《A Mouse's Grand System》The Forest of Stones


Arvion awoke to the rich smell of rain and the harsh wet sensation of water droplets drenching his fur. After that instance, he scrambled awake feeling out around him trying to gather where he was. That was when he saw it. A gigantic tree standing at least hundreds of feet into the air, Arvion just a mere few inches tall, felt just how significant his small size was.

As Arvion turned around he was confronted with hundreds of these hundreds of feet tall trees. He was in a forest for sure, but just how large this forest was a mystery. But from the size of a mere mouse, the size was sure to be incredible.

The second most important thing Arvion noticed was the fact that he could barely even see over the huge grass. He stumbled into a standing position which felt oddly straining. Looking around seemed to open his eyes as he found a plethora of plants and different bugs that seemed to live in every inch of this forest.

A cloud of butterflies flew above Arvion and before he knew it he was in a flurry of colors that were passing by. Many red and blues and greens and purples. It was a sight that was a stark contrast to the deathly blackness of the previous void he was in for what felt like forever.

' These things.... may be dangerous. I should be careful until I figure out exactly what I can do with my new skills. '

'I wonder if saying status works like in all those novels?' Arvion thought to himself as a blue status filled his vision.


Name: Arvion

Species: Household Mouse


Level: 1


Hitpoints: 1/1

Stamina: 1/1

Mana: 8/8


'Where are my stats?' Arvion thought as he saw a lack of anything that defined his skills as he saw in almost any novel. Though they were fuzzy he felt like he remembered that these things existed in his life before his death though he couldn't pinpoint any specific details.


Name: Arvion

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 1

Lifeforce: 1

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 8

Evolution Points Available: 5


'Hmm.. I have 5 evolution points whatever those are. Are they like stat points? Put in one point to Lifeforce.' Arvion thought tentatively.


'So lifeforce is what increases my hitpoints. And I can guess that endurance improves my stamina then. '

'I better get out of the open before some scary predator comes and tracks me down and eats me.' Arvion thought before scrambling around the forest floor.

He found his speed was refreshing as he glided across the forest floor with ease almost as if his body was used to the speed and environment. After finding a small hole to hole up for the day in a tree he cozily settled in and began to allocate his Evolution points once more.

'Right now if I had to guess it would be highly likely for me to get one shot from about anything so I think health is the most important value right now.'

'Put the remaining 4 points into Lifeforce.'

As the system successfully allocated the points Arvion could feel a change fill his body as his muscles curled and grew more resistant than they were previously leaving Arvion with a refreshing and warm feeling coursing through his body. The comforting feeling slowly overwhelmed him and he felt himself nodding off to sleep in the middle of the warm tree.


Arvion awoke with a start as a system notification urged him awake.

'What the hell do you me-' Arvion was cut off mid-thought as a crunching noise grated his ears. The entire tree began to move as Arvion felt his body go into a limp state as he began to be thrown around the inside of the hollowed-out tree.

'What's going on?!'

The tree had begun to move forward as something had just grabbed it and proceeded to walk with it through the forest which seemed nearly impossible with these behemoths trees. The tree was being thrown around wildly as something seemed to be using it as a weapon.

After a quick impact against the ground, Arvion finally realized how bad of a situation he was.

"What the hell is using my new home as a mallet?! And why does it hurt so much!" Arvion squeaked out loud. After he spoke however the tree stopped moving for a second, almost as if registering his voice but quickly continued moving. Arvion peered out of the hole that led outside the tree and found himself staring at a gigantic beaver with bright blue fur. Arvion was about to question his sanity before the creature quickly moved its head towards him staring directly down at him.


A loud screech was let out before the thing accelerated its speed in which it was moving the tree and quickly Arvion lost his grip as the tree got swung around at an incredible speed.

Arvion awoke from the rounds of pain, the excruciating feeling of being battered into the ground by a giant taking its toll, and finally managed to gather up his strength to dash out of the hole of the tree. After finally finding himself free from that hell of prison he dashed with all his might through the forest floor.

A loud hissing noise could clearly be heard as the beaver attempted to slash down upon him with the large tree but Arvion just managed to dodge with his 10 dexterity.

The range was insane but if he could get behind a tree then he would manage to evade the beaver!

The beaver raised its tree once more in an attempt to crush Arvion but arvion swiftly dashed behind a tree managing to evade the attack.

After about an hour of playing cat and mouse with the beaver the beaver began to grow frustrated and tired, but so did Arvion.

'I can't keep doing this all day. He has to give up at some point...' Arvion thought to himself as he quickly turned his head to look where The Beaver would be at next but only found an empty field. He had unnoticingly walked into an open field!

'Curse this tall grass.'

Arvion quickly reoriented himself and looked around only to be confronted with a large log house that looked to be at least 20 feet tall.

A simple-looking human was chopping wood with a large scary metal ax. The human looked to be a young boy no older than 12. He was dressed in simple cloth clothing with a leather strap going from his waist across the opposite shoulder with a button-down shirt.

After looking at him in silence for a while Arvion let out a breath of relief.

'Humans at last.' Arvion thought to himself as he almost made a dash for the little boy before realizing once more that he was no longer a human-like before but instead a mouse.

'Well at least there is shelter... but I must be careful. In this form, they would rather kill me than let me set foot in their household.'

He slowly snuck across the perimeter before stopping after noticing something. There was something above his head in a small font.

"Wait there is a limit to how many skills I can have? What a rip-off." Arvion squeaked to himself before quieting down for a moment.

He continued forward for a few moments slowly making his way forward towards the house while looking for small holes in the foundation of the house.

After what felt like an hour he finally scouted a small house that led to the crawlspace underneath the house. After closing his eyes and resting for a moment he finally relaxed and decided to check out what other secrets the system could be hiding from him.

'System open up skills.'



Passive Skills:

Classes Unlocked LV: MAX +

Natural Stealthiness LV: MAX +

Active Skills:

Stealth: LV: 1 +

General Skills:

Inspect: LV: 1 +


'Enlarge all skills.' arvion thought to himself.


Classes Unlocked LV: MAX

The class feature has been unlocked.


Natural Stealthiness LV: MAX

Mice are naturally stealthy and as such gain a passive bonus to all attempts at stealth that equals your level as a percentage. Current Bonus: 1% (Total Level: 1)


Stealth LV: 1

The user enters a state in which their body becomes more naturally stealthy. The cost of this skill is 1 stamina per minute of use(This can change as the skill levels). It currently gives the user a bonus to sneak equal to 10%. Costs 5 evolution points to upgrade.


Inspect LV: 1

The user is allowed to get basic information on an enemy or item. Current level: Basic categorization. Next level: Level/rarity. Price for upgrade: 5 evolution points.


'Hmmm so my biggest aspect is my stealth by a large factor. so for classes I should probably choose thief though I would much rather be a warrior or something more heroic... choices... choices... what to pick'

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