《Tautology》S Class Files: Ra Ra Rasputin


S Class Files: Ra Ra Rasputin

“The Universe constantly expands, this is known. We have numerous theories as to why, but I would like to posit, that the entirety of the universe is running the fuck away from this one woman.”

Name: Catherine Goncharov

Cape Name: Миша

Nationality: Russlander

Current Residence: Nahiko Shatterdome

Ability Classification:-

Thunder and snow, that was what she saw when she arrived.

Taller than the highest mountains, its skin like a black rock. Teeth and claws taller than the highest skyscrapers as its steps sounded of thunder.

Tyrant King, the Muryganas had called it.

-9 years ago Catherine engaged the first-ever kaiju, Tyrant King in battle near the coastal town of Magadan after it had rampaged for approximately 32 hours. Tyrant King was the first recorded instance of an Invader from the dimension of Macrodian-Flor. Standing at a height of approximately 1.4 kilometres, the entity disregarded our dimension’s square-cube law and was capable of energy kinesis in the form of-

The smell of ozone wormed her way into her broken nostrils.

Thunder roared in the distance, her back cried as if her spine had been smashed, she blinked back confusion, opening her eyes to see the blurry dirt path she had bore.

Nine kilometres.

That was how far a single strike from that thing sent her.

-due to the now understood nature of Macrodian-Flor, it is known that all kaiju have an innate resistance to heavy ordinance weaponry, able to shrug off hundreds of missiles and artillery and walk out of nuclear blasts completely unharmed. 3 nukes were used on the Tyrant King, which did nothing to it before Catherine was called in. Due to the specific nature of Macrodian-Flor and its inhabitants, blunt force trauma of a scale below that of traditional heavy ordinance weaponry remains effective-

She was thrown back again.

Catherine spat out bile, her vision was red, tainted by her own blood. She grabbed the ground, lifting herself up, only to stumble as she put weight in her left leg.

The bone was broken, her own shattered tibia stabbed into her flesh as she cried out in pain. Her left foot flopped uselessly as she fell to the ground.


She groaned, seeing the mass of the largest monster that ever passed through a Gate.

Something broke then.

Catherine laughed as she stood back up, uncaring of pain, uncaring of wounds. She ripped off her useless left foot, stabbing the point of her exposed tibia into the dirt.

“I have a peg leg,” she cried in her native Russ, “I have a peg leg!”

She jumped, shattering the ground and into the fray once again.

-for forty-nine days and forty-nine nights, Catherine battled against Tyrant King. The mere shockwave of their blows was able to shatter glass for leagues, mountains were levelled and cities were ground to dust as they battled their way across Eastern Russland. Until finally-

The Tyrant was running.

Across the entire Siberic did they battle. Blows after blows exchanged by a thing too tough to die and a thing too stubborn to die.

Which was the monster was up to interpretation.

Catherine watched as the Tyrant King crashed into the sea, its mere mass shattering millennia old ice and causing tidal waves taller than buildings.

Yet it was still running.

She would laugh if she had the strength, but her voice could not find her. Her body, once considered the beauty of the Russ, skin like the clearest snow white, was stained by an ugly purple, for there was not an inch of her body that wasn’t bruised. Her platinum blonde hair said to be more valuable and beautiful than even true platinum was browned with dirt and dust, for she had been thrown into more things than she could count. She stood missing a leg, for she lost it on the second day.

She raised her hand, shivering in the Siberic cold for none of her clothes were durable enough for the long battle she just endured.

Her fingers no longer looked like fingers. Beaten, broken, they reminded her more of calamari than a finger. Flopping around without structure. Some hanged onto her palm by singular threads of skin and sinew, the bones that weren’t crushed to dust peaked their fragments underneath her skin, to even move them was pain. Yet still, she raised her hand, using the last of strength to close the flopping pieces of meat that were her fingers. Closing her hand, she made a single gesture.


And thus, Catherine Goncharov became the first person to give a kaiju the finger.

-the Tyrant King later resurfaced on the shores of Laskana, however, it was found that-

Three steps it took before it collapsed onto the earth.

Many came, looking over the massive corpse, including a little girl, told to not come by her parents, yet still the curiosity brought here.

Older men and women in uniforms and beeping equipment were there, like ants, they examined the corpse so big it could be mistaken for a mountain range.

The little girl strolled closer, on the skin of the vast creature, there were strange circles that dotted its entire surface.


She came closer, seeing the hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of rounded circles in the skin that appeared like a tough black rock. And when she was closest, she could see what was at the centre of each circle.

A fist mark.

She held her hands out, balling it into a tiny fist as she pushed it into the mark, yet her hand was too small, it could not fill the fist mark there.

-In the Kaiju War, Catherine Goncharov has done the world an unequalled service, though the Tyrant King was the first of all kaiju to come, it was by far the strongest. Under the Toshimitsu Category Scale, its massive height and raw destructive power would rate it as the only Category X to have ever appeared and to this day, the next highest kaiju to have appeared was only a Category VII at 734 metres tall.

By killing the first-ever kaiju, Catherine gave the world access to approximately 30,000,000 tons of material that did not follow our square-cube law. It was from the corpse of the Tyrant King that the first of the titan ‘Gigantes’ were made, later forming the Kaiju Response Core, who to this day has responded to kaiju threats all across the world-

There was a woman who was nervous as she neared the Shatterdome. One amongst many, tasked to fight off monsters beyond description. She wondered if she was worthy of piloting the ‘Gigantes’ assigned to her.

But as she neared the Shatterdome, she saw it, a massive black stone wall, covered in countless craters. She knew what it was, the First.

As she got off the car, she approached it with reverence.

Slowly, she raised her hand and touched the wall.

Beside her, her dozen peers, all pushed their hands into the wall. Each finding an imprint, each putting their fist into them.

And she smiled, her worries gone, because now, her hand fits. All of theirs did.

-To this day, Catherine remains the only person to have engaged a Kaiju of Category VI or higher in single combat and have won. Though she received many life-threatening injuries, she was able to make a full recovery through the aid of five thousand healers. Not to mention, a curious phenomenon has emerged in the wake of her battle.

To this day, not a single kaiju has come within 1000 kilometres of the East Siberic and Laskana region or Catherine herself.

It appears that whenever a kaiju senses Catherine’s presence, it immediately turns and moves in the opposite direction, sometimes even suicidally rushing through squads of Gigantes, other powerful hunters and heavy fire under anti-kaiju weaponry. This phenomena, known as the ‘Little Misha’s Den’, has been leveraged to great effect to direct kaiju into favourable situations, and though Catherine has yet to fight against another kaiju since her first, her mere presence has been a reassuring force in the war against kaiju. She and the East Siberic/Laskana region, are the only places that all kaiju avoid with vicious and suicidal fervour.

Due to her numerous and valuable contributions to the Kaiju War, along with countless other marks of service for the survival of humanity, despite her youth and relative inexperience, Catherine Goncharov is designated as the youngest S-Class.

This S Class report was authored by Hayden Xin the Archivist.

Hayden Xin

Lest Dawn Fail.

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