《The Secrets Of Dragons》Chapter 20


The week had gone by too slowly, and Ryker and I were still not on the greatest terms. Every time I found something, I wanted to say to him, my mind always wandered back to Emma and the position I was in emotionally when it came to the both of them. I would pause mid-step and rethink whether it was something I wanted to be entangled in or not. By that point, I would forget what I had wanted to say in the first place and deemed it a lost cause.

Elsie was coming in smaller waves; no doubt having something to do with Nick Black, but I kept my worries to myself, as Ryker had suggested. I really didn't want her to get mixed up in their world, but I was not in any position to tell her how to live her life. And honestly, I didn't know hardly anything about the older Black son. So, I couldn't base my feelings with him from the whole family. Giovanni turned out all right, if not spoiled as hell. But there were normal rich kids who carried the same sense of entitlement as he did. It was basically the same thing if you looked at it a little differently.

I spent most of my time locked up in my room, studying or reading, occasionally looking over at my phone to ping Giovanni's location or my computer to watch him pace in the comfort of his own apartment. The only thing I was worried about was another Saturday night binge at the races. It was a regular thing, but for me, it was nothing special. Giovanni kept insisting on going; I knew only by overhearing the constant arguments he would have in the other room with Ryker. They would instantly drop whatever they were saying when I would come into the room, tired of the noise.

I was not sure why the guys insisted that he not go, but I knew that when the time came after Saturday's game, he would weasel his way in somehow. Which meant another chilly night spent on my bike following them around. I could not deny that I was starting to enjoy the outings, but all my energy this week had been soaked up by classes and Ryker and Emma. It was beginning to wear me down.

Of course, that didn't stop me from doing my damned job.

I dismounted my bike leisurely and strapped my helmet beside it. It was a predictable routine. I would just sit in the apartment and wait for Ryker to leave, and always Giovanni's door alarm would follow suit. Tonight was no exception, but when I rounded the corner out of the alleyway, the large crowd took me by surprise. It was bigger than most of the previous times I had come here, watching Ryker and Gio from afar. But with as many racers and fans as there were, I would have to surf through the people to find either of them.

I moved quickly, trying to avoid bumping into anyone. It was proving much harder than imagined when the mass became denser the closer in proximity I came to the cars. Everyone was off in their own world, betting pink slips, starting arguments on whose car was better, which model had more power, the newest line of tires and accessories, and so on. I didn't really understand the thrill of racing, but adrenaline is adrenaline no matter how you get it. It was a symphony of revving engines as cars lined up, the sound of the motors reverberating off the stone walls surrounding the accessible area.


It was smart to use these streets to race, and I had to admire their determination. This part of the city was all but abandoned, trash littering the ground, and graffiti decorating the walls. Compared to the rest, this little part was like something out of a movie and completely unexpected.

Once I had made a complete inspection of the area, I realized that Ryker was here, but Giovanni was not, and anxiety spiked in my chest. I didn't want to have to ask Ryker where he was and reveal that I had been following them from the start. I pulled out my phone and shot Gio a quick text demanding his whereabouts in a not-so-subtle way and stared at the screen, impatiently waiting for a response.

When my phone finally dinged, I opened his message to a picture of him and Sarah laying half-naked in bed together. My stomach turned, but I instantly locked my phone and shoved it into my pocket. He obviously was not here.

I swallowed hard and looked around, trying to decide whether I wanted to stay. Keeping an eye on Giovanni was out the window, so I might as well at least enjoy myself. I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me and began a slow walk around the cars open for display. I casually admired a deep red Camaro and felt a shoulder brush the side of my arm.

"Oh, excuse me." I apologized.

"No need." He chuckled. "I didn't peg you as a girl who was into racing."

I turned and looked up to glare at Ryker, trying to play it cool. "You shouldn't assume anything about me."

I should have known that he would somehow find me, even if I had tried to stay low and avoid his direct line of sight. My chest tightened, but I only gave off the look of pure serenity. Like it was the most normal thing for me to be here, and I had no ulterior motives.

"So, you like racing?" He persisted.

"I'm not really sure. I've never actually raced. It is fascinating, I imagine." I bent over and gave the next car a look over.

"It can be. It is definitely a rush." He followed behind me, just watching as I moved between cars.

An air horn called out over the commotion of people and cars, and Ryker stiffened. I straightened and looked over at him quizzically. I didn't think I would have found it so amusing to see him at direct attention.

"Does that mean something for you?" I smirked.

"We need to go. Now." He grabbed for my hand and pulled me in the direction of the closest alleyway.

"Where are we going? My bike!" I pulled against him.

The air horn sounded again and was paired with a sudden rising alarm. "It's the police, Jaylyn. We have to go!"

He gripped my hand tighter and yanked me to catch up to him, taking off in a sprint. I followed him, letting him weave us through back corners and longer alleyways. It was a gigantic maze, filled with the loud echo of police sirens. We didn't slow down to a shuffle until the sirens quieted, and I looked around confused.

"Where are we?" I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

"I have no idea." Ryker coughed, just as out of breath as I was.

"What do you mean you have no idea? Ryker!" I shook my head, holding my palm up to my forehead. "You have got to be kidding me."


"Lost or jail, Jaylyn." He tried to steady his breathing. "That was our choices."

I zipped up the front of my jacket, bringing my hands to my lips to try to sooth the creeping cold. "I guess we should have a look around then. Maybe we can get directions."

We walked side by side, not saying much due to the wind whipping at our faces. I could not help but shiver, it's not like I had much on for the elements. This was a whole shit show, and I show have paid better attention of Giovanni and I would not be in this mess. I could be at home, curled up in my blanket. Fucking winter.

I jumped when hands folded around me from behind, winding back my fist as instantly as I could.

"Calm down, would you? We're lost, not getting mugged." Ryker shook his head as he continued to wrap me in his thick jacket.

It was like a goddamn dress on me. But I couldn't help the way I inhaled so sharply it almost made me cough. The dark ember smell was comforting and invaded all my senses at once. I looked over at him, and if he were cold, I would not have been able to guess it. He kept his eyes forward but brushed against my side with every stride.

"There." He pointed ahead, and I snapped out of my daydream.

Like a beacon in the distance, a small diner off the side of the road shined with welcoming warmth. My stomach growled and I tried not to laugh.

"Well, we might as well stop and ask for directions. Maybe grab some food too, for the walk back." I suggested.

He agreed and as we approached the doorstep, he opened the door and gestured for me to get in.

"Such a gentleman." I laughed.

"Shut up." He smirked and we quickly found a booth in the back.

I could feel the coldness seeping out of my fingertips and Ryker chose to sit right beside me instead of across. His hip lined next to mine and he wrapped one of his arms around me, I could only assume to warm me up. I was bouncing from the sensation of his nearness and the burning warmth causes when you have been in the cold for too long without gloves. I should have just taken the SUV.

A plump waitress approached the table; her cheeks were rosy, and she chewed heavily on a piece of gum.

"Welcome to Tandy's. Can I start you two off with a couple of drinks?" She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Ryker patted at his pockets and his face drained of color. "I must have left my wallet in my car."

My slightly less numb fingers searched my pockets and came clean with a single ten and a five.

"A double-cheeseburger, fries, and a Mountain Dew, please." I put the money down on the table and slid it over to her with a subtle smile. "Keep the change."

"Sure thing, sugar." She gave Ryker a weird look and then left us.

"Sorry about all this, Jaylyn."

"Rye, not everything is your fault. I was at the race, too. If it weren't for you, I probably would be in jail." I couldn't keep the amusement out of my voice.

Boy, would that be the highlight of my year, trying to explain to Black why I was arrested, let alone what I was doing there in the first place. Fucking Giovanni. Chasing him around would be signing my death warrant.

"Plus, we can share." I unsheathed myself out of our jackets, warm enough to stand the room temperature without them. "Unless you're the type that believes in cooties."

"You were literally just wearing my coat." He rolled his eyes and even though I was fully back to my regular self, he remained close to my side.

I stuck out my tongue. "Don't be a sour-sport. So, in our brief intermission on trying to make it home, we should find something to talk about. I don't do silence. Even the awkward kind."

"Alright. Well, what do you want to talk about?" He asked, watching the room more than he was looking at me.

"Well, we could always talk about Emma." I suggested.

Honestly, it was to clear the air between us more than anything else. He seemed completely undisturbed by everything going on between us, that I really had not had the urge to ask him all the way up until now.

"What about her?" His eyes visibly narrowed as he came to look directly at me.

"Well, seeing as what has happened, I was wondering if what everyone says is true. I'm not much for gossip, but I'm also not much for being a home wrecker either."

"And?" His nostrils flared just a little.

"And..." I continued. "We at least owe each other a little honesty. So?"

"There's nothing going on between Emma and me. There hasn't been for an exceedingly long time. It was arranged between my father and hers. Emma's father wanted to secure her future through a marriage with my family. It is not a secret that my parents are well off. But they came to some sort of decision when we were teenagers. I've voiced my opinion before to deaf ears. It takes too much to be heard in my family, ask my brother." He said plainly. "Do you want to talk about Aiden?"

I swallowed hard and stared blankly out the window beside us, trying to process the latest information. Of course, I didn't want to talk about Aiden, he was the furthest thing from my mind right now. If he wanted to get technical, Aiden was my ex-boyfriend, whereas Emma was a reoccurring nightmare that was entirely hell-bent on making my life more miserable than it already was. His obvious distaste for the direction of our conversation was evident all over his face.

"Aiden was..." I started, then paused. "...Aiden was just there. I couldn't say that we had a real relationship. It was never official; he was just always around. Coming and going. I enjoyed my solitude and my privacy. Nothing about him and I together was...I don't know, intimate?"

Anger flashed briefly behind his stare, but Ryker said nothing.

The waitress returned, ending our brief conversation by setting down a large plate piled with greasy goodness. My stomach grumbled with the nearness of food, but instead of my normal ravaging, I took careful measures to cut the towering burger in half. Ryker watched me with a raised brow and said nothing until I finished my task and handed him his half. I smiled and wiggled a little as I took a bite, admiring the taste.

"You're like a happy, fat penguin." He murmured; the corner of his lips tilted upwards.

"Excuse me?" I swallowed the large bite and glared at him as I took another.

He only inclined his head as if the act were exactly his point.

"Oh, fuck you." I snorted, collecting a couple fries.

"You have." He said and took a bite of his own portion.

I had to keep food from flying out of my mouth. My eyes widened, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. That was enough chatter for me.

We finished our meal and I looked up for the time. It was nearing midnight, and if we didn't want to freeze to death, we would have to make a quick dash back to our vehicles. We cleaned up our mess and as I dawned on my jacket, Ryker left me briefly and headed towards the counter. He leaned into and put on his charm. I only watched.

The man could have anything he wanted with just a smile.

It was infuriating.

He returned just when I reached the door and I held out his coat for him.

"So, we're in between North Main Street and Storrs Street. It should be fairly easy to make our way back." He smiled and held open the door again.

I stepped out onto the stoop. "I hope so because my phone is dead, and you left all your crap in your car."

He directed us down the street, and we kept in step next to each other. The chill was already setting in again and I tried to keep my body from vibrating. The explanation he gave me concerning Emma had me on edge, and I tried to find a fault anywhere in his brief story. It was not a feeling I was used to, and that irritated me even more.

"Hold up." Ryker's hand flew up to my chest, stopping me in place.

I looked around, eyes narrowing in the darkness trying to see what he saw, until there they were. It was about five or six of them. As they moved about, a tiny green emblem shined under the nearby streetlamp. I swallowed hard.


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