《The Hammer Effect》Chapter Twenty-one
Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.
This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire
Kamar Taj.
Kathmandu, Nepal.
The Ancient clicked on the end call button to hang up. She had taken time to explain to Justin Hammer of the importance of the challenge they were about to face. She hoped to have him on her side as an ally—not out of a sense of unity, but due to the fact that the Vishanti implored her to do such. And to be honest, very few were called for the challenges but all those called were either masters in their fields or very powerful sorcerers like her.
Of course none were the sorcerer supreme—that was her advantage— and none could be. The sorcerer supreme as the name implied was either the most powerful of all sorcerers when it came down to raw power as they had the full favor of the Vishanti —the most extensive source of magical power and spells in a native dimension— on their side, granting them command over vast ambient magic, which they could then channel to accomplish neigh impossible feats. Or, they could be the one with utmost unmatched magical skill in their world.
To possess either of these attributes made them the most dangerous individuals in their world. As such it was seen that only those who would defend the fate and safety of their world would stand victorious when the time came for the challenge. For some sought the title and the power it held, not to defend the world but for their own selfish means. Whenever certain stars align, an occurrence that takes centuries to occur, the sorcerer supreme must defend and reclaim their title. If they couldn’t do that, then they did not deserve to become the sorcerer supreme in the first place. For how could you deal with extra-dimensional threats when you could not even fight against those in your locality?
The Ancient One, exited the Holy Temple, she observed the lively and bustling crowd. Smiling, at their blissful ignorance at the things that lurked beyond their natural sight. They were unaware of entire dimensions filled with the most malicious of beings that sought nothing more than their demise. The very scale of threats that the Earth faced would drive them mad should they even learn a fraction of it.
It was rewarding—being able to protect her world. But it was also a lonely prospect. She had seen many of those she called friends die, or live long enough to be twisted by the sweet seduction of darkness. Many have gone, and many more will go. She thought to herself.
“Madam” The driver called, alighting from his vehicle. A middle aged man with graying hair and a very full moustache which further accented his smile and polite demeanor.
“Aziz, on time as always” She praised the man, earning her a well meaning smile and nod, walking towards the car, a well maintained vintage Volkswagen. She paused and stepped back and not a moment later a rowdy teen dashed past her on a speeding hoverboard, followed by what she assumed were his friends also on their hoverboards—they were most likely partaking in a trending sport called hover tag, inspired from a scene in the movie Back To The Future. She shook her head and boarded the waiting vehicle.
The Ancient One preferred mundane means of transportation over directly teleporting to her location on certain instances, such as now. She enjoyed the sights she’d normally not get to see, it allowed her to gauge the surroundings based on sight and observation. To see just how far along the world had come.
“Where shall I be taking you today madam?” The driver asked as he ignited the engine, revving the car up, he smiled hearing the car purr to life. Spending money on upgrading the engine of his beloved car with one of those all electric engines manufactured by Hammer Industries was turning out to be the best choice he’d made this year. Gone were the constant breakdowns and the cost of refueling his vehicle. All he had to pay for was the electricity bill of his home, where he’d plug the car to charge as though it were a common appliance. Becoming a driver was now more profitable than it had ever been; it was so profitable that he would be able to fully foot the bill for his daughter’s tertiary education.
“To the nearest airport, Aziz” The Ancient one said, to which Aziz nodded and began driving. The thought of purchasing a Hammer HI-Powerbox, to power his entire home on his mind. Aziz did not understand the intricacies of such devices, all he knew was that it ran on clean energy and it would cut down the cost of electricity to a fraction for his home. He hummed a happy tune as he drove along. Perhaps when he had enough after settling his affairs, he could afford to upgrade his vehicle to a hover-line car.
Flying with my car. Aziz thought. That would be a sight to behold.
The rural Makarta,
Southeast Asia.
After a three hour flight to Southeast Asia, the ancient one swore that she would make sure to patronize first class seats no matter the modesty that beset her, at least then she’d have peace of mind for the duration of her flight. She could not deal with seeing another headache inducing hologram from the phones of those around her, or another zombie in an E-scape headset screaming their lungs out because they were failing in a game, or watching their favorite character die in a Netflix show. It was compounded by the fact that these products and services were the brainchild of her biggest headache yet, Justin Hammer.
She boarded another vehicle, this one a silver white pristine bus. She raised a brow when she felt the vehicle begin to hover off the ground, a look outside her window confirmed it. Mildly surprised that advanced Hammer tech could be found in such corners of the world. It began settling on her that the man’s company was gradually reaching remote parts of the world. That didn’t mean that she did not enjoy the comfortable ride which took her further on her journey, through the grassy and barren plains that blended together to bring about an exotic combination of nature’s stark beauty.
She alighted upon reaching her destination—a small underdeveloped village whose population was primarily made up of fishermen who were expert navigators of the lake that was connected to their natural habitat. What she didn’t expect was for the village to look like a small town instead. Observing her surroundings, she noticed the improved infrastructure and electricity that brought a newfound vitality to the village. A high electronic signpost bearing words Hammer Foundation told her whose efforts it was that made all this possible.
It was as though his name was everywhere she turned. No corner was left unmarred, no rock untouched, nothing was safe from the hands of that man.
Fine then asshole. The Ancient One decided to forego the mundane travel. She channeled power into her sling ring, pictured her destination and made the rotary gesture creating a glowing rip in reality which led to her destination. She walked past the sparking fiery boundary, and deep into the lush Javan rainforest.
“By the Vishanti” She exclaimed in awe, standing before their place of power. The towering infrastructure that remained standing from time immemorial to this day, The Temple of Three.
A great building made up of three separate towers, each tower depicted the vague features of one of the Vishanti. And upon those faces rested crowns which radiated a resplendent golden glow, seen by only those with true sight.
The Ancient One took steady steps, each one bringing her nearer to the Temple.
The Temple Of Three
—Somewhere deep within the Javan Rainforest
She stepped through the overarching oval doorway, welcoming the wave of nostalgia that came upon once again, gaining entrance into the expansive temple. The towering pillars with various magical engravings, the murals on the walls depicting a lost history.
The Ancient One’s gaze roamed over the people present. Some faces she recognized, others were new—arrogant, naïve, hopeful, solemn. Their expressions were as varied as the individuals themselves.
“She’s here!?” “Is that her?” “Ya, tha sorcerer supreme that” “The ancient one.”
“She’s powerful.” “Sorcerer supreme, she’s here.” “Wow, I can’t believe this is really happening”
“She’s not dead yet?” “Damnit!” “She’s taller than I assumed.”
“Looks like we should give up now to save face grandson.” “Shut up grandpa!”
“Grandson, I’ll kick your ass when this is over. Mercilessly, I will.” “Wait grandpa, I was caught in the moment! Please!”
“Shhsh, look she’s coming over!” “Hmm, she lives. Good.”
She could hear them speak of her; some mentioned her with reverence and admiration, others with jealousy and hate.
“Ancient one, it is an honor to meet you, madam” A well built man with thick dreadlocks spoke politely.
Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme responded in kind. “Brother Voodoo, it is a pleasure. I have heard of your acts, I must say, I am impressed.”
The man smiled with elation upon receiving praise from the Sorcerer Supreme. Many more came to offer their greetings.
She raised an eyebrow at the blue skinned woman in robes who walked over to introduce herself. It had been ages since the Ancient One last laid eyes on an Atlantean.
“I am Tareva of Atlantis. My teacher, Alveris has told me much about you. It is an honor” The haze of mist over the woman’s face only served to make her comfortable to the surface environment and did nothing to hide her gorgeous features.
The Ancient One nodded at the mention of an old acquaintance name. “Alveris has found himself a very capable successor” She scanned the Temple, trying to find sight of Justin Hammer, the man was nowhere to be seen.
“Welcome!” Said the host. A man well into his age, his eyebrows were as stark white as the long and thin beard beneath his chin. The Aged Ghengis floated above the pedestal, unfolding his legs from the assumed meditative pose. The Aged Ghengis stood upright in the platform, his purple cloak and native loincloth being the only article of clothing on the man. “It is encouraging to see so many of you receptive to the call.”
“Aged Ghengis, I mean no disrespect, but what is the ‘question of power’ of which you spoke?”
“I see the question in your eyes. Some of you know why you were summoned here.” He said, eyeing the long lived amongst the rest, he gave landing on the ancient one and then on a young woman in black suggestive clothing and finally on an aged lady who smiled in return. “All shall be settled. We will wait a few minutes for one more before we begin. A late arrival, ah here he comes”
Most muttered at the prospect that there was one who could make the Aged Ghengis wait. Some questioned that one’s audacity, others dismissed his arrogance. The Ancient One had the fleeting suspicion that it would be a headache-inducing individual she knew of.
They could hear the rumble of a great machine landing on the earth. The assembly grew still and quiet, anticipation filled the air, as did the sound of metal on stone. It was steady and equal, almost mechanically so.
The powerful figure bowed to fit through the doorway. The atmosphere turned static as the mighty figure of a man in a seamlessly smooth, dark silver armor walked into the room, the emerald ring glowing within the section of his chest and on the fringes of his shoulders matched the viridian cloak which billowed behind him did not seem like a fashion addition, but more like a regal attachment to show the man’s rank, he was royalty.
Dark eyes, truly obsidian eyes with golden rings of divinity in them scanned the room and everyone in it from behind the smooth metal mask; settling momentarily on the blue skinned Tareva, causing the Atlanthean to unconsciously step back. There was something about those eyes that made her feel as though she was being stared down by a terrible predator.
The man in metal, flared a portion of his aura, a subconscious act. When a lion enters the midst of other animals, its aura is projected without any active effort on its account, it possesses the aura of a conqueror. So when the hybrid of royal demon, divine and draconic blood entered the space where others who thought themselves powerful were gathered, his natural air permeated the atmosphere.
In the presence of normal humans, this subconscious act would only cause discomfort to the strong willed and inspire subservience in the weaker. But those gathered here today were not normal humans, these were sorcerers, those sensitive enough to feel ambient magic. The difference was night and day.
Some crumbled to their knees. Some clawed at their throats, trying to pry the invisible hand that limited their air. The primordial draconic aura combined with the majesty of pure divinity and terrifying intensity of hell power pushed them to the brink. The aura was too thick, too potent, too terrifying to these ones with attuned senses which could not only perceive but interact with what normal people could not.
“Leave” The man commanded, folding his hands. Doing his best to fully retract his aura for the moment; he could not protect those who wished to stay, they would be strong enough to protect themselves.
Some scurried away on all fours, as fast as they could. Thanking whatever deities they believed in for their continued existence after such an encounter. Others dragged their passed out grandparents out on their shoulders.
The more powerful of the sorcerers assumed attack postures. They perceived the danger, you do not face a predator without weapons, that would be foolish. So they prepared themselves for battle.
The man in the metal suit gazed around the room. I knew I should’ve come early, but Eve’s progress was more important. He read the status of his most loyal partner and creation, relaxing when he saw that her condition in the womb had stabilized.
His eyes landed on the Ancient One who he then proceeded to approach. The Ancient One tensed, she did not recognize this man, she thought it would be Justin Hammer, but this was not Justin.
When last she met him, Hammer was just an enhanced human, albeit a dangerous one at that. This…being approaching her was not fully human, it just looked like one.
He stood next to her and whispered. “Psst, Ancient One.” It was him, it was Justin Hammer. The Ancient One found herself face palming and massaging her temples. At least he was currently on her side, both literally and figuratively.
“Who’s the guy in diapers?” He asked with a chuckle. His
“The Vishanti aid me” The Ancient One sighed knowing that her day would be a long one.
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