《God of the Feast (A dark litrpg/cultivation, portal fantasy)》Chapter 24 Choices
Tracy and George took front and rear positions again. With Remus and Elsbeth walking among us, for the most part. Though Elsbeth would occasionally fly up into the air to assess for trouble.
We still hadn’t had our talk, as Mal bombarded her with a torrent of questions about joining the order. If anything, I was relieved. Awkward conversations had never been my forte.
It surprised me to discover she had it within her power to just make Mal an Aspirant. I assumed he’d have to undergo some trial first. But apparently not.
He excitedly confirmed that he received a new notification Aspirant of Devotion: level One.
As an Aspirant, he was expected to prove himself to Devotion. Through prayer and through kindness to others.
I smirked at his sour expression as Elsbeth explained that the more he effort he put into the bond with the god, the more he would get out. She promised to teach him the basic tenants of Devotion as we walked. Once he could recite them in pray and hold the interest of one non-follower in conversation on those tenants, then he could advance to level two and choose his path. He would also gain the first power then. Hands of devotion.
I found myself being slightly jealous. I’d seen what passed for moderately advanced Neuma users, and their main power was getting messed up.
This Natom Hilgresh was supposed to be different. Super powerful and could kill demons with a fart. I found myself being dubious. The Neuma didn’t want to be controlled, and I wasn’t even convinced it should be. Its natural state was wild and erratic. Who were we to attempt to bludgeon it into shape. It seemed wrong somehow.
Elsbeth dropped back and said something to me as I daydreamed.
“Huh?” I replied.
“That’s not really an answer.”
“I didn’t hear the question.”
“Ah, that explains it,” she said with a half smiled. “I asked if you had forgiven me yet?”
“What for?”
“What do you mean, what for?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused and more than a little irritated.
“For leaving us behind as we ran, or for looking down your nose at me when I asked you out for dinner and disappearing then too.”
“That’s not really an answer,” I replied.
“I didn’t look down my nose at you. You caught me off guard! Nobody asks a priestess out on a date. I just didn’t know what to do.”
“I wasn’t asking you to bloody marry me. Just sit across a table and eat food and chat.”
“You’re right. I could have handled the situation very differently.”
“It’s all water under the bridge now, anyway.” I said thoughtfully as I focused on the horizon. More into an attempt to look pensive and wise, rather than not being sure what else to say. The silence stretched on for a while before Elsbeth spoke again.
“You have a demon appendage too.”
I looked at her again. Now she was looking at the bloody horizon.
“What the hells that supposed to mean?”
Extended silence.
“It’s dark aligned. Part of you is dark aligned. I’m a priestess of Devotion. Of light! I… thought… it mattered. Maybe it does. The Mother wasn’t clear.”
“I mean, it’s not me though, is it? Not yet anyway. It’s basically an infection, albeit one that’s getting stronger and might potentially turn me into a full demon. Come to think about it, I can actually see why you didn’t want to go on a date with me. If we hit it off, the prospects are not exactly rosy, are they?”
“No, they’re not. I think our primary focus should be on dealing with removing the curse, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help you. Maybe by then, I will have proven I am not a runner, and you’ll consider asking me again?” She said with a wry smile.
“Oh god no!” I replied seriously. “By that time, you’ll have worked out what a total asshole I am. Once you’re past the rugged good looks, you’ll find I’m an easily irritated, self-absorbed…”
“Ignorant!” Mal shouted from ahead.
“Annoying,” Joel intervened, making it very clear that everyone had been listening intently.
I shrugged, “Well, there you have it,” I finished. “A damning appraisal of my character,” I said flatly.
“Very damning indeed,” she noted. “And from lifelong best friends, who would risk their lives to protect you. Perhaps there are some positive qualities beyond the rugged good looks?”
“Maybe. You’re still right about the arm. And then there’s Daz. I’ve got a shit ton of stuff I need to work through first. Let’s just get to this Natom Hilgresh fella.”
“A wise place to invest our focus, for now.”
I nodded, inspecting the arm. “How many miles do you think we’ve covered?”
“I’d say around five miles. Why?” she asked.
“I need to break a couple of times a day to meditate. I only did it twice yesterday and that’s definitely not enough to keep my demons at bay.”
“We should stop soon, then. Once a third of our journey is complete. The rest will do us all good,” Elsbeth said.
“You could probably be in Meve right now, if it wasn’t for us.”
“But that is not the purpose of the journey.”
“I’ll happily grab a couple of rest stops,” Joel said. “I put all my last points into stamina and speed, but I’m still having to push hard to keep up with you guys. Even Clive, who I used to be able to match, but who has now somehow miraculously popped up to level twelve.” He raised a questioning eyebrow at me.
Elsbeth looked at me with surprise. “You’re level twelve already? In two days?”
“Yeah. Epic Achievement, 1000XP. My shot with the hammer was the blow that finished the Saleel off.”
“When you hit it in the baby maker?” George asked to the laughter of everyone else.
“Yes George. That was it.”
“Was excellent shot,” Tracy added.
“Not really. I was aiming for his chest. I think Saleel’s must have their hearts in their dicks or something, the way he went down.”
“I don’t know the anatomy of Saleel’s, but it seems unlikely. I believe you were merely fortuitous in the timing of your throw,” Elsbeth said with a smirk. “I’m happy that you gained those levels. At present you need to strengthen the most.”
I heard Joel harrumph at that.
“Joel’s pretty desperate too,” I said. “He’s not even in double figures yet. It’s embarrassing to be seen out with him.”
He flipped me the middle finger. “It’s embarrassing enough being this level, you don’t have to rub it in just because you got lucky, Clive.”
“I hope increasing your level improves your sense of humor, mate.” I added, trying to make light of his unexpectedly tense response.
“My sense of humor in this world died with Daz. I just want to get you fixed up, and get us home.” He turned away, making it clear with his body language that he was done talking.
I looked at Mal, who just shrugged.
“Is there any way to grind our levels as we walk?” I asked of Remus and Elsbeth.
“There’s normally very little to fight in the heart of Malatia. Particularly near the roads as they’re patrolled regularly by the guards. But the journey itself will be at the upper limit of your endurance, particularly once the terrain grows rougher. The foothills of the Craster range start a few miles out from Meve.”
Remus nodded his agreement.
“Have you been to Meve, Remus?” MaI asked.
“Not yet. But very soon,” came the coarse but happy reply.
“Then how do you know there're foothills?”
“The priestess just told us all,” he replied. Looking at Mal like he’d lost his mind.
“Never mind,” Mal sighed.
“I wanted to ask you a question too, Remus,” I said, though I didn’t hold my breath for a coherent answer.
“Of course Clive. Ask me anything.”
“Where does a Druid get their power from? Is Nature a god?”
Elsbeth covered a laugh with her hand. Remus looked troubled. He scratched his hairy chin for a long moment before answering.
“Nature is not a God. Remus gets power from mainly green things. Grass, trees, cabbages and things like that.”
“How does it work? I understand as a Neuma Master, I have to use my own internal power. Whereas Elsbeth draws her power from the gods.”
“I constantly absorb when I’m in contact with nature. Its energy flows into me.”
“How did you learn to draw it in? And to use it, for that matter?”
“Born that way. No learning. Just shooting fireballs. Making things grow super quick.”
“So can other people become Druids?”
“I don’t know.” Remus said apologetically. So it was down to Elsbeth to offer an explanation.
“I don’t believe you can become a druid unless you have been born with a link to nature. It is most likely from Remus’s Ogre blood.”
“There are Ogre Druids?” I asked, concerned at the possibilities.
“Not as such. But their strength and resistances are derived from nature magic, much as Trullan’s are.
“So Dug was a bloody druid, too!”
“Again, no. But nature magic fuels his regeneration power.”
“Keep up, Clive,” Mal ribbed me. “Looks like Neuma is still the path for you.”
“That’s fine,” I sighed. “It would have been cool to shoot energy bolts and balls though.”
“Who said you cannot?” Elsbeth asked.
“Me mainly. I can’t see how it’s possible with what I understand so far. Those two so-called Neuma Masters, back in Laurel, sure couldn’t do it.”
“I think Natom may be surprised when you meet, then. If your expectations are so low.”
“How so?”
“I already told you he is most likely the most powerful Human alive.”
“Yeah, but you were exaggerating, right? To make me feel better.”
“Not at all. Natom is incredibly powerful. Just be aware that becoming a Neuma Master is, by all accounts, the most difficult path to growth. It is generally discouraged, for most, though you are a special case due to the curse.”
“I’ll keep my fingers crossed then,” I replied hopefully.
“Why?” Remus asked.
“For luck.”
“You have a spell to give you luck? How is this possible?”
“It’s not a spell. At least I don’t think it is,” I laughed, suddenly uncertain after everything I’d seen in this land. “It’s just a thing we do where I’m from. It doesn’t make any difference to anything.”
“Then why do it?” Elsbeth asked.
“I honestly have no idea. I’d google it, but unfortunately I don’t have my phone.”
I knew they wouldn’t understand what I was talking about, but it was fun to watch their expressions.
“I assume these are words from your world?” Elsbeth asked.
“They are, and they’re not important here and now. What’s important is, have we reached a third of the distance to Meve yet?”
“Sure have,” Mal said with a self-satisfied grin.
We moved off the road to sit on a gentle grassy embankment. The sun was shining. Everyone was getting along and as long as I didn’t think about certain things, I felt almost content. I laid back on the grass and fell into my meditation.
Once I was satisfied with my internal work, Elsbeth handed me a sandwich. I had a quick look inside and felt her bristle.
“Do you suspect I would give you a sandwich of questionable ingredients?”
“Nope, just curious. I like to know what I’m eating and how it’s made. Call it occupational interest.”
“Because you were a chef? Now I suddenly feel nervous about providing food for you,” she laughed.
“Exactly.” I closed what appeared to be a ham, cheese, and some kind of relish sandwich back up, and began munching it happily.
The day continued in much the same vein. Walking along at a steady pace, chatting amongst ourselves. I continually expected danger after our first day of travel, but there was nothing of the sort.
If we hadn’t chosen Angelica as part of our team, I doubted we would ever have seen a Saleel, let alone lose Daz to one.
We arrived in Meve in the late afternoon. I reveled in the fact that I wasn’t completely exhausted this time. I wasn’t staring at the floor dragging my feet, but looking up with interest at this new walled town.
It was of the same stamp as the others we’d seen so far. But at least twice the size.
“Any reason why Meve is so much bigger?” I asked Elsbeth.
“It’s a mining town. This is where most of what is mined in the Craster range is sent out across Malatia. The temple of Devotion is larger here too. Hopefully we will be able to get you individual rooms this time.”
“Are the other priestesses and Mothers okay with us just dropping in and eating their food in every city we pass? It seems like we’re taking the piss a bit.”
“I do too,” Joel added. “I think we should at least find a bar for our evening meal.”
“Gentlemen. You are on a quest with Devotion’s blessing. So don’t worry about that.”
“And Joel,” Mal said. “You’re already the slowest here. Shouldn’t you be focused on getting some rest, rather than getting rat -arsed again? You remember what happened last time, right?”
“Who the fuck made you my keeper?” Joel snapped. “If I want to relax in a bar after a long slog, and drown my sorrows over everything that’s happened with a few ales, then I bloody well will.”
Mal was about to snap something back when Elsbeth intervened. “I have no doubt relaxing a little will be of great benefit to you all. Should you drink too much, I am more than happy to cleanse you of the poisoning in the morning.”
I was stunned by the offer. Joel’s smile almost touched his ears. Even Mal’s head snapped around eagerly.
“That’s extremely kind of you to offer, Priestess,” I said. “But wouldn’t before we go to bed be better?”
“Perhaps, but I have no wish to deal with you all in whatever condition you return to the temple this evening and I imagine that you will sleep better and have far fewer dreams if you wait to be cleansed until the morning.”
“That sounds perfect to me,” Joel agreed.
We followed Elsbeth to the temple first, where she arranged for an acolyte to show us to the guestrooms we could use. Then she went about her own business in the temple, while we went searching for a bar.
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