《The Apocalyptic Game - A LitRPG》Chapter 8: Into the Wild


Shaw shoved the Silver Sword through the heart of some type of vampire and watched as it collapsed and died.

After reaching level 4, Shaw spent some more time going through the school and taking care of any NPC she came across. She knew from experience that after the first hour of the Launch, the spawn rate of the monsters would be slowed down by a bit. They would still show up out of nowhere, but events like suddenly having a squad of orcs popping up behind you would be rare. It would still happen, but rarely.

After completing the survival mission and reaching level 4, she distributed the 8 disposable points evenly between Strength and Reflex. This was enough to make the Developer’s comment change a little, not that Shaw really cared.

Amy Shaw

Level 4 (410 / 1600)

Strength: 29

Reflex: 33

Regeneration: 16

Psychic: 0

Disposable Attribute Point: 0

Developer Comment: Weak. Cannon Fodder at best. Garbage at worst.

Career: Warrior

Sub-Class: None

Abilities: Charge. Fortify.

She did run into some students on the way. Some of them were players who have reached level 1 or even level 2. They tried to talk to her, perhaps seek her aid and protection, but she ignored them.

She never saw Ian and John again, but she had a feeling they would meet again sooner or later.

Finally, as she could distinctly hear the sound of players and survivors from the hallways behind her, Shaw gave her school one last look before venturing outside, and into the wild.

As she made her way out of the school building and into the yard, her eyes landed on many bodies on the ground. Some of them were students and teachers unlucky enough to be outside when the Launch happened. They didn't have the luxury of the cover of classrooms or doors. Others...others appeared like they were students originally indoor who fled outside. Perhaps they thought the monsters were only showing up within the building, and they could flee to safety outside. The only thing they did was offer themselves to the beasts that spawned in the courtyard.

One of the bodies on the side was a young man wearing glasses. He was dressed in a black suit and tie. Shaw suspected he had some professional meeting or interview set today, not that it would matter anymore. A bloody hole was in his chest, making the cause of death quite obvious. A pool of dry blood had formed beneath him.

Shaw couldn’t help but sigh. If the Launch never happened, this young man might grow up with a bright future. A good job with fat paychecks. A nice car. A loving wife and a big, beautiful house. Perhaps he had a valid chance to get them all. But when the monsters showed up and the society crumbled, all his skills meant nothing. He could be a great programmer or a brilliant mathematician, but he died right here, right now. Like an ant.


Was it fair? No. Of course not. But this was life, and life was never fair. No one could stand up to fate and complain about how unfair things were. The only thing they could do was lower their heads, bite their teeth, and try to survive. This included the young man, and this included Shaw.

There was nothing Shaw could do for the young man. All she could do was turn away and divert her eyes.

A few monsters wandering across the field saw Shaw, and they attacked. She killed them all one by one. Her attributes were way above these level 1 monsters. She didn't need armor and shields to crush them with ease.

She slowly made her way out of the quiet campus and started venturing down the sidewalk. On the road beside her were countless cars that had stopped right in their tracks. When the Launch hit, it disabled every vehicle people had. Cars. Planes. Boats and submarines. Everything died. At least those trapped in the cars could open the doors and flee on foot. Those in planes and on boats when things went out...the monsters would be the least of their concerns.

Some of the passengers on boats and planes probably could’ve been powerful players if they were given a chance, but instead, they fell to their death or drowned. It was unfair, yet this was what happened.

Still, Shaw could see not everyone made it out of their vehicles. Some of the cars had run into each other, and the flames still burning on some vehicles made it clear that those inside likely never had the chance of running. Scattered between the cars were many mauled bodies. Shaw quickly discovered that these bodies were the handiwork of a group of hellhounds. The discovery was made when they tried to jump her, resulting in the death of every single hound in the pack and some additional experience to Shaw’s character profile.

Once again, she met no survivors. It had been an hour already. Everyone either died or fled.

Even as she walked, Shaw had been keeping an eye on her mission tab. She knew the game would randomly give her mandatory or optional missions. These mission assignments should be triggered by her location and her interactions. Sometimes these missions were more generic, such as surviving or reaching some location. Other times, the missions involved killing certain monsters or defeating NPC hordes or even protecting certain entities. These missions tended to offer great rewards. Great enough to match the danger they involved.


Unfortunately, she failed to see any missions just yet.

In that case, Shaw changed her mind and started heading for one of the grocery stores close to the campus. She needed not just food, but also other things that would make her live like a person and not a caveman. After that, perhaps she could try to find a safe place to rest. It was still barely noon, but safe locations were hard to come by and she really didn't want to be caught out in the open at night.

Even as she walked, she could distinctly hear faint gunshots from a distance away. It sounded like the local police force was resisting the NPCs, although since this was the US, it could be any civilian with firearms at home. Either way, Shaw wished them the best and proceeded to be on her way.

Five minutes later, she finally reached the grocery store. She had come here a few times before. The store owner was a bald man in his forties. Shaw really didn't like him, especially since he always showed great interest in well-endowed girls that visited his store...not that she was one of those girls. At the same time, she also remembered him telling some of these girls a story about how he was robbed once. Apparently, when the burglar came in with a knife, the store owner drew his shotgun and shot the poor man in the chest...allegedly. Shaw held this story with a grain of salt.

She didn't know if the store owner survived the Launch or not. It was hardly relevant.

With her Silver Sword in one hand, Shaw pushed the door open with the other. It was doubtful anyone could threaten her, but it never hurt to be careful. She quickly scanned the store. The counter was empty, much like the isles. She slowly moved around most of the store and didn't see anything or anyone. That was until she reached the room...and saw the two heavily armed knights in front of the locked door.

Unless this was two random guys cosplaying at the worst moment possible...these were two NPCs.

It seemed like the NPCs had been led to the door by something or someone in the storage room. Anything could've tipped these NPC off. A noise. A movement. The door seemed intact, so there were likely still survivors inside who were smart enough to quiet down when the NPCs came. Quiet enough to stop the NPCs from bashing the door open and gutting everyone inside.

When they heard Shaw approaching, the two knights quickly snapped around and turned their attention to the newcomer. Without a word, the two knights raised their heavy swords and approached Shaw with all the malicious intents in the world. Their armored boots stomped heavily on the ground as they charged.

The young woman was ready. She had examined their stats already, and their strength was pathetic. Instead of bothering with a careful tactic, she raised her Silver Sword and counter charged into the first knight, dodging through his large sword and shoving her blade into his neck.

The second knight slashed his sword down. Shaw had the Fortify passive ability, but the prospects of tanking a giant sword with her bare flesh were still quite unappealing. Instead, she dodged the slash and charged right into his side. When the charge was done, her sword was already in his guts.

Within seconds, both knights were dealt with.

Shaw spared another glance at the door the knights have been trying to get through. Perhaps there were still people alive there, but she wasn’t here to play the hero. Instead of knocking on the door, she turned her attention to the isles of food in the store. One by one, she started putting everything she could find into her personal storage space.

These resources would become very scarce further into the Launch. The more of them she could pocket now, the better.

Just like that, she started walking down the isles and clearing all the shelves she came across. What? Bags of noodles? Yes! They're mine now. Bread and cakes? Of course. Who could say no to cakes? Vegetables and fruits? Absolutely! And what was this...clean, bottled water? Into the metaphorical shopping cart you go!

It was like a shopping spree, except she didn't need to pay a dime, nor did she need to carry what she bought. Even for Shaw, it brought a sense of pleasure.

After clearing five isles, she suddenly heard some noise from behind her. The young Warrior quickly snapped around and found herself facing a bald man, as well as the barrels of his shotgun.

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