《The Children of the Divine Limit》Prologue Part 6: The Inauspicious Commencement of their Tribulations
I could train a massive pit bull and then sic it on that fucker. Shaula'd like that, right? She loves dogs.
Ajax and Shaula reach the Cyrus Median Academy high school at 8:55am.
The school bell will ring at 9:00am indicating the start of the school day. Students would then have 10 minutes to head to their morning classes. Ajax and Shaula’s English class starts in earnest at 9:10am.
Hmm, nah... she probably wouldn’t like an innocent dog being fed that shithead. Uhh... oh! I could throw him into a running airplane turbine and watch the splatter!
Ajax and Shaula are about 15 minutes early for their exam. Shaula heads straight for class; she has everything she needs for this test (and nothing more than that) in her purse. Ajax, however, heads to his locker to put away his unnecessary study materials; it would be a bother to lug his textbooks and extra notebooks around in his backpack during the morning.
No, that’s too quick for him. Piece of shit shouldn't get off so easy... Hmm... you know, I bet a fucker like that goes to Africa, grabs a sniper and hunts elephants for sport... or ivory. Then, I could drop him into a herd of elephants, tied up and watch them trample him!
Ajax doesn’t put away his Calculus textbook or notebooks, leaving them in his backpack; he has AP Calculus in his second period after the English Test.
Ajax walks away from his locker with his backpack hanging on his right shoulder by one strap. He heads to class to take his exam.
Wait, I’d have to assume the elephants would trample over a random guy tied up and unable to defend himself. Wow, that’s funny... why did I assume a herd of nice elephants would be a bunch of assholes like that prick?
In the hallways, Ajax sees a lot of students in the same grade pass him by on the way to their own classes. Most of these fellow 12th graders look at him with disregard; a few look at him with disdain, some others with malicious smiles and a few more with smug expressions on their faces. Ajax has gotten used to expressions like this throughout his 11th and 12th grade semesters.
Every so often, other students would spread rumours about him.
Ajax didn’t know the reason he was being targeted nor did he really consider it; he just assumed it had something to do with him being an easy target as a student with only one good friend. Unknown to him (but not completely surprising), the boys had grown jealous of Ajax's close relationship with Shaula, one of the most beautiful girls in their grade.
Cyrus Median Academy is a high school aggregating the students from a number of nearby middle schools. The ninth grade is when most students enter, after passing an entrance exam. Ajax and Shaula entered the school in the 9th grade from different middle schools but didn't meet each other until an English class in their 11th grade; they were placed into a team to work on a semester-long English project, just the two of them.
Ajax didn't really know anything about Shaula, beyond what she looked like, before being introduced to her in that 11th grade English class. But, a number of the boys in Ajax's and Shaula's grade, however, were infatuated with Shaula since the 9th grade; she was an extremely beautiful and stylish girl in their high school.
However, since coming to know of her existence, whenever the boys had tried to talk to Shaula, they were met with coldness, contempt and nothing short of rejection. Ajax, however, had somehow befriended her during the 11th grade.
Shaula rejecting the boys, had hurt their egos and turned their feelings of interest into resentment. Even the more popular and charismatic students had approached her but Shaula showed no openness or warmth at all. The boys couldn't stand that this interloper, Ajax, who had no friends, popularity or charisma somehow managed to get in her good graces. So they took their resentment out on him, giving rise to all manner of rumours.
The feeling of abhorrence wasn’t one sided either; after Shaula became friends with Ajax, she started really hating the boys who spoke ill of him. Eventually, Ajax ended up hating them as well, after they went too far.
They didn’t just spread rumours about Ajax. They also spread rumours about Shaula as well. They had found something in her past, before Ajax had met her, that she didn’t want to recall or Ajax to know. Ajax couldn’t forgive them for digging up the history she wanted to forget. He still remembered Shaula's face; she almost had a panic attack from remembering the incident.
Yeah, yeah, fuck you too, you pieces of shit. I hope you get fuckin’ herpes sores right on your dicks. Hmm, scrap that the elephant idea. I could slice his face off and turn it into a funny hat while he ran around without a face. That would be funny, it’d require skin grafts and shit... Fuck... that fucking piece of shit, couldn’t I have done anything to him, Shaula? Sigh who am I kidding...
Ajax walks into class with a look of annoyance and tiredness on his face. Of course, he was annoyed by his fellow students, but he just couldn’t stop thinking about that motherfucker on the streets. Thoughts of painting him all over the sidewalk were flashing in his mind repeatedly since the encounter.
Of course, Ajax was quite squeamish when it came to blood and gore in real life, but on TV, in movies and in anime he was very desensitized. Thoughts of an extremely violent nature weren’t a problem as well; it soothed him to think of all the ways he could take revenge.
A reasonable way (at least to Ajax) to deal with the anger generated from having met Martin a few minutes ago.
In reality, Ajax would likely never meet Martin again. Even if he did meet him, Ajax wouldn’t have the strength to face him in a physical confrontation. Even if he did have the strength, Ajax would have kept his promise to Shaula and not do anything to get himself or his family into legal consequences.
Even in some ideal world where he both had the strength and would suffer no repercussions from dealing with this asshole... he couldn’t know if he could take justice into his own hands. Ajax is just like every other high school boy his age, someone who liked to talk a big game but might, more often than not, buckle when facing real life.
Nevertheless, Ajax is convinced that the man is evil; a scumbag deserving an improper and humiliating death. How does he know that? From all Ajax had seen, this man leered at Shaula, a high school girl and wolf-whistled at her, right in front of him. Even if the man was a pedophile who preyed on high school girls, Ajax can't know that for certain just from this encounter.
The man’s behaviour deserves a long and bloody beating but, from just his disrespect and “light” sexual harassment of Shaula in public, no judge would be able to hand him a prison sentence, let alone a sentence of capital punishment. So why does Ajax consider him to be someone deserving of being slain?
Ajax was observant; he saw clearly Shaula’s hatred of the man. Ajax didn’t know what Shaula was reaching into her purse for at that time, but he assumes it was some kind of self defence tool, like pepper spray or something. Shaula might have thought he would do something to her.
That hatred she displayed wasn’t normal hatred. He had seen the hatred Shaula sometimes lets display on her face when she looks at their fellow 12th grade students; especially the students who spread rumours about the two of them.
But this wasn’t such hatred; this was murderous rage. A hyper potent feeling. Perhaps if it were distilled and injected into someone like Ajax, who isn't familiar with that level of intense hatred, it would feel like a chemotherapy treatment.
A feeling of hatred and anger that would make him sick. Hatred that would weaken him from its sheer authority. Hatred that would stop him from eating and sleeping. But Shaula was stronger than him. Shaula had experienced such hatred and wanted to act on it; he didn't doubt she would sleep well tonight, or at least tomorrow night.
Ajax and Shaula have similar moral values and ethics, that is something Ajax believes from having spent time with her for so long and talking to her about various things. If Shaula hates someone right to the core of her beating golden heart, then that someone doesn’t deserve to live in this world.
Ajax believes this unquestioningly. It might as will be one of the rules of their friendship; if Shaula hates someone that much, Ajax will believe in that hatred. And vice versa.
But, given the perfect, no-consequences opportunity, would he kill the man? Would he even be capable of maiming him... Well, nevertheless, Ajax feels he would be just fine kicking him over and over and over until Martin became incapable of procreation.
Damn... a fucker like that’s probably already got a shitty kid out there.
Shaula sees Ajax enter the classroom with a tired expression; Ajax doesn't seem at all like he was ready to take this test.
That fucking cunt on the streets must be the cause...
Ajax sits down in the seat to the right of Shaula; nobody is to his right as he sits next to the classroom wall. The room windows are on the left side of the classroom, opposite the wall on Ajax's right. Both Shaula and he are sitting in the last row of desks, their preferred spots, as far away from their peers as possible.
Right from his morning exhaustion, he starts to once again remember his anxiety, thinking about the english exam he is about to take. The teacher hasn’t walked into the room yet so the exam couldn't start yet but the important event was about to happen right now.
It is about to start soon. It is about to happen soon. A critical moment for his future. In more ways than he is considering.
It’s just one english test. Ajax's grade in english from his previous tests, projects and assignments is 95%. Although, that itself was accomplished through a lot of hard work and plenty of help from Shaula. If he messes up during the following one and a half hours, his English grade would plummet and Samuel Johnson would drop him from their chemical engineering program for not being able to keep his average up.
Meanwhile, Shaula's grade in English at this point is, at minimum, 100%. It could be more depending on how the teacher deals with Shaula’s completed extra credit / bonus assignments.
What an outrageous monster you are, Shaula...
Ajax starts to get nervous. Ajax takes a glimpse into his future at Samuel Johnson university. The university is in New Amsterdam City actually so he wouldn't have to move too far from home. He isn’t even set on living at the university dorms; he could choose to commute.
Shaula had picked her trade school Annaeus college for its proximity to Ajax's first pick.
If he doesn't ace this test, he'll not only mess up his plans, but also, Shaula might lose faith in him for his lack of ability. (no, she wouldn't)
She might leave him to spend time with someone who was competent. (would never happen)
He would, at the very least, embarrass her by dropping the ball after she had gone out of her way to pick the school closest to his own first pick.
Oh no, oh no... oh...
"Ajax, you know you're very easy to read, right?"
Shaula whispered to him, having moved her chair closer to him. Ajax turns to her in surprise. He had been in his own thoughts a bit too deeply; he didn't notice Shaula looking directly at him, her face about a foot away from his face.
Before Ajax can answer her, Shaula grabs his head with her hands, one hand on each ear and turns his head slightly to the left. She then plants a very passionate kiss on Ajax's right cheek. It's so passionate and over-the-top that Ajax understands that she's trying to distract him from his anxious thoughts. Ajax smiles at the kiss.
If he didn’t already know Shaula and if he wasn’t already well acquainted with her affectionate personality, he would likely be beet red, melting away in embarrassment. Ironically, even his own mother doesn’t normally kiss him on the cheeks anymore now that he’s a full grown teenager, but with Shaula (and his sister Rita), it’s not surprising in the slightest.
Right when Shaula lets go of Ajax's face:
"You can't just get away with that, Shaula."
Ajax then grabs Shaula by the sides of her own head, wiping away the hair hanging at the front of her face, and, in retaliation, plants a soft kiss on Shaula's left cheek and then a wet one on Shaula's right cheek.
"Who says I was trying to get away with it, chump?"
Shaula retorts as such, smiling happily at the kisses she received from Ajax. His expressions of love gave her quite the dopamine rush.
"Honestly, I wasn't that pumped for this test before, but that gave me the boost I needed. I appreciate it, you fuckin' anxious prick!"
"...it still surprises me you can say such wounding and embarrassingly rejuvenating things at the same time... and so openly..."
"Your fucking neurotic self needs to be wounded every so often... just calm down... I'm sitting here right next to you... if you need a pick-me-up during this test, look over here and I'll give you a smile. A big, toothy grinnnnnn. Did you know that whenever I smile, a new star is born? God himself says 'fuck it' and makes it happen."
"...wouldn't surprise me, I guess..."
Ajax says so, slightly exasperated and feeling better. Shaula smiles at him, blinding the world with her brilliance.
Some of Ajax's classmates saw what just happened and heard Shaula’s somewhat embarrassing remarks. Some of them scoffed. Some of them felt second-hand embarrassment at their affection for each other. Others, particularly the boys, looked with jealousy which quickly turned to enmity when seeing Shaula's smile directed at Ajax and no one else.
Others, like the girls, for example, felt confusion at their relationship; it was indeed quite intimate, but. if they were really dating, they wouldn’t have stopped at kisses on the cheeks. Or perhaps Shaula and Ajax were prudes? Or were they trying not to turn each other on right before a big test? Just a bunch of confusing questions.
The time is now 9:10am.
Ajax feels elated as if a portion of his stress built up from the morning has been done away with. He feels a brief joy that wipes away his hatred and anxiety. Even though he knows he has to complete this test, he doesn't feel too much helplessness or unease, especially compared to earlier.
While Ajax savours this feeling, he sees the door to the classroom, originally held open by a doorstop for the students to enter, close shut. Someone had removed the doorstop and allowed the door to close naturally. The one who did so was a woman.
A beautiful woman in her late 20s with bob-cut blond hair, green eyes, white skin with a slightly pink tone, a voluptuous body with large breasts and supple buttocks and an outfit consisting of mid-high heels, dark blue jeans, and an olive blazer over a white sweater.
Ajax and Shaula recognize this prepossessing woman immediately. It is the English teacher who would administer their test. Her name is Ms. Christa Rowfield.
For grade 12 English, she is an extremely competent teacher. She received her Masters of Literature from the ivy-league Samuel Johnson University and came to teach at this well-known public school that she herself had graduated from. The school district was unionized and provided her with a well paying job as well as a chance to teach talented students with what she learned in her undergrad and graduate studies.
"Alright, guys. It's time for the long awaited English exam. I know some of you don't like the fact that this exam is 45% of your grade compared to the normal 30% exams. But, just know that this is good preparation for your post-secondary education where you'll have exams like this multiple times per semester. First off, place your belongings at the front of the class. Make sure to have a pen or pencil with you. Remember to turn off your phone or put it on silent and leave it in your bag. I don't want to hear any rings in the middle of class. It miiiiight come with a penalty."
Christa finishes talking, her voice stern, captivating and melodious all at once, and all of the students in the classroom place their bags and phones at the front of the class, on the floor and against the wall where the chalkboard is.
While they are moving to the front of the class, Christa takes note of student attendance silently, checking off each name in her attendance record. It appears that all of the students have made it on time for this exam; none are late or absent.
Ajax and Shaula move to the front as well to put their stuff away just as their peers do and Christa smiles at them in greeting as they pass by. Ajax greets her with a smile while Shaula ignores the greeting.
These two are Christa’s best students. With her Masters in Literature from such a prestigious college, she wasn’t going easy on the students with her assignments, projects and previous tests.
Christa didn't think she'd meet students who perform so well in classes taught by her. Incidentally, she isn't unaware of Ajax and Shaula's treatment at the hands of their classmates, but, after talking to the two of them about it once, they shut down her attempts to deal with the situation by getting the school or their parents involved.
Christa understands where they were coming from. Ajax and Shaula’s relationship with each other is particularly deep and meaningful, even she could tell that.
This is their 12th grade, 2nd semester and Ajax and Shaula could afford to disregard their poor treatment at this point. They're never going to interact with the people who antagonize them on a daily basis after they graduate from high school soon.
Even though Christa doesn't like the looks of antipathy towards them from the other students, if Ajax and Shaula don't want to rock the boat, there isn't much she could do except prevent open hostility and interpersonal problems within her own classroom.
Ajax is a nice kid who clearly worked extremely hard, but Shaula is an even more interesting person in comparison for Christa. A student who worked both hard and was extremely intelligent.
Ajax had once told Christa that Shaula seeks a career as an industrial electrician.
Christa isn't an elitist about ivy-league or other university programs but she feels like Shaula could do something amazing if she pursued a future in literature. From what she's seen of Shaula's creative, comprehension and critical thinking skills, she could write a bestselling work, become a high circulation journalist, the editor of a major publication, anything she wanted in the writing world.
A talent like Shaula's is greater in potential than even Christa's herself. However, Christa can never really convey such ideas across to Shaula because Shaula doesn't truly consider the opinions of anyone but Ajax important to her.
Once, during the past 2nd semester, Ajax and Shaula were analyzing a piece of fiction together in the classroom and when Christa offered criticisms on their collaborative work (a difficult task with Shaula's immaculate analyses), Shaula looked at her with an expression bordering on disinterest while at the same time being polite only because Ajax was being polite.
Things like that happened other times as well. It seems like Shaula doesn't even consider Christa an equal in some ways; rather, no one was her equal but one. Only Ajax was her equal. A truly interesting person was Shaula to Christa. What has her life been like to rely on Ajax like she does?
Christa continues her instructions after the children take their seats once again, their cell phones either off or silent in their bags placed at the front of the classroom.
"You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete this exam, it's not open book obviously and when I say pencils down, I mean pencils down. Make sure to write your name on each page of the exam and any extra pages you might use. Don't worry, it's not so difficult that you can't complete it within the allotted time. I'm not a believer in the length of exams; so long as you convey to me you comprehend what I've tried to teach you over the past semester you'll do fine. Those who do perfect...”
Christa looks directly at Shaula while saying this:
"... will not only need to make me believe that they comprehend what I've taught but also will have to return to me something visionary from the reaches of their own mind. I'm expecting great things from some of you in that regard."
After Christa says this, she walks to her desk at the front of the classroom to grab the test papers; she then walks over and hands out the test papers, face down, to each table in the first row, then each table in the second row, and so on, until finally reaching Ajax and Shaula's row. Christa says to the class:
"Do not turn over the paper until I give the go-ahead."
Christa whispers to Ajax and Shaula,
"Good luck, you two."
Ajax returns the well wish with a wide smile while Shaula politely accepts her encouragement. As Christa walks back to the front of the class, Ajax realizes that he left his water bottle in his bag.
...it's probably too late to get it now...
He weeps silently to himself. It's the little mistakes that get Ajax in the end.
"Additionally, I will accept remark requests but only for exams written in pen."
Ajax freezes solid in realization that he doesn't have a pen on him. He prefers using pencil for everything, especially tests where he might want to erase wrong answers; he's never heard about this kind of rule with remarking exams.
Of course it might not be something one would face in high school but colleges and universities expect people who want remarks for their assignments and tests to have written their work in pen. This is in order to prevent erasing mistakes and rewriting solutions before sending it for remarking.
In response to hearing Christa give her instruction about remarks, Shaula discretely hands Ajax two pens while Christa is walking forward to the front of the class. Ajax feels great elation:
...Can you really love someone as much as this? Oh, Shaula, my precious, wonderful Shaula...
Then, without missing a beat, realizing the exam was off to a poor start with some little mistakes and with his thoughts of anger and hatred weaker but still clinging to him, he clasps his hands in prayer and prays to the Lord Jesus Christ to bless the following test that he is about to undertake. He follows his dad’s advice.
After saying amen, Ajax recites the Lord's prayer, whispering it to himself. Shaula sees this display and tries extremely hard to hold back her laughter.
Jesus Christ, the desperation on this fucker. Ajax, you don't even believe in God!
...to which Ajax might reply, I'm not very picky in emergencies. I'd pray to the star of the morning, almighty Lucifer himself, if I knew how to get him to listen to me. At least I know a prayer works to get Jesus to take the wheel.
"Ok, you may now flip your test papers over, the test starts now." said Christa, the time now 9:15am.
Ajax takes one last look at Shaula to his left, tears of laughter about to erupt from her face.
Shaula's star-creating smile flashes at him. A smile that makes the sun brighter.
He's ready. He's ready now.
But Ajax isn't ready. Neither is Shaula. Yet it's about to start nonetheless, out of their control.
So it begins.
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