Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Shichi-nin no Kikōshi Chapter 7
No Longer a Game
Chaos Online is heralded as the first 'Hardcore' VRMMORPG. Pain conversion is set at a staggering 75%, and graphical fidelity has been pushed to the limits without any censorship whatsoever. 'Who wants to feel their skin melt from dragon fire?' some asked as they dismissed it. Despite the popular belief that no one would play a game so close to reality, Chaos Online sold millions on the first day. Fight. Suffer. Win. Welcome to Chaos Online.
8 216World apocalypse
No one could have really said how it would all end, but I guess we were pretty close...
8 201Legacy of Kail
The white-haired Kail is a member of the mercenary guild Anima. Having seemingly appeared out of nowhere one day, his life before Anima is surrounded is unknown to his peers. Now he takes on various jobs that have him travelling across the land of Terra Deorum, meeting a variety of friends and foes in his travels. In a world of warring nations, magic, and monsters, Kail has many obstacles to overcome. Although he has his own unusual ability to help him on his way; the ability to see and speak to the dead.
8 178Gates of Doom
December 2069 What were your plans for getting old? A well maintained pension and a trip around the world, a nest-egg and that little cottage in the country you’ve always dreamed off, Or (in the case of this author,) dying just before retirement age so you didn't have to worry about not saving money. Well luckily enough we all got it wrong , and our lives are now spent in virtual worlds, smiting orcs! Gates of Doom was one of the first big MMO realities , where players could experience an ongoing world of fantasy , daring , romance and danger. Not only was it a great place to adventure , but as gamers got older and entered retirement age ,they spent more and more time connected to it's virtual lands .For many of them 'Gates became their home. Now after many years , and a gradual decline in popularity , Gates of Doom has new owners with new agendas and has been revamped and rebooted . Is players are taking their first steps in a very new , and very different world..
8 168Love of Yiruma
Би ер нь дуу хөгжимд их мэдрэг ханддаг хүн л дээ. Тэгээд энд нэг булан гаргасан юм. Энд чухам юу орох нь уу гэтэл хэдэн дууны шүлэг орох шинжтэй. Би дууны ая данд илүүтэй хандтай, чих тавин таашаал авдаг л төрлийн хүн юм л даа. Гэхдээ аливаа нэг дуу надад машид гүн гүнзгий сэтгэгдэл төрүүлбэл шүлгийг нь нэн шохоорхож эхэлдэг. Энэ хэсэгт чухамдаа миний зүрх сэтгэлд хэсэгхэн зай эзлээд одох гадаад хэл дээрх дууг монгол хэлнээ хөрвүүлэн оруулах бяцхан ажил өрнөх юм. Гадаад хэлнээс эх хэл рүүгээ дуу, шүлэг хөрвүүлнэ гэдэг бас ч нарийн мэдрэмж шаардсан ажил гэж бодном. Тэдгээр яруу сайхан мөр шадуудыг шуудхан үгчилж буулгах чухам учир дутагдалтай санагддаг тул аль болох утгачилж, утга санааг өөрийн хэл соёлын өвөрмөц онцлогт дүйцүүлэн орчуулж гэмээ нь яруу байдлаа хадгалсаар байх болов уу. Иймд миний бие онц сонирхолтой, олонд танигдаагүй өвөрмөц шүлгүүдийг аль болох утга дүйцүүлэн, мөн ядмагхан яруу найргийн мэдрэмжээ давс хужрыг нь тааруулах мэт хаялаад чадан ядан уншигч та бүхэнд сонирхуулахаар шулуудлаа. Болгооно уу.
8 174Art Book
Imma dump all my drawings here just to see my progressss
8 199