《Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break》Chapter 12 - Stealing The Thunder : Act 2


Thunder was eyeing me carefully now, I didn't know what he was waiting for, I spread my arms around me, “What is it Thunder, let's play some more, I feel I can get so much more from you.”

And it was true, going from what I could understand from my powers now, they seemed to gradually adapt to other powers as I was subjected to them. Spyglass using her mental powers on me had paved the way for my powers to respond better to Openmind’s, the same way I suspected that I got the strength enhancing part of Thunders power as my powers were already subjected to LED’s buff. And only because it had so much raw example to work out of, I’d need to train to get a better understanding of how it all worked. I tried and couldn't generate any electricity or attack with it.

My power learned from other powers, and it had the potential to become one of the greatest forces in the world, I could feel it. It made me giddy to imagine myself in that position, but I'd need to tread my path carefully, even the information that got back from this fight might put me in a kill on sight list, nowadays it was very rare that new powered that seemed too powerful made it very far, the State didn't like anyone encroaching in their territory.

It was better for me to tie myself to the one group I felt I could make the most use of. Mainly at the start as I’d need training partners and the Dawnbreakers had lots of that, in illegality I could grow my powers much more freely so I didn’t mind being labeled as a terrorist one bit, better yet that I sympathized with the groups ideas.

Before I could immerse myself even more in my ideas of grandeur, Thunder came at me again and I felt Openmind's powers brushing against mine, still to no effect. Sadly she wouldn’t risk having a backlash again, I thought as I engaged with Thunder, now moving at the same speed as him and completely unafraid of his zaps. I just tried my best to get into the rhythm of the fight like I used to do, not being really that successful at it. I was slowing getting better though, but I wouldn’t win this fight like that this way.

Looking over my new friends, they were still standing planted on the pavement just how they were left, not even their expressions changing, it would do me better if I could release them. Taking out Openmind would free Spotlight's power, and that would really just end the fight. If Payback wasn’t dead, he would need help, or if the case were that he could indeed use his powers on himself, he would need to be freed to do that. So, I turned and started running towards the army woman. My powered feet moving in big strides in her direction, Thunder went to follow seeing my plan for what it was.


She turned around and started running away with everything she had. I would do the same I thought amused. With Thunder on my heels I pursued the intelligence division lady. I got to her first, taking hold of her head with one of my hands and her neck with the other, I turned us around to face Thunder and bringing the woman in front of me as a shield, she struggled furiously but the power Thunder had so generously given me was completely up to the task.

“You're going to regret this.” Thunder threatened. “If you do anything to her, your head will go directly to the chopping board. People way more powerful than me will come to get you.”

"Why would what happens to me matter to you?”

“My head would just come first than yours. I really fucked up on this one." He sighed "You're one hell of a wildcard.” he said the fight leaving his body a bit as he relaxed his stance, although still keeping his empowering shroud active. “Say, why don’t you join us? power like yours can take you a long way in the military." He spread his arms palms up "We can call all of today a silly misunderstanding, you were a completely unwilling participant of these terrorist's actions. What you say?

Openmind stopped her struggle in my arms probably hoping that I would just take the deal, it was a little enticing as the government could legally provide me with all the resources I required, and probably put me in the dangerous situations I needed as well, the problem was what I already knew about how they operated, and the spite I felt that was fed for years; even before powers I wasn’t much of a patriot and the state of craziness it had reached with the powers in place really wasn’t for me.

Besides my personal dislike for being controlled, they could pull the trigger on me anytime, I didn’t know if Thunder grasped the extend of my powers, I could feel it was way more than what it had reached today, it would continue to grow, and certainly would eventually tickle someone the wrong way. Going with the Dawnbreakers I could grow in the shadows without being bothered, and there, I could find likeminded people. I wouldnt lie to myself, as much as I was used to push people away, I wanted comrades i could trust my back to.

In the clandestine business I could even become a big leader, with my powers who said I couldn’t become the best awakener anyone had ever seen, this amount of ambition was something that even surprised myself slightly, I had thought I was just a resigned middle-aged man foolishly clinging to hope. It would seem I still had much of the ambition I had as a young man. I shook it away tough; I wasn’t much of a leader I just wanted to advance my powers in peace and in the military that would be impossible, even more than as a fugitive.


“No, I don’t think I will.” I finally answered Thunder. “I told you I’m too indebted to them already.”

The polite smile on his face vanished, he eyed the environment searching for something that could turn the tables, I imagined. I decided to take the woman out of the fight, thinking of the best way of doing so I started squeezing her neck, she screamed in agony her hands going for mine holding her desperately, but as soon as I started, I stopped.

“Oops, sorry, didn’t think it would be so extreme, but what do you say, going to release my friends?” I asked her, squeezing her neck more carefully this time, she didn’t answer me, just trying to invade my mind with way more effort than before, a desperate last move maybe? Come on, I'm not that dangerous.

I just let her power come in contact with mine, prodding it with mine trying to make it absorb more than to just outright bat it away, like it did the first time, the woman paused her struggles in surprise, probably thinking herself successful as I wasn’t moving anymore, and kept her efforts.

I wasn’t getting anything from it though, maybe the method was wrong or I would need to be subjected to the paralysis and now wasn’t the time for that, I sighed, well can't get it all. I let my power into place again and her presence on my mind was violently ripped away, she letting out another scream before her body fell slack

“Well, that settles it then.” I said, seeing the Dawnbreakers moving again.

I moved back to stand with my group, Thunder ran to get Openmind’s body and then to get some distance from us, He eyed us warily now, his jaw cleched betraying his fury. He did nothing though, seeing he was completely outmatched.

LED and Spyglass had gone see where Payback ended up, the guy was already standing on his own, so it turned out he could use his powers on himself. Great, as the power Thunder used could easily kill an unenhanced person. There was no red haze around him this time though.

Seeing that he was all right, LED immediately told us to go, leading by example already going to the car, not even giving a second glance at Thunder. Spotlight had stayed behind eyeing him though, with his powers now into place the guy was a good deterrent; as he had shown before, his attention changes were possible instantaneous, he had made Thunder lose his aim when he attacked the car the first time.

“Not going to scramble them around the city?” i asked him.

“I'm considering it.” Spotlight said, also moving to the car now with me, but still keeping an eye on the military duo.

When we were almost there, Spyglass stopped for a second alarmed. “They have reinforcements incoming.” she let out, increasing her pace again.

“How many” LED asked as he entered the driver's seat.

“One in the front and then five following, there's also lots of police cars."

“I'm completely done with this city.” Payback gave his input, taking a seat in the back again, I just entered after him, taking the window seat this time.

“Do a sweep Spyglass.”

He looked at Thunder and Openmind, the former still passed away, and considered something for a bit, one of his rare serious looks on his face, he shook his head slightly and entered the car pulling the seatbelt around himself.

“Well, till later then.” he said as he finished strapping himself and then closed his eyes, concentrating heavily, LED turned the car on as normal, and while the motor ignited a strong light started shinning from behind Spotlight's eyelids, growing even more fierce before a pulse of visible light emanated from him.

It didn't affect us, but as I looked at Thunder, he stopped glaring at us and just looked to another side and then started putting Openmind on the ground, was that a wide range of the thing he did at the front of my house? seemed different this time though. I wouldn’t have the opportunity to ask now though as the reason he strapped himself to the car became apparent, his body slumped in his seat completely.

‘’Did he pass out from that?” I asked even as I realized it was pretty obvious, LED was already driving us again away from the, now I realized as well, destroyed bits of street.

“Yeah, he passes out when he goes too crazy with the range and amount of people.” Payback answered me anyway. And then we were out again.

The energy inside me started slowly dissipating but as I checked, the orb of power stayed altered, I smiled, surer of myself, I still had to figure out the path I would take.

I thought back on the feeling of unlimited power I felt, I also would need to keep an eye in my ambition, I glanced at my hands, thinking of the hungry sky beast in my awakening dream, how hungry it was.

It was a part of me, the things on that dream all were, those were parts of the past me though, I had to find a way to let go of this deep need to achieve power, I had it now. I could do good on the memories of my friends and train them in the team I was part of now. I didn't need to rush after it anymore.

With me deep in my introspection the car drove us smoothly over the countryside, continuing our trip like nothing had happened.

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