《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Dwarven Technology


Glowels : While Dwarves fear and despise sunlight, they also understood that the feral Dwarves that inhabit their many tunnels are greatly harmed by the light as well. So in order to make clearing tunnels easier, the Battlesmiths of Torfiol invented a small ball of metal that when thrown explodes in a shattering burst of light.

Crossblade : The Crossblade like it's very name suggests is the melding of Crossbow and a blade. While Dwarven Battlesmiths have reduced the amount of time to reload a Crossbow to 30 seconds, in battle those 30 seconds could cost Dwarves their lives. To combat this, a blade was built into the underside of the Crossbow to extend outward, when the second trigger on the side of the Crossbow is squeezed.

Combust : Is an explodable liquid that can be applied to any weapon to add explosive power, while not powerful enough to kill outright it can still weaken their grip on their weapon and daze enemies. Only Elite Dwarven warriors, who have continuously practiced with combust weapons are able to use these weapons effectively.

Combust balls : As stated before combust is an explosive liquid, so when it is filled into a metal ball it creates a small explosion that is excellent for digging out tunnels.

Tripod Spear : Is a fairly regular appearing weapon with three spearheads, however when it is triggered two of the spearheads can be fired into the enemy in the blink of an eye, before engaging the enemy with the final spearhead in melee combat.

Sharp Shields : Are tall rectangular shields that are made of solid steel. These shields can fire a burst of tiny Combust balls at an advancing enemy. They can also sprout spikes from the bottom of the shield to cut deep into the earth; making it easier to hold their ground, when heavily outnumbered.


Obsidian Armor : After years of delving beneath the earth, Dwarves have discovered and perfected the art of melting down Obsidian to create armor worthy of their warriors. Able to endure a great deal of damage, Obsidian armor is extremely tough to break or even damage.

Wardemons : Much of the Dwarven's successes on the surface can be attributed to these mighty war machines. Formed into the shape of huge metal dwarfs. Wardemons wield two powerful spinning axes that can slice through anything at great speed. It can carry up to a dozen Dwarven warriors in it's iron belly and four engineers to work the machine. Wardemons are often seen on the front lines of battle.

Armored Titans : While the Armored Titan is quite similar to the Wardemons in appearance and size, they have an entirely different purpose. Armored Titans act as transportation for long journeys on the surface, and in some cases for exploration deep underground. They can carry up to a hundred and fifty Dwarven Warriors and two engineers.

Elemental Weapons : Dwarven Alchemists working alongside Battlesmiths have been able to imbue Obsidian weapons with the power of elements, such as fire, water, wind, and lighting. This is done by developing storage points along the edges of the weapons so that, when a blow is struck it instantly releases the elemental power inside directly into the attacker. Unfortunately this has two major downsides, the weapons charge can only be used three times before it has to recharged, and it's durability is much lower than regular weapons.

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