《Lineage Saga (Kingdom Building Fantasy)》Chapter 21: Slip and Fall


As the negotiations between the two leaders intensified above, down below within the ring the standoff was coming to an end. The champion had been pushed all the way back, he wasn’t yet pressed against the walls, but the window to act was slowly closing. Every so often he would glance back, the focus upon the body lying mere feet away, more specifically the weapon which was lodged within the corpse’s chest.

It was possible if he rushed over to grab the spear and dodge out of the almost certain attack that was to follow. The leopard was unlikely to allow him to escape, the second his back was turned the beast would take that chance. Looking objectively there was no other option, the dagger was not enough to deal a fatal wound upon the creature, aiming for the eyes were difficult if not impossible in a situation where its jaws would close upon his neck first. In any engagement he was likely to lose when it came to close combat, retrieving the spear would even out the playing field, providing the extra reach to safely press the creature back before dealing the killing blow.

While keeping his attention on the pacing beast, the view of the tightly corded muscles rippling beneath the surface in combination with the low throaty grumble left the youth in a cold sweat. Droplets of liquid rolled down his skin, his hair soaked under the helm, a droplet or two disturbing his sight every so often. Conceptually it was a simple action, run, grab, and dodge… but would he be fast enough? Or would the creature arrive faster, snapping his neck the way a butcher might snap the neck of a chicken.

Although he would have liked more time to contemplate, to analyze, and maybe discover another course of action, he was only one party within the equation, and now the other had become impatient. The leopard’s pacing became more erratic, its grumbles less subdued, every indication pointed towards it making a move, forcing the champion’s hand. Mumbling some unknown mantra under his breath, he took one large breath, exhaling. In that instant after release of all his tension’s the youth was ready, his breathing steady, eyes focused, no sign of nervousness or fear could be seen within his amber eyes.


The youth let out an ear-splitting war cry, startling both the audience and the beast before taking one step forward. Caught completely off guard the leopard took one step back, startled by the loud roar and the unexpected actions. That was exactly what the champion had been hoping for, even a single step could mean the difference between life and death, he did not allow the opportunity to go to waste. Instead of charging forward he pivoted and dashed to the side and rear, a straight shot towards his real target.

Angered and humiliated the enraged beast followed suit, bounding after the young champion, and quickly closing the distance. What distance he covered in three steps, the leopard could in a single bound, the six-step difference at the start making all the difference. That additional second or two allowing the champion to arrive at his destination, retrieving the spear and pivoting to the right, keeping the shield between himself and the oncoming rush of muscle, bones, and claws.

However, it is also true that throughout life plans can often fall through, or unexpected and unforeseen events occur that completely disrupt a person’s thoughts. For the youth if there ever was such a time, now would be it. The continuous sprints, turns, and actions had worn down the shoddy sandal strap, and in this exact moment it had finally snapped. This sudden change although minuscule in a normal context, was absolutely debilitating in this moment, throwing off the precise footing and timing required for the maneuver. Instead of dodging and rolling away, he fell forward, avoiding the beast’s pounce but finding himself face first in the sand with no time to get into an upright position.

He understood that the beast would quickly reorient and pounce again, and if he remained on his back there was little chance, he would be able to fight back. Considering the immediate circumstances, the youth acted rapidly to follow the only course of action with even a slight modicum of success. Flipping onto his back and protecting his vitals behind the shield as much as he could. That instinct assuredly saved his life, for he had barely managed to get into such a position before the beast was above him.


Snarling blood-soaked teeth snapped mere inches from his face, held back by the thin layer of wood and iron that was his ever-reliable shield and spear. The decision to keep the shield between himself and the beast had paid dividends, as most of the creature was on the other side. Lodged at an angle, the shield was pressed between the ground and the underside of the leopard, helping in keeping the snapping jaws away.

Blood poured out from a terrible gash on the young man’s right thigh, the hind limbs had torn open the flesh, mangling the unarmored skin and muscles. Yet somehow, he had managed to get his left leg under the beast, able to press up against its belly in a desperate attempt to maintain as much distance between his face and its jaws. The creature’s left fore limb was pressing down upon the champion’s right shoulder, the long, wicked claws caught in the thick shoulder guard, avoiding similar damage as was inflicted upon his thigh.

Jammed between the upper and lower rows of teeth was the shaft of the spear, there was little time or room to make use of the weapon. The thick wooden shaft acted as a bit, stopping the creature from being able to bite down. However, it would not last long, already the rows of teeth were exerting tremendous pressure, with the shaft slowly cracking under the continuous assault. Sweat was running down the youth’s face, stinging his eyes, limiting his vision, but still he held firm.

It was only a matter of time before the shaft snapped allowing the beast to extend its neck and take a bite. Or before the youth bled out from the massive bleeding gash upon his thigh. There was no chance of his helm would protect from the force of the creature’s bite, while healing his mangled leg would require a healer of skill, neither of which would come easy. Now he just needed to find a way forward, a way to come out alive, there was always a way, so long as one had the will to find it.

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