《Plumber Isekai》Chapter 2: Setting up shop


Calculating Life experience

Level set to 12

Set class to Plumber(Apprentice)? (Y/N)

The glowing blue box hovered in front of Jane, asking for his input. “What is this?” Jane stared at the box. “I must have hit my head harder than I thought?” He waved his hands through the box in front of him. The box stubbornly remained, mocking him with its continued presence. “I guess it wants me to make a decision.” Jane hesitantly reached out to press Y. As soon as he had decided, the box changed.

Class is now Plumber (Apprentice)

24 stat points available

2 Skill points available

Achievement granted: I better save these

Achievment granted: I just can't decide

Trait granted: Riftwalker

Jane looked at the new glowing box. It’s like a video game. “Status?” He said hesitantly.

Name: Jane Marcena Race: Human/Riftwalker Class: Plumber (Apprentice) Health:378 Stamina:388 Mana:196 Level: 12 Experience:9,800/11,000 Skill points: 2 Stats Stat points: 24 Strength:19 Constitution:21 Agility:5 Perception:5 Intelligence:7 Willpower:22 Resistances Fire:12% Poison:6% Arcane:30% Water:12% Psi:- Dark:- Physical:6% Lightning:- Light:- Traits RiftWalker Tongue of the Riftwalker Skills Construction (lesser) 0% Improvised weapons (lesser) 0% Achievements I'd better save these I just can't decide

"Thats odd, what's a Riftwalker, am I not human anymore?" Jane focused on his new race.

Race: Human/Riftwalker

A Human that has fallen through the cracks between worlds, being exposed to primal arcane energies in the process. You can never go back.

Grants trait: Riftwalker

"Well, shit." Jane stared at the words in the bright blue box. You can never go back. He focused on them, as if through force of will, he could burn them off of the text box. They remained. "I guess I don't have to worry about getting those hydronics lines done." Jane joked, sighing deeply into his hand. "I guess I don't have to worry about paying rent either, or finding a suit for Greg's wedding." Tears welled in his eyes. "I guess I won't have to call my folks anymore." Jane's hand went slack, dropping his phone onto the hard concrete, its small LED wildly illuminating the twisted masses of pipes forming the walls around him. Jane looked down with a start, grabbing his phone, and then looking around at the copper walls of his new world, at the darkness seeping through the spaces between the piping.

"I don't have time to process this." He spoke numbly, while wiping his eyes. "I don't know where I am. I don't have food, and I only have a single half liter bottle of water in my tool bag." He thought back to his time in Scouts. Three hours without shelter, three days without water, three weeks without food. Death. "I might not be able to make it back, but I'm not going to die here." What do I know about my present situation? "This new world is kind of like a video game. I've got this, I wasted a lot of my life playing video games, I can do this." Don't think about how you neglected your family, what else do you know? "This place is very dark, and very hot." navigation will be difficult, water is a high priority, what tools do I have. "I have my toolbag, and whatever weird skills this system can give me." I'd better finish looking at my status."Do I at least get a good trait in return for being exiled from my home?"


Trait: Riftwalker

A dual-nature creature in tune with primal arcane energies, Riftwalkers are a driving force for innovation in worlds that are deemed stagnant. Riftwalkers are as highly sought after as they are rare. They don't usually survive crossing the space between worlds.

Grants arcane resistance: 30%

Grants trait: Tongue of the Riftwalker

"Lucky me, I survived the crossing. Where do I get the t-shirt?"

Trait: Tongue of the Riftwalker

It is said that a Riftwalker can speak any tongue they hear. While not the complete truth, this isn't far from it.

Grants increased learning speed when encountering new languages

Complete knowledge of first Int/2 (3) languages encountered granted automatically

"At least there won't be a language barrier. What does my class give me?"

Class: Plumber (Apprentice)

Second in anger only to block layers, plumbers are the dirty old men of the construction world. Plumbers have the most diverse set of skills out of all trades workers, working with a large variety of materials, and an even larger variety of tools. If water flows in, on, or around it, a plumber probably had a hand in installing it.

Apprentices are the lowest caste of plumber, being bossed around by journeymen, foremen, and even other, more experienced, apprentices. They are truly the grunts of the most important trade on the job-site.

Grants stats: +1str +1con +1wil +2any points per level

Grants fire resistance: 1% per level

Grants water resistance: 1% per level

Grants physical resistance: 0.5% per level

Grants poison resistance: 0.5% per level

Grants skill: Construction (lesser)

Grants skill: Improvised weapon (lesser)

"Huh, I always knew plumbers were the best trade."

Skill: Construction (lesser) 0%

If you build it, they will come, as long as it's up to code.

Grants slight durability buff to built structures

Grants slight knowledge of how to use basic tools

Grants slight increase to speed when building

Slightly reduces materials needed when building

"Oh boy, it's a skill that reminds me of what I learned in onboarding."

Skill: Improvised weapons (lesser) 0%

The only true weapon is the mind, everything else is just logistics.

Grants slight buff to improvised weapon durability

Grants knowledge of improvised weapons

Grants slight damage buff when using improvised weapons

"Nice. Caveman have rock, rock go smash. Rock smash better now."

Achievement: I'd better save these

He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself.

Awarded for reaching level 5 without allocating stat points.

Grants +1 to all stats

"Huh, I'd better save these."

Achievement: I just can't decide

A decision made wrongly in confidence is often better than a decision not made at all.

Awarded for reaching level 10 without allocating stat points.

Grants 5% increased experience gain

"What kind of wannabe Confucius writes these things? Oh well, what skills can I get?"


Skill points available: 2

Skills available:

Jury rigging


Water sense

Magic focus (tools)

Mana awakened

Phase step

Skill: Jury rigging

Granted by Class: Plumbing (Apprentice)

When the proper materials are not available, field expedient repairs must be made.

Grants the ability to reinforce makeshift construction with mana

Trait: Toughness

Granted by Class: Plumbing (Apprentice)

It's a long way from your heart, just rub some dirt on it.

Grants 10% increase to health,10% physical damage reduction, 10% poison damage reduction, slightly decreases bleeding and poison effects, slightly increases natural healing.

Skill: Water sense

Granted by Class: Plumbing (Apprentice)

Where there is water, there is life

Grants the ability to sense water

Skill: Magic focus (tools)

Granted by Class: Plumbing (Apprentice) and Race: Human/Riftwalker

A man's tools are his ability to put bread on the table.

Grants the ability to infuse tools with mana, increasing their durability and effectiveness

Trait: Mana Awakened

Granted by Race: Human/Riftwalker

Mana is the font from which all magic springs

Grants the ability to see and sense mana

Skill: Phase step

Granted by Race: Human/Riftwalker

Making use of the space between worlds, the Riftwalker can quickly move in any direction, without touching the space in between.

Grants phase step active skill

Jane looked over his options, quickly deciding on Water sense and Toughness. Water sense would help solve his immediate problem of needing water, and Toughness would immediately make him more survivable, possibly even allowing him to go a little longer without food or water. Jury rigging would be nice if he had to do a lot of building in his current situation, but he didn't, and it would only be useful as long as he didn't have the materials to do things the right way. Magic focus, Mana sight, and Phase step all seemed like they would be really cool, but he didn't see an immediate use for them, especially with the vague descriptions given to the first two. Time would tell if he made the right choices.

Jane looked at his new status sheet

Name: Jane Marcena Race: Human/Riftwalker Class: Plumber (Apprentice) Health:416 Stamina:388 Mana:196 Level: 12 Experience: 9,800/ 11,000 Skill Points: 0 Stats Stat points: 24 Strength: 19 Constitution: 21 Agility: 5 Perception: 5 Intelligence: 7 Willpower: 22 Resistances Fire: 12% Psi:- Arcane: 30% Water: 12% Poison: 16% Dark:- Physical: 16% Lightning:- Light:- Traits Riftwalker Tongue of the Riftwalker Toughness 0% Skills Construction (lesser) 0% Improvised weapons (lesser) 0% Water sense Achievements I'd better save these I Just can't decide

Jane had decided not to allocate his stat points until at least level 15, mainly because he didn't know what they did, but also because he was more than a little curious what the level 15 achievement would be. This really is like a video game. Jane thought to himself, before closing his status.

If this is like a video game, and I’m in a dungeon. Jane frowned. Monsters. I’d better find something to fight with. Jane lifted his hand to dismiss the stat block. The menu disappeared as soon as he decided he didn’t want it in front of him. Then he crouched down, digging through his tool bags. What I wouldn’t give for one of my pistols. He found what he was looking for, his pipe wrenches. Now do I want the 14 or 18 inch wrench. He mulled it over. The shorter wrench would be more maneuverable, but it was also lighter, so it wouldn’t hit as hard. Maybe I could- “examine?”

Pipe wrench (14in.)

A Common tool used for plumbing. When used with a backup wrench, this tool can be used to join threaded pipes. Don't forget to use teflon tape and pipe dope.

Can also be used as an improvised weapon, does low damage, low stamina use, quick swing speed. Low reach.

Pipe wrench (18in)

A common tool used for plumbing. When used as a backup wrench, this tool keeps previously installed threaded pipes from moving while another wrench is used to install additional pipe.

Can also be used as an improvised weapon, does moderate damage, moderate stamina use, moderate swing speed, moderate reach.

“Like I thought, the bigger one does more damage.” He said, dismissing the stat block. He grabbed the 18-inch pipe wrench, thought for a moment, and also took his flashlight, level, tape measure, and pliers. It just feels wrong to not have my usual tools. The rest of the tools he left in a corner of the room along with his torch rig. I guess this is home base for now.

Set encampment? (Y/N)

Make that officially home base I guess?

Encampment set

Name encampment:

Jane took a moment to think, then named his new home

Encampment named: Jaynestown

“Perfect.” Jane cracked his neck. “Now, let's go meet the neighbors."

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