《Awakened Soul, Book One: The Deep Hollows》Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Rejoining Veris outside the Sanctuary, things were… awkward. We got along fairly well during the couple weeks I’d known him and with some more time, I could see myself becoming friends with the eccentric old man.
However, I'd just finished throwing a violent tantrum and I'm pretty sure he'd just roundabout threatened to murder me, so… Yeah. Awkward.
He regarded me stiffly before clearing his throat.
"Kosimar I must apologize for my… Heavy-handed behavior earlier. You were distraught and acting out of instinct- not malice. It was impolitic and unwarranted for me to threaten you so. While my honor demands I must stand by my statement- and indeed the use of such an aura will see you executed with haste in most cultures- the manner of its delivery is on my head.”
I saw him tighten his fist and barely repressed fury crossed his features again. “I have a… most unpleasant history, with demons. This does not excuse my actions, which were unbefitting a gentleman and friend. A man ruled by the whims of his emotions is little more than a petulant child, and I’m far too old to be playing as such. If you wish to be free of my company, give the word and I shall equip you as best I can before you go- in recompense.”
Giving me a stiff bow at the waist, he pivoted and marched himself back into the Sanctuary without another word, leaving me to think about what he’d said.
Call me a sucker, but nothing defused me like a meaningful apology. I didn’t enjoy social conflict with people and I felt embarrassed enough just remembering my outburst. Honestly, I was suffering from emotional overload and just didn’t feel like alienating myself from the only person I’d met so far in this world- which I was apparently in for the long haul now.
“Apology accepted.”
I rejoined him in the Sanctuary (to his immediate relief) and we slowly got back to work studying the well-preserved ruins. With periodic breaks for me and the [Blightlings] to make sure we didn’t lose our minds again.
The next few weeks were a blur of discovery and growth in my magic. It was less about increasing my overall power- which Veris assured me would come in time- and more about inspiration; breaking down subconscious barriers and getting my mind to accept the reality-distorting nature of [Law] by observing the myriad ways the Sanctuary’s builders had sculpted the universe to fit their needs.
Quietly, I also began to study the destructive aspect I’d briefly utilized. I felt guilty going against Veris’s wishes, but I needed to understand as much about myself as I could- socially acceptable or not. So while a couple of my minions kept an eye on him in the Sanctuary I would give the excuse of going out ‘to hunt’ and begin experimenting once I was well clear of the area. What I learned was equal parts fascinating and disturbing.
Auric Annihilation, as Veris called it, was pure destruction of everything. It was a breakdown of natural law and physical substance on every level; where the black spiderwebs of destruction spread, there was nothing left. Even space itself was simply deleted by it, which seemed to exist in direct contradiction to the law of conservation of mass/energy. And I was completely immune to it.
Huh, feels kinda tingly. Waving my hands through the universe-destroying blackness to test this was probably not my brightest moment, but I feel I’ve provided enough evidence that I struggle with impulse control. And they’re not even real hands!
Actually using this aura effectively was a different problem that I’d yet to overcome. As a deterrent it was brilliant- nobody wants to mess with spidery death domain. Any creatures nearby when I activated the aura booked it away from me as fast as they could move. The problem was that it didn’t discriminate at all and didn’t stop until I completely cut the aura, so if I was looking for a fast way to get food- this wasn’t it.
There were some moral ramifications to it as well, like the whole ‘deleting part of the universe’ thing, but I kinda brushed that aside given the size of a universe compared to what I was deleting from it.
The final nail in the coffin for the ‘destruction zone’ was that it was hideously expensive mana-wise to maintain. I could maintain my normal aura (down to fifteen meters now!) for over forty minutes at this point and destruction still wiped me out in less than one. So I shelved it for now and returned to Veris (mostly) guilt-free.
Life was… easy, during those few weeks. It was probably the first time since coming to Haven that I’d just relaxed for a bit. Veris and I spoke almost constantly about magic, and between what I’d known about physics from my old life and what we learned from the Sanctuary I could feel myself making a little progress every day.
The first interruption to my new routine came in the form of a notification.
Excessive consumption of entity [Corrupted Giant Isopod] has caused a mutation!
Current Mutation Effect: [Manavore]
Enables ability to sustain biomass on ambient mana alone. Drastically reduces resistance to foreign mana when in use. Can be toggled on/off at will. Mutation applies retroactively to all progeny of [Corrupted Blight Pit].
When two scourges of the deep collide, the strongest will grow ever more powerful by feasting on the fallen.
It was a sweet ability that only made me a little bit concerned about the whole ‘current’ aspect of the mutation, which definitely implied there was more to come if I wasn’t careful. There was also the major downside of inheriting the Bane’s weakness to magic if I was using it. But in a setting like my current one, it took a lot of pressure off my back. I couldn’t actually grow my biomass on a pure mana diet, but it did eliminate the ticking clock on me that had been a source of anxiety since day one.
After remaining in the Sanctuary for almost a monthVeris decided we should make our way back to his cavern for him to check on some of his ‘other projects’. I was a little suspicious, as he suggested this with a bit too much nonchalance when he asked me to join him, but ultimately I agreed and we followed him back to his home.
When we arrived, I was shocked to find the place completely transformed.
The old (and bland) features had completely vanished to be replaced by a beautiful landscape much more suited to a fantasy wizard’s cave than the previous box of boredom. Stone walkways meandered artfully around carefully cultivated stands of giant, glowing mushrooms. A small creek burbled quietly as it circled Veris’s home, which had turned from an ugly brick on its side to a small gothic mansion- complete with gargoyles around the roof!
My jaw dropped as a dozen of his android assistants lined the main walkway to the house and gave us a deep bow.
“What… how did…”
“Impressive, no? I must say that- as much as it galls me to admit- Addy really does know how to make a place look beautiful. Told the workers to follow her instructions while we were out in return for acknowledging her…” He sighed and began rubbing his temples again. “I quote, ‘ultimate superiority in the domains of magic and interior design.’ She’s likely not stopped crowing since, although it is quite hard to argue with her results.”
I let out a chuckle at that.
“You think?? This place looks amazing!”
Veris puffed up on hearing my compliment.
“Yes well, I could tell you were a bit disappointed when you first saw the place. I could hardly let that stand and still respect myself as a Magus! And since we can’t exactly hop on up to the surface to show you the Haethram estates it was only fair to bring a bit of them down here in honor of my new student.”
Grinning as I looked around, I backed up mentally to something he’d said earlier.
“Wait, is Addy down here with us? Why haven’t we met yet?”
“Not at all my boy, I’ve merely installed a very nice scrying crystal in my chambers that she can reach out through. No, I’ve been very deliberate to keep this place… hidden…”
His features suddenly grew pale and he jerked around to the tunnel entrance behind us before snapping out with his hands and slamming the stone shut with enough force to shake the cave.
“Damn! Did I… no… I’ve been had!”
A deep boom resounded throughout the cavern, dust falling from the ceiling as Veris’s shoulders slumped. My minions scrambled to take defensive positions around me with Skritter vanishing into the air near the entrance. Veris waved off our preparations as he slowly walked up to me, more dejected than I’d ever seen him.
“I’m afraid there’s no use in that Kos, some foes cannot be beaten by force of arms. All we can do now is meet what comes with dignity, and perhaps we shall be granted mercy.”
“What is it!? What’s coming??”
Another boom shook us, the wall Veris had closed off bulging inward.
“The end of all this, boy. Too long have I escaped fate’s grasp it would seem, and the payment for my sins is due.”
He straightened his stance and stood resolutely in front of the quaking entrance.
Screw that. If I was going down, it would be fighting. I didn’t claw my way out of the afterlife just to get sent right back without a struggle. Bracing myself for the fight to come, I waited.
It didn’t take long.
With a final deafening crack, the wall split and collapsed inwards, obscuring our vision with clouds of dust. When the dust settled there was a new wall blocking the passage behind it- a wall of soldiers. Each one was kitted out with what looked like old colonial infantry uniforms, with a full-visored helm and dark grey armor plates peeking out from under a black overcoat.
They were covered in weapons from knives to grenades but gripped across each of their chests was a rifle that looked like a cross between an old-style revolver and a halberd. The blade was way bigger than anything I remembered about old-timey bayonets, each one etched with glowing diagrams that I just knew were enchantments.
At the head of their ranks stood a man who (if the glowing arcs of plasma coming off his gauntlet were any indication) had just punched down Veris’s wall. He was dressed similarly to the soldiers, although his coat had gold trim and lots more ‘shiny bits’ that screamed ‘I’m important, and if you don’t believe me I can vaporize you’.
I thought he was in charge until he barked a command behind him and the wall of soldiers parted down the middle of their ranks, forming a corridor between them. And out of this corridor walked the absolute most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.
Honey-blonde hair in a low, wavy ponytail framed a heart-shaped face that would put any supermodel I’d ever heard of to shame. She had startling hazel-green eyes that sparkled mischievously as she flounced into the room past rows of men nearly half a meter taller with utter confidence. She wore a modest red and black traveling dress that was richly embroidered with gold thread and way too nice for cave-diving.
Her eyes wandered the cavern until they fixed on me. She gasped and stepped right in front of me with her eyes widening excitedly.
“Why hello there! And just who might you be?”
Her voice was angelic, with every word having pitch so perfect I almost hoped she’d burst into song on the spot. And I… froze. Like a middle-schooler just asked on their first date, my brain entirely shut down the moment she said hello. I couldn’t even blame hormones since I wasn’t entirely sure I even had them (or a brain, come to think of it). My salvation came as Veris shouted through the link.
“Do not be fooled boy! The witch is nearly as old as I am, she indulges in her vanity to keep herself youthful with sorcery!”
Turning to Veris, she gave him a hurt look that could break hearts the world over.
“Such cruelty! What have I done to deserve this venom, dearest? Have I not been abandoned all these long years you’ve been away, never knowing when I might see my darling again?” Sighing dramatically, she clutched her hands in front of her chest. “How tragic, a great Archmagus and Councilor seducing an innocent young maiden and then departing with hardly a word- only to scorn her upon their fated reunion!”
Veris was sputtering and red in the face by this point. “Fated reunion!? You clearly cracked my scrying wards and have been lurking about in ambush!”
“With how poorly your wards performed it may as well have been fate!”
The two devolved into a bickering back-and-forth while I stood nervously, there was still a small army in front of me and while they weren’t exactly aiming their guns at me, the implication was definitely there. After a few minutes, they seemed nowhere near done so I had to interrupt.
“Uh… Veris? Who is this?”
They both paused and focused on me, the girl with frightening intensity for a moment before she glommed onto Veris’s side and smiled demurely.
“My apologies! It seems that in his excitement to see me, my husband has neglected our introductions. Dear?”
Veris stiffened and blushed furiously at the close contact before stammering out his reply.
“Ah… yes. Of course. I’d like to introduce my… beloved wife, Lady Adelaine Haethram. And this is my protégé , young Kosimar of the Deep.”
Wow, Veris married up. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't an ugly guy by any means but his features were just a bit too severe to be traditionally handsome. Shrugging mentally, I gave a light bow in her direction.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Haethram."
When I looked back up she'd dragged Veris closer to me and was beaming excitedly.
"My husband has at last taken on a new protégé! And such an unusual creature you are, though not unmannered. Forgive my curiosity, but how did the two of you come to meet? I confess it was most unexpected when my darling reached out to me to improve the look of this place and had I not known better I might have thought something scandalous!”
Veris and I locked eyes and grimaced in unison.
“Uh… no. Sorry he’s just not my type.”
“The very idea! Addy have you been reading those horrible little romance novelettes again??”
She laughed and waved off our objections before Veris hurriedly recounted the story of how we met- minus a few details about my otherworldliness. As he was explaining, the soldiers filed in and took up a more relaxed position around us. My [Blightlings] continued to draw somewhat hostile stares and the men looked prepared to hard-counter any move we made they considered threatening- even Skritter had his invisibility pierced, with the man I assumed was the captain locking eyes on my oldest minion’s shadowed form.
When Veris finished his tale, Adelaide applauded and practically demanded a demonstration of my [Law] domain. I obliged, the field of stars quickly encompassing all of us. The soldiers stiffened at my use of magic before Adelaide waved them off dismissively and began ‘poking’ my aura much like Veris had a few weeks ago.
“Such an incredible Ideal- Cosmos, you said it was? I can only imagine the applications once you’ve grown into it a bit more.” The look on her face became somewhat pained, her smile still present but now forced. “Although unfortunately we shall not likely be present to see it.”
“Addy?” Veris’s face turned wary, though his arm was still gripped tight by his wife.
“The Concordia has been called into an emergency session by the Oraculum, for which there is only one explanation.”
Veris blanched and his reply was almost a whisper.
“Calamity. Are they certain?”
“We don’t know yet, but the full Council is required. You cannot skip free of this one even if you want to darling or you’ll face expulsion- possibly sanction. I will not allow this, and I am here to ensure that you will be joining us to face whatever comes… immediately. We must depart as soon as you’ve gathered your things.”
He only nodded along silently and I felt a pit of anxiety creeping up on me.
“Wait, you’re leaving? Can’t I just… come with you?” I tried not to sound desperate but from the pitying looks they gave me I don’t think I succeeded.
“He doesn’t know darling?”
“It hasn’t been necessary, I’d thought we had years yet and he’s younger than his speech would indicate.”
“I see… Well perhaps a demonstration is necessary.”
She reached into a pouch on her dress and pulled out a small stone obelisk, the same purple-black shade as the invincible rock of the Sanctuary. A field of pale blue light quickly spread out from the stone, banishing my aura and repulsing me back forcefully as it expanded outwards. I was hurled backwards and almost crashed into the line of soldiers before the light abruptly cut out and I heard Veris’s voice.
“That’s quite enough Adelaine, you’ve made your point. Kosimar is not only my student but also my friend, I will not tolerate your torment of him just to display your latest trinket.”
She pouted as she put the stone away before Veris continued grudgingly.
“So you succeded then, the portable Wardstone?”
Grimacing, she replied, “Hardly, the expense was ruinous even for me and the range as you saw was abysmal. Two years of dedicated effort from myself and the most skilled craftsmen in the Concordia only to yield a stone that could barely protect a peasant farmhouse- if the peasant somehow had the reserves of an Archmagus to power it.”
He grunted and walked over to where I’d stood up after getting tossed.
“I’m sorry my boy, what my wife quite rudely demonstrated just now was a Wardstone. It is a founding principle of all civilizations on Haven’s surface, and the last legacy of the ancient Achorai who created the Wardways beneath. The stones repel all manner of beasts- as you experienced- through mechanisms we do not fully understand. The Wardways are the only known method to traverse the depths with expediency and they are all protected by such stones. Without them it would take us years to return to the surface from this depth, even if such a path had ever been charted before.”
Adelaide rejoined us after speaking to the captain and Veris hesitated.
“The journey should only take a few weeks at our speed, perhaps when the crisis is resolved I can--”
“No. They have tolerated your absence to date given the circumstances of your departure, it is a grace that shall not be extended a second time. You will not be allowed to shirk your duties again.”
Veris swore colorfully in a way that managed to shock a smile out of me despite my increasing misery. The soldiers entered Veris’s renovated mansion and began emptying the place, with furniture and his various belongings vanishing into thin air as they swept through. I sat dejectedly as they marched back into the tunnel, leaving me alone with Veris and his wife.
“Forgive me Kos, I’d not have wished to part like this. I’ll give you one last lesson, I only wish I had time to see you learn it properly.”
Adelaine seemed impatient to be off but he ignored her and carefully began explaining.
“Your aura has more utility than you realize. You’ve kept it in its natural shape as a sphere centered on yourself, and this is an excellent way to begin. As you grow, I want you to practice shaping your domain. Start with changing to simple shapes, elongating on one or more sides and then progress as much as you can from there. Push yourself in every way you can imagine and I have no doubt you’ll quickly become a powerful Magus. Your progress while I’ve known you has been incredible, and I am proud to have been your teacher- even for so short a time.”
He hesitated and Adelaine cleared her throat unsubtly.
“The Achorai created the Wardways at the height of their empire, but they vanished into the deeps even further down than we are now. If there is any hope for you to reach the surface, it lies with them. Seek the Achorai, Kosimar, and perhaps one day we’ll meet again.”
He gave the cavern one last look.
“This place is yours now, if you want it my boy. Farewell, and good luck to you.”
“Goodbye, Veris.” I said woodenly as he turned and left into the tunnels. Dismissing my shapeshifting so I couldn’t make tears, I curled up into a small depression in the floor as the same gooey puddle I started out with.
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