《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 16. Working Evolution


This was...so bad.

I think I had a mini-stroke. My heart can't stop beating as I followed the maid leading me to my room.

Like everybody around here, she was also not human, since her skin was blue, and she had bull horns on her head.

A demon, or something like that...Too tired to think...

The worst was that this wasn't physical strain, but mental.

Being cut, pierced, and almost killed in a span of 24 hours, does put quite a strain on a weak mind like mine.

I didn't even notice when the maid stopped in the middle of what I could only think was a mad scientist's lab.

A circular room, filled with a table, packed with various medical and scientific equipment, with its center shanked a little, like an arena, with a metal table in it.

"This is where you will be staying from now on. We will send you fresh cloth and the first materials the king wants you to work with. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes, where is the bedroom?"

"There isn't. The bed is over there."

She pointed at one of the furthest points of the room.

Exercising my eyes, I noticed the single-sized bed which was hidden behind another table.

"Right, work before comfort. Quite familiar."

The maid, probably knowing that was all, bowed and walked away, closing the door behind her.

"Home sweet home."

As I walked to my bed, I took several empty containers and lined them up on the nearest table.

"Like I am going to trust these guys."

Lifting my bone saw, which somehow stayed with me, I cut off pieces from my 'flesh" and put them in the containers. After I was done, I poured the last of my healing potion into them, creating several little monsters for myself.

I would be a fool if I trusted them completely.

[7 new [Lesser Mold Being] created and tamed.]

[Current TMN: [231.810]]

Nice, now I will place these things in several different places, acting as my guards.

Now that's done, a quick sleep is in order.

Once I threw myself on the bed, I immediately got absorbed by the darkness of dreams.


??? POV:

In an unknown place, which was nothing, literal solid blackness an old woman was pulling a small carriage all by herself.

The lantern hanging before her was the only light source of light, which illuminated her way.

"I see you and your husband finally started to move around."

From the darkness next to her, another figure stepped out.

It was a tall man, wearing a black robe and his head was hidden by a silver mask, shaped like the smiling face of a lion.

The old woman stopped in her tracks and looked at the man.

"You guys aren't staying put either. Seeing you here can only mean that the people upstairs have finally started to act."

"...Echidna, it's not too late for you to stop. Return to the abyss and we will forget that this ever happened."

The old woman shook her head in resignation.

"It is too late for that. All 14 cards have been distributed. The Seven have been designed, and we wait for their birth."


The lion masked breathed in sharply, before speaking again.

"Then you give us no other choice."

He pulled out a silver sword from his side and pointed it towards her head.

"In the name of Heavens, I, the angel of Charity Michael, shall retaliate! After we defeat your 14 Demon Lords and 7 Sin, the might of celestials shall befall upon you! Mother of Monster Echidna and Father of Monsters Typhon, prepare for divine judgment!"


[Data Received]

[Data is currently incompatible with the host.]

[Data will be activated once hos is compatible]



I woke up drenched in sweat as I tried to understand what I had just seen.

"There was an... a granny... then a lion...talking about... an anteater?"

The more I thought about it, the less I could remember.

As I stood up, I stretched my limbs and looked around.

"Where am I? Oh, right, new job, new house."

While I was walking around, I found a bunch of neatly folded cloth laid before my door.

"How did they know my size?"

As I put on my clothes, I started to make a check-up list in my head.

"I should get some food and look around this place. If I am going to be the doctor of this place, I should give a physical to these people, to see if they are physically fine."

Once I put on the brown pants, white shirt, yellow glows, and a white lab coat, I exited the room.

Now, from where do I go?

Turning left, I walked through the stone corridor, which was illuminated by the torches.

"Am I underground?"

At the end of the corridor, I arrived back at the throne room, looking exactly like I left it. even the floor was still broken.

"Let's see, Hive Control."

I manifested the screen before me and searched the room.


I went to the ruble and dug out something.

It was my little monster, barely moving but alive.

"I will take care of you later. Hive Absorption."

After I absorbed the little guy, I continued walking to the big door.

"Open sesame...Or I just walk through it."

The door was harder to pass through as if it was made from jelly.

While I was in the middle of it, I noticed several magic circles lining up the inside of the door.

A barrier, fortification perhaps. It seems like I can now pass through these kinds of things. Is this some sort of natural evolution?

Once I passed through the door, I found myself in an indoor garden.

Trees, grass, flowers, even birds flying around under a ceiling illuminated by yellow crystals.

"Well, isn't this expensive."

"I prefer to call it beautiful."

Next to me, the ground shifted allowing a figure to rise from it.

It was that green girl, from before.

Sigh, not again,

"I prefer efficiency. An indoor garden is a hell of a work to maintain."

"No need for maintenance with dryads around."

Dryads. Not too knowledgeable about mythology, but from the memories, I was born with and from the books, I know that they are some sort of natural spirits.


"Right. Obviously. My bad. Hey, do you know where I can find some grub?"

"...Follow me."

Not walking, rather moving the ground beneath her, she went deeper into the forest.

"Show off."

We passed through the forest arriving at yet another big ass door.

"How many of these do you have?"

"Doors? We only have a couple of hundreds."

"Hundreds. Right."

She came closer to the gate and pressed her hand on it.


At her command, the gate slowly opened, with a rumbling noise.

"You must teach me that."

"The king will. He is waiting for you. Turn around the left corner and head straight."

"Thank yo-She is gone."

When I looked where she stood, there was nothing but a quickly closing hole in the ground.

"So un -personal."

Following her instruction, I went in the way she instructed me.

"Finally, a normal door."

Opening it, normally I was in a dining hall.

Tables, chairs, drunk monsters, the whole thing.

Nope, not here to make friends. I will grab some food, talk with that king and start working.

I quickly turned invisible and grabbed a plate and started to fill it with various foods from the open buffet before me.

Bacon, sausage, fried eggs, and fried mushrooms. The breakfast of the winners.

Turning the plate invisible as well I walked to an empty table near the back, sat, and ate.

Damn, this thing is good. What meat is this made of? No, I don't care. Just give me more of it!

This food, which I could taste perfectly, was so good, I didn't notice that I returned visible and that somebody was already sitting before me.


It was the king.

She was eating in silence a grey sludge, which seemed to move a little.

What is she doing here?

"My Que-I mean my King, what are you doing here?"

"I am eating."

"I can see that. What I am asking is, why are you eating before me? Do you have a task for me, or do you just want company?"

She looked up at me.

Sitting so close to her, I just noticed that she had an unnaturally wide mouth.

Is it why she is called The Toad?

"Yesterday, I had no time to assign you your first task. I want you to examine each of my wives and children. Search for any abnormalities in their body which can endanger their lives."

"Y-Your children. Your majesty...may I ask how many you have?"

"I have 6 and 4 on the way."

Male! This is a guy! no doubt about it anymore! Or she has a male's reproductive organ! Wait, frogs can change their sex if needed, but that only happens when they are only tadpoles, and there have to be several factors in it, like climate, water purity, and hormones.

Those that mean that she/he/it can change his sex willingly? Can a single skill do that?!

"Ten children and...eight wives, if I counted right?"

"Yes. Can you do it?"

"Well, I can. But it will be my first time examining so many different creatures. Do you perhaps have a library or something like that, in which I can study?"

"I already sent all the books you need to your lab. You have 2 days to read them."

"...Of course, naturally."

He/She/It wants to keep me from accessing more knowledge than I should. Well jokes on him/her/it, I will search this place, find it, and acquire all the knowledge I can!

"Alright then. I shall commence my work right now."

"Before you go, I need you to do something."


He/She/It lifted his/her/its hand, making a small, mouse-like creature in his/her/its palm.

"I heard that you only need five levels for you to reach your level cap. Take this enhanced mouse and kill it in your room, the evolution will be more pleasant that way."

Evolution. So, it does exist here. Will I turn into something more inhuman, or will I become more normal?

Strangely hearing about the possibility of me turning into something less didn't make me worry at all, instead it filled me with excitement.

I will become an entirely new creature! Something better, stronger, smarter!

"Alright. If you excu-"


"-se me, I- Not again!"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was back in my new room, next to the dissection table.

"Got to say, the king isn't somebody who likes to talk."

Shaking my head, I looked at the rodent in my hand.

The small thing was shaking, its tiny eyes filled with fear, not understanding what was happening to it.


I didn't trust these people. So, I need the power to defend myself against them.

At least I will make it painless.

Crushing the poor thing with my own hands, I quickly absorbed it into my body, leaving not a single drop of blood from it.

[380 EXP received.]

[Level Cap reached.]

[Commencing evolution...]

As if somebody switched my body off, I collapsed on the table, not feeling anything from my body, my mind completely blank from any thought.

[Number of selectable evolutions:[3]]

[Name of Species and compatibility: [Mold High Mountain Gorilla(18%)][Mold Magic Human(53%)] [Mold High Elf(67%)]]

[Highest evolutionary path selected.]


[Generating cocoon.]

As I heard the words, my body fell apart, my tentacles encircling me, locking me in a warm darkness.

[Cocoon created.]

[Starting body reconstruction]

[Required time for full evolution: 3 hours]

[Initiating sleep mode.]


Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Low Molded Chimera Skeleton] Lv: 10/70 (20/60)

Main Class: [Life Scholar]

Sub Class: [Runner]

HP(Health Points): 115/115

SP(Stamina Points): 125

MP(Magic Points): 75/75

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [231.810]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [Basic Fast Eye] [Formula Creation]] [Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field]

Passive Skills: [Basic Body Knowledge] [Basic Plant Knowledge] [Basic Medicine Knowledge] [Basic Stamina Enhancement] [Basic Movement Enhancement] [Basic Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw A Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master]


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