《Plumber Isekai》Chapter 11: The Print


Pact: Dungeon Employee

This contract of employment is by and between Jane Marcena (the “Employee”) and Malodius Szedrich (the “Employer”), on behalf of and in the interest of the Pipe Nightmare Dungeon Complex (the “Dungeon”).

The Employee is hereby contracted to perform plumbing work in service of the Dungeon according to the direction of the Employer. This work will be done without recompense from the Employer and the Employee will be responsible for furnishing all materials and tools.

The Employee is prohibited from leaving the Dungeon.

The Employee is prohibited from entering the first floor of the Dungeon.

WHEREAS the Employee fulfills the requirements of this contract, the Employer is prohibited from bringing harm to the Employee.

WHEREAS the Employee fulfills the requirements of this contract, the Employer is prohibited from directing others to harm the Employee.

In the event of death, the Employee is to be reanimated. Some cognitive and physical damage is to be expected. The Employer is not responsible for damages to the Employee as a result of reanimation including but not limited to: loss of personality, loss of limbs, loss of taste, or loss of life. Death does not release employees from this contract.

Jane read through his employment contract with mounting horror. And here I thought my previous company was predatory. Maybe I should have negotiated harder.

“Jane, are you paying attention?” The ghoul barked with an unamused expression.

“Yeah, more or less, I was just looking at my shiny new slave contract.” Jane replied.

The ghoul rolled his eyes. “Listen, I stuck my neck out for you, and I’m not about to have you make me look bad. Now, pay attention.”

The ghoul had led Jane through the corridors of pipe and back to the entrance of material storage. A great wrought iron arch stood at the entrance to the labyrinth.

“This is the main entrance to material storage.” The ghoul stated with a sweeping gesture. “In order to find anything here, you’re going to have to either have a map or memorize how to get to things. Both options have their advantages, but overall, I’ve found memorization to be better in a clutch.”

“That sounds pretty difficult.” Jane said. “Besides, don’t they have someone that can direct me where I’m going in here?”


“Aside from the fact that we’d both be dead right now if I’d been using a map earlier, most people just ask the Huntsman, but do you really want to rely on him?” The ghoul replied.

“Good point.” Jane sighed. “Alright, how do I do this the hard way?”

“First, we need a map.” The ghoul stated.

“But I thought you said I shouldn’t use one.” Jane objected.

“How are you supposed to learn without one? I can’t follow you around, giving you directions forever. I’ve got my own work to do. My point was that you need to mindfully memorize the labyrinth as you navigate it. Besides, it’s one of the few places around here that isn’t constantly changing.” The ghoul explained. “Follow me.”

The ghoul walked away from the entrance to the labyrinth. Jane hurried along behind him. The ghoul turned out into a wide corridor, walked down the corridor, then turned into a large room nearby.

The corridor opened up into another cavernous room. On the far wall, a massive paper print rested at an angle as numerous harnessed individuals scurried around on it like ants, making frenzied corrections with pens as large as they were. Beneath their feet, lines on the print slowly shifted and changed. Jane watched as a line of golden light slowly swept across the print. As the light swept past each individual, they stopped writing, and moved to scaffolds at the sides of the print, where they slowly made their way down to the ground.

“It looks like they’re finalizing today’s corrections. We’ll need to move quickly.”

The ghoul quickly led Jane over to a small job trailer at the edge of the room. Jane entered the trailer to find a man in a button-down shirt furiously shredding papers at a desk. Piles of papers filled the trailer in disorganised stacks as the man picked up and deposited reams of paper into the shredders, while also juggling a lit cigarette and a thermos of coffee. He briefly looked up before turning back to his papers.

“What do you need, Ross?” The man asked, “I’m trying to get a jump on this print change.”

“I need a map.” The ghoul cooly replied.

The man stopped what he was doing to stare at the ghoul, before resuming his frenzied activity with a start.


“I thought you didn’t use them, that you were too good for maps.” The man mocked. “The only ghoul dumb enough to drop his points into intelligence.” he sneered.

“It’s not for me.” The ghoul replied. “It’s for him.” The ghoul gestured at Jane.

“New guy, huh?” The man looked at Jane for the first time since he had entered the trailer. “And he’s still alive? He must be really new. Well, I can get you a map, new guy, but most of these maps are either already outdated, or they will be within the hour.”

“We just need one for materials storage, for now.” The ghoul stated. “He’ll have to come back for his work area map later.”

“Fair enough, at least this one should last you for a while.” the man said, turning to Jane. “Just do yourself a favor and don’t try to memorize it. You’ll fry your brain like this one here.” the man said, gesturing at the ghoul with a thick stack of papers.

“Thank you.” Jane said as he grabbed the papers from the man. “My name’s Jane, by the way.” Jane reached out for a handshake.

The man briefly looked at Jane’s hand before reaching out to grab it. “I’m Ollie. Good luck, Jane.”

Map in hand, the ghoul quickly led them back to material storage.

“We don’t have much time.” The ghoul stated. “The print finalizes at the end of every day, then the lights go out. You can still work in the dark, if you really need to get something done, but the Dungeon gets more dangerous at night. Besides, half the time, the print has changed anyways, so it usually isn’t worth it to keep working.

The ghoul led Jane through the twisting maze of shelving, silently counting on his fingers while he talked.

“Material storage is usually pretty safe at night, since most things are afraid of the Huntsman, but you might want to find somewhere else to stay.”

“I have a base.” Jane said, “Well, an encampment at least.”

The ghoul froze, staring at jane. “What? Why didn’t you say so earlier? Where is it?”

“It’s over by where I ran into you earlier. I walked down a long hallway outside of it, then the lights came on, and the walls changed.” Jane stated as he recalled his first moments in this world.

“Long hallway… Yesterday…” The ghoul mumbled to himself as he tried to remember yesterdays print. “That’s it! Do you remember anything else that was near it?”

“There was a red light outside the doorway.” Jane offered.

“I know where that would have been. Quick, this way!” The ghoul shouted with excitement.

“But, what about the pipe dope?” Jane asked.

“Screw the pipe dope, we’ll come back for it tomorrow.”

The ghoul sprinted through the pipe corridors, jane hurried along with him, gasping for breath as he tried to keep up. Soon, they came to a tee intersection with a familiar red light emanating from a bulb nestled in one of the walls.

“It should be somewhere near here, If you’re remembering things correctly.” The ghoul stated.

“Yeah, this is the only light like this that I’ve seen.” Jane said, as he began to look around for the opening to his base. “Here it is.” He stated, catching sight of a narrow gap in the pipes several yards away. He walked over to it to find that the doorway had narrowed considerably, as well as moved further down the hallway.

Jane squeezed into his encampment to find a thin, pale hand snaking its way into his toolbag.

“Hey! Get your grubby mitts off my tools, you frickin’ tweaker.” The hand withdrew from the bag, as if scalded, but not without a prize in its slender grasp. Jane watched as two elbows, a slender hand, and his favorite crescent wrench disappeared into a gap in the pipes along the wall.

“C’mon man! that was expensive! It’s a Snap-On!” Jane yelled, running over to his toolbag. Some tools still remained, but many of them had been stolen over the course of the day.

“What was that?” Jane asked, as he turned to the ghoul, who had just squeezed into the room behind him.

“Ah’ crap.” The ghoul sighed with annoyance. “it looks like your encampment has a gremlin problem.”

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