Paragon of Destruction Chapter 27


Chapter 27

“They’re the ones!” the shopkeeper said . “Came in and spent half a dozen gold crowns, without even haggling . At that age!”

One of the white-robed figures stepped forward, a tall woman in her middle years, with black hair and coarse features .

“I’ll take a look at them,” she said with an ominous glance at Arran and Jiang Fei .

As the woman approached them, Arran instinctively put his hand on his sword, although he understood the gesture to be futile . The woman noticed, and her lips twisted in a mocking smirk .

“You don’t believe that will help, do you?”

Arran was about to speak, but at that moment, Jiang Fei cut in .

“So now Father has sent the Academy after me?” Her tone was harsh, almost as if she was trying to provoke the Academy mages .

The white-robed woman frowned in confusion . “Your father? We’re not—”

“I will not marry a man three times my age!” Jiang Fei exclaimed angrily . “We might not be the most important branch of the Jiang clan, but I will not be sold like a piece of meat!”

The woman looked bewildered . “Marry…? Jiang clan…?”

“I think we may have a small misunderstanding on our hands . ” A handsome white-robed man stepped forward . His hair was long and black, and there was a strange agelessness to his smiling face .

Something about him reminded Arran of Master Zhao, although this man seemed to lack Master Zhao’s brusque demeanor .

The man turned to the black-haired woman, then said, “Junior Chen, please allow me . “

The woman immediately stepped back, nodding to the man in a gesture that seemed to lie somewhere between respect and fear .

“My name is Stormleaf,” the man said . “We’re looking for a group of rogue mages who were involved in the murder of several members of our Academy . “

Jiang Fei gave him a shocked look . “Murder?! And you think we are responsible?”


Stormleaf shook his head with a friendly smile . “As I said, I think there’s a misunderstanding . This gentleman informed us of a pair of suspicious youths . “

He gestured toward the shopkeeper, who was starting to look uncomfortable .

“Naturally, we had to investigate,” the man continued . “But I think we may have received some bad information . Still…”

Suddenly, he stepped forward, putting his hand against Arran’s head . In an instant, Arran felt panic surge within his body as he understood the man would be looking for a Realm .

Now, he thought, he would finally find out if Master Zhao had been telling the truth about Shadow Essence being invisible to other mages . If it wasn’t, or if Master Zhao’s seals somehow failed…

After a few moments, the man removed his hand from Arran’s head and moved to Jiang Fei . Arran was relieved, but he still felt some anxiety as he watched the man examine Jiang Fei .

Finally, Stormleaf stepped back .

“As I thought, not a trace of magic . Although…” He hesitated before continuing . “You’re a daughter of the Jiang clan, but you haven’t opened any Realms?”

Jiang Fei’s face fell . “I never had the talent,” she said with a sorrowful expression . “That is why my father wanted to marry me off… The clan has little use for someone without magic . “

Stormleaf nodded in understanding .

“To make up for the intrusion, please allow me to invite you for dinner . Both you and your… companion?” He looked questioningly at Arran .

“Servant,” Jiang Fei said . “He might not be strong, or particularly smart, but he is loyal . ” She gave Arran a smug glance .

“Loyal servants are hard to find,” Stormleaf said in agreement . “Of course, your servant will be welcome to join us . “

“Very well,” Jiang Fei replied . “Just give us some moments to change into more appropriate attire . We are still wearing our travel clothes . ” She gestured at her robe with a look of distaste .


“Of course,” the man said . “We will wait here until you are ready . “

With a grateful smile at Stormleaf, Jiang Fei entered the inn, Arran following behind her .

When they approached their rooms, Arran spoke, “What the—”

Jiang Fei frantically raised her finger to her lips, then made a gesture that Arran understood to mean that the Academy mages outside could still hear them .

“Of the clothes I have prepared for you, put on the black outfit,” she said loudly . “And do make sure to be on your best behavior tonight . “

Arran glared at her, but he understood that right now, all he could do was play the role she had given him .

“Of course, mistress Jiang,” he answered, trying his best to sound like what he thought a servant would sound like .

A short while later they stepped out of the inn, dressed in some of the clothes they had bought earlier that day .

Jiang Fei wore an exquisite crimson dress, and Arran a black silk outfit that Jiang Fei had picked out for him . He was annoyed to find that it was as uncomfortable as it was expensive .

“Master Stormleaf,” Jiang Fei said with a respectful nod . “Where shall you take us tonight?”

“Allow me to surprise you,” the man replied with a smooth smile that made Arran shudder in revulsion . There was something about the man that made him intensely uncomfortable .

With that they left, Stormleaf and Jiang Fei leading the way while Arran and the two Academy mages followed behind them .

They eventually arrived at a small restaurant that had more servants than customers, where Stormleaf shared a table with Jiang Fei . Arran, meanwhile, was sat at a table with the other two Academy mages, both of whom treated him as if he did not exist .

The meal lasted several hours, but although the food was amazing, Arran could only make himself eat a few bites . Several times, he felt a strong urge to flee, which he only barely managed to suppress .

Jiang Fei, on the other hand, seemed to be in her element, talking and laughing with Stormleaf as if she had known the man for years . Arran could not hear their conversation, but by the look of them, they seemed to be getting along quite well .

Finally, the meal ended, and Stormleaf accompanied Jiang Fei on their way back to the inn, with Arran once more following behind them .

“Miss Jiang,” Stormleaf asked while they walked, “could you tell me where you are headed?”

“I am going to visit my uncle in Silvermere,” she replied . “Even if Father will not listen to me, I am sure Uncle will intervene once he learns of this matter . “

“Then why don’t you travel with us?” Stormleaf said . “I don’t intend to stay in this region, and Silvermere is only a few weeks’ travel away . “

“I am grateful for the offer,” Jiang Fei said with a surprised look, “but I could not possibly trouble you like that . “

“Miss Jiang,” Stormleaf said, his expression suddenly serious, “a young lady like yourself should not travel alone, with just a servant to protect you . The roads are filled with bandits these days . That you even made it this far is a small miracle . “

He shook his head, then added, “I could not possibly let you face such dangers without proper protection . “

“In that case, I shall be happy to accept your kind offer,” Jiang Fei replied . This time, there was a hint of panic in her smile, although Stormleaf did not seem to notice .

“It’s settled then,” the man said . “We shall be here to pick you up at dawn . “

Arran felt like he was about to throw up .

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