《Epimanes Warrior of the Gods》Chapter 17 – Home Schooling


I’m not a morning person, personally I think people who wake up happy in the morning have some mental issues. Even with coffee and a shower[1] in the morning, used to take me a few hours to be ready for a new day.

Since I reincarnated, I have not seen a cup of coffee much less a shower, so my mornings have been complicated. Especially when I lived in a place where people wake up at sunrise and have a fetish for working every single hour that there is sun light.

From what I can see in my new home, the concept of sleeping late continues to be a crime. As soon the sun rose, all the slaves began to preparer for a new day. I won’t lie, I barely got any sleep and when I saw everybody leaving, I was worried about what would happen to me, the prospect to be kicked or punched in the morning is not something that I look for.

Luck for me, they didn’t pay any attention to me and everyone left without creating any problem for me and the Moron. The time pass and nobody comes to pick us up, maybe they forgot about us?

I’m starving, but I have become used to that. The island didn’t have a big food surplus, so there was a lot of hungry mornings or nights. I wouldn’t complain if food is given, but I don’t need right now, what I really need to do is pee.

In the morning I saw some slaves pissing in the corner. Not very hygienic but my bladder is close to explode, so I don’t think I have a choice. I go to the corner and start to pee when the door opens and I see one of the guards who escorted us yesterday.

He looks at me and say something, just my luck, the bastard manages to arrive just when I’m taking a piss. Also, shouldn’t they by now have learned that I don’t understand their language? What is the point of keeping talking to me when I have no idea what he’s saying?

Not having much of a choice I finished my business and go to the door. He dosen’t look happy about having to wait for me, but he dosen’t say or do something, he just gestures for me to follow him. I hope someone will soon come to pick up the Moron, he can’t take care of himself.

He takes me to the dinning hall where they give me a lot more food then yesterday and I’m pretty sure there is some red meat in the soap, I think this is the first time that I have some red meat since I reincarnated.

I can feel tears in my eye while eating, the meat is hard but it’s beef. I thought I would never taste again this glorious flavor. Fish is fine and all, but nothing can beat beef, even this cheap one is fantastic.

I’m so lost in my happiness that the meal is soon finish. I really want to ask for more, but since I don’t speak the language and the guard’s expression is not very friendly, I give up on doing some mimic to ask for a little more.

As soon as I finish, the guard grunts to follow him. He leads me to a blacksmith workshop; do they want me to continue my training here? How did they know I was training to be one ?

A burly middle age man just takes my shackles and say something to the guard that makes him laugh. I’m glad to finally be free of the stupid thing, I can finally move with some freedom.


Then he takes me to an office where an old man with grey hair and a huge belly is working. The guy is sitting in a chair behind a table, but he is so fat that I can see his huge belly.

He looks at me with disgust, the guard says something that makes the fat bastard smack his hand on the table. The guard looks uncomfortable but refuses to even look the fat guy in the eye. The fat guy no longer looks with disgust at me, I can see only anger in his eyes. Never a good signal.

He yells and a female slave about my age with very short brown hair shows up from nowhere. She receives some orders and grabs my hands and guides me away. What just happened ?

She keeps walking until I see the courtyard, they used to clean me. I didn’t pay attention yesterday, but the place is very pretty, there’s even a small garden with flowers. It must be important to have a place to relax when you are not busy slaving people.

The girl is looking to the floor but keep stealing glances at me, like she is scary of me. I feel flatter that she thinks I can do something to her, the last few days made me realized that I’m very low in the food chain, kind of nice to be the one scaring people for once.

Maybe that’s why people treated me so badly, they have always been beat by someone bigger and want to have the opportunity to crash someone else for a chance. There is a term for that, when you give a person just a little bit of authority and she goes bananas. What is the name?

The little girl speaks something to me, I stop day dreaming and look at her. She is pointing to a bucket of water. Do I need help her lifted the thing? We are going to clean somewhere? I hope so, yesterday I didn’t even considerer the possibly of being a house slave.

I thought my options were sex tool or farmhand. I mean, my owner options, I don’t have options anymore, besides working or dying. I try to pick the bucket but she stops me. She keeps saying this one word, very slowing, what is she doing?

Then I have a epiphany, she is saying the name of the bucket. I repeat the name, making her look a little relaxed, but I’m clearly saying the name wrong because she keeps making me repeat until she is happy or at least less disappointed with my language skills.

I spent the whole morning with her point and saying the names of objects and making me repeat the name until she was satisfied. It took me a while and a lot of mimics, but I managed to get ask her name, Athaia.

After a few hours, she decides that I had enough education for the morning and guides me to the slave dinning hall. The place is quite full, even my new roommates are having their lunch.

Athaia then led me to a table close to the kitchen and far away as possible from everybody else. The place is big but not big enough for me to be that far from the others. But I won’t complain, as much as I hate to admit I’m a little bit scared of them.

Athaia enter the kitchen and come back with the same food that they gave me in the breakfast. Thank the Corgi Gods there is beef again in the menu. I hear gasps from the other tables when my lunch arrives.


I look around and everybody is looking at my food like they can’t believe it. I give a glance to their food and I see that there is no meat for them, just a vegetable stew. Before any of them have any ideas about my food I start eating.

In a few seconds I clean everything in front of me. I didn’t have the time to taste the food but I couldn’t run the risk of having my food stole, which could happen with I had eaten while savoring the flavor. I relax in my chair and look around; the leader of my roommates is looking daggers at me.

My body trembles, ok, I’m not a little scary of him, I’m a lot scary of the bastard. Which makes me wonder, in the morning I thought that my food was regular food slave, I wonder why they are given me preferential treatment. Are they fat me up for something?

I can’t imagine a good answer, maybe then think I’m so malnourished that I need a few days of better food so I won’t die on them? Not that I’m going to complain for eating better, especially when they are giving me red meat. Got to enjoy the good times while they last.

Athaia eats her meal, the same the other slaves received and after taking the bowls back to the kitchen she signals that we need to leave. I make my best not to make eye contact to anyone.

The compound that I’m is huge, I wonder where se is taking me now? I could use a nap right now; nothing beats a nap after launch. Not that I think the day where I can have afternoon naps is close.

We finally arrive in a very big courtyard, this one has no well and is about the size of a volleyball court, shape like a egg. I think the place is used to practice sports and to my despair, the Brute is in the middle, naked with his whole body all oily, with a little string in his penis and balls doing some stretching.

My mind stops. I want to run but my body refuses to move. The Brute says something and Athaia immediate starts pretending that she is taking her clothes off. You don’t have to be a genius to see what she is translating.

The bastard wants to do unspeakable things to me and dosen’t want to have the trouble of taking my clothes? Fuck him, if he wants to do something to me, he will have to beat me first.

The dude looks like a Greek god and I look like someone who has an anime body pillow and dosen’t know what exercise is. The fight won’t be epic, but I will make him work a little. I close my fist and prepare myself.

The Brute seems confuse and then start laughing. He says something while laughing and the little girl gets red in the face and looks like she just wants to get away from here. I hope she runs, I don’t want a audience for what is going to happen. The Brute finally stopping laughing.

He talks again to the girl, I thought she was red, but now I think she her little head look like a tomato. He gives ups and start to do some movement with his hips, like he is fucking, the bastard in even doing the noises. Is he showing what he going to do with me?

He stops his little show and then shakes his head saying no. he then starts doing some stretches. My mind come back to work, I don’t thing he is going to rape me, he just want to do some naked exercise with me?

Ok, now I’m confuse. I look to my guide and she is looking at the ground as hard as she can. This is too fucked up; the Brute is just staring at me with a dumb smile on his face. Might well get naked, I don’t think he would do all this just to make me his bitch.

I take my clothes off and the Brute points to a container in the floor, and pretends to pass on his body. I put my hand in the container and can feel the oil, It's disgusting, but I pass on me.

Apparently, I didn’t use the oil correctly, so the Brute fill his hands with the oil and try to destroy my body by pretend to be oiling me. He is using a lot of force but not in sexual way.

After he is happy, he starts doing some stretches and I follow him, it’s not very hard, high school stuff. He looks happy that didn’t take long to understand what needs to be done. Nevertheless, he makes sure to correct me when he thought that I was doing a exercise wrong.

When we’re done, my body is hurting a little but I feel good. I think I needed to do some exercise and stooping worrying so much. He slaps me in the back and with a smile on his face starts to run.

I follow him, the first lap is ok, the second one I start to suffer and in the third I finish barely able to stand up. The Brute looks like he was taking a nap instead of running six laps to my three.

He slaps my back again and say something that sounds like “you run like a old man with respiratory problems.” To tired to talk I just do my best to stand still. He tries to make me run one more lap, but I just shake my head saying no.

He looks angry and for a second and I think that he is going to beat me. But he just help me with some stretches to relax my body. Then he starts to teach me how to breath better while doing exercise, we don’t speak the same language and he is a horrible at mimic, but with the knowledge from my last life I get the gist of what he wants me to learn.

When he is satisfied that I’m breathing correctly, we start to run again, I managed only two laps before falling on the ground. The Brute again helps to relax my muscles by doing some breath exercise and stretches before running again.

I did the same routine 4 more times before finally falling in the ground with no condition to continue. The Brute looks disappointed but he just continues to run alone.

Athaia finally show ups with a waterskin that I drink very fast. I’m exhausted, I don’t remember the last time that I exercised so much, my body is too out of shape for this kind of thing.

After resting for a while, Athaia take me to a room with some tables. I’m still naked, my clothes went missing and I don’t have the energy to ask where there are. She helps me on the table and a male slave that look like a guy that missed leg day for a full year and only did arm exercises.

He puts a container of oil close to my head, why this people like oil so much? After dipping both of his hands on the container, he starts to massage my body. I tried to complain but he just used his massive arms to control me and started to massage my leg.

By the Corgi God is he trying to kill me? I want to cry but I’m in so much pain that my tears don’t leave my eyes. This is torture and why he is putting more oil on his hand? Why this people use so much oil? It’s a fetish?

I don’t know how long the bastard took, but he manages to torture every single muscle of my body when Athaia helps me to off the table. She had to help me put on my clothes and I use her a support to go to the dinning hall. The place is empty so I just eat my dinner and walk very slowly to my room.

To my surprise the room is full, what time is it? My roommates are playing dice and look at me when I enter. The Moron is literary in the same place, did he even eat or drink something today? Did he go to the bathroom?

I just lay down in my mattress and close my eyes to sleep. Too tired to care about my roommates being angry because I have better meals or whatever other reason that they may have. It’s time to sleep.

[1] Funny fact, a normal brazilian take fourteen showers a week, againts the world average of five. https://www.dailyinfographic.com/world-shower-habits

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