《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 22 - Way back home


It was exactly a week after the fight with the Lesser Red Dragon.

I haven’t seen much of Arielle and the others lately. They visit the other cities around the kingdom as well in hopes of finding information that might help us get home.

All of us are busy lately. In the past, Arielle and I would be together every day of the week since we used to get classes together. Charlotte occasionally visited the manor in the capital if she finished with her duties as the leader of her own faction. People in the modern world would think it’s absurd that a young girl of 15 would be a leader of a bunch of nobles.

They would be right to think that. But Charlotte doesn’t act like any normal 15 year old from the modern world. Kids her age would be childish whereas she’s far mature than I was in my previous life.

4 assassinations on her life has been attempted. She got hurt on the second and fourth and that made the queen execute the ones that couldn’t protect her. I hope Charlotte doesn’t do something that absurd to me if I ever failed on protecting her and she managed to live.

‘No. I promised I’d protect her. And that’s what I’ll do.’

Protect her from the enemy nobles and her own family members.


When I entered the Magic Store, an old lady greeted me. She’s wearing a magician’s robe that doesn’t fit her since she looked like she has a hunchback.

I looked at the catalogue that she took out under the counter.

Today I wanted to buy a new gemstone for my staff.


Everything I saw was at least 5 gold or more.

‘5 gold for a stone!? You should know that gold doesn’t grow on trees you hag!’

Even the staff my parents bought me was 3 gold at the most since there was a discount on the limited edition ones.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked and saw a slender blue finger tapping me.

-What is it?

–I apologize for disturbing your thoughts but look...

She pointed at a corner. I looked and saw sunlight reflecting on a blood red gem.

“You’re interest in that piece of crap? These youngsters only worry about money and not quality. Tsk.”

The old woman lost interest in me as I approached the gem.

I don’t know how to put it.

–The energy it's releasing...

–Is overwhelmingly powerful...

Naturally my inner mage was drawn to this gem.

‘Wait, the old lady said that it’s a piece of crap though...’

I looked over to Undine. She had a serious expression on her face as she looked at the gem.

I picked the gem up. It was so big that I had to hold it in both my hands.

“You want it? 1 copper then.”

“Eh? Why so cheap?”

How can she give something this valuable away for 1 copper? Do all old people in this world have screws loose?

“Why? It’s unusable. The noble boy that said he found it in a ruin he was exploring with his knights said that it can’t be used for his training at all. That was many years ago. This thing has been rotting away for that long. It’s useless.”

–No. That’s not the case at all. I feel something different from this weird gem, master.

–Yeah, me too.

I paid for the copper and put the gem in my bag. Even though it’s covered up with cloth, the intense energy is still releasing itself from the gem. Just what is this?



“Miss Helen...?”

When I entered the adventurer guild by noon, I saw a young woman with her usual geared attire sitting on a table drinking alone.

“Ah, you’re here.”

Her smile looked weak and tired. On the edge of her eye, I could see a bit of red which meant that she might’ve cried. But why?

“Where are the others?”

I sat across from her.



“Yes. Paula said she’ll be enlisting as a guard for one of my connections in the noble court. No one would refuse her since she is one of the best martial artists in the kingdom.”

‘So she must have used her money to buy an Elixir huh.’

Elixirs are generally charged at 40 gold a bottle. I pray that I would never need to use that as long as Erica is still friends with me.

“Being a mess as I already am, I shouted for Jered to stay out of my life. That was really shitty of me...”

She took another sip of her ale.

“It was the night of the same day we cleared the dungeon. I was ready to go to sleep when Jered entered my room after knocking. The words he said were so sweet but they never registered like that in my brain at the time. I was a mess. I shoved him out of my room when he started to undress me while saying sweet nothings. Like honestly, how can that punk think about sex when we lost our teammates...”

Her face showed her regret. Is it the effects of the alcohol that she’s confessing so many things? Do people normally tell others of their sexual activities like this?

“So he left too?”

“Yeah. Would you like to know what I told him that night? ‘I already lost my feelings for you yet you still try and push me into a relationship?’. I can’t forget how shocked his face was before he went out of the room with tears forcing to come out.”

No man would chase after a woman for so long no matter how much he loved her. If Helen led him on on purpose then she would’ve been a bitch in my eyes too.

Since it seemed like the two were close in the past, perhaps they knew each other for a long time?

“The bottom line is that we disbanded the party. I lost my childhood friend and all my friends. I’m alone now. Isn’t that just pitiful?” She laughed self-deprecatingly, “Anyway, can I hear your story? Since we’ll be separating soon I thought it would be nice to share some stories. How did you end up in a place like this? Mages like you are rare and few.”

Separating soon, huh...


I told her about what truthfully happened.

“There’s an actual princess in your group?” She looked at me in surprise, “What kingdom are you from?”

“About that... we’re from the other part of the Continent.”

“That far? Wait, then how did you... end up here?”

She scrutinized with a blank look.

“Ah, you won’t believe me if I tell you, miss Helen.”

“Try me.”

“We were actually thrown across space and kept in a certain pocket dimension for a month’s time before landing here.”

Helen had a confused look on her face. Her eyes kept blinking as her mouth was widened.

“Pft... Hahahahahhahahaha!!”

And then she began hitting the table while laughing unlady-like. A cold beauty laughing like this caught me off-guard a bit. Alcohol can turn even the most serious people into idiots.


That continued for a while before she calmed down. When she saw my face, she looked even more confused.

“Huh? You’re serious?”

“Yes, miss Helen.”

“S-Sorry I laughed....”

I smiled silently and drank the juice I ordered from the bar.

“You know, there actually might be a way to get back home.”


I choked on the juice as it went down the wrong pipe.


“Don’t get excited now. It’s something father told me about long ago.”

I nodded my head like a puppy.

“The Habsburg royal family wishes to expand their weak political power to other nations. In exchange for a system that can help other train their troops into super soldiers like they have. The method... well, it’s something the United Empire used to create in mass production...”

She took another gulp from her ale.

“A teleportation gate...”

‘Those things exist?’

I guess that isn’t strange since something like reincarnation even happened to me and I even met my future self. I won’t even be surprised if Aliens exist or if there really are parallel universes.

“The art of making one is extremely difficult. Each and every failure either caused someone’s death or the gate shuts down before it even activates. A lot of reports have been made throughout the years and they say that if you touch a defective gate then your skin and bones will melt. It’s like poking lava if it’s 1000 times hotter.”

“Our kingdom never revealed something like this to the public.”

I heard from Charlotte that only the Order has access to the teleportation gates in their hideout. There is one in their hideout and one in the Palace that is used when the king decides to take a break in his faraway villa or a royal family member has to go for business in his place in another country.

If we were to enter one, would we come through the White order’s gate or the palace gate? We might even land up in unknown lands.

“There’s a heavy cost for entering through one though since the fluid required for the gate has an astronomical price. The fluid is made from crushing and mixing high quality magic stones together with rare mythical plants…”

I fell on the chair deflated. I was so excited hearing we found a way back. Did fate really have to screw our asses this hard?

“But there’s an alternative way of getting the qualifications to enter the gate…”

“What is it…?”

“Get support from another noble family.”

“How will we even do that? We barely know anyone here.”

She smiled meaningfully.

“Did you forget? I was a noble before as well. We were called the Redfields. I can introduce you to someone.”


“Yes. A city ruled by one of my father’s previous connections have been having trouble fending off monsters recently. The city is a trading point for all the territories. That means that supplies are abundant during delivery times. Villages from around the area send their crops to that city before the crops get sold to the kingdom. The monsters are quite aggressive when hunting down the carriages that has meat being delivered. You’ll have to hear the rest of the details from the Count himself if you manage to meet him.”

She then went “Hm...” as if she’s thinking of something.

“Can I ask something? What’s your relationship with the princess in your group? Are you two close or is she just ordering you around?”

“Well, we’re pretty close. We’ve known each other for a long time now. I’m her protector and knight. In the future, if she manages to become Queen then I will be appointed as her official guard.”

Helen then rubbed her chin.

“If it’s not a bother. Could I meet Princess Charlotte?”

I nodded. She gave me this much information so a meeting shouldn’t be a big deal.

“Before that though, have a drink.”

She pushed the ale towards me.

“I’m still 13…”

“Ah? What does that matter? Is the age of consent in your kingdom not 12 like in ours? You’re such good company despite being a kid. Come on, drink it. I rarely let loose to keep up the image of a distinguished party leader.”

I vehemently refused as she pressed on. Also, 12? Most kids have late puberty at that age.

This world is weird in some aspects indeed.


“Clyde-sama who is this?”

Charlotte asked with her regular fake smile. The smile she uses when meeting strangers.

We were having lunch at the Inn’s dining lounge. There is a hunting season going on so most nobles have left for that. The Inn has been quiet for the entire weekend.

Erica was chewing something similar to the properties of bubble gum. Arielle was wolfing down her food unbefitting of a girl from a noble household. Nate’s eyes were on Miss Helen’s chest the entire time.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet me, your highness.”

Helen bowed. She was still standing while we were seated. A kind of etiquette I guess.

“The title ‘Your highness’ has no power for me in this foreign nation, miss. Can you tell me why you asked for a meeting?”

Charlotte cut into the pork and put a tiny piece into her mouth. It’s frustrating watching people eat such tiny pieces in front of me when I already finished mine in under two minutes. I have the urge to grab it and eat it myself.

Helen smiled wryly.

“Well actually–“

“Please get to the point, miss. We’re awaiting an important message from an information guild.”

Charlotte cut her off sharply. She’s releasing an aura befitting of a princess. Even Helen that’s older than her looks like she’s enduring the cold sweats.

“Actually, princess.” I spoke to Charlotte, “We found a method already.”


All four of them looked at me.

“I-Is that true…?”

Erica asked.

“Yes.” Helen answered, “I believe it’s problematic asking information from a guild like that.”

“Why is that?”

“They already know the answer to your questions. They’re just stalling to squeeze more money out of you, your highness. Common folk or foreigners always fall victim to their schemes.”

Charlotte clenched her fists stealthily.

“Really now…?”

Her voice sounded sharp and cold.

“Then, can you tell me what you know?”

Helen then recited what she told me.

“Something like that… The United Empire’s technology was well sought after so it’s not surprising that other nations are replicating it like we have. I’ll handle the meeting with the noble. Clyde-sama, can you accompany me?”

“Of course.”

Charlotte then fake smiled again as she looked at Helen.

“So? Can I hear your business now, miss? Your information is appreciated so whatever you need shall be granted if it’s within my limited power.”

“Yes…” Helen bit her lips and then kneeled down.

She raised her head and looked into Charlotte’s eyes. Her eyes were filled with determination.

“Please allow me to become your knight as well, your highness.”

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