《The Isekai Police (aka "Earth's Advocates")》13. Leeroy Jenkins
Well, it was happening. Sae jumped out of the bush and charged at the monster, while the other party members scrambled to keep up with him. The Bog Walker the team had been tracking that day was in fact in the clearing as Pireni’s skill had predicted. It was slightly larger than the average size Pireni had stated at 7 feet long. The quadruped’s mud-matted brown fur covered its body like a shaggy coat, growing long enough to cover the long claws on its four limbs, but not getting in the way of movement. It yelped in surprise when Sae charged at it, but quickly turned to face him with a snarl on its face, revealing razor sharp teeth and a pair of shining red binocular eyes, confirming its predatory nature. It didn’t take a naturalist to know that it didn’t approve of this intrusion into its territory, and was ready to defend it at the cost of blood. The party’s blood.
Sae quickly closed the distance between the two, and despite his screaming, was able to maintain enough of the element of surprise to capitalize on it with a single unblocked strike. His sword slashed through the Bog Walker’s fur, cleanly parting many of its mud-caked strands, but drawing no blood. The monster let out a roar and countered with a slash of its own claws. Sae jumped back just in time, not letting his chainmail test the blow, and called out to the rest of his team.
“Come on guys! Don’t make me kill this thing myself!”
“We’re here!” shouted Pireni in reply. She set herself some distance behind Sae and got her bow out. Skeya positioned herself equidistant from the other two, ready to recite a chant of healing at a moment’s notice. Artyom followed out slowly, but had already applied his ally strengthening spells the moment Sae charged out of cover.
Artyom wanted to say something to express his disapproval, but decided to keep his mouth shut when Sae needed his full concentration for what was in front of him. As Sae continued to trade blows with the monster to little effect for either side, Pireni nocked an arrow and took careful aim, careful not to commit an act of friendly fire. After several seconds, she let loose, and the arrow hit the Bog Walker on the side. It reeled slightly from the first real damage it had taken during the fight, but not by much and was still easily able to dodge Sae’s next attack. Sae, in his overconfidence on how badly the monster was injured, overextended expecting his next blow to finish it off. His mistake cost him several links in his armor, as the beast took advantage of his misplay and slashed at his midsection with full force, rending many of the metal loops that made up his chainmail.
“You forgot to use your skill, Pireni!” shouted Sae, as soon as he realized what had happened. His armor saved him from any actual injury, save for that to his pride.
“On it, [Piercing Shot]! You forgot to activate your own skill too, you know!” replied Pireni, with frustration evident in her voice.
“Yeah, got you. [Sharpened Edge]!”
While the two were distracted by their argument, the Bog Beast came to two conclusions. First, its blows did very little to the bipedal creature in front of it. The shiny jingly thing on it was made of tougher stuff than its own claws. It would have to get him onto the ground and bite and claw his face off to do any real damage. Second, the other bipedal creature with red hair standing by itself wasn’t wearing any shiny jinglies, nor did it have a shiny sharp stick. Would killing it chase the others away? It decided to test that hypothesis.
Sae looked in confusion when his focus returned back to the battle, only to see that the Bog Walker had abandoned their fight and was running away… straight towards…
“Skeya!” shouted Pireni, the moment she realized what was happening. She tried to pull out an arrow to fire at it, but she wasn’t skilled enough to hit it while it was moving, let alone with the time she had before it reached her friend.
The beast was right in front of Skeya, its maw opened wide ready to feast. She screamed in terror as its jaws were about to tear into her midsection. Everyone watched in terror at the inevitable, resigned to their inability to respond.
All but one. Artyom surrounded himself in a selection of spells he always had at the front of his mind in quick succession. “Speed of the Olympian”, he recited to himself mentally as he took a single step towards the Bog Walker, his pace transformed into one that would put an olympic sprinter to shame. “Tungsten Body!” he shouted as he was within only a few feet from his target, before lifting his right leg up and moving from a mad dash into a flying kick. From Artyom’s practical experience, there was no need to cast a strengthening spell. A combination of high speeds and incredible density would be enough to impart a deadly amount of force. As soon as he connected with the beast, his foot sunk into its deep matted fur until it connected with skin and flesh. Despite the dampening effect reducing the force of the blow considerably, it was still enough to send the beast flying several feet away.
“Move, get out of here!” Artyom shouted at the others, taking control of the situation. The others looked at him dumbfounded, a combination of relief for Skeya’s fate as well as the abilities Artyom just displayed. “What are you staring at? That thing is still alive and you aren’t safe.”
The others snapped out of their stupor and followed Artyom’s instructions on autopilot. They sheathed their weapons and briskly fled the scene of the battle away from where the Bog Walker was kicked. Artyom gently took Skeya’s hand and led her towards the others. As they made their way away from the site of the battle, Artyom looked back and saw the Bog Walker getting up. Realizing that it was outmatched against him, it decided to let the party run away.
After almost 20 minutes of running, and after Artyom confirmed that the beast wasn’t in pursuit with the use of a life sensing spell, the party fell to the ground in exhaustion. They looked glad that everyone was unharmed. Everyone, of course, except Artyom. Still on his feet and holding a grim expression, he was tempted to turn on his aura of fear to give the rest of the party something to really feel scared of.
“Hey Artyom,” began Sae. “Why didn’t you just finish off the Bog Walker? You had it on the ropes, you could’ve-”
“Sae,” began Artyom calmly.
He looked up inquisically at first, before his face turned to fear upon seeing Artyom’s expression.
“You dumb motherfucker!” shouted Artyom. “I know you’ve never faced a real monster before, but you hold the lives of your teammates in your hands. Did you consider this at any point in your time as an adventurer? That what you say and do, everyone else will follow? And if they die because of a lack of instructions, it’s your fault?!”
Artyom had never heard anyone in this World swear before, but that could’ve just been because he was always in polite company. When lives were on the line, there was no point being polite.
Sae opened his mouth as if to answer, but nothing came out. Artyom could swear tears were going to be coming out instead at this rate.
Artyom took a deep breath. He wanted to lay a verbal beatdown on Sae for shirking his duty as team leader so badly, but then he realized he was still a newbie. He probably became an adventurer with innocent aspirations of becoming a famous hero. Many of the Terran Defense Force’s new recruits were just like that, but they didn’t get put into leadership positions until they had their naivete beat out of them through training and experience. Sae never had that luxury.
“Sae, I know you care about the rest of the team, you want what’s best for all of us,” said Artyom in an incredibly calm and motherly voice. “You charge to the front and make yourself a target so the rest of us won’t get harmed. It just so happened to fail today.”
Sae nodded silently, the tears about to form in his eyes beginning to dry ever so slightly.
“Why do you think that is?”
Sae was silent for a second, then he replied. “Because it went after Skeya?”
“Yes. And why did it go after her?”
Another pause. “She was alone and unarmed?”
This time Artyom was the one to reply with a silent nod. “So how do we change that?”
Sae was silent once again, lost in thought. Artyom was about to interrupt him with the obvious when Skeya spoke.
“Have me be with someone who can defend me?” she asked.
Artyom looked over to her in slight surprise and nodded affirmatively. “Alternatively, we could arm you and make you as dangerous at Sae, but that doesn’t seem to be viable at the moment. So you and anyone else who can’t defend themselves has to be defended.”
“Well, Sae. You’re the team leader, can you plan a solution to this?” asked Artyom.
Sae collected himself and thought for a while. “We could have her next to someone?”
“I can stand next to Artyom!” said Skeya, excitedly.
“The problem with that is my attention is going to be on maintaining my spells, so I won’t be able to pay enough attention to properly protect you. Sae, despite being a wall against monsters, your attention is also going to be occupied. Skeya, stand next to Pireni. She’ll have to be paying attention to everything around her to keep away from enemies, but she’s still capable of keeping you and herself defended. That way, you’ll also still be in view of the rest of us so you’ll know if we get harmed.”
Skeya looked slightly disappointed by this, but she nodded in resolute acceptance.
“While we’re still planning, does anyone else have any complaints or difficulties they’d like to bring up?”
Pireni, as if on cue, spoke up. “Yeah, whenever I try to shoot arrows, I have to try really hard not to hit Sae.”
“Alright, and can you think of any way to avoid that from happening?”
“Well,” began Pireni. “If he weren’t in the way, that would help. So he can either move out of the way, or I can position myself so I’m not facing him!”
“There you go!” responded Artyom. “So all that’s left is me. As a ranger, I’m guessing you’re pretty mobile, right Pireni?”
She nodded in affirmation.
“I’m a quick mover too, so we can stay close together to cover for each other if anything does go for us. Looks like we get to stand next to each other anyway, Skeya.”
The two ladies smiled in response.
Everyone took some time to digest everything that was said. When Artyom thought that some of everyone’s lost confidence had returned to them, he addressed them all.
“So, team leader. Do you think we’re ready for another go?”
Sae’s eyes lit up in determination, and he nodded.
The Chronicles of Shard: Never a Name Spoken
Shard, a world drowned, yet dotted with islands, is set at odds in a war older than memory. One, Lagoon, feels remarkably at peace. With the war far from their shores, they’re free to focus on a greater concern . . . the witch. Imprisoned upon Gabriel’s Tear, a nearby rock jutting from the sea, the witch crooned powerless in all her telepathic fury. Though all were awash with fear, should they wander within range of her all-seeing eye. Bedtime stories were told to keep children in check, lest they be whisked away in the night and devoured. None dared speak her name. Ciroc, a young boy, was soon to be enmeshed in her future . . . and that of the council, who controlled all in an iron grip. Not even Mother Sea could predict the outcome. Woe be to this blue planet. Woe be to this blue marble called Shard.
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Fate Of The Swordsmen
Anarion Ragnor struggles to move ahead in a world that is on the brink of collapse. Demons, Gods, Undead, Cursed Beings and more are all fighting for control of Terath. Anarion a student on his way to graduation from the Swordsmen Academy struggles to cope with his issues of abandonment while those around him are trying to breach through the emotional mask he wears to protect himself from becoming attached to the people around him. Anarion is forced to live in the Shadow of his older brother who has fastly become one of the most renown Swordsmen alive. Dealing with his insurecity, ineptitude and inner fears. Anarion must face the world and himself. Swordsmen are ancient Warriors who wield legendary blades that can become so powerful they could shatter reality. They also know a unique magic called Elestran.
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In the City of Wisteria
In the city of Wisteria there grew a tree so tall it reached far above the clouds. Thinking it a sign from god that the gateway to heaven was open, the people rejoiced and worked to grow their strength to climb that tree. And while god wasn’t paying attention, a lone girl climbed the tree, all the way to the top. Camellia is an abandoned child, once a baron's daughter, just looking for a way to survive. When her situation gets dire, she wishes on the great tree. Little does she know, her wish has been heard. Be careful what you wish for.
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In the center of a nuclear wasteland lay the last vestiges of humanity, the City, as its numerous inhabitants called it. To leave its protective wall was certain death. Humanity was not meant to fit within the confines of a walled city. But, with a strict caste system and the threat of being sent to the lowest level of the caste system for even the smallest crime, the City has survived. Liv was born to the highest caste, Most Honored. After her father's treason and subsequent execution, her family was cast into the prison that the lowest caste, the Dishonored, lived in. Tortured and forced to work as a slave for every bite to eat, Liv desired revenge against the King that made her life a living hell and the City that held her captive. With a forced smile and a polite bow, Liv would destroy the overpopulated last bastion of humanity. Releases weekly on Tuesdays at 12:45 Eastern US Time. This story is posted on Wattpad, Inkitt, Moonquill, and Royal Road. There is an original old version (never been updated and does not have any chapters that have been published since 2016) available on Fiction Press and there is an old version of Dishonor (the first volume only) for sale on Amazon. If you are not reading on one of these location, you are reading a pirated version and you can read it for free on Royal Road.
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Astral Mage
A young mage on a journey towards attaining the highest power to become an Astral Mage, a supreme being, ended up meeting an airhead of a young boy with the intention of capturing her. With hindrances on her way, the young mage fought against all odds further towards her destination. The young boy as well, continues to pursue her, ending up joining in her adventure to defeat her. As the story unfolds, secrets will be unfolded, mysteries will be solved, and truths will be revealed.
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Poké Oneshots [Requests Temporarily Closed]
This is a small collection of oneshots that I either wrote for myself, or other people have requested. Requests are my top priority, so when you request, that comes immediately before anything that I happen to be writing for myself. Sometimes it may take me a while to publish the chapter you request, because the requests can back up a little bit.Requesting a scenario helps me form ideas a little faster, but if there's nothing in particular that you want to see, then I'll try my best to portray a good chapter from my viewpoint of the ship.You can absolutely request any ship that you want. There's a lot of oneshot collections out there who only do requests if it's a ship that they ship, but I know how hard it is to find stories for a ship that you like sometimes.Ships I'll probably inlude when writing for myself are:SpecialshippingNamelessshipping OldrivalshippingMangaquestshippingSoulsilvershippingFranticshippingAgencyshippingSequelshippingGreyskyshippingKalosshippingTwinleafshippingDualrivalshippingChessshippingFerriswheelshippingEntourageshippingCorruptedshippingBlacksoulshippingMalasadashippingLaverreshipping(You can request a ship and/or scenario)(I don't do ships from the anime, sorry (。ヘ°))
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