《Epimanes Warrior of the Gods》Prologue


I'm shaking with cold as I walk down a street on the way home, my jacket and jeans seem to do nothing to protect me from the wind. The street is deserted, I imagine most people are sleeping comfortably in their beds, under several blankets and not stumbling drunk on the street.

I really hate cold weather, it has always been a mystery to me why so many people prefer winter to summer.

I mean, it's not cool to sweat and get somewhere looking like a bear coming out of a river, but at least you can wear less clothes and have an excuse to wear shorts.

But winter? You can only wear heavy clothes and however comfortable it may be to sleep in winter, waking up to low temperatures is not exactly a paradise on earth.

In other words, the only good thing about winter (sleeping with several blankets), completely falls apart when it’s time to leave the house and leave those blankets behind.

As I think of more reasons why winter sucks, I see two lights approaching. With my brain numb for alcoholic reasons, it takes me a few moments to figure out what's going on, and to realize that there's a car coming my way.

Before I can do anything, the car hits me, I feel my body fly back and my head hits the ground. I do not see my life pass before my eyes or a light at the end of the tunnel. I see a pair of eyes begging for help, and when they realize that I will do nothing, the eyes don’t fill with hatred or rebuke, only resignation to the cruelty of life.

Then darkness.


When I first woke up with a hangover, there were two thoughts in my mind, first, "Why is there a troupe of dwarf dancers in my head !" Second "I'll never drink again in my life."


With time and hangovers, I stopped lying to myself, and I began to swear that I would never drink so much and that before going to sleep I would always drink plenty of water.

I like to think that I kept these promises several times (not always, but most of the time). But apparently not today, my head hurts like never before and I'm lying on something hard. Was I so drunk that I slept on the floor? My God, what am I doing with my life?

Creating courage I open my eyes and realize that I am in a white room, sitting on the floor, trying to figure what is happening, I remember the lights that tried to kill me. No wait, there was a car behind the lights. As I sit and ponder my confusion, I see a corgi in front of me wearing a bow tie and looking at me.

Without thinking, I hug him, and I feel his hair passing through my face.

-"Hey, who gave you permission to hug me?"

I try to find the voice but I cannot find anyone in the room.

-"I'm talking to you, human."

I look down and see the corgi trying to look angry - he's too cute for that- staring at me.

-"Did I die and go to heaven?"

-"You died, but you're not in heaven."

A second corgi comes toward me, because it's wearing two pink bows on both ears, I think it's female.

-"For your sake do not even think about hugging my wife, you pervert."

I immediately look at the Corgi I am hugging.

-“Do you read minds?”

I hear a laugh coming from the female corgi, since when dogs laugh? Or better yet, since when do they speak?

-"Calm down, my husband tends to be possessive. Just breathe and relax."


After she speaks, I begin to breathe and squeeze even harder the corgi. He looks angry, but remains silent. After some time I calm down and say:

- What's going on here ?

-You died human, my wife and I brought your soul to a new plan. My name is Hades, king of the souls and she is my wife Persephone.

As I stare at them Persephone says:

-"And our real formals are not corgis, but after reading your memoirs, it became clear that it would be easier to have this conversation looking like this."

-“Anyway human, we will send your soul to be reincarnated in a new world, just live your life and one day we will ask a favor, until there, have fun and stay away from my wife.”

Before I can say anything, I begin to lose consciousness again. And the darkness once again consumes me.

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