《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 19




Allis felt hope for the first time in a long time, because she might actually get to ruin Taipa’s life. It could take years to get to that point though, but she can wait however long if Leo’s plan bears fruit. Until then she would have to settle for imagining Taipa being thrown out of her estate in rags, forced to beg for scraps on the streets of some town, while everyone would just walk past her.

Last night Leo told her about his world, and she had trouble believing that none of the things he described used magic. After his explanation that his people studied the physical world to the point of defining the laws that governed the universe, she almost considered that his people might be gods in mortal form. To learn, much less understand such things would seem almost god-like, because there would be nothing you couldn't do with magic. But his world didn't have magic so they had to follow a different path, only studying the physical.

Allis pieced together that that was the reason for his ability to learn magic so easily, he already had all of the knowledge to apply. She remembered the spell he used to crush the table into pieces, and that she didn't know of any spell that could do something like that, much less how it was done. Which made her ‘very’ glad for his compassion, because she could picture many of her peers using such a spell to have crushed her out right if she attempted to blackmail them.

Leo seemed to be flipping through the book on runic enchanting, a focus to his eyes that probably reflected his people's drive for knowledge. Allis turned to Elaria, wanting to strike up a conversation regarding her relationship with Leo, and to apologize for the day before.

Allis turned herself and slithered to Elaria’s side of the table. “Elaria, I must apologize for my behavior and rude comment yesterday. It's been a long time since I've treated others with proper respect, and since then I have only gotten worse. So if there's anything I can do to make up for it, do not hesitate to ask.”

Elaria looked at Allis with mild surprise. “Um, the comment really wasn’t the worst thing I've been called, so don't worry about owing me anything. The apology is enough, so thank you.”

Allis didn't feel like a simple apology could ever make up for what she tried to do, much less the fact they were now sort of helping her with getting revenge on Taipa.

“So, you came across Leo in the forest only a few days ago? What was that like?” Allis inquired with genuine interest.

Elaria shrugged, apparently unmoved by the question. “Well I was on my patrol for the guard when I came across him, and considering how he looked like a mix of a bunch of races, on top of being a lone male in the woods, I was shocked. I originally thought he was a spy, but when he told me where he was from I basically froze.” She answered a little bluntly.

Allis raised an eyebrow. “He just admitted he was a summon, and how did he know that this was another world?” She asked skeptically.

“Apparently his world has one sun, and when I gave him a translation necklace he lit up like it was a sack of gold coins. You have to remember that his world doesn't have magic, so he didn't even know what summons were, for all he knew they could have been common. Also I'd imagine trying to lie his way out of the situation would be a bad idea.” Elaria explained while taking a glance at Leo who nodded, either at what was in the book, or in agreement with Elaria’s assessment.


Allis nodded understandably. “I see, and did he really learn to fly In less than ten minutes?”

Elaria let out an irritated groan. “Yup, it was yesterday. We were at the back of town outside one of the gates, so Leo could experiment with his magic. I was talking to a friend by the wall, a safe distance away from him when she screamed out at the sight of him flying around in the air. Had to yell him down and explain to him why flying was a pretty shit way to remain inconspicuous, and what casting that kind of magic even meant for him.” She said while taking another look at Leo, who pulled the book a little more in front of his face.

‘Right, he wouldn't know what the normal level of spell casting would be for a mage.’

Allis’s eyes shifted between Elaria and Leo, as she wanted to confirm something. “So…. Stamina of a dragon?” She questioned while a disgruntled groan came from Leo as he continued to read through his book.

Elaria couldn't suppress a sly smile as she looked over to Leo. “You wouldn't mind if I shared some of your more ‘private’ abilities, besides, Glia already knows…”

Leo looked up from the book with a raised eyebrow as he glanced between the two selarins. He sighed. “Fine. But that doesn't mean I want to hear the conversation, nor do I want said details getting out, so I'm gonna cast a sound distortion spell around you two. Just toss a coin at me when you're done so I can end it.”



After casting the spell, Leo returned to the book on runic enchantment. Before, he didn't really think of that magic as enchanting, since he associated the word with having to cast a spell on an object, but the limitless mana ‘bullshit’ seemed to make that connection for him.

Leo was searching through the book for anything on how the runes interacted with mana itself, because runes could apparently draw mana from their surroundings. It was one thing for his body to produce mana for his spells, he always needed to recover it once spent, it was another for a rune to just pull it out of thin air, though he wondered if there was any lag in consumption.

‘If I can just find a way to create a mana siphon that can pull it into my own body, then I….’ Leos thought stopped, as he remembered what he was already capable of.

‘I most likely can already set off nuclear detonations, not to mention my control of gravity. I think becoming the definition of ‘Unlimited power’ is a little much. So I'll file that project away for later….maybe in a few years, or when I need it… God that's broken though.’

Leo flipped to the pages near the end of the book, scanning the list of documented runes and what they mean. When he reached the end of the list he had to go back over it again, because the list felt very short for what were essentially the cheat codes for reality, because what else would you call spawning matter out of ‘bullshit energy’.

‘Ok, so no gravity, acceleration, mass, density, types of energy…. Wait there's no mana rune?’ The thought made him furrow his brow, as he didn't believe that such an obvious rune would just be missing.

Leo held his hand over the table and tried to create a mana rune, but his mana didn't flow into anything. ‘Huh? That doesn't make any sense? You'd think there would be a rune for the thing that makes runes, unless… Is mana the wrong word for it, or the meaning that's being used for it is wrong? Well that's already a mystery I need to nail down, especially if I want to make something to measure it.’


Leo looked up to Allis and Elaria, who were still conversing within his spell. Elaria had a bit of a shit eating grin while she spoke, and Allis’s eyes were wide while her mouth was slightly agape. Allis looked over at him and their eyes met, she then turned a lighter shade and looked away, and Elaria started laughing uncontrollably. Leo felt a slight tinge of embarrassment, and was glad that the spell could spare him from knowing the details of their discussion.

‘Ignorance can be bliss…’ He thought while he grabbed the book on the study of mana.

Opening the book to the first page, he was greeted with instant disappointment. The book was filled with religious references and explanations on how the gods created and structured the system of mana. How they were responsible with blessing the worthy with the ability to produce, sense and manipulate mana. The more Leo read, the more he found himself regretting even touching the book, as there was not a spec of information in regards to what mana actually is. He found himself flipping through the book, trying to scan over anything of importance, when something finally caught his eye.

[ The gods may speak to those who are worthy, if they pray at a sanctified temple. ]

Leo pursed his lips as he leaned back in his chair. ‘Well given that magic exists, gods aren't much of a stretch. But If gods are actually real, do I really want to attempt to talk with them…. I guess it would settle whether or not the soul thing is true, and I might get a question or two answered about mana. Or they could just smite me on the spot, I am still technically not supposed to be here.’

Leo made a mental note to visit the nearest temple, if nothing else he can brush up on the beliefs of this world. He nearly reached the end of the book when the direction took a sudden turn on one of the last few pages.

[ Ancient texts : These texts were recovered from an expedition to the waste lands. All translation attempts using magic have failed to discern the meaning for a majority of key terms used. These texts were released by the researchers in an effort to uncover some meaning, this is a sample. ]

Leo's eyes went wide.

[ Instructional manual for the ×××× model 00971k imperial ××××× service construct.

Maintenance for the ×××× core is self sustaining.

Operational life expectancy : Indefinite under optimal environmental conditions.

Lifetime Warranty: Covers damaged ×××× core.]

[ This next sample depicts what is currently translated from the text above, for reference.]

[ Guide ???? for the ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? service construct.

Maintain for the ???? core is self preserving.

Working life expect : long/undetermined under perfect natural conditions.

Lifetime ???? : covers damaged ??? core.]

[ Please visit the nearest academy if you have discovered any meaning behind the missing words. ]

Leo looked down at his translation necklace, wondering if it conveys the meaning of a word based on the individual's knowledge. It would go to explain how he could read most of the blanks, and the not quite accurate translations by the researchers.

‘Ok, so there's a ruin of a super advanced civilization in the wastelands, cool. Damn, I wonder If it's space age stuff. I don't mind a little sci-fi in my magical fantasy, mostly because, SPACE! Could also be a mix of space and magic, maybe that blank in front of the core is mana? Gonna also put that bit of information on the shelf for later. I can learn magic easily enough, but trying to repair stuff more advanced than a broken radio is beyon-.’ Leo's thoughts were interrupted by a copper coin smacking into his head.

Leo looked up at the two selarins across from him, apparently done with their conversation. Allis looked a few shades lighter, and seemed almost unable to look him in the eyes. Elaria sported a smug expression, arms crossed while she leaned back in her chair.

Leo released the spell with a wave of his hand. “So…. Got that out of yo-”

“Can I have sex with you!” Allis yelled, practically blurting out the words.

Leo let the book fall out of his hand, his mind reeling from the question as his jaw hung open. He heard a snicker from Elaria, and she looked like she was about to keel over laughing again.

Allis’s eyes went wide, as her brain seemingly caught up with what she said. “I mean, I'm sorry for, It was improper, I shouldn't have. I don't deserve. I just.” She sputtered, her fingers interlaced while her hips slowly shifted from side to side.

Leo noticed that the inn became utterly silent and upon realizing that, he immediately cast another sound spell around them.

Leo turned his attention to Elaria, while his shock at the sudden request was still evident. “Fucking hell Elaria! What did you tell her!?”

Elaria tilted her nose up in mock condescension. “Just the truth. And I don't see a need to tell you, since you didn't want to hear. She was very curious, so I told her everything. And. Every. Last. Detail.” She finished, playfully accentuating her last words.

‘The truth? How did any of what I did get this response out of her? God, are the males here really so inadequate?’ He mentally questioned in bewilderment.

Leo’s face went bright red as he realized that it was all his fault for essentially giving her the green light to say whatever, along with the utter privacy of a sound barrier. He looked over to Allis, her head pointed down to the table while occasionally glancing up at him.

Remembering what Allis did, Leo was about to shut down the offer in a major way, but his lower half entered the chat.

Lower half : ‘Go for it!’

Upper half : ‘She tried to blackmail me!’

Lower half : ‘Not her fault, that was years of indoctrination.’

Upper half : ‘She essentially called Elaria a whore!’

Lower half : ‘But they seem to have made up, and if she says it's ok....’

Upper half : ‘But, I’m committed.’

Lower half : ‘To one person. Remember, that moral obligation is hollow in a society with a ten to one ratio, plus we already have a rendezvous with Glia tomorrow.’

Upper half : ‘But, but… It just feels......’

Lower half : ‘We're not on earth anymore bud, do as the Romans do and tap that tail.’

Leo let out a sigh as his internal conflict resolved. “Elaria?”

Elaria gave Leo an annoyed expression. “Leo I'm completely ok with it, so please stop asking.” Then a sly grin spread across her face. “In fact, if you say yes, then I request to watch.”

Leo felt like his brow was going to develop a permanent bend with how much it arched. “Uuuh sure... Allis?” He asked while the uncertainty of the entire situation was ‘very much’ evident in his voice.

Allis seemed to light up like it was every major holiday coming together at once. “Yes!”

‘The fuck did she tell her?’


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