《World Of Elite》Chapter 18- Black Market (2)


“Thanks for the purchase, miss.” The bearded man said, having received his money.

Taking the 'nano mask' from the man's hand, Rin had also a satisfied expression. It goes without saying that she didn't use her family's money to complete this transaction. She used her own money (which was unbelievably enormous), which she obtained through the various part time job she had done. Of course, as it wasn't a small amount, she would make sure Aiden would pay her back later.

“Do you need something else?” The man continued, showing his other goods.

Except for the mask, though, Rin wasn't interested in anything else. After all, only weapon and gun of all sorts were still available.

“No, this is enou—” Rin rejected politely but was interrupted by the large noise of a crowd.

Taking a glance at the disturbance, she noticed two people fighting in a circle of people. One was a bulky man measuring over 2m. His top was revealed and showed the countless tattoo he had on the chest. He exuded a fierce aura and had a smirk on his face.

The other was a slightly shorter bald man. He didn't seem as impressive as the previous one but still had a decent muscled body. He had a knife on one hand and was also confident of himself.

“...What's that?” Rin asked with a frown.

“It's just a sideshow to excite the people.” The bearded man answered in a tired tone. “Don't mind it too much.”

“Isn't this a market?” The girl followed his questioning in doubt.

“Yeah, I know. It's just that the owner of this market” The man gave his response looking at the bulky, uncovered person on the ring. “Is a wild person.”

Apparently, Diaz Colville, the owner, liked to fight. At around this time, everyday, he would launch a battle game to satisfy himself. He would go around in the market and would wait for a challenger. It seemed that whoever managed to beat him would receive a large amount of money.

“Be that as it may though, it's practically impossible” The bearded man stated, deciding to watch the fight. “Diaz is an ‘Elite’. And a pretty strong one at that. Honestly, this is just a pretext for him to kill people.”

Rin's ear twitched a little from the word 'kill'. She continued to watch the battle, and sure enough, the bulky man emerged victorious. The bald man laid unconscious on the ground with blood oozing out of his noise.

However, Diaz didn't leave it at that. With a shout at the crowd, he leaped at his enemy. Placing himself perfectly on top, he rained down his massive punch. He didn't show any pity. Only a sadistic smile was on his face.

From Rin's position, she could see the bald man's blood splattering around.

At the rate it was going, he would surely die.

With a cold expression, the girl turned around and looked for a weapon.

“I'll buy this.” Taking a short hand gun, she expressed quickly.


Not waiting for the bearded man's reaction, Rin took an aim. Diaz's face was in her eyes and without hesitation, she pulled the trigger. Accurately, the bullet landed between the bulky man's eyes, making his face stumble backward.

“That's enough.” Rin ordered in a menacing manner.

“What the...!” Diaz said scratching his forehead. “What are you playing at, little girl!?”

Rin was perfectly aware of where she was. A den of lowlifes, of terrorists and of criminals. Of course she also knew she was one of them. A 'villain', so to speak.

That's why she didn't act up in hope to be a 'hero'. In fact, the bald man on the ground probably deserved to be beaten. And so does all the people present here.

However, none of them deserved to die.

“There's a line that mustn't be crossed.” Rin spoke up advancing toward the bulky man.

Rin may now be a criminal but she has yet to kill anyone— and she wouldn't. A sense of ethics was still present in her, and, if possible, she would stop anybody from dying in front of her.

“So, if you still want to fight,” She continued, clenching her fist. “I'll be your opponent.”

Ursa wandered aimlessly inside the big market. She had left Aiden and the others deal with the weapon selling. The reason was because she didn't get along well with Pixie.

To be more accurate, it wasn't like the two them hated each other, it was more like Ursa didn't know how to handle her. She couldn't guess what her expression was like as her face didn't even appear. Moreover, her voice, although still human, sounded almost mechanical at times.

Ursa didn't know what Pixie was thinking at all and it made her a little.... skeptical. Honestly, she doubted anyone ever trusted that girl in the first place. Though, Pixie herself probably didn't trust anyone either.

Nevertheless, the most important reason Ursa didn't like the ‘robot-girl’, was because her singularity didn't work on her. Specifically, it doesn't work on machine. It could be said that Pixie was her natural enemy.

“Hm?” Ursa stopped walking, catching sight of a disturbance.

Approaching steadily through the crowd, she spotted two people participating in a heated battle. A familiar black haired girl was fighting against a giant bulky man.

Words momentarily dropped out of the woman's lips before she smirked. “This is why I like that girl.” She said joyfully to herself.

Among the torrent of heavy punch and kicks, Rin tried her best to dodge and counterattack. Using minimal movements.

From her previous fight against Ark's Elite she had remarked her dangerous lack of stamina. Against an opponent that was brimming with energy, the last thing she wanted was running out of strength.

Be that as it may, though, prolonging the fight would also work against her.

“Stop dodging my attack!!!” Diaz shouted increasing his speed.

It was clear that the man had the advantageous odds. Although few of his attack did connect, it was enough to determine he was the stronger one. In term of stats, Rin probably lagged 2 levels behind him.


Fortunately for Rin, however, Diaz relied too much on his instinct and reflex. He seemed to have had experience fighting various opponents but that was it. Compared to the black haired girl's martial art, it was nothing noteworthy.

“—Ack!!” Switching to offensive mode, Rin finally landed a solid counterattack on the man's stomach.

Diaz staggered back a little before regaining his balance. The girl didn't miss that opportunity. Taking a large step forward, she breathed out and clenched her fist. The bulky man barely had the time to block the massive blow and was once again blown away.

Diaz being stronger didn't mean Rin was weak. Her ‘upgraded’ punch's damage shouldn't be ignored.

“...Not bad, girl.” The bulky man said looking at his trembling arm. “What's your name?”

The girl frowned a little from the question. She wondered if the man was seriously asking that question considering that Rin already declared her anonymity via the mask she was wearing.

The thought of calling herself ‘Princess’ did cross her mind but she refrained from doing so. For obvious reason.

“You won't answer?” Diaz asked because of Rin's quietness. “No matter, then. You'll just die as a nameless person!”

Without any warning, the man instantly appeared in front of Rin ready to attack.

‘—Fast!’ Baffled with the sudden increase in speed, Rin was unable to guard herself. For a short brief of moment before the impact, the image of death appeared on her mind.

A loud cracking noise resounded as the girl was violently smashed against a wall. Bone broken and body in tatter, Rin laid motionless on the ground.

“I guess this is it, huh.” Diaz spoke with a devilish smile. “You weren't bad but you weren't good either.”

He advanced, step by step toward the unconscious girl. The crowd of people also cheered for him, clearly prompting the man to kill Rin.

Upon arriving in front of her, Diaz griped her slender neck and lifted her up. Observing the girl from head to toe, the man licked his lips.

“Killing you might be a waste.” The bulky man talked, considering his option. “I bet you'd fetch a high price as a slave.”

Stretching his left hand, Diaz wondered what Rin's face looked like. Slowly placing his finger on the faceless mask, he retired it delicately.

However, before he or anyone else saw the girl's face, blood splattered around. A shining katana traced a deep red line on the man's right hand. And, as a chain reaction, he unhanded Rin's neck.

The black haired girl now fully awake, bended her head and faced the ground. Always with the same momentum, she quickly placed the ‘nano-mask’ above her ear and deployed it.

“This little...!” Diaz, in reflex grabbed his wounded hand. A fatal mistake that gave Rin a second of advance.

From her position, she crouched down further. Then, in a burst of strength, she jumped and slammed both of her knees on the bulky man's face. Freefalling in the same direction, Diaz hit the ground while Rin stood directly above him.

Her sword struck firmly on the ground, leaving a small streak of blood on the man's cheek. “This is my win.” She said firmly, pointing her newly bought gun on her target.

The two of them watched each other for a while. Tension rising, Diaz showed an expression ready to die. Obviously, though, Rin didn't want to kill him.

Breathing a sigh, the girl retreated away from him.

“Hmph! Coward.” Diaz muttered, standing up. “Get your money and get out of my market.” He said, throwing a money card at Rin.

The girl received it swiftly before turning around.

“Wonderful fight, Rin!” A blond woman shouted, hugging the younger girl from behind.

Rin was currently paying up the gun she had taken from the bearded man. Now that everything was wrapped up, she had considered going home. As such, the sight of the one person that could actually take her back was pleasing.

“Ursa.” Rin spoke, looking up. “.... it was you, right?”

“Hm? What are you talking about?” The woman wondered, puzzled by the girl's words.

“You saved me.” A flash of the previous fight faintly passed over Rin's mind.

Precisely, at the moment Diaz's punch rendered her unconscious. In reality, the man's fist hadn't actually touched her. It had missed. In fact, it was the ensuing shockwave that had blown her away. If she did take that blow head on, she wouldn't even be awake now.

“That man didn't seem like he would commit such an error.” Rin talked, walking slowly with Ursa in tow. “You used it again didn't you? Your illusion.”

Ursa simply smiled at the mention of her singularity. “Well, I need to take good care of my junior, don't I?” She responded rhetorically. “Why'd you fight that guy anyway? It's not like it'd change anything, you know.”

Rin stopped her march at the question. True, her action wouldn't change anything. Tomorrow, Diaz would probably resume his game with another victim as a result. It's not like fighting him once would change who he really was.

Diaz was a villain and he liked to fight. That was reality.

However, to repeat, Rin wasn't trying to be a 'hero'. She acted up this time but she wouldn't go out of her way to come here everyday just to stop him from killing. She wasn't that benevolent.

So, why exactly did she stand up?

“I...” Rin spoke, hesitating a little. “I just thought he needed a beating.”

Ursa laughed loudly at these words. “I see!”


A little while after.

“By the way, Rin. Could you give me some of that money?”


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