《Age of cultivation》Chapter XX


" You want to craft a sword? " Thomas asked, pleasantly surprised. He saw Arun's interest in the craft but he thought it would take a bit of convincing to actually make him a blacksmith. He was all embarked on the forger train after all. " Yes, if you'd let me. I feel like there's something special about smiting but I can't really touch it without experiencing it first. " Thomases chest filled with pride from the comment. It was nice hearing such a comment from a youngling when all he received from them usually where looks disappointment and disdain. Usually none wishes to become a blacksmith, but with this kid, has he finally found a disciple? " So I take it you gave up the thought of becoming a forger? Don't worry kid, you've made the right choice, blacksmithing might be an old gal but she won't let you down! " " Uh... " Arun was a bit flustered as carefully chose his next words. He did not want to hurt or sound ungrateful to the master blacksmith in front of him. " I am sorry, but I don't mean to quit being a forger. But I believe that blacksmithing is an important step in order for me to achieve that end. " " I see... " This response was somewhat disheartening for Thomas. Being reduced from a life-long profession to a mere step made his inflated pride shrink faster than it grew before. Nevertheless in front of him stood a student eager to learn and he wouldn't turn him down. " Very well than. Meet me in the workshop in 30 minutes and you shall make your first sword! " " Thank you! " Arun exclaimed with a bow. *** Arun took a deep breath of fresh air. As fresh as you can get in this grey landscape anyway. The pollution has gone down considerably since the beginning of the cultivation age but, still, this was no forest or mountain nearby. He heard that the air there was so clean that it would actually help you cultivate. He knew not to believe everything he's heard though, and made a promise with himself to visit the world outside the city. He never left after all, and he was starting to feel like a bird trapped in an oversized, overcrowded cage. " Nice morning isn't it? " a familiar set of green eyes and long hair appeared near him. " Glorious. " Arun nodded with a bit of a giggle than added when he saw Eileen yawn " You just woke up? " " Yeap. Had a good long sleep, long live the summer break. " " Huh. I always pictured you as a matinal person. I'm starting to see more similarities between you and your brother. " Arun smirked. " Oh please, you won't be able to wake up Bohdi even if you start tearing down the walls next to him. Lately his morning seems to be the afternoon! Besides, rest is very important. You should sleep more too, you know. I feel like you're overworking yourself lately. " " It's all ok, I was just a bit busy these last couple of days. And I am used to waking up early, since I've had to walk a lot on my way to school before... " that last word came out a bit shaky. The change in tone wasn't large but it was enough for Arun to get surprised by his own reaction. * Before huh... * Eileen on the other hand looked like she was expecting this reaction. " You can talk with us you know... shutting yourself in your room both literally and figuratively won't help you a whole lot. " Arun smiled but he knew he couldn't tell Eileen about everything that transpired that day. Not just yet at least. " I'm fine... really. I've just been working and thinking of my next step. There's a lot of new impediments I have to remove. " " I understand... Just know that no matter which step you take we will be near you. You must know by now that we consider you a part of our family. " " Thanks... I really appreciate that. " his words came from his heart. Arun always knew he had good friends by him but seeing how they and their parents supported him trough this rough time, he could only consider himself blessed. " " Don't mention it. " Eileen yawned again. " Have you had breakfast yet? " " Yeah, I've ate with Thomas a while ago. " " Of course you did. You seem to have taking quite a liking into father's profession, although knowing you that's not a big surprise. I'm glad, dad seems happy to have a pupil. " " You are right about that. Talking of the devil, I need to go to the workshop now, I am going to craft my first sword. " Arun said filled with anticipation. " So soon? " Eileen asked a bit surprised " Well, do your best than, cuz imma make sure that I and Bohdi will see the end product " she than added with a little wink. *** As soon as Arun opened the door to the workshop a wave of heat that made the summer sun pale in comparison hit him. It seems Thomas, who was now inspecting a simple ingot of iron, prepared the party for him. " You're late kid. " He said with a stern voice. " Blacksmiths and forgers alike must always honor their orders in time, remember that. We are never late. " " Yes, I am sorry about that " Arun sheepishly answered. Seems like the loving father has somewhat transformed into a drill sergeant. " Right. The furnace is prepared, flames are hot and steady. The hammer is on the anvil and this is your material for today. Here is your material for today. " he threw the ingot in his hand on the anvil. Thomas made the ingot seem light but the heavy clang it made when colliding with the anvil told a different story. " Strengthened iron. The most basic material for weapons nowadays, used by most grunts. While damascus blades are more effective this is more suited to a beginner. I believe you've seen me work on it a few times already. Do you need to do anything before we start? " " No, I believe I know what to do with it. " " Great. Now, I will be guiding you through the steps in crafting a sword, but you need to follow trough by yourself. I won't be giving you any hints if what you are doing it is wrong or correct. I want to see your talent. Understood? " " Yes. " Arun nodded. " Than let's not waste any more time. First of all, you need to take the ingot and put it in the furnace. It needs to hot enough to be malleable. " Arun took the ingot into his hands. He knew that the shimmering grey metal possessed some ki properties in it but feeling it in his own hands felt different. It was cold, but not freezing, it rather had the effect of a cool drink on a warm day. This, however, was not the case for the fire. It shined a crimson hunger, impatiently waiting to be fed. Arun hesitated no longer and threw the ingot into the fire. Than he could barely see it. The dim grey light around the iron got swallowed in the sea of flames. This was a problem. In order for one to ascertain when the metal was ready to be taken out one had to focus on the metal to see when it changed color. This was the most used by blacksmiths but it was not feasible for Arun it required techniques which would enhance your sight. Other methods required equipment that while useful they would help him learn about the whole process a whole lot, which was his main goal. Left with no choice he kept staring at the flames, in hope of catching a lucky glimpse. In time, his efforts were rewarded, however it did not come in the form of a lucky break. For after looking long enough he picked up on small threads of ki emitted from them. This was a bit puzzling for Arun. He knew everything in this world possessed ki, but they shouldn't be emitted to this degree. He shouldn't be able to feel it, especially with his lack of ki. Than, why was it happening? Was it because of the reaction between the fire and the iron? But than, why didn't he feel anything similar during his forging. Than it hit him. During the forging procedure it was him who inserted the ki, the artificially generated process must have suppressed the natural one. He was witnessing the pure natural process right now... Truly intriguing. They say good things come in pairs and this was certainly the case for Arun, because his discovery just led to another, which would help him in his difficult situation. If the ki is emitted by the reaction, than wouldn't he be able to determine the perfect time to pick up the ingot by reading the strings of ki?

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