《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 5




Under normal circumstances Elaria would have pulled Leo to the bed immediately after he exited the bathroom, because his obvious interest, on top of the confidence of asking for a single bed, made her a little aroused. But she was injured and exhausted physically as well as mentally, so those kinds of ‘activities’ had to wait for later.

‘I'll just have to settle for cuddling then.’ Elaria thought as she admired Leo from the bed, and her eyes longed for him more when his tan skin lightened to a shade.

“Was the water too hot for you?” Elaria innocently teased, while she purposefully let slip some of the sheets covering her.

Leo seemed to find the floor suddenly more interesting, which slightly irritated Elaria. “Er... Em… Now that we have some privacy, can we discuss where to go from here?” He asked, obviously trying to divert the conversation, much to Elaria’s disappointment.

Elaria sighed, knowing that he was stalling because he was embarrassed. “It's your life. What do you want to do?”

“Well since I have nowhere else to go, and no idea about the new world around me, I think I'll stick with you for now. If that's alright? ” Leo asked whilst he continued to gaze around the room, as Elaria found the childish display both incredibly cute and incredibly irritating.

Elaria nodded in understanding. “Yeah, I think that would be for the best. You'll want to use that little cover story I told the guard to avoid suspicion, maybe add a flourish or two of your own.” She smirked as she punctuated the end with a mischievous tone.

“That reminds me, just how many races are there? "Leo inquired with a furrowed brow, his eyes accidently drifting over Elaria’s form before darting away again.

“Too many to know off the top of my head, but most stay in their own territories. Merchants, skill traders and mercenaries being the exception. Which reminds me, you're completely broke, aren't you.” Elaria asked the somewhat abashed man, and he sheepishly nodded in response.

Elaria sighed sadly, while her gaze became distant with contemplation. “Yeah, I’m nearing that point as well. I need to sell my equipment to afford some physical treatment from a healer. I basically spent all I had on the room, but I should get at least three or four silver for the armor. That should be more than enough to pay for the medicine, I could even spare you some copper once all is said and done.”

“Is there such a thing as healing magic, and can’t people cast magic directly?” Leo asked, and received a quizzical look from Elaria.


Elaria cocked her head with a raised eyebrow. “Of course to both, and healers charge a ridiculous amount for the service. Why do you ask?”

“No magic on my world, remember, and all I've seen are these runes.” Leo clarified while holding up his translation necklace.

Elaria asked how he knew to work the shower and clean his clothes, if his world doesn't have magic. Leo shrugged and said that he was a ‘video game developer’, and that it meant he had to create and work with systems that portrayed things like magic. Pressing him on the specifics of his trade resulted in a snowball of further questions, but he put an end to the conversation. He told her that to explain all the details for her to comprehend his work it would take weeks if not months, so Elaria elected to drop the subject.

Since it was getting late, and Elaria wanted to get a little interpersonal, she asked if they could go to sleep. Leo acquiesced, but took up a spot on the floor.

‘Oh hell no!’ The thought boomed in Elaria’s head.

“Um, what are you doing?” Elaria asked, holding back an irritated eye twitch whilst staring down from the bed at Leo.

Leo avoided eye contact as he shifted his back. “Going to sleep?” He responded, while discomfort was evident on his face.

Elaria narrowed her eyes, now fed up with him avoiding something that he seemed very much willing to do, but was obviously holding back out of embarrassment. “And what's wrong with the bed?” Elaria asked incredulously.

“I uh, well I didn't think you. I mean I shouldn't. That's um...” Leo sputtered while starting to turn a deep shade of red.

Elaria mentally sighed. ‘If that wasn't so adorable I might have torn his head off...’ She was about to out right order him into the bed when an impish idea came to mind.

Putting on an exaggeratedly hurt expression, and self deprecating tone Elaria spoke. “ Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you wouldn't want to sleep with a freak…”

Leo immediately shot up from the floor in protest. “I’m so sorry! I didn't mean that! You're a breathtakingly beautiful and attractive woman!” Leo blurted out, and his expression immediately dropped into shock at his own words. His face soon turned into a shade of red that seemed almost comical, and Elaria had to hold down a chuckle at the display. Before Leo could break the momentum she built up for her little trap, she sprang it.

“Well then sleeping in the same bed shouldn't be too much of a problem then….” Elaria trailed, laying into the bit she set up.


“I...ah...eh...” Trying to find the words, Leo closed his eyes to relax, taking in a deep breath for a few seconds and then releasing it.

Doubt started to rear itself in Elaria’s head, but she continued to keep up her act.



Leo was beyond flustered, as the result of his minimally social life showed itself full force in how he was acting toward Elaria.

Leo took a deep breath as he worked to properly break down the situation. ‘Stop, think. She's not the one that's getting embarrassed about this, and chivalry probably doesn't give a fuck about gender here, so I really need to start adapting to the social norms of this world. Also, she's definitely fucking with me for calling her a freak, her little performance would have gone over my head If I didn't watch so much media back home. So I need to cut the shit and apologize for acting like a child, and who knows, I could actually have a shot with a medieval alien lizard woman... The fuck is my life now…’ The thought finished as he finally took the time to collect himself.

“You're right, I'm being childish. My apologies for unintentionally offending you, and being so aggravating. I would like to sleep wi-- ‘IN’ the bed with you, if you don't mind.” Leo remarked, much to the unknown screams of victory roaring in Elaria’s head.

Ending the day by getting into bed with a half naked alien snake woman was the last thing Leo expected when he woke this morning. Granted he didn't know what to expect when he woke up still lost in the forest and slowly dying from dehydration, but this definitely was beyond his imagination. And getting into the bed with Elaria was an experience in mental endurance, as she immediately started hugging him from behind.

Leo gulped as he felt the familiarly soft pillows press against him. “Um, Elaria?” He probed in response to her forwardness.

Elaria pressed into him more as she wrapped her good leg around him. “What? I can't help it, I love the heat you give off…” She innocently responded.

Leo frowned, as his second brain slowly backed away from the controls. ‘Right she's a lizard woman. Calm the fuck down Leo. She's the only person willing to keep your secret and help you, so don't let your di- emotions fuck it up.’ He mentally chastised.

After a few minutes passed by, with Leo unable to sleep, he turned his head to look at Elaria out of the corner of his eye. She seemed to be out cold while still holding tightly to him. “So...Warm…” She whispered out in her sleep.

Shifting his mind away from his situation to hopefully get some sleep, he opted to reflect on the information he had regarding this world so far, as well as what his objectives should be for tomorrow.

‘This world is definitely medieval fantasy, with some modern ideas that are supplemented with magic. Runic magic seems very prevalent, maybe I could sell a few ideas for some income. I do need money, and I have virtually no other skills that would get me a job here. So the first thing I should do is learn some magic, or at least how to make runes.’ Leo yawned as his thoughts began to grow hazy.

‘I guess I'll ask Elaria where I could start learning, probably a library or a book shop.’ Leo's eyes began to feel like lead as the physical toll of the last few days started to permeate his body.

‘Maybe there's… A… School for wizards… Heh…’ Was Leo's final thought as sleep took him.

When Leo awoke the next day, he found himself no longer the little spoon, and instead was facing Elaria while her arms pressed them both into a close embrace. It took mere moments for Leo to shake his drowsiness, and he realized what was pressing against his chest. He then halted a familiarly annoying question from interrupting his thoughts, as he came to a final conclusion on the matter. ‘Who the fuck cares.’

Leo laid like that for a while, not entirely wanting to disturb the slumbering selarin, but he didn't have to wait long though, as Elaria awoke and stared into Leo's eyes. Her skin lightened a shade as she held her gaze, and Leo stared back as well, nearly losing himself within the exotic woman’s light amber eyes.

Leo had seen, read, and created too many interactions between prospective partners in media to know that this situation was pretty much text book. It was at that moment that Leo realized that he stumbled into a relationship that he, while not averse to, was definitely unprepared for.

‘Am I really ready for this right now?... Maybe I can still ease myself out of it.’ Leo thought a little anxiously, before Elaria brought him in for a deep passionate kiss.

‘Or not.’


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