《Path of Salt》Prologue III
Part 3: Festival of Flowers
The sun was brightly shining, but the clouds were blocking most of the heat. The breeze was cool and pleasant, strong enough to even sway the grass on the nearby fields.
The stone-paved main square surrounded by buildings, which usually only had a few lazy denizens idling about were now filled with spectators, flowers, and colored ribbons hanging about. The cheers of festivity were at an all-time high, and one could hear the resonance of laughter even if one was standing on the distant plains.
And most of all, the crowning glory of this day belonged to the different girls, clad in dresses laced and sewn with all manners of flowers’ petals. From the white purity of lilies, to the burning red passion of roses, it was a sight to behold.
But really... I wasn’t interested in any of that. To anyone watching me, my finger looked like it merely tapped air, but for me, I can see blue panels of light emerge from nowhere.
Panels as in, glass panes, but blue. I closed the panel, I opened it again, I closed it again, but whatever I did, it still existed and responded to me every time I called it. The words were the same every time.
Race: Human
Class: Hero
I scratched my head at the words written. It’s been like this since the day began, and I wondered if I banged my head somewhere. I was already in some abandoned corner of the village, but even then, I still looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. There was no one.
The laughter coming from the main square confirmed that everyone else was gathered in there.
With a sigh, I wondered what this was all about. I tapped the [Status] word, and with a soft hum, another screen popped out.
Level: 4
Experience: 34/100
Health: 510/500
Mana: 300/300
Vitality: 17
Endurance: 21
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 12
Magic: 10
Willpower: 20
Free Points: 3
These... were straightforward. Easily understandable, by anyone who reads them. I didn’t know if these values were high or anything, but I would be willing to say that they’re probably higher than usual.
My father’s training regime is one hell of a factor why I survived the battle, after all. I didn’t expect to be level 4, though. Was it was because I may or may not have killed a few enemies?
It was self defense. And everyone in the battlefield knew that their lives were at stake, anyways.
But I’m not quite sure about ‘Willpower’. Was it literally the power of my will? My mental strength? With a shrug, I decided to ignore it for now, as I pressed the red ‘x’ on the corner of my screen. I would dump the free points later, when I think about it more.
I was back to the screen where my name and class was. I briefly wondered if I really did hit my head somewhere, before shaking it. I didn’t think I was a Hero, even if I was drunk or anything.
“What are you doing?” A voice who I could only identify as Tobias said behind me, and I casually turned my head to look at him.
“I’m trying to figure out what this is.” I said, pointing at the blue screen in front of me. Tobias stared at it, and then back at me. Then we stared at each other, and I could tell that confusion was apparent within his brown earth-colored eyes.
Exactly what I’m feeling as well!
“That’s...” He trailed off, only continuing to stare at the panel of light. I felt hope rising within me. “I’m not sure what you’re pointing at, but I think that’s just the ground?”
And then – despair.
I had a budding suspicion that this was only visible to me, but this pretty much confirmed it. With a sigh, I shook my head.
“No, it’s nothing.” I murmured dejectedly. Maybe I did hit my head somewhere.
“Well... if it makes you feel better, want to go to the Festival?” Tobias asked. He could probably tell that something was bothering me, and he was offering to distract me from whatever it was.
I knew Tobias, and if anything, he disliked loud places with lots of people. But if he was willing to tolerate that much to invite me, then I knew that I was very obviously bothered.
So I shook my head. “Nah, it’s alright.” I replied. “I’m just trying to figure out something, don’t worry about me.”
“Hmm.” Tobias hummed. His hands idly placed themselves below his chin, and he assumed a thinking pose. “What’s bothering you, anyways?”
I briefly wondered if I should tell him about it, before deciding to. He was my best friend after all, and I’m sure he won’t instantly think I’ve lost my mind when I tell him.
So I started to tell him about how I woke up greeted by a blue panel of light, filled with words. He asked what the words written were, and I told him. He seemed to nod when I mentioned that my class was ‘hero’, although I didn’t quite know why. When I finished, he seemed to nod to himself.
“You’re not wondering if I’ve grown insane or anything?” I asked, looking at his body language to tell me anything else. I couldn’t read anything.
“No, not at all.” Tobias said, shrugging. “I’d be more surprised if you told me there was a girl you liked.”
“Impossible.” I replied, scoffing. “After all, this village doesn’t have a –”
““Short-haired cute bookworm girl who’s quirky and wears glasses.”” We both said at the same time. I glared at Tobias, who was holding in his laughter.
“Sorry, sorry. It’s just that – you’re so specific with your tastes, I couldn’t help but memorize the entire thing.” He explained, although he was chuckling every now and then.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. At least my taste in women isn’t as basic as yours. Wait, no, you don’t have any to begin with!” I quipped back, my voice holding sarcastic edge to it.
“It’s not my fault I just don’t find anyone pretty. Except for my sister, but not in that way.” He replied with a frown, and I shrugged at his words. Whatever you say. “Anyways, women aside, you have blue panels of light, and those say that you’re a hero now?”
“My Class is Hero at least, whatever that means.” I corrected him, and then thought to myself. “I’m not sure what I did to be classified as a Hero though.”
“I don’t know...” Tobias shrugged, although I faintly heard sarcastic intent in his statement. “The guy who survived the battlefield despite only having some basic training is definitely not a Hero.”
“Hey, my father’s training isn’t basic. It’s pretty nasty. You’d know, if you’d experience it.” I retorted back, leveling a small glare against him. He only gave another shrug, and I sighed.
“So you got some pretty nasty training, and you suddenly survive a battlefield then.” He repeated, changing only a few of his words to reflect what I said. “Still sounds pretty heroic to me.”
When he said it like that...
“Maybe you’re not wrong. Maybe I am a Hero. But I still don’t know why these things suddenly showed up to me.”
“Beats me.” He shrugged again. Then he paused, and assumed his thinking pose. I waited for him to think to himself, and in a minute or so, he began speaking again. “You mentioned Levels and Experience, correct?”
“I did.” I nodded.
“And Skills, and Status, correct?” Again, I nodded. “Bingo. What that means is, your job now is to become even stronger.”
I stared at him. “But... why though?”
“I have no idea. Maybe because you’re already a Hero?”
“No, no.” I said, thinking to myself as well. “Are these blue panels really necessary? I mean, I think I’ll grow stronger even without this thing happening to me, anyways.”
Then we both stared at each other, as we thought of ideas to bounce off each other. Then finally, the silence was broken when he spoke first. He coughed in his hand, and I felt that whatever he said next would be important to me.
“... Maybe you did hit your head somewhere after all.” Tobias offered, before shrugging again.
I sighed loudly.
[Spear Mastery (Novice)] (+!)
[Sword Mastery (Novice)] (+!)
[Farming Expertise (Intermediate)]
I stared the four skills I possessed. Then I stared at the two symbols right next to the two weapon masteries I had. I clicked on the symbol next to the Spear Mastery.
[+!] - Because of your Class as [Hero], this skill has
greatly accelerated experience gains!
Ah. I clicked the other symbol next to the Sword Mastery, but I was only greeted by the same words. So that was that. Maybe I really was born to fight. Maybe my father being an old war veteran wasn’t just because of circumstances. Who knows, really.
I idly eyed the [Analysis] skill, before deciding to click on it.
[Analysis] – Level 1 – Active Skill – 0 Mana
Allows the user to Analyze a target.
Accuracy of Analysis depends on user’s Levels and target’s Level.
If the user has more levels, the Analysis is more accurate, and vice-versa.
Description of Analysis depends on Analysis’ skill level.
Use Analysis more often to level up.
... What? I stared at the words, reading through them carefully. Then I re-read it again, to make sure that I didn’t misunderstand. Then when I finally understood, I just gave a half hearted shrug.
Sounds useful.
I turned around to look for a rock. When I found it, I stared at the rock.
... Really? Was it something I needed to say out loud before it worked?
After a short hesitation, I decided to say it out loud. “[Analysis].” Good thing I was alone, otherwise I would probably look like an idiot –
Stone Rock
A perfectly normal palm-sized rock.
It is a [Common] Material.
It can be thrown for up to 10 (+30% of Strength) Damage.
Its jagged edges has a 10% chance to Wound Target.
It worked...? I stared at the panel of light in front of me, and began to read it with half-amazement and wonder.
It was... surprisingly descriptive in its own way. I had half-expected [Analysis] to only tell me that it was a rock, or describe its physical appearance redundantly. But I suppose that it was a bit more technical in its description, with the numbers and practicality and all.
... But really though...? [Analysis] really did describe the rock as a weapon of sorts, didn’t it?
I turned to look at my surroundings to find another target to Analyze. I thought of Analyzing the grass, but then my attention was drawn by the nearby trees. So I stared at the tallest tree I could find, and called out [Analysis] again.
Pine Tree
Plant Life
5000/5000 HP
A big pine tree. It’s been around for thirty or so years.
Cutting this tree down will yield a lot of wood.
That was less descriptive. But maybe that was because it’s literally just a tree, and I can’t exactly use it as a weapon or anything. So with a shrug, I brought up the Skills Page again. This time, I clicked on the Spear Mastery skill.
[Spear Mastery (Novice)] – Level 1 – Weapon Skill
Unlocks Basic Spear-derived Active Skills.
User’s Skill with Spears is barely passable.
Increases Damage with Spears by 10%
Increases Efficiency with Spears by 10%
Efficiency: The higher one’s Efficiency is, the less
Stamina/Mana they consume when using Skills.
I see. So it was like that, after all. I’m assuming that since it has identical phrasing with its sword variant, both skills would be identical to each other. Clicking the Sword Mastery skill revealed that it was true, except that it was more-so suited for swords.
[Sword Mastery (Novice)] – Level 1 – Weapon Skill
Unlocks Basic Sword-derived Active Skills.
User’s Skill with Swords is barely passable.
Increases Damage with Swords by 10%
Increases Efficiency with Swords by 10%
Now then... What are these Basic Sword/Spear-derived Active Skills...?
[Slash], [Thrust], [Jab]. These three were shared to both weapons, and they were about as self-explanatory as can be. But really... how literal was it, even?
With a shrug, I dismissed the panel. I didn’t even want to click on [Farming Expertise (Intermediate)]. It somehow made me feel ashamed of myself, for whatever reason.
But really... this means I’m a Hero, huh? How exciting!
“Hmm...” I hummed in discontent, my glare fixed on one person in the crowd.
“Big brother, are you alright?” Erise asked, as she tugged on the sleeve of my shirt.
“I don’t like this...” I muttered, but I nodded at her. “But I’m alright, why?”
“You look scary.” She replied, and then I thought about it. I probably was, by all accounts. “It’s like you’re trying to smack someone with your mind or something.”
“Maybe I was.” I shrugged, before deciding to give up on it. Maykel, you might be staring at my sister, but if you touch her then I will murder you and dispose your corpse somewhere not even wolves would be able to sniff out. “But I won’t anymore, so don’t worry about it alright?”
“Mhm!” She cheered, and then she looked at the event currently happening.
The different young adult girls who wore dresses laced with flowers were currently standing in the main square, while waving to everyone and dancing. It was a simple dance, really, with them swaying about to the beat of two-wooden clappers, and twirling about every ten claps or so. And yet, it was so very complimentary to the girls, who just reached the twilight of adulthood.
Now that I think about, such events like these are arranged so that these girls would get married, or at the very least, get suitors, isn’t it?
“Big brother, look! Big sister is very pretty!” Erise exclaimed, as she pointed in a direction. My gaze followed suit, and I paused.
Catherine’s earthen colored hair was tied into a singular braid which extended to just her back. Her black dress was especially flowy, although it seemed to emphasize her thin, petite frame quite well, and seemed to radiate some ominous, yet alluring charm to it (Wait, who decided to make her wear a black dress...?!). The crimson roses which framed her dress was incredibly complimentary in its own morose way to her black dress, and there was even a rose attached to her hair.
I let out a frown. I’m sure everyone knew what black dresses symbolized, and how ominous she looked. She was very pretty (she was my half twin; I am obligated to say she is pretty), agreed, but at the same time she was almost unapproachable.
Or maybe that was her point after all? I shrugged. Whatever she wanted to wear or symbolize, I’ll just leave her be.
And with that, I lost my attention in the event. The girls were pretty and all, but I couldn’t help but feel like there was something wrong about... something. I really didn’t know what it was, but the more I tried to shake it off, the more it seemed to pop out.
I looked at the event again. It seemed like the presentation was over, and everyone seemed to disperse. But I’ve been here, and I know how this event goes. Everyone would probably crowd around the flower-laced girls, and get to know or compliment them or something, and then there would be some great feast going on.
So before that happened, I slipped away. Erise was very excited, so she definitely won’t notice me and she’ll go try to talk to the girls.
Still though... I couldn’t shake off this ominous feeling, so I decided to go find Marcus. Maybe his newfound powers would be able to find something about the situation.
That, or he really did hit his head.
I chuckled at the thought, but dismissed it. But I think he’s not joking, I trust the guy after all. Now, if I was Marcus, where would I be...?
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The fallen (?) hero and Aži Dahāka's soul fragment
I have to apologize.A certain real life problem that I thought I got rid of has caught up to me once again.I tried to continue writing, but my mind was not in the right track to do so and thus, as some people had said, the quality of the latest 2 chapters had turned from the usual "bad" to "worst". So, I reluctantly have to say that I will be away until I can sort things out.I can't say when, but I do intend to return to writing. I might lurk around to read other people's works though. I will be turning my attention to stories with "tragedy" and "despair". The five of us were summoned to this world from our clubroom two years ago to be made as heroes.Shouldn't forceful summoning like that be counted as kidnapping?Well, we chose to go with the heroes route.After harsh training and battles, not to mention all the killings, we finally defeated the demon lord.However, all those achievements literally became nothing, it wasn't just forgotten, it was erased to be totally nothing as even the written records were somehow being disposed of. I was too naive. Who would have thought that the side we have been fighting alongside with, the side we were fighting for, was the one to bring our demise?After I had to see everyone else turn into nothingness, somehow... I alone survived. Note: I will attempt to fix the grammar problem with the help of lieutenant colonel fletterman. This may delay the release of future chapter. Chapter 1 is fixed. Chapter 2 is fixed.
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Save Me [Zarry]
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