《Tower of Arnold: A Somnus Story》Chapter 13: Am I A Simp?


Arnold was whipped in the back, and, surprisingly, he did not enjoy it.

It was just extremely painful!


Another lash and he fell over on the bed, writhing in non-sexual pain.

“Please, mommy, stop...”

“I told you to call me MOTHER,” Anna screamed.

“Please, mother, stop!”

One lash, lighter this time, before, finally, Anna relented.

He huffed in and out, breathing as much as he could to try and ease the pain, but it wasn’t fading as fast as he would have liked.

He’d have run, but his leg was tied to the bedpost and nothing short of gnawing off his own leg would help that. He did, though, wonder if that might be the right path.

“I can’t believe I married a dominatrix,” Arnold muttered.

“I am NOT a dominatrix,” Anna scolded. “I take absolutely no sexual pleasure in whipping you. This is punishment for your absolute idiocy in everything you ever do. You hired MY soldiers to go out and kidnap Kat’s little sister, because you are so mentally unstable you thought that would get Kat to love you. That’s absolute zero IQ tactics.”

“Sus,” Arnold said.


“Zero IQ plays, sus, don’t throw.”

“Fuck!” She whipped him again just to punish him for his grossest action yet, which was making Among Us references.

“gg,” he whispered just out of earshot.

“I’m punishing you until you become my obedient consort who doesn’t do anything stuipid that will get us arrested and executed, and instead provides me the sperm I will someday need to bear many children. And I guess my wives, too, because I’m going to have a lot of them.” She paused for a moment. “I take no SEXUAL pleasure in beating you, but I do enjoy it quite a lot. I hope you hate it, Arnie. If you liked it, I’d stop.”



She WAS dressed up in a dominatrix outfit, and an extremely sexy leather one, so he just sort of assumed...

“No more kidnapping children. No more being an absolute fuck-up. You are going to help me get my revenge on Kat and destroy her life systematically, but that does NOT involve the kind of gross moronity you have implemented. We are going to be SMART about how we torture her and slowly ruin her.”

“Wait, so this is like a villain team-up, isn’t it? Like in Spider-Man 3 where Sandman and Venom meet each other and decide they need to kill the spider, but with Kat.”

“No. We are not teaming up. In fact, I sort of want to kill you, too, but I paid too much money for this contract so we aren’t going to do that just yet.” Anna cracked an evil smile. “But I have a much better plan to deal with you...”

Anna snapped her fingers and then a hidden door in the bedroom suddenly opened.

Emmalee was here.

His own sister.

“Hey Arnie,” Emmalee said. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

Emmalee was dressed in a thin, see-through blouse with her malevolent orbs hanging off her chest, wrapped up in tight lingerie like a Christmas present for a particularly tenacious young toddler with little self control. Around her waist was a metal chastity belt, connected by wire to the collar around her neck. She looked ravishing, and even though she was his flesh and blood, his own flesh filled with a little bit of blood. His tower of Somnus had risen.

She smacked some gum she was chewing in that sexy Valley Girl way and frowned at him. “I heard she made you her consort, but I didn’t think she was serious about it. Now I’m not so sure about...”

“He’s here for punishment,” Anna said. “He’s going to sit there quietly in humiliation and suffering while he atones for hitting on a child and being a bozo creep.”


“He’s going to... watch us?” Emmalee asked.

“Yes, my darling. Does it make you uncomfortable?”

“A little bit...”

“Say it like you mean it,” Anna commanded.

“Yes, mommy...”

“Hey! Why does she get to say mommy while I have to say mother?” Arnold whined.

Anna whipped at the bed and just missed his thigh. “Behave!”

Then, Anna walked over to Emmalee and carressed her cheek. She planted a kiss on her lips, and then moved around to different parts of the body.

“This is pretty fucking awesome,” Emmalee moaned. “Way better than that time loop web novel I was doing.”

“Oh, you’ll have all the time in the world for writing web novels when we’re married,” Anna said, struggling to tear off Emmalee’s chastity belt lock with her teeth. “You’re going to be the first of many beautiful wives, and you will never have to worry about anything in your life except for how best to pleasure me. And you’re already giving me a lot...”

Anna looked over to Arnold and gave him one of the most wicked smiles he’d ever seen.

She pushed him off the bed--he was still tied to one of the bedposts so he just sort of rolled onto the soft carpeted floor--and began ravishing Emmalee with all the moans and grunts and sexual fluids dripping off the bed that you would expect from a situation like this.

It was a horrific, unforgettable sight, being forced to watch your own older sister be fucked thoroughly by your worst enemy, a total bitch who ruined your own life. And this was exactly what Arnold was forced to do at this time.

He hated it. Loathed it. Wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but alive in this awful scenario.

And yet...

Secretly, deep down inside, he wasn’t repulsed like Anna thought. He enjoyed it. He savored every bit of this, because for everything else, this was the closest he ever got to actually having sex himself.

His “little Arnold” agreed, and even though he could not use his arms or legs to move around very much, he still had a great time meditating to this wonderful scene of two really hot chicks totally doing it on the bed in front of him.

One day, he would rule this piece of dirt, and both of these women, along with Kat, would bow down before him and do his every bidding. For everything, he never lost any confidence that his future would come. Because he succeeded at everything he set his mind to, even if those things weren’t as quick to come as he sometimes would have liked.

As his “little Arnold” gave way to the one-minded pleasure of absolute confidence, he formulated the ultimate plan to succeed, to kill Kat, and Anna, and probably Emmalee too. He would involve himself in some of the most intense of corporate politics with GroCorp, and he would ruin the entire system if he had to. Sure, it would be hard for them to bow down to him if they were dead, but as long as they weren’t too bloated, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.

It was time to fuck Anna over by contacting her own mother. He would ruin Anna’s entire plan of revenge against Kat, if only to cause the right amount of chaos to bring himself more control. Yes, that was exactly the right thing to do.

Arnold smiled with his patented cute grin that everybody loved.

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