《A Goblin's Tale》1.19
The dungeon stood over them, but it did not loom over them like it once did. Instead, it looked like the ruins of a once grand structure and one that will not see the light of the next century. The double doors that opened inward were now cracked and broken, its black exterior that gleamed in the sunlight now a lifeless grey hue devoid of personality and vigor. The light of the sun penetrated deep into it that a good distance of its interior was touched by the outside light and gone was the darkness that engulfed everything that entered the cavernous maw of the great dungeon.
Adventurers that were hastily brought together by the guild with the promise of coin and glory stood around the entryway of the dungeon. Most of them are just passing adventurers that took the job out of desperation, some were lured by the promise of treasure waiting for them within the dungeon’s depths. Among the intrepid adventurers that gazed into the dungeon are three adventurers and the two children that forced Liam to let them join the expedition. They brought with them weapons fit for a Silver Rank, yet doubtful glances were cast towards their direction about their capability in battle.
Stefan stared at Ameera as she tightly tied the scabbard of her large dagger to her leg while her brother patted away the mud on his pants. Katherine and Ludwig were at the front, they were busy with the division of the different teams that signed up for the raid so Stefan didn't really know who to ask about the two children that stared up at him.
"You're gonna die down there, you kn- Oof. What was that for, Riel?"
Semilia rubbed the back of her head after Riel gave it a slight "tap" with her staff. The Mage smirked at her as she shook her head.
"Those two already knew that. The best way to discourage them is like th- Ow!"
"Shut up, you two! You aren't helping! Look, Ameera, Orien... We're not sure if we could look out for you guys."
Ameera shrugged at Stefan’s words. She expected such words from them, and from the others as well. But she knew they had to do this dive.
"It's okay, Mister Stefan. We don't want to drag the three of you down due to our selfish reasons. We just want to recover our... friends' remains. "
Their eyes glanced at Ameera as she adjusted the tightness of her eyepatch. Orien sighed as he looked at the entrance with trepidation in his eyes.
"It looks so..."
Riel took the words out of Stefan’s mouth. But before he could check if he had his trusted flask of booze on him, he felt something cold touch him.
Stefan leapt as he felt the cold touch of someone's hand on his shoulder. The wisps of black smoke and shadow immediately tipped him off to the person's identity.
"M-Madame Azalia. I suppose Archmage Lho'thrain won't be joining us?"
The Shadowmancer nodded as she adjusted the hood of her robes. She let out a groan as she stepped out of Stefan's shadow and into the bright sun.
"His work prevented him from joining the expedition. One of my peers told us of… happenings in the city, yet I was forced to accompany you and the forces promised in our agreement. I suppose I can lead the small group he sent to help with the effort. Twenty of our finest students, as per the agreement."
She pointed at the large group that trailed out of the forest. Their robes were alike with one another but the crests sewn onto the backs of each varied from student to student.
"It's the uniform of the school. I wonder if the length and material will hamper them in the dungeon. What are your thoughts, Captain Stefan?"
Azalia asked with a serious expression while he tried to ignore the scoffs and giggles he heard from the two girls behind him.
"I... I don't think so. If they're good casters, I think we'll have to split them up amongst the groups. How good are they, by the way?"
"All of them are Level 15 and above Mages. None of them are Level 25, but their Skills are potent enough to be a threat to most High Level monsters."
"Level 15, huh? Riel is a Level 17 Mage, and I knew of a Pyromancer that was Level 50... I guess I'll have to take your word for it."
"Powerful, yes. Experienced? Not so much. We are hoping that this dive would be a learning experience for them as well as providing the library with knowledge about this ancient structure."
Azalia looked at her beloved students from a distance. She did not show it for the veil that hid her face hid her emotions as well, but everyone could tell that she was worried for them.
"Levels... I'm not really sure how Mage levels work but if they're as good as Riel, then I can probably trust them."
Stefan smiled at the Shadowmancer as she flashed him a thankful smile.
The adventurers gathered around Katherine and Ludwig. Priests sang hymns and prayers in a solemn tone while Ludwig splashed Holy Water on his pristine armor while the adventurers around them made offerings of prayers or tossed a gold coin to the wind as offerings to the Gods. Stefan already poured out a swig of fine whiskey for the Goddess on his way up the mountain, and he made sure that Riel and Semilia made their own offerings as well.
Still, he wondered if the Gods could even watch them in that dark place. He turned towards the adventurers and the Guardsmen as they took down the barricades that blocked the entrance of the dungeon. He noticed the piles of burnt bodies in the large ditch near the dungeon and he wondered what made those creatures scurry out of the dungeon’s depths. After a moment, he heard the whistle of Ludwig as he stood over the large group like the mountain he was.
"Hmm. On schedule."
Stefan muttered out as he watched Katherine divide the group of Mages amongst the teams.
"Arron and Jared will be in charge of the traps and scouting, right?"
"That's the plan. We'll be travelling with Katherine, so you better have the route memorized, Sem."
"Yeah, don't worry about it. I just don't want to be in the same place as that spikey-haired brat."
"Why? What's wrong with him?"
"His entire posse is just a bunch of girls that focus on support. Will that even be effective?!"
Stefan glanced over at Jared as he handed out the potions not just to his team, but to the others as well.
His large spear was wrapped in white cloth doused in Holy Water. A Priestess was performing sacred rites on it while he assessed the quality of the different adventurers assigned to him and Arron. Stefan watched him as he walked over to Arron and handed him what remains of the potions. The Assassin simply nodded and gave them to his small team while he sat under a large oak tree.
The sound of leaves cracking beneath his feet as he walked alerted the adventurers around him as he passed them. They glanced at the team of three that will guide them through this dungeon, and they averted their gaze as the Low-Elf behind the Silver-Ranked adventurer shot them daggers with her glare. All five of them followed after Stefan as he walked towards the two leaders of this particular group.
"... You're not making any sense here."
"Tch! Like I said, I'm the main damage dealer on my team. The girls buff me and support me from a safe distance while I deal with the monsters up front and personal."
"That... doesn't sound safe. Wouldn't it be better if every one of your team's members could deal damage?"
"But our team mostly fights Goblins and small monsters. It wouldn't be great if they went with me into their dens. Nasty little shits might-"
"Stefan. Good morning."
Arron looked relieved as he stood up from the small block of wood he was sitting on. He nodded at Semilia and Riel and he bowed his head at the Shadowmancer while Jared just cocked his head back at the six of them.
"Mornin' to you guys."
"Good morning. I'm just here to ask if you're ready for the dive."
Arron nodded as he pulled out the map Lho'thrain made for the two of them.
"We are just waiting for Miss Katherine's orders. Some of the adventurers are having cold feet, but most of them are ready and on standby. Madame Azalia, would you like to take a seat? The sun must be unbearable for you."
Jared smirked at Arron as he pointed at his nice spot under the tree. Azalia shook her head and smiled at the surprisingly nice Assassin. It was a surprise for her to find him with the obnoxious adventurer, but she
"It's fine, Arron. The sun here is nothing compared to Esuryien."
"Esuryien? The desert continent? That's a long way from here. That's the place with the slavers and caliphs, right?"
Jared nodded to himself as he stared at Azalia's dark skin. Arron let out a sigh as he glared at the dumbass beside him.
"Pharaohs as well, Jared. I came from the northern part of Esuryien and caliphs are a rare sight in that region."
“O-Oh… Then are the rumors about the mummified-”
"So what brought you here, Miss Azalia?"
Stefan asked Azalia as she positioned herself in the cool shade. Jared frowned at Stefan, but Azalia was already looking at the Swordsman with her back turned towards the loud-mouthed Jared.
"In a place where the Sun and light are worshipped, there is no place for the type of magic I practice. Besides, I do not think it is wise of me to stay in a land where the people are filled with a terrible fear of the dark. Especially now of all times..."
Shadows wrapped around her hand as she made a fan with them. Jared wanted to ask another question, but a loud, high-pitched whistle made everyone's head turn towards the beautiful woman standing on top of a large rock.
Katherine overlooked the entire force of adventurers that were spread out before her. Eric was at the head of one group with his small team of five while Ludwig's large group surrounded the armored man with his greatsword in hand. The doors of the dungeon groaned behind her as she looked at the small group meant for clearing out the traps ahead of them. Her stoic expression remained unchanged as she watched Jared flash her a smile that made the girls in his party blush.
"Adventurers! The expedition to clear the Dungeon of Arenhein has begun! I cannot promise you all that you shall be safe under my guidance, but rest assured! I shall do everything in my power to lead you through the horrors that await us! But I can promise you this!"
As if on cue, the wind blew harshly as she drew her silver rapier from her side. A gently sound came from its blade as it cut through the wind and it made everyone wonder if they really are looking at a Platinum Ranked adventurer and not an angel sent by the Gods.
"We shall come back not as adventurers, but as heroes! Forward! Into the depths! To glory and fame and into the hands of Death!"
Stefan stared at Katherine as the adventurers around him cheered and roared at her words. Arron and Jared nodded to each other after Katherine jumped off the large rock and gestured for them to start moving.
"May the Goddess bless you, Stefan."
"And may she bless the two of you as well."
Arron smiled at Stefan before shouting at the group assigned to the two of them to start moving. Jared unfurled the steel and Mithril spear he wielded while he stood in front of the crowd.
"Let's move!"
His team followed after him as he walked fearlessly into the dungeon before them all.
As much as Ludwig wanted to be the first to enter, it was Katherine's idea to send in Arron and Jared first to scout the dungeon ahead of them. It wasn't just because Katherine was irritated by Jared, although her decision to send him in first was also partly because of that. Those who were the first to enter the dungeon are seen as both courageous and foolish, for it is they who will be the first to face the dangers of the dungeon. It was the right decision for among the five of them, it is Jared who displays the bravery and confidence that is alike to that of a madman.
As the stream of people followed after him, Ludwig walked over to Katherine's side and watched the small detachment of mages that trailed behind them. Katherine sighed as she watched the damned fool being followed by the Assassin that would keep him in check.
"I wonder if comrade Arron will be alright with him..."
"I'm sure he will... Probably."
Katherine muttered out just as she ordered the next group to follow after them.
The dungeon looked lifeless with its cracked walls and broken paths. The light that shone from their torches, lanterns, and Light Spells easily broke the darkness of the dungeon. Azalia could feel the mana of the dungeon being drained away by something deep within it as she walked through the cramped hallways. There was something wrong with the dungeon, and everyone could feel it as they walked.
It had been hours since they first entered, and all they saw were broken traps and the crumbling walls of the dungeon. Arron and Jared's group disappeared into the darkness ahead of them, but all they reported were decaying corpses and traps that no longer functioned. The rooms they passed were empty as well, filled only with piles of dust older than some of them and bones that belonged to ill-fated adventurers of the past.
Katherine lifted the torch Ludwig had given her while his small team of walked around them at the head of a large force. For adventurers, a group of 40 people was already an impressive force and it is a number meant for the extermination of Wyvern nests. Katherine looked at the freshly killed Ghoul as she passed by its headless body and she wondered if the dungeon is as dangerous as a Wyvern's nest.
"The Undead here are strong... but not strong enough to pose a threat."
Ludwig clutched his greatsword as he waved a hand at the other members of his team. Katherine continued to stare straight ahead as she heard the clammoring of steel from Jared and Arron's group.
"What are the Undeads you encountered?"
"Zombies, Skeletons, Ghouls, and a few Wraiths. Jarred also reported that they encountered a Troll in one of the rooms."
"None. But five got injured."
Katherine frowned at that. It was small for a group of 30, but five people are basically a small party.
"Send ten from Eric's team and have them treated at the rear."
Ludwig nodded and passed down the order to one of his team. She nodded and immediately ran down the hallway towards the rear of their large group.
"Where are Stefan and his team? They're taking an alternative route, right?"
"They are recovering the bodies of the siblings' team and they are trying to find the maps that they used to escape the dungeon."
Ludwig sighed as he looked at the quiet Shadowmancer beside him. She was staring down the length of the hallway with the map of the dungeon in her hands.
"We are progressing quickly."
Ludwig nodded at her remark while he watched her drop small orbs of shadow from her hands.
They were already on the twentieth floor of the dungeon, and the shortcut they found will take them to the thirtieth floor. Monsters of various types attacked them, but they made quick work of whatever the dungeon threw at them. But Azalia and her mages were not interested in the clearing of the dungeon. Each empty room added to her growing disappointment, but she knew of the treasures the dungeon hid from the world.
Everyone walked silently through the silent corridors. In the distance, they could see the light of Jared and Arron's group. Ludwig wondered if the two are getting along well but knowing their personalities, Ludwig can't help but sigh at the young man's brashness and the Assassin's cold attitude. Katherine was surprisingly quiet as a leader and preferred to take in the suggestions of others instead of acting on her own judgement.
Ludwig's thoughts were interrupted when they felt a soft tremor in the earth. It only lasted for a moment and it was faint enough to be missed by most of the adventurers that followed them. Katherine and Azalia looked at each other while Ludwig stared at the now dark corridor ahead of them. His heavy footsteps bounced off the walls as he dashed forwards into the darkness while he dragged his greatsword behind him.
"Comrade Arron! Jared!"
He yelled out as he turned the corner, only to be grabbed by the shoulder by Azalia's shadows.
She hissed at him as she pulled him back from certain death. He glanced at the corridor where 30 people should've been, and shuddered.
The floor where the corridor should've been was gone, replaced by a large chasm that dropped steeply into the shadowy depths below. He could see the light of their lanterns as he peered down into the hole that opened up beneath their feet. He could see that it cut through several floors of the dungeon as well but he found the distance between each floor as odd and slightly bizarre.
Azalia and Ludwig turned towards Katherine as she watched the adventurers down below struggle to their feet.
"Looks like we found a new way down."
Her words were filled with her usual coldness as Stefan and Azalia looked at the injured people down below.
"Gods... What happened?"
Jared helped up Arron as the two looked around them.
"I don't know... Check for injuries, I'll go see where we are."
Arron brushed off the dust and debris on his shoulder as he looked up at the light above them.
Their fall was short and brief, but he could see that the height they fell from was no laughing matter. By some twist of fate, none of them was seriously injured despite the sudden drop. He could see the four girls in Jared's team healing the scratches and cuts a handful of adventurers got after rubbing against the sharp walls as they fell. He let out a groan as he looked at his small team of Assassins.
They nodded at him and made the gesture that they were okay. He nodded at them and gestured for them to watch the surroundings while he looked around. He counted the floors they passed while he watched the others behind them throw down their ropes down the side of the large hole. They were on the twentieth floor already before they fell, and he counted thirty broken floors.
"Strange... Is this really a trap? Or is it just an accident?"
Arron murmured softly as he inspected the darker rock that made up most of the lower floors of the dungeon.
The air felt heavy on this particular floor, but Arron knew that this wasn't the only problem. He could feel that the darkness here was different and vile. The lights of their torches and lantern barely penetrated deep into it, and he could tell that this was no natural darkness. He knew what darkness felt, this was something much more sinister. He turned around to tell Jared that everyone should stick together near the light, only to reach for his dagger and lunge at Jared.
He yelled out just as the strange Wraith brought down its sword. Jared was thrown forwards while Arron's side was eviscerated by the dark blade.
"Shit! Arron!"
The creature hissed and melted back into the shadows as Jared lifted his lantern up to its face.
Arron lay limp near him, blood still oozing out of the large gash by his side. He was alive, barely, and he could see the things down the hallway slowly making their way towards them.
He fumbled for the Health Potions on his bag and he carefully poured it over his wounds.
"Get them into the light. Those things... we've seen them before. Madame Azalia summoned one like it when we first met."
"Tch. It's those Shadow things... How do we kill it?"
"We can't."
Arron's sharp reply made Jared glance at him for a moment.
"Like I said... We need to stick together."
Arron slowly stood up while Jared held his spear tightly. The strange creatures stared at him as sparks of electricity flew out of the tip of his spear.
"Heh. Then try to keep-"
Something jumped out of the shadows and Jared didn't even finish his sentence. Arron shoved him away and the sounds of flesh and cloth being torn apart followed.
"Move... Move away..."
Arron gritted his teeth as he grabbed at the limb of the Shadow Fiend. Its black tendril was buried deep into his abdomen and he could feel it as it tore him apart from the inside.
"I said move! I've got this!"
Arron yelled out at the stunned Jared just as he shoved the lantern by his side into the Shadow Fiend's head.
It let out a screech and it slowly began to melt, yet it did not pull out its limb from Arron's abdomen. Instead, to everyone's horror, it wrapped more of its tendrils around his body and it slowly pulled him deeper into the dungeon. Jared let out a yell as he watched the creature cut off the hand that held the lantern. He gripped his spear tightly and swung at the creature's head.
The light of the lightning that shot out of the spear cut off its arm, yet it did not stop. It let out a screech and shoved Jared away before it disappeared into the shadows with Arron's struggling body. Jared cussed and hurled his spear into the dark corridor but it did not find its mark. It dispelled the shadows that wrapped around the walls but it failed to stop the creature that took hold of the Assassin that saved his life.
The Slime beside him carried the magical gemstones they found within its body that gave off a light bright enough to hold the Shadow Fiends at bay. They travelled through the empty corridors and towards the source of the strange sound that they heard. He carried with him a sword that gleamed with bright light and the lantern that prevented the Shadow Fiends from getting too close to the two of them.
"Miu? Miu?"
"Quiet. I hear strange sounds."
He said softly as the two of them pressed their backs against the walls and listened closely to the strange set of voices down the hall.
"D-Damn it, Orien! I knew that hallway was a trap!"
"How was I supposed to know that the floor would coll- Bah! Nevermind... It's no use arguing with you."
They didn't sound familiar, and they were young. He could tell that one of them is a male and the other is a female based on the way she was shouting at him.
"I wonder where's the others?"
"How should I know?! They're probably down the hallway or something..."
He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he waited for their approach. He wasn't sure how to deal with them, but it's better to be prepared than to get caught off-guard by adventurers.
The sounds of their slow footsteps did not mask their approach. It was foolish of them since he could easily tell where they are just from those sounds alone. The Slime beside him readied itself as well to lunge at them the moment they peek their heads out of the corner while he watched the shadows moving around them.
It moved suddenly and swiftly, its black form hidden by the darkness of the dungeon. The Goblin turned immediately and leapt out from their spot just as the Shadow Fiend closed the distance between itself and the two siblings just around the corner. The two of them froze and let out a scream just as it swung its sword at them.
The bright flash of light blinded the two children while it burned away the Shadow Fiend's form.
Without missing a beat, both he and the Slime tackled the two children to the ground. The two of them looked up at the strange monsters on top of them and felt a chill running down their backs. The Goblin looked at them with a cold face while the Slime wrapped around Ameera's body snuggly.
Orien murmured out as he stared at the Goblin's yellow eyes.
"Yes... I am Goblin."
The Goblin said as his ears picked up the sounds of the numerous Shadow Fiends that lurked around them. He let out a sigh as he turned towards the young boy and got off him.
"You will die here without light...."
The Goblin turned his back towards them and watched with his crimson eyes as the numerous shapes from down the long corridor rushed towards the small light that shone in the midst of the dungeon's darkness.
"So stay close."
The Goblin said softly as he prepared another spell.
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