《Story of Vita》The Forest King / Chapter 8


Hahaha! The stupid dog just landend in some shit, so embarassing haha! Oh hey, didn't see you there totally real person not made by me. Welcome to my new house! Let me show you around. Funny story actually, how I got this place. I was just dropped off to this world by some asshole, I know I sound amazing no need to flatter me, and then I got a flat with low rent. It did have some nice things in it, and the walls were really sturdy. Then some fuck destroyed it and forced me to live in a literal shithole. But I didnt give up! As a hard working single cell, I studied the absolute shit out of the shit and boom! Now I live here in this dumb as bricks dog.

Right now, we are inside the brain. Mysterious. You see those blindings lights surrounding us? Kinda hard not to see them, but these are the big cells. The boss cells, sending hormones and electronic signals to the rest of the body. Just make sure you never touch them directly, lost a plant cell to those. Poor bastard deserved better. It died for a good cause. Either way! It took me a while, but this spesific group of brain cells let me see what the dog sees! Thats how I figured out this is a dog, or rather, wolf. But enough of the brain, follow me down here.

This is the spine and the big money maker part of this wolf. Now to tell you some cool things about the stem cells! We all know that my wonderful body is perfect, with nothing being able to compare to it. But it seems like stem cells are the closest thing to my own cell. Kinda odd to explain, but in general I just scoop out all of the insides and kinda just wiggled myself inside it. After that, I had direct controll of two of clones of myself! A little bit weird at the start, but now that I have done it a bunch of times I have now stretched myself all the way from the spine and skull down to the toes and tail. Pretty cool right?


There isnt really much else to say about what I have done in here, but the cool thing is that now my once limited amount of plant cells are now so plentiful that I could actually put them to use! Look at my babies, growing out from the back of this dog in such a natural matter that the surrounding cells cant tell the difference.

The reason for why I am doing this is because I am not a parasite. Fuck parasites. Ugly little shits. I will never be a parasite, because parasites are ugly. There was actually a tick growing on this wolf somehow that I had to deal with. The wolf/dog/whatever didnt even seem to be grateful when I did it either, trying to move around in some water for some reason. I should teach this dog some manners in the future. But right now I do have a tiny problem, but it isnt really that much of a problem yet.

Oh? Hey look at this, the wolf seems to have realised what it dug its face into earlier. This will be fun to look at. Let's enjoy the show, my totally not made up friend. Inside Balto, Vita is holding a random cell in a tight grip, forcing it to follow. If the cell could think, it would be extremly confused to what is happening and why it is being moved away from where it was.

"Elk." Balto sniffed the dung pile again. After having cleaned his nostrils in the river, the smell of elk was strong. He had actually slipped on dirt that was turned muddied due to the raw force of the elk pissing on the ground. Inhaling the scent a second time, Balto could tell where the elk had traveled to. It couldnt have traveled far, with the heat coming out of the pile. And looking closer, there are footprints going further away from the river, but kinda to the right of the cave I slept in. How did it manage to sneak past me. Must be a really quiet elk. By the Allfather, I cant wait to have some elk meat. Hope it is just a weak old elk instead of one of those big elks. Guess it is time to hunt. The itch isnt there anymore, so I can finally have some fun!


*sniff* The smell is stronger by this white tree, so it must've walked by here. There are marks on the ground here. There is some hair on this stick! *sniff* *sniff* Smells like elk. It must have gone this way. Balto continues to move forward, stopping whenever he loses track of the elk. The smell isnt getting weaker, but the forest is new to him and the other scents of the wild are quite distracting. It has also nibbled on the leafs. But it is odd. Based of what Balto knows, elk are usually in really big groups, but he can only smell one. And the plants are a bit more destroyed than normal the closer he gets to the elk. Atleast the scent of elk is getting stronger.


Balto immedietly tenses up. His fur stands up, and the weird red hair does the same. Balto holds his breath and tries to move as little as possible. The sound was different from how he thought it was. It sounded. Dangerous. The itch is back, but it is softer and only in his head. Shaking, Balto desides to move up towards the clearing from where he heard it. Before he sees it, his smell is suddenly attack by a foul smell. Multiple carcasses are scattered around the clearing. Some are regular elks, but their bones are poking out of their flesh . The closest one to Balto was somehow severed in half, with its guts having spilled out from both halfs. There was already flies and other small insects chewing on it. There is a bark bear there, still alive! It has countless of wounds covering its body, and half of its face is clearly missing. The usually tough skin of bark bears has been shredded to pieces, but it is still alive fighting it.

By the Allfather.

Elks are usually as tall as a dire wolf, but this one is much taller. Even taller than the bark bear. Its hind legs are normal looking, however, further up its body there are small protrusions covering it. Its almost like thorns are growing underneath its skin. The closer up to the head, the bigger these thorns get. Its back and neck are covered in massive thorns, leaking puss. And its head. On top there is a massive set of antlers stabbing into itself. The thorns are covering its entire head, only reveling its multiple sets of eyes that has grown out of random places. One of the eyes lock with Baltos. And all he can feel from the eyes are nothing but pure hatred. It somehow opens its mouth again, making snapping sounds as it opens up way to much for a elk. Balto is petrified and the bark bear prepares for the noise.


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