《Splintered Soul》Chapter 93 FMA BH Part 24: Sleeping Princess.
Waking up it feels like my whole body's bruised in more ways than one. I groan slightly as I readjust my weight below me. Turning on Unseen eye I feel see the bandages covering most of my body. Adjusting to the places I can see from I appear to be in a side room. The moment I move a little more for comfort Zig is there next to me.
He moves my pillow for me while looking down at me. “My lord, I requesssst that you do not do that again.”
I can’t help but let out a sigh… I feel like the transmutation circle only worked begrudgingly because the person was already most of the way there. I don’t even want to know what would have happened if they didn’t already have a body made and organs that are functional.
I try to speak up but find my mouth far too dry. Zig’s eyes seem to light up briefly before grabbing me some water. “There you go my lord.”
“Thank you…. I… I don’t think that would have worked if she wasn’t already most of the way there. Not to mention that I was adjusting her form to one similar to what it wanted. It felt more like I was guiding a puzzle after making the pieces.” I drink another few sips.
I can’t help but let the worry leak into my voice. “What happened? Last I saw she was screaming?”
Zig’s hands pause for a moment. “Sssshe issss currently doing better. There were ssssome unfortunate effectssss of being trapped alone in her mind for a year and a half. They may remember how everything wassss before, but now? They are adjussssting.”
Makes sense… She likely forgot how to do many things. She hasn’t had any contact with anything for a over a year. Just stuck in a sensory deprivation chamber for the entire duration…
“I… I want to see her.”
“My lord, you were injured during the processss. You ressssseived very large burnssss acrossss your body. I ssssserve you my lord but I alsssso must watch out for your health before even your whimsssss”
I can’t help but chuckle, causing a bit of welling pain in my chest. “Gah, why do you have to be so loyal? Well, do you know when I’m meant to be discharged from wherever this is?”
I finally start taking in the room. It’s nicely furnished obviously not a hospital. It’s likely a guest room at the manor.
“Ah, also how long have I been down? I know that I was supposed to go with Ed and Al to meet with another alchemist?” I’m interested to learn what I can about chimera. Maybe we can help Zig get his snake side under control and figure out some other potential health concerns.
“You have been ssssleeping for about a week now. The alchemisssst Sssshou Tucker? He hassss come here insssstead. When the lady Hamburgang heard of an appointment with a healer alchemisssst they reached out to him and brought him her to take care of you.”
Oh… That’s actually smart. I sit up slightly wincing at the pain as I do. “That -gah- makes sense, I guess. He’s called the life stich alchemist. He’s probably got some medical knowledge.” Looking down at the wrappings on my arms I use analyze to take in what’s currently covering my burns and can’t help but frown. It has no localized anesthetics for reducing pain. It’s just a moisturizing gel to help with keeping it from drying out.
“Heh, do you mind grabbing me some stuff from the bag. Just the stuff from pockets 6z, 5f and 3t.” He nods before doing so.
I adjust my hands to get ready for the materials. Having metal arms sure is useful…. I don’t feel any pain in them so they can move just fine. My shoulders are on fire, but I can adjust at the elbow fine.
He assembles the herbs into a jar, and I use a combination of the new water transmutation circle to manipulate the consistency and stir the mixture while using a traditional Alkahestry circle to make a new ointments structure.
Nodding at my job being done. “There we go, next time you need to change my bandages use this instead of this paste.” He nods seriously before going off to inform the doctor.
I stretch slightly, adjusting myself as I feel the pain in different parts of my body protest.
“Gah, why do I have to keep falling apart? I only have so many parts left to give.” Looking down at the bandaged parts of my body. I lost my sense injury severity aspect from treatment, but I can still tell by the amount of pain I feel and where that I have some serious electrical burns.
It doesn’t take long before Zig accompanied by another man come inside. The man has bags under his eyes hidden by the wire thin glasses he’s wearing. He’s got the scruff of a few odd strands of hair patching what could hardly be called a beard and short hair that appears to be from a receding hairline rather than by choice.
Seeing me sitting up he smiles a bit. “Ah, you’re up. That’s good, I’m not used to working on people. I primarily work with animals so I was afraid that my knowledge on how to help people may be a little rusty.”
Ah he seems nice enough. “Thank you, the bandages were done decent enough. But they were just there for moisture rather than pain relief. I don’t suppose many of your animals would be able to complain about the pain.”
He nervously laughs while rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. I had to try my best when I heard of some of the things you’ve accomplished.” He pushes his glasses up while looking at me with a sort of greed. “I’ve heard you are quite the prodigy in the field of chimeras and medical alchemy.”
Ah… I suppose it was going to come out eventually anyways. I take another sip of water before speaking up. “You could say that… A while ago my friend here was in a tragic accident… When he was dying I did my utmost to save him.” I turn to Zig and give a small nod.
Zig begins to take off his mask. The look on Shou’s face is one of utter fascination.
“Amazing! You truly are a scientist… discovery requires experimentation… You saw an opportunity before you and took it!” He has a more fanatical look in his eye now as he looks at the scales and jaw line of Zig.
“Hold on now Mr.Tucker, I don’t think that Zig will appreciate you poking and prodding him.” As if to punctuate my statement Zig let’s out a long hiss at the older mans actions.
Mr.Tucker seems to shrink back almost like I’d kicked his puppy. “Sorry… sorry, just… please teach me! I… I’ve messed around with animals in the lab for all my life. Combining humans and animals… I never imagined it would work out this well…” For a brief moment I see a brief moment of regret flash across his face but it was just as quick replaced by a smile.
“I’ll share what I can. I just want you help in learning what I can about your country's medical alchemy and understanding chimera. We have no chimera in Xing so I’d like to understand the normal process and see some of the matrixes that are usually used and compare them with my own.” He fervently nods his head at this.
“Of course! Of course! I… what do we do first? I-I can go grab my research right now? I… Most of everything I have is back at my house… crap it’s a mess and with the evals coming up… No I can make it… I have the chance now with him here…”
I can’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm, it reminds me of my own while wanting to work on something. “Relax, as soon as I’m able to be up and about I’ll help the best I can. Do you have any books on the subject to cover first before going into anything more in depth?” He nods before turning as if to run but stops in his steps and turns back to me.
“I… you should know… While I was treating your wounds… you suffered significant damage to your face… I’m afraid…” Wait my face was burned? I’m not really ugly now am I?
He looks almost pained in saying it. “I’m afraid you’ve lost both your eyes…”
I can’t help but laugh. “Oh! That! No I’ve been blind for a while. I don’t read with my eyes but through alchemy.” He looks at me oddly.
Ah right, chi isn’t a thing here. Hmm what bullshit can I spout here. “Well, visualize the ink and use alchemy to feel the displacement of the paper and the other materials inside. It can be applied with air and your surroundings as well to feel everything as another form of sight.” I nod completely making it up on the spot. He almost looks shocked then considers for a long time. Looks like he’s about to say something before shaking his head and running off to get a book.
I can’t help but laugh a bit at that. Zig grunts in annoyance. “Musssst you keep sssspreading liessss?”
Wiping the smirk off my face I turn towards him. “Well, how do I do it then hmm? You're better with chi than I am but I can see with mine.” I can’t help it creep to my face again as I can see the annoyance on his face.
“I don’t know…” Is all he says before donning his mask once more.
It’s another two days before I’m allowed to get up and move around. Mr. Tucker had gone back to his house after consulting with me on a few things on biology and the circles I used compared to his. It’s fascinating that they have such simplistic yet functional circles. It was merely a circle with interconnected parts and smaller circles much like my own but for each creature that was used as components of the transmutation. The Elrics went back with him to look through his library.
After the first day I was able to start wrapping the bandages myself. Much to the annoyance of Zig. When I showed that the parts I was applying it to were healing faster he begrudgingly let me continue. As such my healing skill slowly leveled.
Finally able to move around I went out and about the compound. Using a cane for now but I can already feel the starts of the limp wearing off thanks to a combination of alchemy and my skill.
That’s when I noticed something. The young girl, Amy. She was outside but one of her hands is covered in bandages. She was sitting by herself just staring off into the distance. Damn it… What’s with all these kids needing help.
Coming up behind her I sit down next to her. She doesn’t notice at first, so I clear my throat a bit.
“Ahem. So… I’m sorry about your hand.” I gesture to her hand.
She turns her gaze to me. I can see the slight sadness in her eyes. “It’s fine… honestly? I’m… I’m not upset about this.” She raises her hand. “This place is practically heaven compared to the orphanage… Until now, all I’ve had to do was take care of her by combing her hair each day… but I felt bad… Stealing her life like that. Now I’m just not sure who I am anymore? I loved being Rosaline so much… Now I’m just Amy again…”
I chuckle a bit earning me a small glare from her. “Only Amy huh? Was it Rosaline that held on even when the lightning burnt their flesh? Even if you don’t call yourself Rosaline anymore, you’re still the same girl as before.” I can’t help but smile as she shrinks a bit at that.
“B-but I was just meant to be here as a spare… I was just here to replace and trick June the family alchemist into thinking that he’d succeeded.”
“If that was the case then why keep you now? You’ve been her daughter for a year and a half now. Do you think she doesn’t feel any love for you?” I can see as she blushes a bit at that.
She seems a bit lost in thought. Almost floundering over her own words. “I-I guess… It’s just… I don’t…”
I chuckle again earning me another glare. “Relax… just. Don’t put all of this on yourself. She’s healing. I’m sure one day she’ll see you as a sister.”
Amy can’t help but smile at that idea. But frowns again. “She’s not doing so well… When I go to see her she seems almost afraid of every little sound… She just breaks down crying when she sees me… screaming something about can’t be real and some other slurred words…” Ah… she’s been mentally isolated without even the ability to speak… trapped in a long dream. She might not be able to distinguish reality from dream anymore. Maybe even unused to sounds and other stimuli.
“I’m sure she will slowly get better. Just for now… be patient with her. She’s been stuck without anyone to talk to for so long. I hope you can understand why she just needs a little time…”
She frowns looking down. “I just… I want her to like me…”
Ah okay. “She will… just like I said give it time.” I’m not great with kids. But I’m probably the best out of the lives so far.
I sit there for a while discussing small things with Amy. She wants to learn how to help heal people. I think I’ve sparked something in her by showing her what alchemy can heal. She won’t be treating real wounds any time soon but she’s sure to study a lot more seriously from now on.
She also denied letting me heal her hand once I’m better. I guess it functions fine enough. She wants to be good enough at alchemy to heal it herself one day. I can’t help but feel a little proud.
Eventually we head off to dinner. Lady Hamburgang is there along with some of the staff but no Rosaline.
Despite the rings under her worried eyes once she sees me she lets out a wonderous smile. “Ah, Jiang. It’s a pleasure to see you again. I hope you are well? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.”
I wave her off. “I’m doing fine… I’m able to get up and about. It shouldn’t be long before I’m back and running at 100%.” I see a noticeable glance towards my bandages on my chest.
I can see the tears at the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry that it cost you so much… I… You have to understand how much it means to me though… If only my husband were still with us. He would be happy too. Even if she’s still recovering seeing my Rosaline able to talk at all was worth it…” At the mention of Rosaline Amy’s shoulders slouch in too. I turn towards her and Lady Hamburgang notices too.
She looks a little guilty rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Don’t worry Amy… You’re still my daughter. Your sister just needs a lot of attention right now.” Amy nods understanding but not liking it.
With that I can’t help but ask. “Speaking of… is she not attending dinner with us?” At that a few of the servants pause before continuing as if nothing was said.
The lady looks a bit complicated at that. “When we first attempted that it didn’t… go well. The sounds of all the servants moving was too much for her. She curled into a ball and… it’s for the best that she have smaller company until she’s used to company again.”
I nod. “Can I speak to her?”
She looks hopeful, then annoyed then realizes who’s asking and settles in for a reluctant nod.
“I… just be careful. She’s very delicate right now.”
“I understand, I just want to see her and make sure she’s okay.” I healed her with treatment back when it increased the power of healing methods… I wonder what effect that had on remaking her organs? Did it lower the strain, or did it improve her organs?
“Then I’m sure it would be fine. We’ll see her tonight after dinner… She doesn’t have a usual sleep schedule she should be waking up soon.” Her circadian rhythm must be messed up from the lack of stimuli for so long.
We make some small talk for dinner, and everyone turns in. I’m led to Rosalines room by her mom. On the way there I swap out Prodigy for the Healer title.
With a delicate knock on the door June the blind alchemist from before opens the door for us.
He lady speaks up first. “Hello June, how is she?”
He smiles to her as well. “Hello my lady. She’s been awake for a little bit now. She’s in a good mood for the moment.” Smiling at that.
“That’s good to hear. Jiang is here to see her and check on her health.” June looks conflicted.
“Hello June.” He bows in my direction.
“I… I cannot thank you enough for what you have done… I had no idea that I’d failed that day… I feel like I knew all along but… But I didn’t want to know. The lie… I fell for it because I wanted to. Not that I blame you lady Hamburgang.” He turns back to the lady.
I nod. “Well, If you don’t mind I’m going to go in now.” He looks a bit nervous but nods.
When I enter the room looks fairly bare. There are stuffed toys and a bushy carpet. It looks like all the corners on things have strips of fabric tied to them. Like someone baby proofed the room.
I see her form on the bed hiding under the sheets. “Hello?”
I see the form under the bed quiver for a moment before a pair of eyes peak out from under the sheets.
“H-he-hellu” the moment she sees me she slowly starts peeking out the rest of the way.
I smile at her. “Decided to come out of your hiding hole?”
She just nervously nods. I take a step towards her. Nearby I can see that the lady looks nervous but even Rosaline looks confused when I’m able to get near her without her feeling as nervous.
“You’re… here to… help me?” She must be able to feel it. The title pressing itself into her mind to show that I mean no harm, calming my presence in her mind.
“Yes, I am.” She looks around nervously her hands clenching repeatedly. Almost like a nervous tick then she glares down at her hands as they clutch at the sheets.
“Not used to them?” She shakes her head.
Oh boy, why am I doing this?
“Well, would you like me to read you a story?” There’s a long pause before she nods.
I slowly start retelling the story of snow white. I change a few things, mostly the prince charming instead I replace it with a caring sisters kiss upon the head that wakes up snow white. I can tell Rosaline likes the story. There were a few times where I had to pause for a while. To let her readjust herself and to wait for her to pay attention again. Eventually we got through the story and she looks over at me.
“Am… am I snow white?”
I chuckle at that. “No… no she’s just a childrens story. But you can see how similar you can be?”
She pauses for a long time staring off into the distance again. “I-I-I don’t know. Am… can I be…. Normal?”
“You can be better than normal… Just give it time.” She starts to cry and hold on to my arm. I just pause awkwardly for a long time but gazing over at the doorway I can see her mom there with tears in her eyes. Mouthing a thank you to me.
I awkwardly pat the girl as she winces with each touch. She’s likely even forcing herself with the hug unused to the contact.
“If you feel weird or anything let your mom know, okay?” She nods. Seeming to understand or know to nod when given that question.
I give my farewells as she lays down for another nap.
Outside the room her mom is waiting for me. “H-how did you do that? She’s been… Even with me she… I tried hugging her, but she screamed…” She looks down in defeat.
My title did most of the heavy lifting it seems. “It’s likely just a part of her knows I brought her out of the catatonic state. I’m sure she will let you do it too one day.” I can’t help but see a tad of envy quickly exchanged with guilt. “I… if you’d like to stay here. If you could help take care of her… We-I could pay you?” She almost seems desperate near the end.
I scratch awkwardly at my bandages. “I’m not good with kids. She’ll get better but I’ll check in time to time. I think I’ll need to leave soon and catch up with Edward and Al.” She frowns but doesn’t push. Knowing she can’t really force me to stay.
“I… I hope you would reconsider. But if you come by every once in a while, I would appreciate it. It’s obvious your presence there helps soothe her a bit… She’s been having nightmares… She closes her eyes and thinks she might be lost in the darkness again.”
I feel a little guilty but nod anyways. I need to learn more about alchemy and Alkahestry. If I can help people I will. But I have other things to do with my life. “If I find anyone better at treating kids I’ll be sure to send them this way.” She smiles and nods.
The next day I head off for Shou Tuckers home. Lady Hamburgang sends me off driving me along with Amy and Zig to the train station personally. It’s only two stops until I get there. It’s a moderately sized manor in a better part of the town. Walking up to the door I give it a knock. From what I know Edward and Al should be coming here daily to read from his library so I should be able to check in with them.
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