《New Path》Chapter 9 - Level Up


" So what will you do to attract them we can't go outside "

Hector asked

- " let's wait for a time to see what they will do first, and at the same time how much did you gain "

I told him wanting to know what he gained and looked at the same time at the notice which looked like a closed window, and it appeared in front of me.

Congratulations you gained 20 energy points by killing two common rats feel free to use them.

Saying that it seems like I could effectively guess their level by feeling their energy like if know by instinct that they are strong but not to the level they can threaten me if they are alone.

so I closed the screen and allocate the twenty energy points and checked quickly if something changed but it was still like before except that the beginner path disappeared letting only the leader path which didn't have any progression.

" Ok finish hiding their still some left so i and hector will go out not too far from the entrance and kill some of them and fight with them outside when we can't anymore withstand their number we will go back inside and like that we should be able to kill them all unless "

- " I am ok with the plan but will the two of you be able to block them properly otherwise they will be no only lisa and edward to protect us, but edward seems not completely able to use his leg "

claire reminded me that the others didn't have a shield and even if they can somehow protect themself the number of rats was too much.

' what do you want me to tell you asking something obvious if you have a better idea said it instead of telling nothing useful '

I gave her a stern glance saying nothing just looking into her eyes noticing that she just shook her head said nothing and went back to her place next to lisa and john, it's not like I was someone clever she herself already saw there no other options what the point destroying the morale of the group telling us that.

I grabbed my head starting to feel a headache

' being a leader is harder than I was thinking I don't know what to do anymore so why not just go the simple way and see what happen '

I said to myself taking a big breath trying to calm myself I looked at the rat and this time I looked closer to get some information from them except their number there were approximately forty rats that remained but there is no leader like the last group we met.

" I am not sure if there is also a leader in this group so we need to watch for anything strange with one rat like a rat taller or more fast than the others there will only be me and hector who will go out but not too far "

I said to them while advancing my shield and sword ready hector was just behind and it didn't take long before i notice that those shameful rats attacked all at once.

" come back they are all coming "

hector noticed that but said

" And what will you do "

- " of course i will try to stop them otherwise that much attacking all of us at once will be impossible to kill "

when i was thinking that i will have to fight a group of rats alone my blood started heating up and even if it's was little i could felt my strength increase by a small amount and i finally understood that if i want to know more about my bloodline i will need to go with the feeling i have when i am fighting because since the last fight i was worried that because i use my bloodline i will lose control of my emotions, so this time i tried to feel more what change when my bloodline is heating up and not while looking at the incoming a smile appeared on my face.


My heartbeat won't stop beating i was afraid and excited at the same time to test the little strength i gain as little it was.

" Chris are you crazy come back quickly they are already here "

Hector called me, it's then that i remembered that i wasn't alone there were still people counting on me i just gave him a smile and said.

" don't worry if i can't support i will step back and you will take my place and we will turn like that and kill all of them instead of staying hidden not knowing what to do "

when i said those word i could feel something changed inside me before when i was excited by my bloodline it was like if i was drugged but this time i was completely awake but something told me it was on the good path so i let just everything go and prepared myself clearing my head.

All those tough didn't take long and the rat was already in front of me two attacked me from each side while the last one was coming straight to me.

" Hector i will deal with those five i want you to stop as many rats you can from passing us the rest will be dealt by the others "

I said to hector screaming not sure if he heard me but i didn't have time to think about it the first group of rats was jumping at me, i didn't step back this time i couldn't look behind me but I was sure hector wasn't far from me and i didn't fall on him so i charged them taking two-step back used my shield to block the two who attacked from my left pushing them using my shoulder to add weight on my shield making them fall to the ground.

' i think i have still time before they get up i need to be quick still another group not far from this one '

my mind racing at a quick rate i directly slashed to the right at the two rats who were jumping at me the first i hit was direct to his neck making blood spurt out blocking my view so i just continued hoping i will also hit the second one the same way but instead i cut his stomach making a huge wound that caused his internal organs to fall to the ground followed by all his body his lifeless body.

after i killed this rat i felt a surge of energy entering my body and i could feel something being fused with my blood strengthening all my body and this time i felt my strength and other aspects of my physique increase by a huge marge at least now i was sure i could five rat whiteout much effort than before.

I didn't think of what just happened but could guess what it was, so i just took a quick glance at his body making sure he was completely dead before redirecting my gaze to the last one who was shocked by what just happened but it takes only one second before his surprise turned into one of craziness his eyes becoming red like the last leader rat but the pressure i felt from this rat was weaker but i didn't dare to distract myself i took one step back not forgetting that there was still another group of rats who were coming.

The last rat noticing that i was noticing what i did let out a guttural growl then run and in just one second he was in front of me but i was already prepared for this i slashed while it was still running unable to stop himself but to my surprise, he easily dodged my sword and taking a light step which confused to how he did that and before i could react the rat was already to my dead angle with my sword attacking mid-air i was unable to retract enough fast to block his attack and he slashed at my ribs with his claw which was glowing with a blue light.


Letting a huge mark of claw on my leather armor which wasn't already in the best condition he wasn't able to hurt much only letting some wound with little blood but i just didn't pay attention but after that, the blue light from his claw entered my body and a cold feeling followed stopping me for just a second since was taken by surprise i just felt the cold going through me to my legs.

The rat seemed ready to end me with this chance but it's at this time that hector not far from noticed the quick change of the battle stopped him to cut my throat using his claw by attacking his back making the rat shout from the pain.

I used this time to recover and cut the head of the rat still welling killing him in the spot.

" Thank you saved me this time, and tell the others that some of those rats seem to have some skills or something like that "

I said to hector before taking a defensive position, it was true that I got stronger but the rat just now even if he seemed weaker than me has still some way to kill if I lower my guard will be the end for me, so I started to focus even more trying to notice some special rat something seemed odd but he couldn't tell what and just tried to be ready that will happen since he couldn't figure out what it was.

Hector just nodded seemed like he heard this line multiple time I just shook my head not wanting to know what was going on in his brain and focus myself on something more important the next rats were coming, the fight was fast at least enough to take a quick breath.

" Hector be ready I will let some pass you kill some of them and the rest is dealt by the others as we said before "

I told to him so he wouldn't be surprised If i don't fight the rats alone, i want to test my limit but i am enough sane to understand in what situation we are, so just did as much as i can keeping my strength for the dangerous situation.

- ' damn what just happened now it was too fast so clean and cool '

Hector thought while looking at chris it surprised him how he quickly killed this group of rat he himself could also fight five rats but he doesn't think he has the same reflexes to react enough fast before being assault from all side, but still, he was able to react after he noticed that chris was somehow stopped by the last rat making him feel that he isn't a burden for anyone at least like that he could protect himself and maybe his family if he found them later.

The others who were more at the back also noticed the change but weren't focus on what happened to Chris but what we're doing the rats because the little time chris and hector exchanged, one or two rats which was more at the back split all-around all of them and dashed like Maddog and since Chris was focus just looking in front he didn't notice this small chance since all the time the rat he was fighting blocked his view and hector and after killing him there was still the same group of rat even if they seemed different they didn't saw it.

So even before they had the time to warn the two of them eight rats from each group attacked the back so fred , alex, and john stayed behind those with the shield while sarah and emily the two at the center of the formations attacked those rat who was coming but they were too fast they could only slow them down nothing else.

And in just ten second the eight rats were already attacking from all side so before they could be ready three rats slammed on the shield of lisa edward and Philip who were forming a semy circle around the entrance like that they just need to stay focus on the rat in front of them.

lisa and edward saying the rat coming at them didn't panic they were already used to how to handle this situation they placed the shield in front of them covering their weak spot and prepared their sword philip just followed them ready too when the rat was just about a few meters from them the three of them placed their shield more steadily read to take the shock.


the same thing was heard from three different sides but the others behind took this chance to attack this time sarah and emily were able to kill two rats even if they almost hurt lisa and Philip they received a quick glance before concentring themself on the rat left, edward was able to quickly kill the one who attacked him because even if those rats were faster the couldn't their trajectory so easily and he used this chance to slash at him his sword enough long to be able to kill without leaving the safety of his shield at least in this kind of formation.

At the same time, the five rats attacked from the side jumping high in the air wanting to enter the circle but they only were met with sword empaling them but even before dying they still tried to bring someone with them some was only lightly hurt so apart from Philip and lisa the others killed at least one rats but their rest was only for some time before they noticed that chris and hector were attacked from all side so they advance a little trying to bring them a little closer to take some pressure.

And from Chris and hector side they noticed the rats who were attacking behind too late to react so they hoped the others will be able to handle this and started raising their shield and when at least four rats were not far from them chris used a shield pushing the rat aside making him aim at those at the back and he killed one properly letting the last two killed by hecor who just profited of the time while the rats were disoriented from Chris push to kill them but he was still hurt right was bleeding but he was still able to use his sword not having the time to heal himself he proceeded more carefully this time letting pass one rat remaining from the next group.

And the other behind easily killed those little rats they were alone and easy to kill but at some time john was careless and wanted to go out from the formation and at the same two rats that chris and hector let pass came at the same time while he wasn't ready and attacked him letting some wound on his leg and shoulder from the bite of one rat but emily killed quickly the one on his shoulder letting him the last one with a face full of anger and pain from the wound.

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