《Eternal》Random thoughts


Ok, so if you've read the latest chapter you knew this was coming. If you haven't, please go and read it.

I get a lot of comments on other places I post this story complaining about not only where I chose to start the story, but also with the pacing. I will try to defend some of the choices I made in writing this story, but overall it is becoming apparent to me that I will need to not only change this later, but a lot of what I've written will be removed. That won't happen till I finish writing the story though, as making changes now will affect what I have planned.

First, starting with a fight scene. I made that choice to introduce the villains in the story as quickly as possible. Perhaps the choice was right, but my execution was poor—with the fight dragging on longer than it should've. I will likely trim down that fight later in the future, but also change the beginning.

Second, I have many comments complaining about the stage in the MCs life the story starts from. That honestly is on me. I wrote a bad synopsis (I'm terrible at writing synopsis, and the story wasn't fully fleshed out when I posted my first chapter), I even had one such comment on here last week. From the way the prologue was written, it gave the impression that MC didn't care about his past or the characters I am currently writing about. That is my bad. The Silas narrating in the prologue was in a different stage, much older too.

As you might've figured out, my story is a dark fantasy. I still try to add humor and focusing on the characters and their relationships relegated the world at large to the background, however, fundamentally the story is a dark one. I felt the tragedy of Silas' situation couldn't be properly conveyed if you the readers didn't know his back story, hence why I am focusing so much on this part. It is relevant to the story, in that you know where he came from, that way you'll know the meaning of where he ends up.


The fact it is boring to read is an indictment of my own writing skills, for that I sincerely apologize. I'm learning, but perhaps I should've learned before I started putting up my stories. My bad.

All that said, I truly hope you stick around for the journey. I planned for this to be a series of books, but since I decided to make it into a serial, I chose to not separate the books and post them all under one title. The themes and the books are different too, which complicated the writing of the synopsis. Having got some feedback, I'll be changing pace and future conflicts, I'll try to make them come quick.

That said, please do not hesitate to leave your opinions and comments. I look forward to discussing with readers. Writing this here is to just kind of apologize for the bad parts of the story and explain why I chose to write it like this, and to let you know I hear your complaints and I will change it later. For now, please bear with me, thank you!

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