kiko chuckled. Brai had no idea that those fireballs were actually not ordinary. They were explosive fireballs that would explode when touched. Also, there were about 10 of them!

However, Kiko was stupefied when Brai easily cut his fireballs like cutting fruits. They split in half then disappeared into thin air without exploding.

"Wha--!" Kiko couldn't believe.

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