《The House Witch》Chapter 22: Sharing Surprises
It had been a week since Fin’s eventful evening where he had consumed an excess amount of wine and ale, and wound up learning all kinds of noble secrets he had no right to, and that wasn’t all…
Peter had run around the castle butt naked.
He also confessed his feelings for a Viscountess and drunkenly kissed her in his cottage.
The memory of the events was ebbing away sleep and peace from the witch’s life and mind as he braced himself for the day that he would run into the Lady. His saving grace however, was that she seemed to want to avoid him too.
Which suited the cook just fine! He could’ve faced very serious repercussions for his advances on the Lady, but… she had also said she liked him too, hadn’t she?
Fin shook his head.
Was he a child?
Obsessing about a girl liking him back?
She hadn’t actually said the words ‘I like you’ even. She had just asked what would happen if she did… she probably found it more amusing than anything. How deluded could he be to even develop such feelings? He barely even knew her!
Pressing his fists into his cooking table, Fin dropped his head.
The cook let out a weary sigh, when the Knights, Hannah, and Peter strolled in through the garden door all speaking excitedly at the same time.
“Why so down!” Hannah slowly slid into the middle stool, her jubilant tone shifting to concern.
“Yeah, you’ve been lookin’ pretty out of it lately. Stuff on your mind?” Sir Taylor asked tilting his head as Fin pinched the bridge of his nose, and slowly straightened.
“I know that look.” Sir Lewis said suddenly, with an out-of-character wise smile on his face.
Every eye turned to the Knight, except for Fin, who instead resumed seasoning a pan of chicken breast that had been coated in white wine, butter, lemon slices (kindly given to him by Kasim), and sliced cloves of garlic. The dried herbs he sprinkled over them were a new mix that, while strange, were definitely enticing. He already had the first two batches in his oven, and was in the midst of his third.
Of the group, only Sir Lewis managed to stop drooling at the smell in the kitchen that made his stomach rumble, and come back to the important matter at hand.
"You did something stupid regarding a woman.”
Fin’s eyes snapped up.
“OooooOOOOOOHHHHHHH!” Every. Single. One of them. Made the exclamation as Fin’s cheeks burned.
“Someone managed to charm you?!” The astonishment in Sir Taylor’s voice made the cook blush even more deeply.
Perhaps he had become too approachable to his team…
“I always thought you liked Hannah.” Sir Andrews addressed his fellow workers.
“Gross.” Hannah looked over her shoulder at them. “I think of him more as a grumpy dad.”
“I’m only nine years older than you!” Fin exclaimed mildly insulted though he had never once seen Hannah in that way regardless.
“Ten years.” She corrected making him roll his eyes
“Close enough.”
“I see what you mean actually, I’d be scared of him ever needing a cane to walk… my shins ache already. ” Sir Lewis agreed reasonably. “That’s not the point though. Who’s the girl and how’d you mess it up? Did you do that thing you do? Where you talk and annoy people?”
“It’s none of your business.” Fin snapped while snatching the pan off of the table, and with great force removing one of the first batches from the over, and shoving the next one.
The group remained silent for a moment at the sight of the golden chicken breasts, as though in worship.
“I kind of thought you were gay.” Hannah’s words brought everyone back, and all eyes turned to her.
“Are you…” Sir Taylor cleared his throat awkwardly. “Royal Cook, are you… a… aaaaaaah…..” The man struggled deeply.
“What’s wrong with being gay?” Peter quipped, suddenly looking incredibly uncomfortable, his cheeks donning a telling blush.
Fin blinked in astonishment.
Huh… He supposed he shouldn’t get upset about people assuming him liking Hannah, when he had wondered the same thing about Peter and been so off the mark.
“Nothin’ I s’pose. As long as… wait a minute, you kissed Andrews!” Sir Taylor rounded on Peter whom crossed his arms and glared. Sir Andrews turned white as a sheet as his hand raised and touched his lips at the memory.
Both Hannah and Fin’s jaws dropped.
“What… the…What by the Gods has been happening out there?!” Fin demanded after there had been a beat or two of shocked silence.
Why was he surprised? Why was he ever surprised by anyone in the castle anymore?!
When no one volunteered an answer Fin decided the conversation had spiraled enough.
“Alright, let’s deal with the dragons in the room. Peter, is this you defending homosexuals, or are you informing us all that you are gay?”
“It isn’t anyone’s business.” The aide muttered quietly in response.
“Fair enough. End of discussion.” The cook dismissed firmly.
Everyone still looked too baffled to function.
“Honestly Peter,” Sir Taylor turned his massive body to his fellow kitchen aide. Everyone tensed, and Fin had vivid visions of having to explain to the King why there was a brawl before lunchtime.
“I don’t really care if you’re gay. It’s in art everywhere. We know you’d never do somethin’ to someone against their will. ‘Cept for that time with Andrews, but the boys and I had a chat about that, an’ we got your point. If anythin’, learnin’ this just knocks it home.”
Fin felt like fainting.
Had Sir Taylor just… shown… compassion?!
The witch glanced at his goblet of water. Had he accidentally been drinking? Had he died?
Peter was frozen. The man didn’t so much as twitch.
“I’d like to know how it knocks it home?” Sir Andrews didn’t sound angry, so much as close to fainting when he spoke.
“Well… it’s more like how we were to Hannah right? We like ladies, but doesn’t mean it’s good or right to make ‘em feel that way.”
Sir Lewis gave the suggestion some thought, then nodded in agreement. Sir Andrews swallowed- still apparently too addled to do much other than stare.
“Sir Taylor?” Peter’s quiet voice drew every eye to him. “Thank you, and I… I’ve never admired you or respected you more than I do right now.” Peter bowed.
“Why… Why does it not… matter… isn’t it against… nature?” Sir Andrews’ tone wasn’t accusatory or hostile as everyone would have expected, instead he seemed genuinely baffled.
“Ain’t you ever seen the pictures of the Green Man with the other men? If its good enough for the Gods, good enough for me.” Sir Taylor shrugged. “Ways I sees it, if both agree, no ones getting’ hurt. Besides, I don’t really like kids. Less of ‘em are a good thing, an’ it’s less competition for the women.” Sir Taylor grinned, and then the moment got even stranger by Hannah being the first to laugh.
“Wow. This has been… one of the greatest moments of my life!” She announced. “Though, I still really really, and I mean really, want to know who the girl is that Fin likes and how he messed up.”
All eyes turned back to the cook.
“Not a chance. Back to work, and stay away from the squirrels. You’re all nutty enough to warrant a siege attempt from them.”
They all laughed at his terrible joke, grabbed the next bundles of vegetables, and headed back outside.
“Oh, and, Sir Taylor, Andrews, and Lewis?” All three Knights turned to the cook.
“I owe you three an apology for the night you were at my cottage. I’m sorry for what I said that night. You three should be proud of yourselves. You have clearly come a long way, and to say I’m impressed would be putting it lightly.”
The Knights all shifted uncomfortably.
“I think at this rate one of us is going to have a stroke from this insanity. Come on everyone, we have to finish before the festival!” Peter herded them out the door, and Fin smiled at their backs as he saw three pairs of ears blush bright red.
The cook let out a breath once he was certain he was once again alone, and glanced over to Kraken whom had watched the entire exchange through sleepy half lidded eyes.
“Gods… I don’t know if I can handle any more unexpected news for one day.” He sighed while dropping his chin to his chest, and then suddenly something else Peter said made his head snap up again.
“Did Peter say ‘festival’?”
“Come on! Let’s go!” The witch was being dragged by both Hannah and Peter by both arms to the outdoors.
“I have to prepare dinner, what in the world are you two-”
“What? What do you mean you’re preparing dinner? Don’t you know what today is?” They stopped their hasty ushering of their superior, and turned to stare at him in the late afternoon sun.
Fin raised an eyebrow and glanced back and forth between them.
“It’s the Thank You Festival! Or the Royal Employees Appreciation Event! I prefer the first name… bit easier to say you know?” Hannah was bouncing on the balls of her feet while still clasping Fin’s hand.
When the redhead’s expression didn’t change, Peter took over the explanation.
“A few years ago, the King decided to host a festival to thank the castle staff members for their efforts. Rumor has it that it came about after the old Viscount Jenoure saw the effects preparing for Beltane had on old Royal Cook Luca.” Fin made a gesture with his hand to keep the conversation moving.
“Right. The King and nobles fund a big festival that the local taverns provide food, and drink for, and let us consume both for free if we show them a wrist tie we pick up on our way there. People from Austice come to celebrate with us, as well as some performers. Usually charlatans and fortune tellers go to earn the extra coin, but the biggest and best part, is the musician competition.”
Hannah was jumping up and down again.
“Groups compete to be the Royal Minstrels and Bards of the castle, and the ones selected get employed by his majesty for a year until the next competition. It’s always well done, and usually foreign merchants come all the way to sell stuff for it!”
“… The Minstrels probably don’t think it’s so great- there is no job stability.” Fin pointed out.
“They don’t seem to mind. Minstrels and bards tend to be more nomadic, and need to explore other places to keep their material fresh. Some just retire, or turn to teaching. Some stay on to work with the new group, while others go travel and perform in different cities and countries. They always have job prospects afterward though. If they want to stay on, they compete with the rest, and can win again. The current Royal Minstrels- what are they called again?”
“The Daxarian Sirens?” Hannah provided.
“Yeah! They’ve won two years in a row, but I think I heard them say they doubt they’ll make it this year. Apparently there is a new group that is incredible.” Peter finished his explanation, and resumed tugging the cook along.
“Do… Do the nobles go to this?” There was an odd look on Fin’s face that made Hannah and Peter share a look.
“Usually they do. Especially given that even the cook gets the time off and need to eat. Did I mention they even give us tomorrow as a day off as well? The King has local taverns feed everyone instead.”
“That is… incredibly generous of him.” Fin couldn’t help but be awed.
“Well… the staff are happier, and a lot of people come to this. I think the King actually makes money from it.” Peter shrugged.
“Hmm… that would work if he gave the foreign merchants a one time exception to our trade laws where for a set period of time they could sell more than normal to our people. It profits the economy as well with their visit, and-” Fin stopped his outward reasoning when his two aides stared at him in confusion.
“How do you… know about that stuff?” Hannah asked bewildered.
“Eeerr. My mother healed a teacher once and as payment he stayed and taught me for a couple years.” He lied.
This was why he could never have real friends.
“Why didn’t I hear about this festival sooner?” Fin changed the topic desperately.
“Well you don’t talk to anyone other than us, and even then it’s usually about work- aside from today. Not to mention the event takes place outside of the castle grounds, and we don’t have to do any prep for it in the kitchen.” Hannah paused. “Though I would’ve thought Eric would’ve mentioned, but then again I guess he’s been busy wanting to be with her majesty more… You and the King only ever talked about work…”
“Well Lady Jenoure-” Hannah elbowed Peter in the ribs, and silenced the man.
Fin glared and put his hands on his hips.
“What was that?”
“Uhh, nothing! Come on!” Hannah was actively pulling Fin again with Peter’s help, and the cook was about repeat his question about what the jab had meant, when they spotted Ruby up ahead.
“Ruby!” Hannah waved.
“Why hello!” The Head of Housekeeping smiled warmly at Hannah and Peter. Her hair for once was let uncovered by a cap, and was tied in a ponytail that flowed down her back in a thin brown stream. When her eyes rested on Fin, her features tightened, but her smile didn’t fade.
“I see the cook is being broken out of his comfort spot.” She noted delicately before she handed Hannah and Peter red bracelets that had been braided.
“These are the ties for this year. If you lose yours, find Mr. Howard, Lord Martins, or myself. Though I cannot guarantee we won’t run out.”
Hannah managed to stay still long enough for Ruby to tie the bracelet around her tiny wrist, and then waited while Peter and Fin received theirs.
“You two run along, I would like to have a brief word with the cook.” Ruby smiled, and watched as the aides shared a look then glanced at Fin.
“It’s fine, I’ll catch up with you later.” He waved them away, then turned to the Head of Housekeeping whom was studying him.
Fin turned and waited patiently as the woman seemed to be trying to find the words.
“Your… cat… is causing trouble.” The tightness in her voice made Fin cross his arms across his chest.
“What kind of trouble?”
“He… pooped in his majesty’s shoes, and while he napped, apparently thought the crown was… his.”
Fin’s expression was one of pure mortification, as he opened his mouth, but found himself bereft of words for a moment.
“Oh, yes. If it weren’t for the fact the Queen was the one to see these things, rest assured that little beast would be the King’s newest pair of slippers. Her grace… was… far more understanding than I, or his majesty would be in that circumstance.”
“Did the Queen laugh?” Fin was taking a risky guess, but the fact that Ruby wasn’t strangling him was a positive sign.
Ruby’s lips pursed.
“She… was in tears from her amusement. Admittedly, I am not in the throes of kicking you both out on your backsides because that little cretin is the only thing keeping her majesty’s spirits up.”
Fin pressed his hands into his pockets.
“Ruby, I am truly sorry. I will… see what I can do. He has never done anything like that with me. Sorry for the mess, and that you had to take care of it.”
The Head of Housekeeping looked a little rattled that she had finally won a battle against the cook, but after a small head shake took it all in stride.
“The shoes were old anyway. Now go enjoy the festival while my good mood lasts.”
Fin grinned.
“As an apology and thanks, you will be the first to try my new lemon cookie recipe.” He promised.
She laughed cheerily.
“You better, now get going. Have fun for once- I like you better when you’re in a good mood.”
Fin smiled, then turned towards where Hannah and Peter waited for him in the distance, and saw that the Knights had joined them as well.
It was strange but…
Despite knowing that no one in the castle could be his real friend without knowing his secret, he was oddly starting to feel like he was beginning to belong somewhere, and that felt pretty damn great.
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