《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Battle for the Open Plains


The Warhordes having destroyed much of the Red Lands, turned their hungry gazes towards Borathas, home of the Dwarven Lords. Since it was they, who had first defied Lord Sezrath's will and turned away from him. The Shamans desired more than anything to seek retribution against the arrogant Dwarves and reveal to them the error of their ways. But before they could make a concentrated push towards the Mountain Strongholds, they would first have to deal with the thousands upon thousands of vengeful Centaurs that had poured out from all across the Plains to impede their path. News of Faldrene's fall and the defeat of their army in the Red Wasteland, had banded all the Centaurs together under Horselord Drakane. And since the only way to enter the Red lands was blocked by a gigantic wall that expanded the length and breadth of the borderlands, the Horselords were forced to wait patiently for the Warhordes to commence their attack. Since the only other way to enter the Red Lands was by sea, a joureny most Centaurs feared to make.

With such a large host of Centaurs assembled to oppose their entry into the Open Plains, High Shaman Grozak halted his march at the foot of the newly made Fortress Brokenskull (A fort molded out of the earth) and recalled all the Warhordes still out in the field to rejoin him. Now familiar with such weapons as the Centaurn Bow that had cost the lives of many Orcs in the Red wasteland and at the Battle of Salaquin. High Shaman Grozak understood the dangers the Warhordes would face, if they were ever to march out into the open to face these cowardly creatures. Unsure of the path to follow, High Shaman Grozak along with his shamans began sacrificing hundreds of slaves in order to determine a way through the Open Plains without endangering the Warhordes, before they could reach their destination.


In the end though, it was the Dwarven converts that had served as mercenaries in the Warhordes that came up with a solution to the Centaurn Bow conundrum. The crossbow. A ranged weapon that could be used by anyone to kill a moving target. With that question answered, Grozak immediately had all the weapon-smiths set to work manufacturing Orcish crossbows and stockpiles of bolts. And as soon as they were built, he commanded each of the Warlords to select a thousand Orclings from their respective Warhordes to be to begin practicing with the Orcish crossbow. Which was seen as a type of punishment by the Orclings, who had held off from fighting in a Duerza (Pride battle). These Orclings were later named The Unblooded; an insult to any true Orc warrior.

With formation of The Unblooded, Grozak also determined that these Orclings would need to be protected from the Centaurn Bows in order for them to do any serious damage without being slaughtered needlessly. With that thought in mind, he additionally formed the Orc Shields. Huge Orc warriors chosen for their large build to carry a thick metal shield forward into battle with arrow slits cut into the metal to allow The Unblooded to fire their weapons in relative safety.

Finally after months spent training The Unblooded and Orc Shields to use their new weapons, the Warhordes began their push into the Open Plains. The first Warhorde to enter the Open Plains was led by Warlord Sarkaza, who had earned that honor by capturing the City of Calordia. A practiced tactician that had won more than a few battles with skill and strength. He deployed three ranks of Iron Skins ahead of his Warhorde, followed by Berserkers and Orc Grunts. Keeping the Orc Shields, and Unblooded in the center of his army. He advanced out of Skullbreaker Fortress and quickly had his forces fan out, before coming under attack from hosts of Centaurs raining down thousands of arrows to rip open holes within the Warhorde.


Having anticipated taking heavy casualties in such close proximity to their Bows, he commanded the Iron Skins to charge and drive the Centaurs back away from the gates. Then using the space opened up by the Centaurs, who turned tail to withdraw before the charging Orcs, he commanded The Unblooded and Orc Shields to advance to the front and form up into four lines. With his forces prepared to receive the enemy, he signaled the Iron Skins out in the field to retreat behind the wall of Orc Shields and waited to receive the enemy.

It wasn't long before the Centaurs thundered back towards the Warhorde, firing their Bows in a continuous stream to slay stragglers that had succumbed to the bloodlust staying out too long in the open. When all of a sudden hundreds of crossbow bolts tore through the front ranks of the leading Centaurs killing and wounding thousands of warriors as they tripped and stumbled over each other. Then with the Centaurn army ground to a halt by the sudden assault. He commanded the Berserkers to commence their attack, supported by The Unblooded, who sent a second and third volley crashing into the enemy.

Caught by surprise at the powerful onslaught and unable to advance any further due to the chaos ahead of them, the HorseLords ordered their forces to fall back and regroup. Which allowed more Warhordes to spill out from the Fortress to increase the size of the invading Orc armies on the Plains. With no choice but to withdraw and revise their strategies, the Horselords pulled back even further to watch the mobilising Warhordes. Giving them their first taste of victory on the Open Plains.

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