《Story of Vita》The Forest King / Chapter 11


Inside Balto and inside his stomach, a bulge forms pointed at the odd piece of meat with countless bones jutting out. From the bulge a small point sticks out, and the bulge condenses. As it does this, the point gets sharper and point-ier. The bulge suddenly bursts open and a spear made of bone shots out and twists clockwise, penetrating through the bones made by the abomination and pierces it. Stopping in front of the other wall inside the stomach, small openings open up inside the spear. The abomination, being covered from the outside and the inside with acid, starts to shake like crazy. But it simply cant keep up with the onslaught of acid. As it stops shaking, what little meat that was left is broken down to be absorbed by Balto.

Shivering, Balto stops and takes a look at his stomach. It did feel painful a while ago and it has looked bloated for a while too, but seeing that uncomfortable feeling is gone he simply huffs and continues to walk.

'Mother should have told me that abominations couldn't be eaten, if I knew that then I wouldnt have to deal with this. Hope I won't run into something like that again. But meeting Half-Face would be fun, hope that bark bear will remember me.'.

The sun is setting, it's light casting the forest in a soft orange light. Balto walking through the grass, going up to trees and sniffing them. While normally animals would avoid predators in the wild, Balto could actually see some small animals rushing around inside bushes and in the trees he would sniff a crow would often land to caw at him. The only way Balto would react was the only thing Balto would know to do if something was cawing at him. Stare at whatever is making the noise and try to imitate the noise it makes.


"CAW!" the crow shouts.

"Barwk!" Balto yells back.

This goes on for a while, with Balto and the crow yelling at each other while walking through the forest. For Balto, it was fun to make some noise together with someone. However, the crow, after screaming it's lungs out it decides to fly away from him. Balto would've liked to follow after it, but as his mother told him when he was young; If someone wants to be alone, leave them alone unless they are really important. The crow is fun to stick around, but the crow isnt that important, so it can go if it wants to. Balto walks away to the opposite direction of where the crow went.

It is getting dark, so right now is a good time to find a new shelter. After all that walking, Balto has yet to find a good enough spot to sleep in. There was a lot of small caves and such, but none of them were big enough for Balto to fit inside. And there is no way that he will sleep in a small hole like some stupid animal. All self respecting monsters live in places where they can fit perfectly in no matter what.

'But wait a minute.' Balto felt it. He looks at his back with the weird red stuff. 'I swear I felt something just now.' Balto looks closer at the red hair. They are much wider than his hair on his paws or on his tail. But right now. 'Is that moving?' He felt the old panic come back. The old panic from when he first saw the red stuff. And with the weird red stuff there was also that itch. And he felt it this time too! But now he felt it strongly in his paws. As the itching gets stronger, it concentrates into his claws. It doesn't go further up his limb, but it does get worse. As a matter of fact, it feels like it's moving around in his paws. '!?' Balto couldn't belive his eyes, his claws are moving! Wiggling side to side, sometimes slowly and sometimes fast. Balto could feel the fear gripping onto his hide. 'What the fuck!?' Balto tries to run up to a tree to scratch his nails, but the moment he puts pressure on his paws pain fires into him. Wincing at the pain, Balto tries to move slowly, taking slow steps towards the closest tree. But the pain makes it feel like forever and the tree looks like it hasn't moved at all. The itching only got worse and worse, the movement of the claws getting more energetic and violent. The pain gets so bad that in a fit of rage, Balto reaches down and bites off one of his claws! With a sick crunch, the nails cracks under the pressure coming from his jaw. And with a jerk of his head, the nails is sent flying and hits the tree that was supposed to be used as a scratching pole.


Despite the blood coming from his paw, the itch did stop for a bit and his other nails did calm down a bit from that. Balto breathed a breath of satisfaction as the itch slowly dissappears from him. With a flop, he lays down next to the traumatized tree and licks his bloodied paw. With the taste of his own blood in his mouth. And between licks, Balto noticed something weird. Licking his paw slowly this time, Balto feels something hard. Stopping in the middle of the lick, he slowly looks at the nails he ripped out. They are right next to him, with blood smeared up the tree. His eyes slowly move away from the ripped out nails and end on his paw. The one where he ripped out those nails. Something hard was poking out. Out from the place where his old nails were. Moving his tongue out of the way, to his utter shock, his nails were back! Baltos tiny little brain didn't know how to comprehend this whole thing. And if his nails are growing out from his wounded paw, what about the other three? Balto already knew what was going on, his gut feeling was telling him that either something was wrong or that he needed to poo.

On the ground, next to his legs, right beside his paws. There lays all of his nails, somehow no longer connected to his body. The new nails that now replaced his old ones are slightly longer and much whiter than the old ones. The sight of his own body missing parts of himself despite already having the parts still on him and the pain that he felt, he couldn't handle it anymore and passed out. The last thing he felt was the itch coming back, but this time in his jaw. Or rather, his teeth.

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