《The House Witch》Chapter 7: A Royal Visit
Fin popped the oil coated asparagus with lemon and garlic into the oven, then turned to address the precocious seven year old that was seated facing him in one of the three tall chairs that had been brought down for him to sit on by the boy’s governess.
The lad was currently taking a large gulp of sweet milk tea, with a bowl of freshly cut fruit in front of him. As he set the cup down with a satisfied sigh, he began peering into the bowl of cut grapes, apples, and strawberries as though trying to decide which one he wanted to eat.
“Thank you for waiting so patiently Eric, what was it you wanted to ask me?”
Hastily shoving a handful of a mixture fruit into his mouth and rapidly chewing and swallowing, the prince watched as Fin drew out the longer of the two knives from his belt, and began slicing filets off of the salmon on the table in front of him.
“I want to know if I should become a Knight or a mage.” He lamented as though the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.
“A Knight.”
The little boys eyes widened as he stared up at Fin’s serious expression.
“You didn’t even think about it!”
“I don’t need to think about it. A Knight is a more honorable position. They don’t defy the laws of nature, and it will help you become a better King.”
The prince thought carefully before forming his next question.
“Why aren’t mages honorable?”
The cook wisely hesitated as he considered how he should explain this tough truth to the lad.
“Imagine a dog decides he wants to be like Kraken,” At the sound of his name, the fast growing kitten’s head popped up from the prince’s lap.
“The mutt badgers Kraken and his owner its entire life to become not just a cat, but the best cat. Our smart kitten here knows that sadly, the dog cannot ever be a cat. Despite telling the dog the truth, the canine refuses to accept this, and the dog’s master feels so bad for the dog, that he gives him a pair of fake cat ears, and even teaches the dog to meow a little bit. The dog thinks he is now a cat.”
Eric was already giggling at the story.
“So, is the dog a cat?” Fin asked patiently.
“But the dog says he is the best cat now- even better than Kraken.” Fin pointed out raising an eyebrow expectantly.
“He still isn’t a real cat though!”
“Exactly. Mages are the dogs.”
“Who are the cats?”
The little boys eyes bugged outside of his head in shock before looking down at Kraken whom was craning his neck up to bump noses with the prince.
“Kraken’s a witch?”
“The very best.”
The boy tried to stay serious, but Kraken was repeatedly bumping his head against the boy’s chin impatiently, and so Eric broke down in laughter. After a minute, Kraken jumped down disinterested at the lack of attention, and began prowling near the open garden door for wayward ants that dared to cross his threshold.
“Okay, I think I get it. I’ll be the best Knight ever!”
“A sensible decision.” Fin agreed.
Eric’s expression of determination suddenly melted away, and instead a defeated slump curved his shoulders.
“Being a Knight is hard though… I got knocked down a lot on my first day yesterday. My friend Morgan is already ten times better than me.” The look of embarrassed sadness tugged every heartstring Fin possessed when he glanced at the young boy, and so he made a resolve.
“It will get easier. The beginning is always tough, but I need you to do something for me.” Fin had finished slicing up the fish, and rested his hands on his slim hips.
The prince looked up at him with such a determined expression, that the cook had a hard time keeping a straight face.
“I need you to tell me all about becoming a Knight so that I know how great it is, and in return, I will make you a special treat on the days of your training.”
Eric beamed and extended his hand eagerly.
Fin shook the small hand, and grabbed his skillet to begin sautéing the fish. The prince decided to investigate Kraken’s hunt, and so leapt down from the chair, and was crouched by a sack of potatoes trying to point out to the kitten where the ants were escaping Kraken’s notice.
It was then that the kitchen door leading to the castle banged open, and in stepped none other than Sir Lewis, Andrews, and Taylor.
Fin’s grip tightened on the pan that he had just placed on the grate over the fire with a chunk of butter and herbs to sauté, but otherwise didn’t convey his apprehension.
Hannah was sitting at the end of the garden path washing a heaping pile of green beans before snapping their ends off, and had luckily not heard the commotion.
“So we happened to ask the Captain if we were banned from this kitchen, and you know what he said?” Sir Lewis sneered. The scab from the rake injury looked painful.
“He probably wondered why you were wasting your time bothering a cook?” Fin continued tilting the pan as the butter quickly bubbled and released the mouth-watering aromas of rosemary, garlic, and dried cranberries.
The Knights were momentarily distracted as the smell overwhelmed their focus. All three sets of eyes became glued to the hearth as their mouths began to collectively water.
Sir Taylor was the first to regain his sense of the present.
“No. He said he didn’t know if it were true, but that it was strange Luca had never banned us!”
Fin had known Luca the former cook for a few months, and knew that the man had been bullied horribly by the Knights, though the kind soul never held it against them.
“So you want to gamble breaking the King’s order for some petty ego crusade?”
All three Knights blinked. It took them a moment to identify what each of the words meant.
“What crusade? We are just making sure a lowly cook knows his place.” Sir Taylor growled taking another step closer to Fin.
Wordlessly, Fin turned and picked up the filleted fish strips, and added them to the pan.
The seductive smell tripled as the Knights once again fought to remain focused.
Giving the pan a few shakes to make sure the butter was distributed evenly, Fin then began to flip each filet.
A large ‘clunk’ behind him drew a very slow turning of his head, to see that the three Knights had seated themselves at his cooking table, and Sir Taylor had laid his sword across its surface. The sword had dirt and dust covering its scabbard, and Sir Taylor stared smugly at Fin while leaning back in the seat.
“We’ll watch. Might as well while wait for that pretty helper you have to come around.”
Fin picked up the pan from the flames, the salmon already finished.
He gazed coolly at the Knights, then shifted his gaze to the prince whom was watching unnoticed by the invaders near the door with a pursed mouth.
Fin gave the smallest jerk of his chin that was enough of a communication for the boy to understand he was to remain quiet. The lad slowly backed out of the door, and fled down the garden path. Kraken remained by the door, now sitting at attention facing the Knights.
“Sirs you will leave my kitchen the moment you finish removing your sword, and wiping down this table.”
All three Knights began laughing, when Fin began flipping his large cooking knife casually in the air and catching it-, ceasing their amusement.
“Is that meant to scare us?” Sir Andrews snorted.
“Not at all. I don’t rely on fear to get things done.” Fin caught the knife by the handle, then plunged the tip down into the table with enough force that the blade remained embedded in the surface, with the handle waving upright. In the blink of an eye, Fin had a cleaver in his hand as he beheaded another fish.
There was a small spray of blood that made the Knights twitch, but Fin continued expertly cutting the animal up in no time at all. He switched quickly to the thinner blade better suited for slicing away thin pieces.
“Are you upset that your little bluff didn’t work on us?” Sir Lewis demanded significantly less jovial than before.
Fin drew out the knife that had been in the process of removing innards with a flick of his wrist, purposefully spraying the Knight with guts.
“Oops.” He exclaimed flatly.
All three men stood.
Sir Taylor reached over and grabbed Fin by the front of his shirt, yanking him forward. Sir Lewis began to draw back his fist, and Sir Andrews’ hand was darting towards the dagger in his belt.
The cook’s expression remained stoic as he grabbed the skillet that had until seconds before been in the flames of the fire, and casually pressed it into Sir Andrew’s hand that still rested on his table making the man yelp.
The knife Fin had stuck into the table was flipped into his left hand and pointed at Sir Lewis’ eye.
Sir Taylor growled then wrapped his hand around Fin’s throat.
Everything shifted.
Without knowing why, cold dread suddenly filled the Sir Taylor’s mind.
It was the same feeling of poking a small critter, only to look up and realize that the runt had merely been a tiny toe of a terrifying monster that was now pissed.
Blue lightening was beginning the crackle in the Fin’s eyes, and the fire behind him was beginning to rise to a dull roar.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?” The millisecond it took for the Captain’s voice to reach Fin’s ears, the fire died down to the friendly flicker it had been before, and there wasn’t a trace of lightening anywhere.
Sir Taylor’s hand dropped from the cook’s throat shakily, it hadn’t been doing any damage anyway, having been too petrified to do much more.
The three Knights turned slowly to see Captain Antonio standing wearing his full plate armor, his royal blue cape pinned at his shoulders, and his helmet under his left arm.
The man had shoulder length white hair, and one icy blue eye that rested in the middle of a long deep scar that ran from his forehead down to his jaw. The other eye was covered with a black eye patch that added a rather menacing touch. Despite the man’s advanced age, he looked powerfully built, while not as thick in muscle as Sir Taylor, matched him in height.
Behind him stood a far more averagely built fellow, wearing a dark blue silk tunic, a black leather vest, and matching gloves. The most remarkable things about him besides the shape of his beard, was the blaze in his hazel eyes and regal bearing.
It didn’t take Fin long to guess who he was, Eric stood beside the man holding his hand, with his left, and his tiny fist curled at his side on the right.
“All of you, will go to the training ring this instance while I discuss your punishment with the King.”
Sir Andrews was too busy cradling his burnt hand to bother arguing, and Sir Taylor still seemed rattled, but Sir Lewis remained the most clear headed.
“Captain, the cook said he had the authority to ban us from the kitchen, and when we refused to leave he attacked us!”
The Knights stepped aside to reveal Fin whom was still holding the knife he had been wielding at Sir Lewis, though it was flopped over in a more innocent position.
“Captain, your majesties.” Fin bowed his head, and when he lifted his chin again, shot a brief dark look at Sir Taylor whom visibly winced.
“Dad they made a mess of Fin’s table! He tells everyone dirt can get in the food!” The Knights all gaped at the young prince whom was pointing at them with an accusatory glare.
“Eric, please let me hear the Royal Cook’s side of the story.” The King’s voice wasn’t harsh, but firm as he stepped into the room, and all Knights present dropped onto a single knee, save for the Captain. The prince stayed by the door.
“Speak your tale.” The King stared at the cook fiercely whom stood a few inches taller.
“Your highness, these Knights have been harassing my aides and making it impossible for them to do their jobs. I banned the Knights as they show complete disregard not only for the kitchen,” Fin gestured angrily at the dirty sword on the table. “But for those in it. I want all here to feel safe while they serve you, your majesty, and I want them to do their jobs without having to clean up unnecessary messes made by the Knights.”
The King cast an icy eye over Sir Taylor, Lewis, and Andrews’ bowed heads.
“Is it true you attacked these Knights?”
“No your majesty. I am preparing fish for lunch. The ‘attack’, was Sir Lewis being sprayed by fish guts, but if you look at myself, you will see it is a hazard of proximity.”
The King’s eyes swept down, and noted the droplets of blood and guts on Fin’s cream colored tunic.
“That isn’t true! You burned my hand!” Sir Andrews crowed from the floor raising his head, and showcasing the blistering skin of his left hand. The Captain growled, and he quickly fell silent again.
“Only after Sir Taylor grabbed me and the two men moved to join him in assaulting me.”
Fin held the King’s gaze, doing his utmost to ignore his racing heart. He knew he tended to speak at great speed and at great length when he was nervous.
“Why is it, Finlay Ashowan, that my former cook did not have these problems?” The King wondered while clasping his hands behind his back.
“I believe Luca was often intimidated by the Knights, your grace.”
The silence that followed was crushing, and the only one that dared to move was Eric, whom bent down, picked Kraken up, and began petting him while watching the scene unfold.
The Captain shot a tender look at the young boy as he seemed to be petting the kitten to calm his own nerves. Somehow, that small show of affection made Fin feel braver.
The King seemed deep in thought, but no one dared to interrupt him until;
“Y-You’re majesty.” Everyone either turned or looked to the doorway, where Hannah stood shaking and crying quietly, with her hands clasped in front of herself.
“T-The royal cook w-was just… was just trying to p-protect me.” Her shaking continued to worsen, until Eric stepped forward and clasped her hand with his left, while continuing to hold Kraken in his right.
She squeezed back.
“Please speak freely.” The King’s voice had turned gentle, and the Captain stepped away from the doorway to give her more room.
While still holding on to the prince’s hand, she stepped into the room, her knees practically knocking together.
“T-The Sirs have been… have been…” She began crying harder when she saw all three Knights look up and glare at her.
When the Captain noticed, his expression turned murderous, and all color drained from the trio’s faces before they quickly bowed their heads again.
“Hannah,” Fin called out softly. “Remember, I promise you’re safe here.”
The King’s expression became unreadable as the cook suddenly rounded the table, passed by him, and handed a cup of water to Hannah. He remained at her side, gave the King another small bow of his head, and stood waiting.
“They’ve made many… ad-advances t-t-towards me, and d-don’t listen when I tell them t-to stop. They follow me when I-I leave. Co-Cook keeps them a-away.”
“Is that so?”
Every eye but Hannah’s jumped up to see the Queen with Lady Jenoure at her side in the doorway to the kitchen.
When the Queen stepped into the room, the Captain dropped to his knee, and Eric released Hannah’s hand to run to his mother’s side. At seeing the Captain’s show of respect, Fin slowly knelt down, and wondered why there was a difference in the two monarchs when it came to the Captain.
The Queen strolled forward into the kitchen with Eric behind her skirts, her head held high until she was glowering down at the Knights.
“You three mark my words, you will rue the day you dared to think you could throw your weight around this castle, as though you had any right to. You will not sully this Kingdom with your behavior. Is that understood?” She seethed down at them, making them wince and murmur their apologies at the same time.
The King stepped forward then, giving his wife a short nod that somehow communicated everything he needed to. The Queen lowered her gaze briefly in response, her eyes burning, but then stood at her husband’s side without saying more.
“All of you will kneel in the pig slop pile until the Captain and I decide on your punishments. You are dismissed this instant.”
All three Knights stood, and filed out of the room. Hannah continued to tremble and hunch her shoulders to avoid being noticed, as Fin laid a gentle reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Royal Cook Finaly Ashowan, and you, lass, rise.” The King commanded, his boots coming into their view on the stone floor.
Fin stood slowly while helping Hannah to stand as well.
“My dear, if you could please come with me.” The Queen was at Hannah’s side instantly, her arm wrapped around her shoulders, as Lady Jenoure stepped forward to help.
“Hannah,” Fin leaned down to her ear so that only she might hear before being ushered outside.
“Thank you for defending me. You were very brave.” The young woman managed a weak smile up at him while sniffling.
“I-I just thought you might be scared t-too.” She whispered to him, and the look on Fin’s face was one of such heart breaking awe and appreciation, that everyone whom saw it was instantly moved without knowing what was said.
“Come on Hannah! Kraken hasn’t ever seen the end of the garden path!” Eric marched past the ladies carrying the kitten who mewed boldly as though heralding them to follow.
Once the ladies had left, the King and Captain both stared at each other, then at Fin.
“I must admit, I do not know exactly what I expected of you Finlay, but it certainly wasn’t this.”
Fin hung his head, his hands twitching at his sides. He immediately began packing in his mind.
“I have been hearing of your disrespectful behavior, your bluntness, and your fearlessness of any consequences. I have not heard a word of the kindness I just witnessed. Are you and the servant Hannah courting?”
“No your majesty. There is no interest from either of us, she is merely my aide.” He declared.
For some reason he felt as though he were babbling again.
“I see. The crown prince also seems quite taken with you and your cat.”
“The prince is bright and kind.”
“I’m aware.”
Fin winced. He couldn’t tell if he were about to be fired or not.
“Lift your head.”
He did so.
“Ruby was not lying when she said you were surprisingly young for your talents. Tell me, what is your age?”
“I am twenty eight years, your grace.”
“Not as young as I had thought.” The King glanced at Antonio who raised the eyebrow of his good eye in response. “You sound well educated, tell me, can you red and write?”
“Yes, your majesty.”
“You can cook the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life.”
“No need to answer that. It was a statement.”
“Thank you for the compliment, your highness.” Fin bobbed his head.
“Finlay, have you met Captain Antonio before?” The King gestured to the warrior whom stepped closer to the cook appraisingly.
“I have not, pleased to make your acquaintance.” Fin bowed.
“It would seem that you are better educated than a quarter of the Knights in my employ, why is that?” The Captain demanded, his voice slightly less threatening than a bear’s growl.
The cook’s mouth opened and closed twice before he cleared his throat.
“My mother had a friend whom was a tutor. She herself was also literate, and well read.”
The King raised an eyebrow, glanced at Antonio, then back to the cook.
“As one of the victims of the Knights misuse of power, what punishment do you believe would be befitting the Knights for their crimes?”
“Demotion to squires for a year and serve part-time to the Queen and her ladies-in-waiting.” Fin realized he probably should not have given such a truthful answer… He probably should have deferred to the ruler of the entire continent on that one.
The snort of laughter drew the King and Fin’s attention to Captain Antonio. The incredibly serious, incredibly intimidating man had his mouth squeezed and wrinkled into a bud, his eyes bulging, and his face turning red.
“Antonio,” The King began, but that was all the Captain could take before the man was roaring with laughter.
“M-Make… t-them act as Ladies-in-waiting?!” He was doubled over and slapping his knee.
The King appeared to have trouble keeping a straight face of his own at the sight, but managed to remain in control as the Captain briefly excused himself to step outdoors.
“Finlay Ashowan, to demote the Knights is no small feat. Their comrades will not let them suffer silently should they be forced to serve the Queen and her ladies.”
“With all due respect your majesty, that is the point. Those men made Hannah feel weak, powerless, and terrified. They stopped her from seeking help, and when she came to me, they attempted to do the same to myself.” Fin’s heart was going to explode at any moment from the stress, but Hannah’s scared crying face kept flashing in his mind.
“They need to be stripped of their power because they abused it, and their dignity needs to be challenged because they need to repent for the one they infringed upon. If you suspend their titles it negates the process of demotion.” Fin suggested while firm, somehow remaining outwardly calmly.
The King looked slightly disturbed and uncomfortable at how well spoken, and how blunt the cook truly was.
At times he sounded even more educated and intelligent than some of the Nobles in his court.
“I think serving women will give the Knights more respect for the gender as well. They need to mend the wounded party.” Fin continued while the King stared at him appraisingly.
After several long moments where the only sound was the Captain’s fading guffaws beyond the threshold, the King turned to the garden door where the warrior was only just beginning to regain control.
“Antonio, I’m going to have a private word with the cook, I will be out in a few minutes.”
After closing the garden door, the King walked over to the castle doorway and closed that one as well, ignoring the stifling heat of the room.
“I am becoming greatly concerned, and I need truthful answers from the source, namely you, this instance.”
The King’s expression was severe, his tone forceful, and Fin felt his stomach drop as dread flooded his body at what was about to happen.
“Finlay Ashowan, I am aware that you are a witch.”
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