《Story of Vita》Single Cell / Chapter 5


In the forest known as Worlds Tongue, there is a vast biodiversity. Known to house countless of species. Ranging from small creatures, like rats, all the way to rare green dragons. Many have tried to explore the vast forest. Many have also died in the forest. Despite the dangers of Worlds Tongue, many intelligent species travel here for the scenery. The Worlds Jaw, a mountain range, is said to serve as a wall to protect it's inhabitants against the void. While it is not known what lies behind the mountain range, no one has managed to check if this claim is true or not.

In Worlds Tongue, a single horned rabbit is hidden in the underbrush. This creature looks similar to it's relative, the wild rabbit, but the larger size and the horn located on it's forehead is often enough to threaten any normal animal away. This particular horned rabbit seems to have abdominal pains. Poor thing. Because in a forest like this one, such a small problem can quickly lead to ones death.

The blobs are still chasing after all that I did. Poor bacteria sacrificing themselves to save me, you won't be forgotten. I don't know if it has to do with the one I smacked away, but the blobs are also ignoring the bacteria aswell. They are even catching up with me! Some newer blobs show up further on the way, and I'm forced to bat them away with my baton. Plant cells are finally doing something for the family, I'm so proud of you guys. And while I have been moving, more and more of the former plant cells under my control show up. They aren't alive, but the fact that they are rotten and turd looking would mean that they are useless to me now. Dang. But that would also mean that there must be a big shit here somewhere!


And here it is! The biggest piece of shit I have ever seen. So big that I can't see the top of it! And with it is a huge amount of bacteria trying to break it down together with a small amount enzymes and acids. Yeah that is what you deserve for trying to kill me, you dumb animal! While I am happy to know that the asshole is in pain, there is a big problem. That problem is how the fuck am I meant to get through? The blobs are still after me, and the shit infront seems to be stuck to something. Alright, move away you small shiteaters, watch and learn! Using the baton, I leap (or glide) through the air, I and cut away a portion of the shit. The enzymes go crazy, and start to devour the cut down shit. The blobs are trying to navigate through the bacteria, but I send more shit down to them. Eat well! When the shit lands on the blobs, the surrounding enzymes attack them. I would feel bad, but the blobs deserve it. Tch, stupid small things with no brains. Cut shit, throw shit on the blobs. Repeating while climbing up, the amount of shit falling down is slowly burying the blobs.


What was that? Everything is shaking, and the fight between the blobs and the shiteaters stops. Almost like on command, they run and hide inbetween the folds. Some of the smaller enzymes melt into the cracks on in the intestines. As the rumbling continues, the walls seem to move.

And following the crumbling of the huge shit, a dirty liquid is breaking it up with me on it! Oh god it's disgusting! The once massive and awe inspiring shit is now nothing but a raft for me to float on. What I assume is water is seem to have scared the blobs away. Or atleast washed them away. Maybe I should test the waters with one of the passengers with me. Don't run from me, little bacteria, this is important research for the better of cell kind! Firmly holding the bacteria, I dip one end of it into the water. Thrasing around in the liquid, I can see it melt away. No! Bacteria #2653 don't die yet! It's innards are flowing out of it. It's movements are slowing down, from agressive moving to little to no movement. The corpse is slowly falling apart in my arms, and the bacteria around me seem to quiet down at the sight. Poor thing.


Either way! Throwing the corpse into the dangerous waters, the other bacterias shiver in fear. Before I can continue my testing, a wave hits them before I could. Oh right I forgot where this shit is floating inside somethings guts. Swinging to left and right, spinning around and a rare time flipping over. Lucky for me, I can crawl quick enough to not get hit all the time. But nothing ever good happens to me, does it?! Piece of shit plant cells can defend for anything they are worth. Ouch! More wax! Spread it out evenly! What do I not pay you guys for!? There is some bacteria trying to survive the waters. But I don't think melting is a way to live life. Don't see any blobs either. Annoying pricks, hope they died a painful death. Woah! Almost got splashed. The shitpile is slowly durning into a shit particle, and the water is looking more threatening by the second. Gotta find a safespot. And looking to the horizon, I think I see a another wall. Is that what I think it is? It is! I'ts the asshole! Finally I can get out of here!

Poor horned rabbit never saw it coming. The berries that help with constipation did more pain instead of good. The berries were old, and the taste being horrible, the horned rabbit tried to wash it down with some water. The water did help somewhat, but the odd pink plant it ate some days ago was sharp and painful. Crying out in pain with feces shooting out of it, it was no wonder that a predator spotted it. A dire wolf, related to the common wolf, saw the poor thing and decided that the best way to help was to bite the horned rabbit in the groin. The taste of turd is awful but to survive in Worlds Tongue, any meal is a good meal. Specially after a hard fight.

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