《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Years of Blood


The Orcs much like the human race evolved over time, first as unthinking beasts of the land, then hunters, and finally warriors. The final step of their evolution was actually brought about by the introduction of religion into their society. Through Lord Sezrath God of Death they were blessed with intellect, and other unique abilities. It also forced the orcish people out of their instinctive habits and into an era of enlightened thinking, where the orcs developed their own traditions and beliefs to suit their own needs. Thus the age of civilization where orcs relied upon logic and reasoning to improve their way of life had begun. But like with all things in the world that used to be good, war changed everything.

A race of creatures called the ogrekan (Also known as ogres in the human tongue) began to raid and pillage towns and cities; slaughtering all in their path. Unused to such violence, the orcs were gradually being wiped out of existence by these huge brutish creatures. Desperate for aid they turned to Lord Sezrath, who in exchange for blood sacrifice granted them unique abilities. This some say was the turning point for both the orc race and the war. With the abilities granted to them by Lord Sezrath such as tough skin and unnatural warrior instincts the orcs began to turn the tide of the war and reclaim their lands from the ogrekan, driving them back.

Still it was quite a few years later when the ogrekan were properly defeated and sent reeling back to their homeland Kahloon. But the orcs were not done with them yet. Having been given an appetite for blood, the orcs chased after the ogrekan and systemically began to wipe them all out, starting an even bloodier war. A war that would only be end when all the ogrekan were either enslaved or killed in battle.


During these many years of war, orcish society began to remold itself once more in an attempt to adapt to their current circumstances. The thinking orc was no longer the ideal standard by which all of their society should be molded upon. Instead the orc warrior became the new ideal example of what a true orc should be, a warrior willing to sacrifice their life for the homeland. It is mainly due to this belief in strength and power that the orc shamans were born. Through their greater bond with Lord Sezrath, shamans were able to gain even greater understanding and more power.

However this is still not the reason orcish civilization came to an end that would come much later.

To be continued…

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